Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I have so many in my Kindle app that I will probably never get them all read.
Response: Thank you for the rating. In their frozen meals they only have 3 different ones in the stores here. One I don't care for but the other one I like is "Crustless Chicken Pot Pie". It tastes just like a pot pie only without the crust so lower in carbs which is one of the things is watch on my diet.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. It has been 3 weeks now since all the ice and snow on Jan 4th and 5th and there is till quite a bit of it on the ground. With the warmer weather yesterday and today it had melted quite a bit. Still showing 3 to 6 inches still around. Maybe it will finally melt this week as they are predicting upper 40s to lower 50s for most of the week.
Response: Glad that you got them. Those were the last 2 I had so I reordered most of the sets she has. Even with the blizzard we had on the 3rd and 4th I received most of them in only a week. The only set I am still waiting on she had to reprint as she didn't have enough of them on hand.
Response: Yes I am. I finally was able to go out for a few minutes today Wednesday Jan8. None of the schools here have been open all week and probably won't be the next 2 days also. So the kids are getting an extra week on their winter break.
Response: No problem. I have several sets of gel pens that are sparkly that I really like.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Not a lot of presents as I don't really need anything at my age. The main thing I wanted to do is see most of my grandkids and great grandkids. That is what makes me happiest.
Response: Looking forward to it. I have it on my watchlist will join before the due date.
Response: Glad you liked them. The Christmas ones I have had for quite a while and I just thought that this time of year would be good to share from the decks.
Response: I listed ones that I have seen and liked.
Response: I think there are many cards out there that have been out that long. I know I have sent out quite a few that have not made it back yet.
Response: I know what you mean. I used to watch her movies on TV back in the 50s. There were some that I didn't see but I did see many of them.
Response: You are so right. She also likes human tuna and when I open a can she is right there. I usually end up sharing with her.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Our local zoo is my favorite place to go walk. I can walk and see all the animals at the same time.
Response: Thank you for the rating. The Pete's Dragon he was in was the 2016 live action remake.
Response: Glad you liked the card. The artist is one of my favorites for coloring books. I have a bunch of them and they are so fun to color.
Response: Glad you liked the card. I thought it would be appropriate since my favorite movies on that list was Twister. And I have several of those cards as I can get them locally.
Response: Thank you for rating. the little dragons are one of my favorites also. I think they are so cute.
Response: Thank you for the heart. Glad that you received this okay.
Response: 8-17-24- Thank you. My recovery is going well. I am almost done with the physical therapy and I get to see the Doctor on tuesday and I hope he will let me go back to doing my water exercised at the pool. They also have a gym there with exercise equipment so I can also continue doing the bike riding like they had me doing. Looking forward to getting back into swapping.
Response: Thank you . Surgery went well and I only have 2 weeks left of therapy they maybe things will be back to normal around here.
Response: Thank you. I remember that song from when I was a teenager. Surgery went well. I started therapy today and it is going to go well also. See you in a couple months.
Response: Thank you. My knee surgery went well and I started physical therapy today and It seems it will go well also. See you in a couple of months.
Response: Thank you. Glad that you liked the flowers. Surgery went good and I started therapy today so things are underway. I will be back in a couple of months. Have a great day.
Response: Thank you. A thrift shop is where I got mine.
Response: Thank you. Surgery went well and I have started Physical therapy. So see you in a couple of months.
Response: I like that one also.
Response: Just on a couple of short areas in OK and TX. This year I am getting through my knee surgery them I hope I can do some things that I want to next year. Such as seeing some sights that are in driving range.
Response: Glad you liked them. I really enjoyed coloring them.
Response: They are getting harder to find but I have been getting them really cheap at a local thrift store. At that price I don't mind throwing away the tape.
Response: Soda fountains are so nice. I remember in the 50s when we visited my grandparents. We would go swimming in the local free pool and afterwards on the way back to grandparents house we would stop at a Drug store that had a soda fountain and we would get a treat. Usually some flavor of sherbert. Two of the flavors I liked were pineapple, and rainbow.
Response: There is. We have a segment on the news that is put on by Kansas Tourism and she goes to all kinds of places all over the state.
Response: Yes it is. I am watching the eclipse on CBS News on Paramount *. And it is awesome. They are showing Indianapolis, Indiana at the race track that is packed with people. They have followed it from Mexico and will be all the way across the US.
Response: Not always a huge supply but they usually have some.
Response: Premier Protein is from Post so theirs is like all their regular cereals. Magic Spoon has awesome boxes. Every different flavor has different picture on front and something fun on the back. Thank you for the great rating.
Response: Glad you liked the list. Actually I have that song on a record by The Ventures. It was one of the albums that my husband had when I first met him in 65. I still have all his records from that time period.
Response: Thank you for the rating . I have really enjoyed doing these swaps. I have seen all the movies on my list more than once. The first 5 with my husband, mostly either on TV or video and the last 2 I actually saw the first time in the theater by myself and recently on the streaming services. I really enjoy looking up the shows or movies and the memories they bring me.
Response: They are all ones that I have learned of from my weight management appointments. They are all higher protein and lower carbs. Also none to very little sugar. I was so surprised that they are as tasty and flavorful for being healthy.
Response: I am glad that you like them all. So many of my calendars from last year were smaller so they didn't fit my templates that I had made.
Response: Yes I do. I have several different sets of his.
Response: No problem. I Am looking forward to whatever anyone puts on it. So whatever you want to do is fine with me.
Response: I didn't have it until I got my newer car a year ago. I love the older country and the DJs on there play many different songs from their own collections. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I know. That is why I listen to sirius radio in my car. and sometime in my computer room, I have the app on my TV. I can get the music that I grew up listening to all my life from the 50's on.
Response: The one here usually has some but I have found a few times when they didn't. But it is not out of the way for me as there is a Post office close to there that is open later then the others so I go by it a lot.
Response: I know I hadn't either. When I found it in my search I had to listen to the whole thing. It was such a fun song.
Response: I will think on it while I am our and will send you something when I get back later tonight.
Response: Not sure what envelope I sent it is. I usually use scrapbook paper for envelopes. I have envelopes others made for swaps but most of them are smaller.
Response: Glad that you liked it. I really enjoy these postcard coloring swaps. They are so fun to see how someone colors one and what they choose.
Response: Thank you for the heart. I don't usually do these kind of swaps but this one I really liked and it was fun. It brought back memories for me.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I am glad that you like the cards.
Response: Thank you. I am staying in and watching football playoffs.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I actually don't have that set. It was sent to me in a previous swap. I have actually received several from it all new cards that I can use for these written swaps.
Response: Glad you liked the PC. I really like the set it came from. Nice to hear about your family. KU is not that far from where I live as I am right on the East edge of town and KU is only a little over 20 miles east.
Response: Yes. Her eyes are what drew my Granddaughter to her when she was a kitten.
Response: Glad you like it. I don't remember where I got the set but on the back it says Current, Inc, 1981. It was called Country Seasons. It is also one of my favorite sets.
Response: I am glad that you finally received this. My ramp is fixed. They sealed the rails but I still need to get more sealer. Just need some good dry warm days with really nice saturday so son can put a coat of sealer on ramp and maybe deck. Yes four wheel drive vehicles make such a difference in that kind of weather. Just hope that is not what the rest of the winter will be like. We got more snow in that one storm than all of last year as there was 7.2 inches officially. But glad you made it home safely.
Response: I haven't been there this year. I have so many left over from past years that i am sharing them.
Response: Thank you. I am glad that you like it.
Response: They are delish. I like the peanut butter taste of the frozen yogurt. It is a good variation from Carb Smart dipped bars that are vanilla flavored bars dipped in almond chocolate coating or just a chocolate coating.
Thanks for the raying and heart. Annabelle is doing really good., Hanging around me and making it hard to do this as she is laying on my arm and hand. At least she is not mad at me. I went to the restroom earlier and she followed me and sat in the door and when i headed back here she didn't move and I accidently stepped on her tail. she told me about it but came right laying on my hand.
Response: It is cooling down now. mid 70's today. There is supposed to be a cold front coming in tonight. With high is the upper 30's Sunday. Who knows when we will get snow. Looks like it will be later this year which is fine with me. Glad your love my card.
Response: She was named after a long time zoo supporter who has since passed away. She is also the lady who started the ball rolling on the beginning of the new giraffe exhibit called "Giraffe and Friends". Elizabeth is the giraffe in the name.
Response: It was one I saw several times as it was one that my husband liked.
Response: That looks like our new ostrich at our zoo. She is part of our Giraffe and Friends exhibit. And a fun part is her name is Karen.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
They have tracked the ones from here and they go south to Central Mexico.
Response: It wasn't a bad movie. Although like you I never really got into the sequels.
Response: Glad that you liked this one. I really like this set as it has different colors for each season. My husbands birthday was also July 17th. He was 6 years older than me. He though that Texas Roadhouse was too noisy. But the kids and grandkids like it so I have been there several times with them.
Response: Glad you liked them. I love ferrets also. Over the years from 1998 to 2014, we had 13 of them. I had decided not to get anymore after my husband passed in 2011 as I knew that I could not take care of them as I got older . So now I have many friends on Facebook and other social media that post videos of there little ones that I love to see.
Response: I like that set too. I actually got that one and the LOL Suprise sets at Wallmart recently.
Response: They still have a few but I don't know how much longer they will have them. I will keep getting them as long as I can. As I like using them for these types of swaps.
Response: Oops. Sorry about that. Glad that you liked my swap.
Response: I like them. They are low carb so fit in with my diet goals.
Response: Hope your family had a good visit. I would love to visit your area again someday. Last time I was there was Sept 2012.I would love to visit Graceland again as I know there are many changes to the area around it.
Response: Actually The Cable Guy was not one of my favorites. My husband liked him more than I did. Although he did do a couple of animated movies that I really liked. How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Horton Hears a Who.
Response: i agree there are others that I have tried and they were not good at all. On the Quest brand they have quite a few different items and so far everything I have tried is good.
Response: Thank you for your rating and heart. Most of the pages I keep I like to put in notebooks so I use those pages to store them in. So I like to used them for mailing also as I don't like to fold them if I can.
Response: That was a fun movie. It is sad that we have lost so many good celebrities in the last few years. It is like the country music field where so many of my favorites have passed also over the last few years.
Response: Well at least you got it. Really took the scenic route. Like you said who knows where it has been.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I have never been to any of the Chiefs games. Have always watched them on TV. Over the years they have played in 5 super bowl games # 1 and #4, then a 50 year gap and then 3 in the last 4 years.
Response: Just heard we are getting another male lion. Don't know anything about him yet but looking forward to it.
Response: That is one of my favorites also. I have 4 rolls and before I got them I had already used 2 rolls.
Response: I really liked that one also.
Response: Yes I got one yesterday. It is a silver 2019 Chevy Trax AWD. It is Chevy's smallest SUV and so far I love it. My old Blazer (2003 model) is still in the family as my son-in-law bought it for my daughter so I will still see it.
Response: From what they were saying it is very rare. They think it was triggered by the loss of our male, Avus. Also she has always been the more the leader of the 3.
Response: I don't blame you. I saw it many years ago with my husband and I will never watch again. He liked that kind of movie. His favorites were the Friday the 13th movies. All of them. I will never watch them again also.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I have bought a bunch of stamps in the last few weeks. There are some new onesalso that i just ordered and had back ordered. Postcard stamps new sailboat, Additional ounce new school bus, and new Love stamps with kittens and puppies. I also got some of the new Lunar new year of the Rabbit stamps. Actually ended up with 4 sheets as I got 2 at the Post office and had forgot that I had prordered 2 online. Anyway I probably won't have to buy anymore stamps for a long time unless I see new ones I can't resist.
Response: Oops. Must have been a senior moment. Glad you got it though. Have a good 2023.
Response: Actually the Quest brand of protein snacks are really good. I think they are my favorites of all the brands I have tried in the last few years.
Response: Haven't seen it but I probably will soon.
Response: Yes we did although the cards I have used for these swaps were not from our collection as those were traded quite a few years ago when he started getting DVDs instead. I have about 400 now although most of the newer ones are blue-ray.
Response: Glad you liked the card and my sketch, I bought those cards at our zoo to support the African Painted Dog Research. Those dogs are the wild dog of Africa while the Hyenas are of the feline species.
Response: Glad you got the card. My husband was a big fan of them so I have seen everything that they made at least once.
Response: I have seen all of them except for one animated series. I like them but not as much as Star Trek. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it. Since spring arrived we have only got up to mid 70's one day and 2 days of rain and 50's for high. No rain today but cloudy. Warmer tomorrow.
Response: Lots of purple. Specially if you were close to Manhattan where K State is located.
Response: So sorry. I can resend if you want.
Response: Of course you can. I have received many different types of cards in the recycled cardboard swaps. And I have used many different kinds myself.
Response: Glad you got it. I just watched that movie for the first time. I did like it.
Response: Thank you. I got that set from Amazon. I will have to check out although I don't need anymore cards or books right now.
Response: Glad you like the cards. We got about 3 inches last night into this morning. We were on the edge of the snow storm.
Response: The carousel I put out every year as I love it also. It is Avon and the date on the box is 1995.
Response: What we have here is Dillons,. They are part of the Kroger chain and carry all the Kroger generics. Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I know what you mean about getting new ones. That is one of the reasons I keep joining these Playing Card Swaps.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad that you liked the card and the way I did the washi.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. I liked the colors also so I made myself a square for my blanket.
Response: Glad that you like what I chose. I have been buying that lady's notecards for the last year and love her work. Much nicer than anything I could make myself.
Response: Glad you got it and you like everything. I just dropped Q card in the mail this evening. Only I didn't have any stickers other than alphabet Q's.
Response: These I usually find at Walmart. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I haven't joined all of them but I have joined quite a few of these over the years. It is so fun to color the cards and to see what someone else colors for me.
Response: Glad that you like them. I bought 3 of each of those so I could have one to keep for myself. I had trouble finding cards so I was glad that the swap said that Zazzle cards were ok.
Response: Actually Little Rascals was the same show. That was the name they were shown under on TV in the 1950s. These were the ones I remember. The 1994 Movie was based on this series.
Response: I hate it when that happens. I always wonder if something didn't fall out. Thank you for your rating and kind note.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I did find out that it is not my shoulder but a pinched nerve in my neck. I had disc replaced in 2009 and it seems this one is right below that . So I am waiting on a call from the neurosurgeons office.
Response: I used to get them at Dillons, local Kroger franchise stores. But they haven't had them for over a year so had to change brands.
Response: I hope this one shows up soon. The card I sent was the back of The Jungle Book video.
Response: The one I go to has them 2 for $.99 plus I had a big box that was left when I had things in a storage unit. No one claimed it so I cut those boxes up also. You can also find them at garage/yard sales.
Response: I haven't seen all of them but I looked it up and there were 4 total The original K-9, one Made for TV film- K-9000, and 2 straight to video films K-911 and K-9 PI. I don't think I saw any except the first one.
Response: You should know by now that is not how I go. There is another on the way. Hope this one gets there.
Response: The pink one came from Michaels. The other one I don't remember. It was either Michaels or Joanns.
Response: I got it at She is sold out right now but does bring them back every so often.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. So glad that you liked the elephant card. I love seeing those 2 girls when I visit our zoo.
Response: I actually don't know how many times I have seen it. I have the DVD set of The uncut original directors cut, Fantasia 2000 and a 3rd disc of special items about it.
Response: I bought this box from Amazon. That is where I get most of my non touristy cards.
Response: They are actually dragons that I got from . They are actually sold out right now but she does bring them back when she can.
Response: Thank yu for the rating. Laelah's surgery went great and she is doing much better now.
Response: So glad you like it. That is such a fun set of cards.
Response: Michaels. Not the exact same book I got but they are in this one. Travel Sticers at
Response: Thank you for the rating. I know what you mean about not everyone liking the same things. You could have sent the notecard but I have also bought some at one of our local Dollar Tree stores..
Response: Glad you like the square. Granny's are one item I can make without a pattern unless I want to try something different from the basic patterns.
Response: I am so glad you liked them. That is one of my favorites also. We used to have some when my husband was alive. But after I lost the last one I didn't get anymore as I can no longer take care of them the way they need.
Response: Thanks for rating and heart. We are now into Spring type weather. Monday through Thursday this week was in 70's with high winds and extreme fire danger. Today it is 45 and raining.
Response: Glad that you like them. I love using these. The base is plastic canvas and I wash mine with dawn dish soap whenever they get dirty. Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thanks. Glad I was able to find something that you liked.
Response: Of course you may. There really isn't a written pattern for that one. Yours was the second one I made and I loved how they came out.
Response: No problem just glad that you did get it.
Response: There are 4 places - Walmart ( the sloth was from a Themed sticker sheet by Sticko), Dollar Tree, and 2 craft stores Michaels, and JoAnn's. We also have Hobby Lobby but I very seldom shop there. Plus whatever I get sent in swaps.
Response: So glad that you received my package and like it. I am glad that I could make your day. I love the little "round tuit" It is fun and so easy to make with any colors that are wanted.
Response: I really don't know if they do. I haven't bought any in over a year. I have a whole shoe box full of chunks that I use for many of these swaps.
Response: I'm trying. Got my first vaccine yesterday. No reaction other then a sore spot where it was given. The medical center that I go to has it working good now. I was in and out in less than 45 minutes.
Response: Glad that you like them. I really like that set also and I have a 2nd deck to keep for myself.
Response: Yes it is. Her name is Annabelle and she is an Odd eye cat with one blue and one gold eye. Very spoiled and such a good girl.
Response: Yes they are. They are fun to watch in the summer. Right now they are not where we can see them as their winter home is in a backroom of the rainforest exhibit.
Response: Yes it is. I actually have a whole box of tapes, many with boxes that was left in my storage at one time. I like how they make interesting cards for these swaps. I have also bought some at a thrift shop or garage/yard sales for only 50 cents or less each when I have trouble finding a card . I am glad that you liked it.
Response: Glad that you love them The unicorns actually came from Walmart. They carry a fairly good selection of Sticko and Hallmark brand stickers.
Response: I didn't realize that I had sent you about this book before. I actually have a 3rd book of his that I won in a raffle in a fundraiser for a zoo group in September. It is called "They call me Cowabunga". Which is more of his African Safari stories.
Response: Thank you for the rating and glad that you received it this time.
Response: And of course they were sent at the same time. Hope you get it soon.
Response: Thanks for the suggestion. I will try that. Although I will have to check and see which ones are still open as we have had at least 2 (that I know of) that have closed permantly in the last few months.
Response: Glad that you liked the card. The book it came out of has 6 more that size and I had fun trying to figure which one to send.
Response: Thank you. I got mine (paperback & kindle) on Amazon.
Response: Glad that you finally received it. With the way things are now it could have been either or both. There has been problems with mail going through Kansas City ever since the distributation center was moved there in 2013.
Response: Thank you. I actually like using stickers to make ATCs but it seems like 99% of the ATC swaps say no stickers.
Response: Always. I love shrimp and when we go out to a restuarant if shrimp is on the menu that is what I get.
Response: It is available on Amazon as that is where I bought my copies. Kindle and paperback.
Response: Thank you for the rating and also thank you for sending your email to me. I loved seeing the pictures that you chose to send.
Response: Well I like them. I have used them so long that the regular salted ones taste too salty.
Response: So glad that I could make you happy. I always like it when something brings back happy memories.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. These swaps have been fun. Annabelle says 'Hi' back.
Response: Thank you. I am glad that you liked the colors. When I chose that card I didn't even really plan the colors beforehand. And glad that you received it ok.
Response: Glad I found a card from something that you like.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. The only cards I can find locally are touristy cards so I have to order others online. I have bought many cards over the years from Amazon. Sounds like your cat has things really nice. I have seen pictures on facebook of things like that built for cats or ferrets.
Response: Thank you. The photos I used for the card were actually the covers of the paperback book. I bought both the Kindle version and the paperback one. Love having actual books where I know the author.
Response: Thank you. So glad that I was able to send something that you liked. If you get a chance our zoo is open (requiring face masks) and you can see our giraffe family We don't know how much longer we will have 2 year old Konza as there is a recommendation for him to go to a different zoo they just haven't finalized travel yet. They can also be seen on the You-tube channel TopZooKTWU
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I am glad that you liked everything I sent. When I lived in the other trailer park I used to see many cardinals in my yard but when I moved my trailer across town
I no longer see them.
Response: Thank you for the 5 with heart. I try to take pictures of all I send but sometimes I miss doing it . It really helps when I get someone like you that I have sent many swaps to.
Response: Glad that you finally received my little card. Yes it is now hot and sunny summer days here.
Response: Glad that you liked it. The colored one is one of my favorites. The other 3 were new to me and I was happy with the way they turned out. Thank you for the 5 and the heart.
Response: Glad you like the card. I have been trying new things over the last few months as I am working with a weight management group in the clinic/hospital group that my Doctors are affiliated with. I get to talk with one of the ARNPs once a month and they are really great about recommending things to try.
Response: .
Album covers make good cards. I have one displayed on a bookshelf That I received a couple years ago with a picture on it of Dolly Parton.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I am glad that this one got to you. Who knows where the original card ended up. I just hope it made someone happy that saw it.
Response: We must have been on the same wave length that day. I have had that happen before in other swaps. I really like that set of cards. Thank you for rating.
Response: Oops. Senior moment. You did write Sleeping Beauty. Feel free to pass anything on to others. Thank you for the 5 and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I am glad that I was able to pick things you liked. The little kitten notecard is one of my favorites. It came from Dollar Tree and I have bought several packages of that one. I have been watching out giraffes on youTube and in person for the last couple of years since the 2 babies were born in July and August 2018. You can see them on the TopZooKTWU youTube channel.
Response: Thank you. She was a much loved kitty.
Response: I have another one that I will be using for Y. They are super cheap at the thrift store and also yard/garage sales.
Response: I will resend the Q card this afternoon. I got another box of Quest protein bars. This one is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. The first one was Quest Double Chocolate Chunk. So we will see which one gets there first.
Response: I hope you get my Q card gets to you soon. If it doesn't let me know and I will resend. I just mailed S cards today so you should get it soon.
Response: Well the zoo is opening tomorrow for members and Monday for pubic. Outdoors only except for one building which will be pass through to make everything one way. Recommend wearing masks and limiting number of people at one time. I will wear the mask so that I can go out.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I got a new machine from Amazon that is a lot like the old one but more portable and lighter. I didn't want a computer run one at my age. I don't use them very often and more basic things rather than fancy designs.
Response: Thank you. I watched the documentary last week and really enjoyed it. I will be glad when our zoo opens back up so that I can see our 2 senior girls that we have there. I love watching them.
Response: I really don't remember where the Olives sticker came from. It was on a sheet of food stickers that I received in a sticker swap. There was another one that I put on my other partners card of a bottle of Olive oil.
Response: I found a bunch at a thrift store earlier this year that were supper cheap and they make such interesting cards.
Response: I have 3 books of these that were originally 50 cards each that I got off Amazon several years ago and I still have quite a few of them. I love coloring them and sending out for these swaps.
Response: When I got these they were . 50 cents at a local thrift store. I have also seen them at garage sales for cheap also. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Oops. Must have been a senior moment. At least you got it.
Response: Thank you for your rating and heart. I found out a little more about our pair as the keepers did a facebook live about them a few days ago. They are Dakota (male) and Cassie (female) They are both beautiful and healthy at 12 years old.
Response: Glad you liked the cards. I have received a couple of the shaped cat cards naked but it has been awhile. I got that card in another swap like this.
Response: I never saw them myself but my son saw them when he lived in Little Rock, AR a little over 20 years ago.
Response: Thank you Dumbo was one of my favorites. The original when I was younger then the latest live action movie that these stickers were from.
Response: Thank you. I still watch Wheel of Fortune almost every night. I have watched it for many years. Love seeing all the different dresses she wears.
Response: Yes I did. The set I have is Super Doodle Glitter Gel Pen Set. My daughter got them for me for Christmas 2018.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I almost used Ziplock cards then I found these with The Zoo on them and thought I would use them. and add Z stickers. And a picture of Zayana. our baby girl tiger at our local zoo.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I had to send a zoo PC for this swap as Mr Clark, the author of the book I was reading, was the Director of our Zoo for many years. And was involved in many aspects of it even after leaving the director position and starting his Safari business. He is greatly missed as he passed away last January.
Response: If it was on address it was supposed to be (aero). Thank you for the rating.
Response: Wish we had one here but we don't. I was sent several of those stickers in a swap one time and it just fit the swap theme.
Response: We don't have Kroger itself here either. What we have is Dillons which is part of the chain. All of their Generics are Kroger.
Response: They are Disney in that Disney owns Touchstone Pictures which coproduced the original movie with Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment and was distributed by Disneys Buena Vista Pictures
Response: I almost did Quaker Oatmeal but when I was going through my cards I found the Queen Anne cards and decided to do them instead.
Response: Glad that you liked the ATCs. I enjoyed making them.
Response: Thank you. This is a new author for me But I am liking the book. And have bought the 2nd one in the series to read when done with this one.
Response: I like finding stickers to accent the letter for the cards but I am having trouble finding stickers for Q. I found the perfect card though.
Response: Sometimes we have to get a little creative when we run low on certain cards. I am going to have to get the next set of Disney cards soon.
Response: That one is my favorite although it is an older card. I have 2 different ones that I got at the Capitol gift shop that have the copper colored dome and roof. They are the newest ones issued.
Response: I remember him from the original Mickey Mouse Club in the 50's. The early cartoons are my favorites.
Response: Glad you like the card. We eat a lot of cereal here mostly for breakfast and so many of them have fun things on the backs of the boxes.
Response: Elephants and Elvis are 2 of my favorite things so I had to use them. Glad that you liked them.
Response: Same here. Might cool down Sunday but till then staying in air conditioning.
Response: They are pretty good especially if you add fruit with it. I usually add sliced bananas to all my cereal.
Response: She never did but she did outlive them all as I lost my last one in 2013 and she lived until 2015.
Response: I found it several years ago at Hobby Lobby which I seldom shop at as I prefer Michaels or Joann's.
Response: That is awesome. I would love to see a real launch. When my Dad lived in Florida they were doing shuttle launches and he saw some night launches.
Response: Glad you liked them. I got another set from JoAnns called Robots that had some really nice space designs as well as the robots.
Response: Thank you This book is part of a series called "The Ferret Chronicles" This was the first one that I have managed to get hold of.
Response: We do have some man-made beaches on some of our lakes that were made by damming some rives or large streams. They are different than ocean beaches. But just as fun.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the info about the mansion as I knew nothing about it.
Response: At Hobby Lobby a few years ago. I just happened to see it one time and bought it as I knew I could use it. I don't shop there very often as I prefer Michaels or Joanns. They usually have more or what I am wanting.
Response: Thanks for letting me know about the polka dot washi. I have used and sent lots of it and never had a problem before. It was a roll of Duck Washi from Walmart.. I am almost out of it so it will probably get used for decoration only.
Response: Glad that you liked the card. I don't remember seeing the cartoon it was from but I saw so many growing up in the 50's that it is not suprising.
Response: I don't think we saw it either but when we were there in 2004 it was only for a week. So we had to pick and choose where we went .
Response: I have been reading the main 14 books in the series and they are timeless. I think that I am actually enjoying them more now at 71 then when I was younger.
Response: I love the series. This one is book 11 of 14 in the Wizard of Oz books. You can get them on Amazon.
Response: I did like the movie.I had not seen any of their live shows but I want too. They are supposed to have one of them here in late Feb that I am thinking about. I am slowly getting used to doing things by myself. This one was the 3rd movie special I had gone to in the last several months.
Response: That was one of my favorite cards. I think that was my last one. I had bought a set of them at an after Christmas sale at Walmart one year.
Response: Thank you for the comment. I actually like reading the profiles before I send something. They let me know about the different people that I get to swap with on this site.
Response: The shuttles were amazing. In 2012 we visited The Kennedy Space center and at that time they were transfering one of the shulttles to California and it was mounted on the 747 that they used to transfer it and we got to see this from the bus we were touring the center in. I got some awesome pictures. I want to go back as they are supposed to have one on permanent display in a building now.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I colored a mandela for this swap and I did not want to just throw away the pieces that were left after I cut the tags and coins out for me and the swap. The card was an experiment for me as usually I just print something from my picture files when I make the cards rather than bought ones.
Response: That is one of my favorites also. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you. Here in Kansas we have so many different Wizard of Oz cards and tourist attractions. Anyway I liked the Idea of using a Dorothy card as I am finally reading all of the books in the series. You don't have to be a kid to enjoy them.
Response: Thank you . I have enjoyed making these coins very much. And using coloring pages is one of my favorites right now.
Response: Glad that you finally received it.
Response: I haven't been over there yet as I don't have an annual membership. But I have been watching their live feed on You Tube. Hope their other female is due in a few weeks. I want to have a membership by the time she has her baby.
Response: My late husbands youngest sister has a great-grandson that they named Case after the tractors.
Response: They come from Amazon. My daughter gave them to me for Christmas and the set came with a set of refills so they last longer.
Response: Still watching them as she hasn't had her baby yet. They keep saying it could be any time. Then when Abi gets done it will be Hopes turn.
Response: Thank you. I found some around that time that I rated and when I went back recently the rating was gone. I have heard that has been a problem lately.
Response: This is my first time reading them. I got them a few months ago for my Kindle library. Over the last few years I have got so many free books that I could never add a book and still have enough to last for years.
Response: Thank you . I also like receiving cards that I have the boxed sets for. Especially if it is a theme that I really like.
Response: Ours is Dillons but it is part of the Kroger family and caries the Kroger generics. Thanks for the compliment on the stamps I ran out of regular postcard stamps so I am using older ones I got off ebay last year.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I was glad that I was able to find another seahorse for you.
Response: The paper was from a pad called Stay Magical by Craft Smith. I got it a Michaels Craft store which is one of the craft stores we have here. The tape was from another store here (Joann's) I don't remember what brand it was. I still have some but there is no info in the center of the roll.
Response: Ebay. I was looking for some to use for postcards and letters when the price went up in January. I bought 25 cents stamps and 10 cent stamps that time. I still have quite a few other ones that I got last summer, 29's 32's, 33's and a small mix of others.
Response: Amazon is a life saver. I wanted to do this series of swaps and I did not have all 50 states so I ordered this set. Plus 2 more, Maps and large letter state names.
Response: Sorry for your losses. So glad that I could make you smile afterwards.
Response: Glad that you got the resend. Thank you for the rating.
Response: It's been awhile since I read it also. I am not even sure I would like it anymore also.
Response: I got it at Walmart. It is Scotch Create Permanent tape double sided.
Response: YES. I will send you my address so look for my PM.
Response: So glad that you liked it. I really enjoyed making the little doll.
Response: If you want to read Dan Brown book I would recommend reading them in order of publication starting with "Angels and Demons" published in 2000. Copy and paste this link to see the books in order
Response: Yes it is. I use it for all of my non tourist cards as there is nowhere locally to get them. And only one place to get Kansas tourist cards.
Response: It is a quick easy meal for me and my grandson who lives with me. So I just usually make sure there is some in cupboard with meat in freezer.
Response: It was just a generic (Kroger) Blueberry frosted mini wheat. Depends on the coupons I have whether I buy generic or brand name.
Response: After I pulled the cards and started addressing them I knew that one would be the right one for you. Glad you like it.
Response: Glad I found something that you could use.
Response: We did enjoy it. I have actually seen it twice now as I took my daughter (his mom) to see it as a birthday gift as she wanted to see it and her husband didn't.
Response: I first learned them when I saw my mother-in-law making them in the late 60's. That was when I found out that you could crochet with more than just thread which is what I learned on when I was 6.
Response: Glad you like it. I really enjoyed coloring it.
Response: Thank you. That is something that I have actually enjoyed doing. And I like to share where I get them from.
Response: Thank you for the heart. I really liked it also. Actually I got them after Christmas for almost nothing. When I was looking through my cards I thought this one was perfect for this time of year.
Response: Well most of them are packed in boxes now so selling them is the best then someone else can enjoy them. Same with most of my elephants. I am keeping the ones that were the most memorable.
Response: The top blue one with the circles is actually one of my favorites. I don't know how many rolls I have bought.Glad you liked them. Blue is my favorite color.
Response: Glad that you did finally get it.
Response: Not really. I usually have the TV on when I am coloring these so I don't really notice how long they take.
Response: Glad you loved everything. The photo I use a program called PrintMaster7 Platinum and for the labels I go online to Have a section where you can make your own items for their templates and save and print at home.
Response: I haven't read all of them but I have read enough that I know I like them.
Response: 7-6-2016 Sent a message asking for address so I can redo this. Might not get a response as @teabunny has not been on since January 2015.
Nov 18, 2016 She came back and sent me a message on Nov 11 asking if I was still interested. I replied yes and asked for her mailing address which I still have not received. DECEMBER 30,2016 This swap has been resent. A copy of the original that got lost in the mail and a new one that I made this month. SEPTEMBER 16, 2017 Thank you for changing this rating as this was sent over 9 months ago.
Response: Our JoAnns doesn't have a big sellection but every now and then I find one on sale that I like.
Response: Prang is a brand that we have. I have used them for years. When I saw the set with glitter I couldn't resist getting them.
Response: So glad that you got the card and that you like it. She is one of my favorite artists. I just wish I could afford some of her things.
Response: Oh no. Would you like me to send another. I can probably find one similar in one of my books.
Response: The original spar was acquired with the help of Vice President Curtis (a Topeka native) in 1931. Replacement spar also from USS Constitution was installed in 2004. Here is page about the school
Response: Glad that you liked them. I couldn't decide which stadium cards to send so I just sent them all.
Response: Thank you. I found several new ones at the service area last month on our way back from Kansas City.
Response: I have been on a few sections in OK and TX but I would really love to be able to follow it from beginning to end.
Response: I have been using gel pens. I have 2 sets. One that I bought then another set that my granddaughter gave me for Christmas. Both from Amazon.
Response: Yes that is my Annabelle on the address label. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad that you liked what I sent. I have been interested in Moon landings most of my life. Since I read Jules Verne's book "From the Earth to the Moon" Then the next year (1960) I met Dr Werner Von Braun who was developing Americas Moon rocket.
Response: Thank you. The berry washi was part of a box of 45 that I got at Michaels. It was the last one I saw all the other boxes were holiday seasonal.
Response: TY. I really liked the elephant also.
Response: Thank you. I haven't seen that many Pixar movies but the ones I have I liked. And I am a big Science fiction fan so I loved Wall e. Another one I really liked was Ratatouille.
Response: TY. Glad you liked what I sent.
Response: Most of what they had in the boxes were holiday but I just happened to find the one I bought. I look at them every time I go there. About once a month or so.
Response: Still having spring like weather. Had out first tornado warning Monday evening. That was after having a record high of 80 degrees earlier in the day.
Response: Thank you. I have done the water classes off and on since 2006. The rooster was great I made a spelling error on the date so had to redo it.
Response: Glad you liked it. I have not read all the books but I do have them all in my kindle library and I will get around to reading them eventually.
Response: Glad you liked them. They were all from a new box set I got at Michaels last month.
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the card.
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the card
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the cards
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the card. Robert Heinlein is one of my favorite authors.
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the card
Response: Thank you for the rating. Wish they were predicting snow this weekend instead of the ICE storm that is headed our way.
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the washi. I like sending them that way. Less chance of something happening to them.
Response: Actually today is more typical Kansas weather. We had a high of 61 deg at noon and now at 8:22pm it is down to 24 deg. Only supposed to be mid 20s tomorrow then Freezing drizzle Friday with Ice storm over weekend.
Response: Thank you. I know. When we swim in a pond or lake we go home and shower so would hate for that to be the only way to bath.
Response: Thank you. Glad you liked the card.
Response: Thank you . I also love the bright sparkle of those pens.
Response: Thank you Glad you liked the washi
Response: They are available on Amazon. I just looked and they said they only have 3 left but there are more on the way. I like them as they remind me of every cat we ever had.
Response: Thank You. I though so too.
Response: Thank you. I got like 10 packages of 100 from Amazon real cheap so I use them to protect things like the washi when I send them.
Response: Thank you. Yes it is.
Response: Thank you. Glad you like the washi.
Response: Glad you liked them. I have never been to any of them but my granddaughter and her husband took her new brother to a Royals game for his HS graduation and his Birthday. They had dugout seats and he was very happy as he is a big Royals fan.
Response: Not suprising. I think most of my new cards came from Dollar General or Dollar Tree. And I also bought a couple of packs from Major Thrift and most of their stuff comes from the KC area.
Response: I love how they are with the get pens and that elephant is one of my favorites. I have colored it several times now.
Response: I got 2 tubes with 8 rolls each for 40% off. Can't afford full price but that was ok. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad that I was able to send something you liked. I have to get some more of those but I see them all the time in the store where I get most of my cards.
Response: That is where mine came from. Glad you like it.
Response: I liked that one also but sadly I am now out of that one. And I had got it from a clearance bin at Michaels several years ago.
Response: Gel pens. I have a set of 100 I got from Amazon and about half are the glitter style. Those are my favorites.
Response: I have seen Cars but not Planes. Probably someday.
Response: Glad you liked it. I got the gel pens from Amazon. They have many different sets.
Response: Thank you. We have many lakes in Kansas, They are all man made but they give lots of recreational areas and water storage for many areas.
Response: Thank you! Glad you loved it. I like making my own address labels.
Response: Glad I could send something special for you.
Response: Yeah it is hard not to send something from a book you already have when the only place I can find them is on Amazon.
Response: I don't even know what NLC is. I worked for the City of Topeka and retired in July 2005. I do know there is another Barbara Shultz here in Topeka, KS. I have run across her several times.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you love everything. I have been collecting elephants for over 30 years and now I have reached the point where I have to start reducing my collection so that the kids don't have to do it later.
Response: Thank you. The wedding was fun. I enjoyed it and the rehersal and setup the night before.I have always been interested in space travel ever since I was in 8th grade and got to meet the german scientest who was working on developing the moon rocket.
Response: Thank for rating. I don't have to worry about getting kids ready for school. My kids and grandkids are all done. Only have 1 great granddaughter is school and she is 60 miles away so I only see pictures of her first days.
Response: Thank you for rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. It was in a set I got off of Amazon with my last PC order.
Response: Thank you for the rating and glad you received the card OK.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart and glad that you received the card OK
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Yes same Coronado according to the history I learned many years ago.
Response: Thank you glad you received them ok.
Response: Thank you for the rating with heart. Glad you liked the card and stickers. The stickers I got at Dollar Tree several years ago.
Response: 8-13-16 Thank you for the rating. So glad that you got and liked my resend.
7-6-16 Sent message for address so that I can redo this swap.
7-18-16- Resent swap.
Response: Thank you for the rating. The cruise was lots of fun then we took 2 weeks to drive home with many stops. My 2 favorite were Cape Canaveral and Graceland.
Response: Thank you for the rating and great comment. I don't remember which Route 66 card or cards I sent but I have a bunch more that I found here and in Oklahoma. I have friends that hunt and eat rattlesnake but I never have.
Response: 7-6-2016 Sent message for address so that I can redo this swap. 7-21-16 Resend sent. 7-23-16 Glad you received and liked what I sent. Thank you for changing the rating.
Response: My sons fiance planted 5 seeds by the yard light and 2 grew. The first one bloomed Monday and the 2nd will be soon. They are both over 6foot tall.
Response: Thank you. Glad that you liked them.
Response: It had one difference now. Last year they finished a 10+ year renovation project and the last item was cleaning and fixing the copper on the roof and dome. So now it is copper colored instead of the green. It is still awesome looking. I just wish someone would make some new postcards as I have seen some really awesome pictures since it was completed.
Response: Glad you liked the cards. I understand how you felt. When we moved my Trailer in October we had 5 days with no Electricity. Just cold water and battery operated lights.
Response: Thank you. Glad to be back.
Response: Thanks for rating and heart. I just ordered 4 sets from Amazon. I will get them tomorrow. Love their 2 day shipping.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad that you liked it. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: That was one of the stops on our eastern carabean cruise in Sept 2012. That was where we swam with the sting rays in the ocean. Lots of fun.
Response: Thank you. I enjoyed trying to find the right sticker to represent the different themes.
Response: Thank you. That card reminds me of a poem that the TV station my Dad worked at in Wichita, KS used to have every night when they went off air. It was titled "High Flight" and is still one of my favorites.
Response: 11-19-14- Resend is in the mail. 11-16-14 So sorry. I have been working on them. I am slow with zentangles and there have been many interuptions. I will let you know when they are in the mail.
Response: Glad you liked the Ornament. I also love dragons and they were so much fun to do.
Response: Glad you liked it. I will remember that you like the military cards. I have a few others that honor WWII veterans.
Response: Thanks for the rating. The Texas one I got over Labor Day Weekend and it was different from any I had. I try to get the newest Kansas maps as I see them at the store I get most of my cards from.
Response: Not at Daytona but I went to a truck race in Kansas City one time. Very loud but you can get ear plugs or sound filtering ear phones which make it not so bad. Used to go to dirt track and late model stock cars at the fair grounds with with my husband when we were younger.
Response: Glad you like them. I do enjoy trying to put the different colors together.
Response: Thank you for your encouriging words.
Response: Thank you I have really enjoyed doing this series of swaps.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I know what you mean I made 8 and they all came out different. Plus a couple that I just tore up as the technique didn't work. I was on my 3rd one before I got it to work properly.
Response: It was a small truck stop on the north edge of Oklahoma City just off of I-35. They had a rack of cards and they were mostly new to me so I bought a whole stack of them.
Response: He was my favorite also but I did watch the others. I still like him in movies.
Response: Glad you liked the cards. I just got the Oklahoma City cards when we were on our way home from Fort Worth, TX on Labor Day.
Response: Glad you liked it. I had a hard time finding one as I have run out of the beach cards I got a couple years ago when we were on our cruise and sightseeing trip home from Florida.
Response: Especially the mapcards. I am looking for some others that I have sent in the past just having trouble finding them now.
Response: The red and white one was the resend. The original one that I sent in June would have been a pink one.
Response: Thanks for rating. Hope you had a fun holiday.
Response: Yes they were. I don't get them very often but I do like them.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad they got there this time.
Response: Glad you got them both. That sometimes happens.
Response: Sorry I have been having trouble on the remake. This was not an easy card for me to make. 7-18-14 Remake is on the way. Sent you a PM. 7-27-14 So glad that you received the resend.
Response: July 12, 2014 Resend is on its way. I am beginning to hate the Kansas City postal distribution center. They have lost more cards and small envelopes in the last year then I ever had when it was here in Topeka. 7-16-14. Thank you for the rating. I am glad that you finally received this after I remade it for you.
Response: Thanks our local ones are under the Dillons name. And I love their generic brands.
Response: Our local ones are under the Dillons name. I really love their generics.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I have added your blog to my bookmarks. Love how you post them with the additional information.
Response: I know what you mean. All of the ones I have joined lately have tapes that are different. Especially the ones that are from international paratners.
Response: Glad I found a card you like. I like some of there stuff but not all of it.
Response: I get them like that quite frequently. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: I to have a stuffed Dumbo. Don't know how old he is but I have had him for over 10 years. I also have an Avon bell with Dumbo.
Response: Not very many left around. The nearest on to me now is in Kansas City. My 20 year old granddaughter went to see something there last fall. First time she ever went to one. When I was in HS in the early 60's that was our weekly Date nite Friday or Saturday evening.
Response: Thanks for the rating. So glad that you like then. Many of the newer characters I don't know but I grew up with Mickey Mouse Club Way back in the 50's so these are the ones I identify with.
Response: Glad you liked it. I watch at the PC and when I see somethng like these Cards I will get them for my swaps.
Response: Glad you liked them. I had to make doubles so I would have them also.
Response: Glad you liked. I enjoyed it once i got into making it.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I have only been doing Zentangles for only a little over a year. I love them and they are so relaxing.
Response: Thanks for the rating. The bad weather missed us. All we got was rain. Which we needed.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I think the hummingbird stamps are nice. Will probably be sick of them by the time they change them again.
Response: Thanks for the great rating. Wesson is growing like a little weed. Almost 2 months old.
Response: Thanks for the rating. and the heart.
Response: I hope they do get some new ones soon. I loved that blue patina also but now when the sun is shining the copper just gleams.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I got the postcard stamp at Hobby Lobby about a month ago. I had been looking for one for quite some time.
Response: Sorry that you think it was sent late because of the postmark. I have no control over that. I dropped it in a box on the 23rd Then when it was picked up it went to KC for postmark.
Response: Thank you for rating. She seems to be picking up slowly. She still doesn't like the dry food too much but she is eating almost 2 small cans of Fancy Feast (Chicken, turkey or Beef). Vet says that is okay at her age.
Response: We actually have both. It depends on what I am looking for where I go. Anyway I am going to enjoy that stamp as it works great for these swaps and handmade card swaps.
Response: Wasn't much in Kansas. Route 66 just caught the south east corner of the state. I have been on it in Oklahoma close to Tulsa. Would love to follow it from end to end with my motorhome.
Response: Glad that you liked the cards. You were the 2nd partner that I have had from here.
Response: I found those at Dollar Tree. Only cost 1 dollar.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I usually don't do this kind of swap but I have a great Dollar Tree just down the road and i love to shop there. I always buy too much every time I go there.
Response: Thanks for the rating and comments. Did have a house full but was very enjoyable. Kids and grandkids were all raised to help at times like this. Everyone brought something and that makes it so much fun.
Response: Glad you like the card. The Chiefs have been my team ever since they came to Kansas City in the mid 60's. Loved when they won Super Bowl 1 under coach Hank Stram with Lenny Dawson as Quarterback.
Response: Actually there are 2 Kansas Cities. Depends which side of the State border you are on. The card I sent you showed the downtown area of Kansas City, Missouri. In that picture the state line was in the center of the river at the top of the card. Other areas south of that you can have one side of the street Missouri (the east side) and the other side of the street Kansas (the west side).
Thanks for the rating and hope to swap with you again.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the Comment. I am trying to use a different pattern for each swap. I love that this one does not have to be the traditional granny.
Response: Glad you liked it. I have been looking for a swap to use it in for the last year.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I am feeling much better. The lung specialist finally figured out what was causing my shortness of breath (after several tests) and started me on an inhaler that actually even helped get rid of the cough that I usually have for a long time after that type of illness (Cold or whatever it was). Hope to see you also in some of the swaps.
Response: Thanks. Glad that you got it okay. I enjoyed doing these squares. I have been trying to do different patterns for this series of swaps.
Response: I know what you mean. I get all kinds of notecards and postcards at that one and a couple of weeks ago a found a beautiful doll with a china head and feet. It was an elephant handcrafted in Thialand. And it was only $7.00. A beautiful addition to my collection of elephants.
Response: Thank you for the rating. It is very peaceful there. I have been 2 times so far. Once when I was 9 and then June 2012.
Response: Thank you. The patterned tape is from Walmart. It says on the inside From I like how it makes a decorative frame while helping reinforce the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I like making envelopes out of scrapbooking paper. I have access to so many cute papers and fairly cheap.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I know what you mean about husbands. Mine used to say that I didn't need the extra PC's and craft stuff that I would pick up. Now my kids understand and bring me cards and souveniors back from different places they go.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I do enjoy making them out of scrapbooking paper. It is so cheap and many different ones available here.
Response: Thanks for the great rating. Actually my favorite is Sean Connery and I have seen most of the Bond movies as I like action movies. I have also seen many other of his movies and I really like him as more than just James Bond.
Response: Glad you really like them. And the envelope I am having so much fun using scrapbook paper for envies.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Our local quilt shops must buy from the same suppliers. I received some purple in January that one was the same pattern as I sent.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart..
I have my fabric for July and August. Looking forward to them as I will not be doing too many swaps during that time.
Response: Well probably our local quilt shops buy from the same suppliers. I love seeing what new things my local shop has brought in between my trips there.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. At least that was the only one. So far. (LOL)
Response: Thanks for the rating. The elephant is a stamp I found at Michaels then I just outline it with pen and it stands out better.
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart
Response: Thanks for the rating. We didn't make it to Dollywood on our trip last Sept because our plans to stay in a cabin for the weekend got changed when the cabin they had chosen did not work for the vehicle we were driving. Still enjoyed the time were were in the area.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad that you like everything.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the star
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the ratings. I have not traveled as much as I would like. But I really enjoy it when I can do a trip that I have been wanting.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and comments. I have lots of that yarn in several Christmas colors. Love it for ornaments. And actually hundreds of patterns. I have been collecting them since the late 80's.
Response: Thanks for the rating and nice note. Have a great day!
Response: Thank you for the rating and comment. KC does have some very pretty areas. Depends on where you are.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thanks for rating. Have a great day!
Response: Since I took that one I would love to do more. Especially if I could find someone to go with me. All trips are more fun that way. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you. I had fun making it.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the cards. I find so many cute ones around here.
Response: Thank you for the great rating. I did not expect this. Thank you.
Sent this on May 25, 2013. I did PM you about this and what was going on why I did not get it out and why it was so late. Please let me know when you receive this.
Response: Thank you. And thank you for the website. I actually have already bought the book and workbook now I hope the problems are done and I can get started on it.
Response: Thank for the rating. This was not the first one that had to have engine switched. Probably 20 years ago we blew the engine in a full sized Jimmy (GMC SUV).. Instead of a newer vehicle body was good so we just dropped a new in the box engine it it. That vehicle lasted probably 5 more years before we replaced it.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I have been using some scrapbook paper that I got at Michaels for 14 cents a sheet. It makes really nice envelopes.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I really love her birdies. She has other cards also that help other organizations.
Response: Thank you. and yes I am enjoying the class very much. I have learned so much.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you. Glad that you liked.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: It does have an interesting look. But I will not go thru there if I can schedule thru somewhere else. When your plane arrives 2 hours late and staff does not even realize it until people start lining up at the counter to try to find connections home that is bad. It happened to us and they ended up having to put us up in a hotel overnight and the nearest hotel was 25 miles. Not what you want after a long trip.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like it. I really enjoyed making it.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I actually had fun making these.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. So far I have only been to the North Topeka art walk. There are some in a couple of other areas also that I need to check out. I have not read the book but I will check it out.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I am having fun learning how to do these cute little cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the pc's. I got that notecard in a swap and I liked it too. Almost didn't want to use it.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. That swap was fun. When I showed it to my daughter before I mailed it she said it was too neat. But that is the way I would have done it when I was 5.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I have just started making these and I am enjoying learning how to do them.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked what I sent.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I hope we can too.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I know what you are talking about it seems that things that are local for you never get visited but somewhere else you visit.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I really like making those. I have so many different patterns that I have to find something to do with the finished ornaments.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I actually got the Christmas tree taken down also. That was bad cause I always took it down right after new years and this year didn't.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I haven't made very many ATC's yet and the ratings help me know I am doing okay.
Response: Thanksfor the rating and heart. Now I have to pick another area to do and set a deadline for myself. I seem to get things done better that way.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad you liked it.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. That beach was nice although we have been having really nice weather here for mid January. It was in the 60's today.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad that you loved the stickers. I to love the elephant stamp. I collect them and when I found the stamp I had to get it so I could use it for something that represents something I really like.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I think those came from a swap a couple of years ago. Although I did see some at Dollar Tree which is the dollar store about a mile from me.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. That is one thing I really like about Swap-bot is gettting things from so many different places. Especially some that I will probably never get to see myself.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad that you liked the FQ.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I haven't done very much of this type of sharing but thank you for liking my secret.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I like using the stickers and my elephant stamp I hope they make you smile.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. I also like them. Sometimes without the sentiment that is on the inside you can't even tell they were Christmas cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I eat very few of them. My grandsons eat the most.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I actually bought the barn cards for a swap last year for pc's with pictures of barns. It was interesting to see what others found.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad I found a card you liked. When we went to the Oregon Aquarium with Don's sister in 2004 we actually got to touch them in their exhibit and they were so awesome and such beautiful colors.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad you liked the pansies. Maybe you can pass the roses on to someone else who might like them better than we did.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Glad you liked the card. We had so much fun on that trip and it has been so nice that I have been able to share through the swaps.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. We had a really enjoyable day in Savannah when we were on our trip in Sept. We also thought it was beautiful.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Suzy Q thinks that she has to be right by me most of the time if not laying or walking across my keyboard. She is cute but she is so spoiled.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I am looking forward to them. What I found out yesterday is the first one I will probably do is the knitting class my daughter wants to do. My sister-in-laws have tried to teach me but it never took so I will probably go with her and give it another try.
Response: Thank you. I am so glad that you did receive this one. So sorry that you did not received the first one that I sent. And again thank you.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I would love to go back again as I so enjoyed our cruise and the shore excursions we did.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. So glad that you liked what I sent.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked what I chose.
For art type cards I have found that I can get almost any from Amazon. Just can't get all that I would like to at once because of cost.
Response: This one is on the register of Historical sites. It is a fabulous building. I love their auditorium. I doubt that mine has cards either.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Hope you had a great new year.
Response: Glad that you like the squares. I made them on one of our trips this year. I like to crochet when traveling and someone else is driving.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad that you liked my pkg.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for rating. I have not met any others. I have found in other towns close like KC, Manhattan/Junction City and Wichita.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad that you liked what I sent.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I knew that I would eventually find something to use that card on. I didn't like it just sitting in the box with no one able to see it.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you liked everything that I sent. I didn't really just trying to send things You would like. Yes Kansas is a great place to visit many interesting places to see and things to do.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. They were both crocheted in the car during one of the trips we took this summer. It gives me something to do when I am not driving.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I am so glad that you liked it as I had it already started before partners were assigned.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Have a happy new year.
Response: That is one thing I have noticed that so many of the birds and animals that are native to one state are also native to many others. Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I have received cards like that. A couple of times I think that it took even part of my address off and it still got to me okay.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating. And Merry Christmas
Response: They are nice big trees. But there are many times that we go out and there is so much cotton on the ground that it looks like snow.
Response: That is one of the Oz ones that I actually like. I even have a magnet that matches that card. We have all too many Oz souvenirs here. And the movie wasn't even filmed in KS.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I would say your preference for James Bond is probably influenced by who was playing him when you first watched him.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Sometimes that happens. I get some occassionally that my daughter wants.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. For a small town they have enough to see and do to take a whole day.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you liked everything.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like that card. I picked it specially because you said your husband loves to fish.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. That trip was fun and the ride up the tram and the view from the top was great.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the card. I was in High School when it came out.
Response: I actually found those at Dollar General and I thought they would be perfect for this swap.
Response: Thanks. I did not make the card. I received it in an exchange back in 2009 when I was doing swaps before my break. I don't remember who it was from.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. It is so much fun watching or taking little ones on that train. Yes it is very enjoyable and fun.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like the stickers.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Glad that you like the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and nice comment.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad you liked the cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad that you liked the card. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Glad that you liked the cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the squares. Maybe you will get it back later.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you liked the PC.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I thought that packet of cards was interesting. I actually bought 2 so I could keep a set.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the PC's.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Hope your cake is as good as the ones we had on the cruise.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I know what you mean about not finding cards. We only found them in the tourist areas. Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, downtown Nashville, and Memphis at Graceland and Beale St.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. This was our 1st cruise but finances permitting it won't be the last.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I got some really interesting recipes on that trip that I am going to have to try.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I liked the card also just bought 5 more as I sent them all out in autumn themed swaps. We are going to have a much better holiday season this year as things are already looking better. The season is starting with a birthday bbq for granddaughter and sons new girlfriend on Saturday as both of their bdays are the 28th.
Response: Glad you liked it. I had to giggle too when I found them. Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like the stickers that I sent.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. We do have some incredible stoms here. We have been involved in several tornados over the years. My son drives a semi and he has seen some tornados in that area. Luckily not too close to him.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for your rating. I try to send what people say they are collecting. That is one of my favorite cards of our capitol bulding.
Response: Thanks for the rating. There was no debating there. We were going thru Memphis we had to see Graceland. I would still go back again as there were so many displays that I would love to take more time in.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. The leaves were not turning yet when we went thru there but it was still beautiful.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. It was hard for me to pick which card to send. I have found so many cards that I really like.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I did think that the chimps were cute. That card was sent to my grandsons that were watching our cats and ferrets during our trip in Sept.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I had a hard time choosing my favorite shows as I have watched so many over the years.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I have seen them in the central part of the state but not around our area.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you liked the stickers.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating. No we did not go to the Parthenon. We only had one day in each town so we had to pick what we wanted to see the most.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you received the cards okay.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. It was an interesting city. Of course we were there on a Sunday when there was a Titans home game. You do not want to be in downtown Nashville just before the game starts.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Don wanted to go on one but when he knew he wasn't going to make it he talked to our daughter and asked her to make sure I didn't stay home all the time and asked if they could take me on the cruise she and her best friend were planning. We had so much fun that we will be doing more together.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I haven't tried that particular recipe but I have put bananas on my peanut butter sandwiches.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I still love his music and I even watch the movies when I can.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Sorry that the card got mangled a little. What is odd is that the building really does look like a bat.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Our trip was great. Look forward to doing another one.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like the card.
Response: Thanks for the heart and rating. We just got to see a small portion of it. But what we did see was interesting.
Response: Thank you for the rating. And the heart. I got a whole bunch of cards like those during my trip and cruise last month. And yes I agree they do make you feel very relaxed.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating. And the heart. We rode the trolley in Savannah and my daughter had rode the one in San Diego. They are a great way to see and learn about an area.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad that you like the cards. Yes it was awesome seeing the shuttle on the 747. I remember Stapleton airport it would have been different seeing the 747 with the shuttle on top taking off from there.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating. For a fairly small park you can go there many times and see something new each time.
Response: 9-28-2012 Thanks for the rating.
Response: 9-28-2012 Glad you received the squares and thank you for the rating.
Response: 9-28-2012 Glad you got my resend. Don't know what happened to the original set. Just returned from trip so that is why so late on response.
Response: 9-28-2012 Thanks for the rating. We left for our trip before you rated on the 5th so now we are back and I am catching up on responses. I have only did it on plastic canvas and aida cloth but I have a book and some a little bit of linen cloth so I am going to try to do that. If I can't get the hang of working over 2 on linen I will stick to what I can do.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I liked that card also.
Response: Thank you for the rating. It is a beautiful place to visit. The first time I went was in 1956 with my family and I have always wanted to go back and finally got to this summer.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the mapcard.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the note cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the cards I sent.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. We did have a great trip. It was kind of a trial run to see how we get along together for the long trip we are going on starting next Wednesday.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. We were lucky in that the fire in that area was 2 days after we left there. Also that it missed that particular area.
Response: I didn't do it when I was younger but now I like doing different crafts like cross stitch, embroidery, plastic canvas stitching and embroidery. It gives me something to do that is not completely time wasting. When done I have something to swap, donate or use.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank for the rating and the heart. Glad that you received your card and that you love it.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I am glad that you and your husband liked the card. And yes it did remind me of that old movie. I don't know how many times I saw it growing up.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Maybe we will be partners again after I come back from my trip.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you received the card and like it.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Glad you like the postcard.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Glad that you like the pc.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you received the squares.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the star. Glad you liked the sunflowers.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the card. I hope it does not happen again also. We have friends and family who are either farmers or in jobs that rely on the farming community.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Glad you like the snowman.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you love the stickers.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the Prairie Dog card.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I knew it was the perfect card for U.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the card. I really like those cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I don't have a copy of the same card I sent you but I am going to send you another card with a night view of our capital. Actually one of my favorite cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the square.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad you like the PC.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Glad you like the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad you like the mapcard.
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. 13 days till we leave on the trip.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the cards I picked.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I liked that one also. I have a magnet just like it that I also got when we took our trip last year.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. They are a major part of the landscape around here. I live on the edge of the capital city and the view out the back bedroom window is a large elevator over by the rr track and river.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I did think and was an interesting card.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I know all we have anymore is just a federal park area, and a research area for the State University.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. We have lots of souvenirs around here with Dorothy and all the Oz characters. Seems to be a Kansas thing as the movie started in Kansas.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you liked everything that I sent. I will be taking a break in Sept as Will be traveling. But I will be getting things from other areas for swaps. Especially post cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. They do mostly the large round bales here. Although some do the small ones to sell.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad that you liked the card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad you like.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad I could help with the map card. Most states have more than one mapcard. I think I have found about 5 or 6 different ones for Kansas.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I am glad to be back although I will be off for a month in Sept as I am taking a trip with daughter and friend. They get a bang out of me buying so many PC's on our trips.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you like the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. When you do visit make sure to visit the Crazy Horse memorial also. It is just a little south and really worth seeing. Even not completed.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you like. They should be done with the renovation of the building in about a year. I think the inside is done and The cleaning of the outside almost done. They are working on the very top of the dome.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the card.
Response: Thank you for the Rating and the heart. Glad you liked I wanted to share what I thought was a great card.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thanks for rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I am enjoying it so far. I won't be doing any in Sept as I will be traveling but I will be adding to PC collection everywhere we stop.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like the square.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Things are different than before I am still getting used to life without Don. But everything is looking up. Maybe we will swap again.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Glad you like the card.That is one of my favorite pictures of our Capital.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. We didn't go up it this time but I did go up with my parents in 1956. It was awesome. I do want to go again sometime.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. The view from the hwy was really great. We enjoyed the trip. Now getting ready for our cruise and trip in Sept. Will be gone most of the month.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad that you like. We do have many beautiful places. I have many pictures as good as the pc's of places that don't have cards.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked the card. I had seen these cards before when someone sent me one. But I hadn't seen them around here. These came from a souvenier shop just inside Colorado.
Response: Thanks for the rating. That got there fast. I couldn't resist the flowered material. There wasn't much on the roll so I told him I wanted it all. Anyway enjoy using it.
Response: Thanks for the rating. When we visited there we got some amazing photos of the cats interacting. They are beautiful animals.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you liked them.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. When I was on here before husband got so sick I received cards for a similar swap that was done like that. Makes it easy to tell what card is for what.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. We enjoyed visiting there last month.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. It is a really beautiful location. I took many pictures when we were there last month.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you like.
Response: Thank you. Glad you like it.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you received it. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating. That ferris wheel would be interesting. So far I have only been to 2. Fort Worth, TX and our closest one is Kansas City, KS
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Last I heard they said that the fire was 100% contained. So that was good news.
Response: Thanks it did me to so I wanted to pass it on.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you received them okay.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating
Response: Glad you liked the card. Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: Glad you received the card. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you liked the card. I thought that it was beautiful the first time I saw it.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. It was a very interesting place to see. They had pictures posted of every year's theme for the whole time it has been in existance.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad that you like the pc. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad you like.
Response: Thank you. The trip was great my grandson told me that he was so glad that he got to go with us and spend the time with his grandpa.
Response: I think that is part of their night show. We were there during the morning hours and it was not lit. But did look like to could be.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I will probably be trying to join some of your other swaps as I like getting different post cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you love the cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you like the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I really enjoyed making the hearts. There was 6 different ones in the pattern and I made all 6 to use for 2 swaps.
Response: At least you got them. The first was mailed almost 3 months ago. The second only 3 weeks ago. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you. Glad that you received them okay and you liked them.
Response: Thank you for the rating. My hand is healing good. Only a little slower than the left did because I keep grabbing things without thinking first and then it hurts.
Response: Thank you for the rating. The hand is doing much better. Just have to watch how I use it in picking things up.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you like the stickers. I will rate you when the other swap arrives.
Response: thank you for the rating. Glad you like the stickers.
Response: Thank you for rating. I know what you mean about getting the same back. I send some out and get some of the same back from others. Hard to find something different when all the stores sell the same thing nationwide.
Response: Glad you like the magnet. I got those when the Hallmark store downtown closed last summer. I have not seen them anywhere else.
Response: Glad you like it. And thank you for the rating and hearts.
Response: Thank you. Glad that you like the stickers. I had fun picking out the ones to send to everyone.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Thanks you for the rating. That got there fast. 2 days from KS to CA.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you like the buttons.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you like them.
Response: Glad you liked what I sent. I enjoyed making up this swap. It was so much fun going through the ribbons I had. I never even thought about some being considered vintage. I have some that my Mother-in-law had and also ones that came from yard sales here that I know were not new.
Response: Thank you. Glad that you love them.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Hope your eye problems are solved.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you liked the cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating. This was my first time to send to Russia glad that you received my swap and liked everything.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you loved the cards.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Hope you all had Happy Holidays also.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you liked what I sent. Hand is slowly healing. Still sore but shpuld be completely back to normal by the end of January.
Response: Thank you for rating. Glad that you did receive the cards.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating. urgery went fine. Although it is harder not to use hand this time as I am right handed and you don't realize how often you do something out of habit.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating. Surgery went great. Now to just get over the soreness and get healed.
Response: Glad you liked it. It is very hard to find different pc's here. Barnes & Noble is the only place that has cards thart are not tourist cards.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating. I had trouble finding a g card and when I found that one I hoped it would be okay.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating. Wish we still lived in the country. Although we are on the edge of town now and still have some country elements around us.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating. There are lots of interesting places and things to see here. It would be an interesting road trip.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you received it and thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I need to get my tree out and put up or it won't get done. I am glad that you liked my snowman. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you like them.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you received the card okay.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you got them.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Rock City is not too far from Abilene. Haven't seen it ourselves but have seen the sign on Hwy 81 North of Salina.
Response: I thought that it was the time we went through it. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating. They say about 2 more years on the renovations. They are about half done.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad you like the card. I just had to get them when I saw it.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad that they got there okay.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that they got there.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that it arrived okay.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you liked it.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you liked the santa.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad it got to you okay.
Response: I thought it was interesting the first time I saw it. An unusual angel for the picture.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay and that you like them.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad it arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay. I also like the variegated threads. Love to see the different color combinations.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Thank you. Glad they arrived okay.
Response: Glad that you got it. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Glad you liked the card and stamps. The area I live in is mostly rolling hills. But I agree Kansas is a wide flat land. Also very pretty although many people say it is boring to drive through.
Response: Glad you liked my card. Yes our capitol building is a very pretty building. It will look much nicer once they get the renovation finished in the next couple of years.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Ha-Ha they didn't let you anywhere near the $$$$. Unless you bought something in the gift shop. Daughter bought her 3 boys each a shredded bag of $150. I bought some magnets that looked like $5.00 bills and postcards. It was a very interesting tour. And the displays in the building were awesome.
Response: You never know what you are going to see done with those bales. It kind of suprises you sometime.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad you received the card.
The tour we took of the Burea of Printing and Engraving in Fort Worth, Texas was really interesting. We saw so many bills being printed and packaged that it was almost mind boggling.
Response: Thank you for the rating. They are fun to see. And yes it is nice to meet someone who is close.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I know. That card was perfect for this swap. Cowboys and cattle. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I am glad that you love everything as I enjoyed finding and making the items.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: A friend of ours that lives close to it took us to see it a few years ago and it was interesting to see.
Response: Thank you for the rating. We did enjoy our visit to TX very much.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the note.
Response: That didn't take long. Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that the card finally got there.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you can use what I sent.
Response: Thank you. It is a great looking building.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad you like the magnet.
Response: I too like the color on the top of the Capitol. The only problem currently is they are about half way through a renovition project and the dome looks really dirty at this time. They said in the paper that it should be completely done in about another 2 years.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. And of course the people that make the map cards come out with new ones every so often. I have found 5 different ones just for Kansas. Enjoy your weekend. Barbara
Response: I have enjoyed this swap also. Temprature wise fall has arrived here. It has been getting down into the 40's at night and only into the 70's during the day.
Response: Thank you. I have enjoyed this swap very much. Maybe we will swap again sometime. Have a great day!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the comment. I am enjoying this swap very much. Have a great day!
Response: I agree this has been a great swap. I think that was a new card as I had not seen it before . Have a great day!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you liked everything. I don't remember who sent me the envelope. It was part of another notecard swap and I hoped that you would like it.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. This swap has been great fun. I love seeing what ones will come in the mail each day. Have a great day!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you liked them. They were all ones that I had at least 2 of.
Response: Glad you like them. It looks like I get to send you some more for another large notecard swap. Have a great day!
Response: Thank you. Glad that you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad that you liked them. Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Glad you liked it. The sunflower is our state flower. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Glad you like the magnet. I love doing the stitching on plastic canvas and I have many patterns I have collected over the last 20 years so I can usually find what I want.
Response: Thanks. Glad you like the cards.
Response: Glad it was found. That happens here in our mobile home community but I think people keep the things rather then turn them in to the manager.
Response: They have it here but is very expensive. We got some from a ranch that some friends took us too. It was very good meat.
Response: I don't know why it didn't show up before. Anyway thanks for rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating. That particular bridge washed out in the 1951 flood and had to be rebuilt quickly because it leads to a large shop where they work on the cars and engines. Used to be just the Santa Fe shops now it is BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe)
Response: Thanks for the rating. Glad you liked the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Glad that you liked them.
Response: That happens. I didn't think that I had sent them. Anyway glad you liked the card I sent. That would be a long ride. But it would be interesting to see the difference between the different parts of the country.
Response: I found that quote on the website for the High School that I graduated from. (Abraham Lincoln HS in DesMoines, IA) Thanks for the rating and glad you liked the card.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I love doing the stitching on plastic canvas. When I looked through my patterns I just knew that one would be perfect for this swap.
Response: Glad you got it okay. Thanks for the heart and rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I wondered how long it would take as it has been years since I sent anything to an APO address.
Response: Thank you. Dragon Dreams was one of my favorite designers. I am just sorry she is not designing any more.
Response: Yep we get both. Usually not as large as the 1951 flood or the June 1966 Tornado. They did major damage to the city. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Son drives a semi but he hasn't hit all the states yet. Only place we have been in Phoenix is the airport. Thanks for the rating and the heart
Response: Thank you for the rating. Summer is going fine so far. Have a great day! Barbara
Response: I found those notecards at a thrift shop near here. I knew when I saw them that they would be perfect for this swap.
Response: Glad you liked the card. The river is the divide between North and South Topeka. I remember growing up in the 50's it was almost like 2 different towns depending on which side of the river you were on.
Response: It is getting better every day. I am going to try stitching on plastic canvas this weekend and if it goes okay then I can gradually get back to using it more. Have a great day!
Response: I'm glad you liked them. The heart is one that I make a lot as it is quick and easy.
Response: Will someday. Just haven't made it yet. It is sometime easier to go see something in another state than something close or in your own town.
Response: That is also my favorite.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I took so many pictures on that trip. Everytime I look at them they bring back great memories.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I did not know what they were. Just that I liked it. And it fit the theme for the swap.
Response: Before that trip the only ones I had seen were in pots. A friend of ours had one that was about 15 years old that was the largest I had seen until them. That one in Jamaica made hers seem like a baby.
Response: Yes we did have an interesting state. Thanks for the rating.
Response: No the closest we got was the Columbia River and Bonniville Dam. We were only there 5 days. So there was a lot we still would like to see.
Response: It was an interesting card. I could not resist buying some of them when I saw them in the store. There are several places here where there are still ruts from the wagons going thru the fields.
Response: Thank you. Yes my hand and wrist are feeling better. The surgeon said about 4 more weeks and it should be almost healed.
Response: Glad you liked the card. My hand is doing better. Still a little bit of swelling and stitches don't come out for another week. But the thingling and weakness in the hand are gone. Will be glad when I can get back to stitching again.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. The dragons are my favorites.
Response: Glad you liked the ribbon. I thought the Hello Kitty ribbon was cute. You got them pretty quick only 6 days from the center of the US to the UK. That is pretty good.
Response: Glad you liked the card. We have another Oz museum in Wamego, KS. (About 1 hour west of Topeka on Hwy 24) Haven't seen it yet although 2 of hubbies sisters live there.
Response: The farthest we went was to the bridge. That was a pretty area. We were visiting Sister-in-law and her daughter and son-in-law took us sight seeing up that direction one day.
Response: Glad that they got there okay. I do enjoy making them.
Response: Thank you for the rating. I am glad that you liked them.
Response: We enjoyed that day very much. We had gone to Oregon to visit sister-in-law and she wanted to go there so we spent one day sight-seeing on the coast took us 3 hours to go from Lincoln City to Newport as we stopped at all the places we saw. We have to go back as there was so much we did not get to see.
Response: Glad you liked them. I had made a Tuit before out of plastic canvas But this was a first for crochet. I enjoyed making it.
Response: Oops! I put my response on the wrong one. Oh well. Glad you liked them.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: That is the state judicial building. And that is larger than it looks at that square is 2 block to the side. The parking lot there and the whole block to the left (west) is parking for State offices.(One block wide and 2 blocks long) There is a high rise office building just to the left of the capital.
Response: Thanks for the rating wiwth the heart. I just wanted to make sure they had not got lost in the mail.
Response: Thank you. I have heard of Valley Center. We lived in Wichita in the late 50's. Left there when I was 12 in 1960. I came back to Topeka after high school and have been here ever since.