Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 11:19 pm


Date Joined: April 21, 2023
Last Online: July 26, 2024
Birthday: November 29, 1982
Country: United States
Personal Instagram
Plushie Instagram
Pengins for Everyone

What's New

Profile last updated/reviewed: June 29, 2024

June/July 2024 update: Hi, Swap-bot pals. I just had surgery on my left (dominant) hand/wrist and elbow and so cannot write for a bit. I had a bunch of swaps prepped and my wife is mailing those out for me, but I'm not joining new ones at this time. And, please be patient with me on ratings, as I can only "do computer" for a little at a time. I believe I am caught up on all ratings for things I've received up til today, but anything new that comes may take a few days.

After I heal from this surgery, I'll be having my right elbow and hand worked on, so I expect to be a bit quiet for most of the summer. I cannot wait to be through with all of this!

February 2024 update: Well, this is a first - I was rated a 1 in February 2024 by a swapper for a swap in July/August 2023 that I followed up on after not being rated after more than a month.

At that time, I received confirmation that they received and liked the card, as seen here:

Screenshot of message from August 2023 confirming receipt of card by user pitchmom

I've tried contacting the swapper; I contacted Swap-bot Admin; and I have been in touch with some group owners regarding upcoming swaps and ratings requirements. But, if you were expecting me to join an ongoing swap series outside of a group and it has a 5.0 rating requirement, unfortunately I cannot until I get this resolved! I'm very sorry and hoping it was a mistake that gets corrected shortly.

About Me

Hi! I'm Joan, a 41-year-old nonbinary person (they/them) living in Florence, Arizona, USA, with 3 other humans and a stunning number of cats. I've been doing postcard and greeting card exchanges through Postcrossing (where I'm jconcilio), Reddit (primarily r/randomactsofcards, where I'm also PinkPengin just like here), Instagram, Facebook and private swapping since 2021 and have sent more than 2,500 cards between all those. I've recently gotten into swapping stamps, junk journals and other fun ephemera-type stuff as well, largely thanks to Swap-bot.

I love penguins, and my wife and I run a small nonprofit called Pengins for Everyone that gives away plush penguin friends (or, as we say, "pengins") to people who need a pick-me-up. We've given away about 1,300 since 2017.

Favorite Things

I am happy with almost anything other than the few things listed in "Prefer to Avoid" below. But, if you want to extra-much make my day...

Colors: All shades of blues, teals, purples and grays

Animals: Penguins (!!!), owls, cats, capybaras, snails

Themes/interests/hobbies: Stuffed animals, anything rainbow or Pride-themed (my whole family is super-queer, and I am nonbinary so I especially love enby stuff), cute monsters, cute robots, the beach/ocean, tarot, abstract art, anything bright-colored, martial arts, jigsaw puzzles, logic puzzles/crosswords/sudoku, things that are neat and well-organized, interesting postage stamps and stamp-based art

Stuff I watch/listen to/read: Ted Lasso, Below Deck, David Byrne/Talking Heads, Meow Wolf, Winnie the Pooh, Wreck-It Ralph, Studio Ghibli (especially Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro), all kinds of books (especially YA and queer romance/lesfic)

Postcards I'm particularly extra-interested in: Anything from Hoogerheide (a small village in the Netherlands); anything related to Australia, Nigeria, or Pennsylvania (the US state); Blue Cats, LouPaper, Raspberry Paper and Blue December Art cards; Tausendschön; maxicards; World's Fair-related items; obviously penguin cards; anything tied to my other interests listed above

Stamps I'm particularly extra-interested in: Any that have penguins (I'm a proud member of the Penguins on Stamps Study Unit of the American Topical Association, which is probably the geekiest thing I've ever written), cats (domestic or wild), rainbows, Pride/LGBTQIA+ themes or queer people, World's Fair, computers, math themes, bacteria/viruses/microscopic imagery

Prefer to Avoid

Anything religious; anything fragranced or that smells like smoke; loose glitter or confetti; horror or gore; clowns; babies; the word "moist"; anything too feminine; I especially don't really prefer pink, despite the username (my namesake "Pink Pengin" plush friend is actually purple, ask me about that, LOL)

Swap-bot Basics

I love swapping, and I have never flaked on a swap, or sent one late.

As such: If you do not receive a swap from me 2 weeks after the deadline (if you're in the US) or 4 weeks after (if you're in other countries), please let me know and I will gladly resend.

I do not go tracking down ratings, so if you don't rate, I am not going to assume, "Oh, they must not have gotten it," I am assuming that, like most of us, life got busy and you needed to focus on in-person people and commitments and not the random nonbinary penguin-lover who mailed you that whatever-it-was!

I do rate every card I receive as promptly as I can, but due to regular travel, you may not get rated the day or even the week your card shows up in my mailbox. I do commit to posting in the "what's new" section of this profile if I will be gone and not picking up mail for more than a few days, so that senders will know!

Also, as long as what you send me isn't, like, actively hateful, you're going to get a heart. Arrives 3 months after the send date from the next town over? Heart. Ugliest card in your collection but it wasn't an ugly card swap? Heart. Didn't feel like writing anything but the swap name today so you threw some old, completely-unrelated-to-anything-I-like stickers on it and called it good? Heart.

I like all mail. All mail makes me happy. I don't like telling people that their mail didn't make me quite as happy as the next person's. I don't expect anyone else to use this system, but I do want to be clear that you don't have to do anything special to "earn" a heart from me. I just love you for taking the time and the cost of postage to send me something other than a bill.


shinyserra rated for SCRABBLE # 50 on Jul 26, 2024
Comment: Well done!
Response: Thanks! (And thanks for the heart!)
mchesser12 rated for SCRABBLE # 48 on Jul 26, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the library postcard and sharing the list of words. I like how you changed the ink for the number of letters.
Response: Aw, thanks! I get too lost reading them otherwise, LOL.
Comment: Amazing postcards. Thanks so much!
Comment: Thank you for the cards all of them. Your friend Joy
Markybay rated for Frankendeck Tarot Swap #5 on Jul 18, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the card, it's so cute! I love the sticker as well <3
katcon rated for SCRABBLE #49 on Jul 16, 2024
Comment: Nice job, you did better than me yet again! I also really enjoyed the stickers you used, thank you.
Response: I am kind of at an advantage - I used to play in Scrabble tournaments as a hobby :) LOL!
emmiepontremoli rated for PRIVATE SWAP FOR THREE CARDS on Jul 16, 2024
Comment: Thank you!! I really appreciate you doing this private swap with me! Also love how cute the tarot cards are, my favorite is The Empress bunny!
Response: Those bunnies are some of my favorite cards - I bought that deck really cheap just to exchange and then ended up getting myself one to keep too, LOL!
Comment: Thank you Joan, I love seeing "new" ephemera!
Stampalia rated for PH: Scavenger Hunt for PCs #268 on Jul 14, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the fantastic postcards and the extras. My favorites are the two Indigenous Americans postcards..
Response: I'm so glad you liked those!
Comment: This is a great card. The Mountains look amazing. Thanks
Burger1girl rated for Frankendeck Tarot Swap #2 on Jul 5, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the magician card! I love the rabbit. Thank you for all the info and the extra. I do need to step forward...but to remind myself and force myself to take more care of myself...and to be more mindful on my part. Happy Swapping!
karli rated for Frankendeck Tarot Swap #4 on Jul 4, 2024
Comment: Lovely swap, thanks so much! Karolina
Comment: Great layout this round. Thank you so much for sharing more details about what you included on your pages. It helps a lot to learn from each of you guys.
Mystyne rated for WIYM: WATER SWAP POSTCARD SWAP #2 on Jul 3, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful garden postcard from China.
katcon rated for SCRABBLE #47 on Jul 3, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the postcard, I love the sunny vibes of the used bookstore on the front. Nice job on the scrabble, too: I got 32 words so you have me beat!
Comment: Thanks for all the great pcs and extras.
insectambassador rated for Ugly PC Swap #83 on Jun 22, 2024
Comment: Hi Joan- I loved the postcard! It is such a funny looking bicycle and definitely ugly....lol! Thanks!
Response: Right, so weird! Glad you enjoyed.
Burger1girl rated for Frankendeck Tarot Swap #3 on Jun 22, 2024
Comment: Such a unique card! I love it. Thanks for the info on the deck and use of it in your life. Appreciate that. I send you Summer Solstice Blessings.
Response: Blessings to you as well - glad you liked it!
paperlover rated for SCRABBLE #46 on Jun 21, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the book lover postcard and your list of words

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9886 331 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
320 351 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
5 281 34 0
View all

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


mangoN7 on Jun 18, 2024:

Wow, thank you so much for the lovely card with the rose on it! It's stunning. I also love the little goodies you included in the envelope <3 It was a lovely surprise to receive this from you :)

concxrde on Jun 4, 2024:

just received your swap and it brought a huge smile to my face! i absolutely adore the postcards you sent, the roadrunner kitty one is so funny and the one of your pink penguin at niagara falls is so cute! it reminds me of my cousin's stuffed "travel monkey" she brings with her on all her trips. oh and all the kitty stickers are sososo cute 😻 this truly made my day, thank you so much 💕

simcoe54 on May 26, 2024:

Thanks so much for the surprise package of pcs and for thinking of me. Every single one of them is perfect for me and will go right into my collection. Thanks again!

myancey on Oct 31, 2023:

Thanks for the extras and the stickers. I still love your handwriting

myancey on Oct 30, 2023:

Joan after scratching my head and finally finding your message I am thankful for your bonus card. But it took me a moment because I was like pink penguin is not my partner for this swap why’d she send me this. Great list though. And I am in love and obsessed with your handwriting ! Thank you

simcoe54 on Oct 1, 2023:

Vintage Postcards - August WTA -- Thanks for the lovely water postcards. Perfect for my collection.

MuggleMom on Sep 8, 2023:

Thanks for the great PCs for PH August WTA.



user6937 on Jul 18, 2023:

PH WTA pc's have arrived, and thanks for your summery note, too!

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