Swap-bot Time: July 27, 2024 6:48 am


Date Joined: May 15, 2011
Last Online: July 26, 2024

Country: United States

About Me

I am on Swap-bot because I enjoy making and sending ATCs, postcards, handmade postcards, charms (years ago when there were more charm swaps), and other happy mail swaps. It seems there are not really any charms swaps now. I also enjoy washi tape swaps. a

I'm not too hard to find on Instagram @motherofjelly That's mother underscore of underscore jelly. I'm obviously not computer savvy enough to figure out how to make it a link...

One of my goals for 2022 (and beyond) is to write more letters and postcards to people I know, on Postcrossing, and Swap-bot.

2024 goal: host a swap.

I've worked in all sorts of mediums but mostly in paper and jewelry. I like to explore new techniques and mediums and look to have my creativity challenged.

I like making charms, cards, and art from found objects, and upcycled materials.

I'm an RN and I also do bookbinding. I have a working bindery at my house and it makes me happy because I really love books. And paper. And glue. And thread.

Favorite Books

I like books about food such as Food in History; and Pickled, Potted, and Canned.

I like pretty much everything by Dorothy Gilman.

I like classics by authors such as Shakespeare, Dumas, Austen, Twain, Doyle, and Rand.

One of my top favorite books (I really can't pick just one) is Possession by A. S. Byatt. And I like that she is also a critic.

I like sci-fi/fantasy/romance by Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Douglas Adams, Roald Dahl, Kurt Vonnegut, Diana Gabbaldon, Isabel Allende, Ray Bradbury, Robin McKinley, and MCA Hogarth.

I like non-fiction that takes a deep dive into a subject or a period of history or an event.


I deeply appreciate handmade items... effort & risk taking is always admired!

I like swears, sassy everything, nudes and pinups. That inappropriate postcard you bought when you'd had one too many margaritas - I'm the girl you send it to.

Handmade books or restored books (bookbinding) - I like to reback and rebind old medical textbooks and medical books for home use.

The periods I like are the Renaissance, the Romantic period (Rosetti, Wm. Blake), and the "Arts & Crafts" movement (late 1800's to 1920's), the Silver Screen era.

I like Edward Gorey, Erte, Gustav Adolf Mosa, Aubrey Beardsley, William Morris, William Blake, Gabriel Dante Rosetti, Edward Burne-Jones, Frank Lloyd Wright, Salvadore Dali, Maxfield Parrish, Arthur Rackham, Andrew Wyeth (especially the Helga pictures), N.C. Wyeth, and pre-1900 lithographs. I like modern lithography too, but I really like the old stuff.

Street art/graffiti

Altoid tins that have been altered or filled

sassy art/collage

I like collage and assemblage. Some of my favorite artists are Nick Bantock, Joseph Cornell, and Lance Letscher.

My favorite colors are blue and green. I love all the colors, but I don't wear yellow or orange.

Handmade charms including shrinky dink charms

Interesting papers - especially handmade, marbled, pages with foreign (not English) languages, japanese paper, odd natural fiber paper, old maps (pre 1900), dictionary pages

Day of the Dead anything - skeletons/calaveras, papel picado, milagros, prints by Jorge Guadalupe Posada

Mexican folkart - lucha, loteria, saints, etc. Plus Mexican artists such as Frida Khalo and her dear husband.

Fairy tales, folk tales and mythology from all cultures. I especially like the illustrations from fairy tale books.

Tarot, Wheel of the Year, European/Northern hemisphere lunar calendar, Chinese/Lunar calendar

Patterns I like include paisley, vintage looking, travel inspired, Victorian and french flourishes. I like fleur de lis, peacock colors, butterflies, Asian inspired, French or Latin American roosters (not the cute country ones), feminine - think Victorian, and the artists I listed above.

Washi tape.

I love rainbows, rabbit, and butterfly images.

I like to travel and plan to see the world. Some of my favorite places are San Francisco, England, Belize, Austin TX, and the Sonoran desert.

TV: Derek

Postcard swaps: If you don't know what to write on the back, I like trivia, quotes, and recipes.


Not a fan of plastic pony beads, polyester yarn, plastic mesh crafts, needlepoint-type stuff.

Not into "cutsey" stuff like Disney, kittens or puppies, babies or children, country or cowboy, sports, school stuff or super girly.

I don't like Christmas themed items. Winter is fine though.

I don't like religious items meant to convert me, especially crosses.


I promise I will always rate swaps. Even if it takes me a while.

On the other hand, I am not on swap bot to collect ratings. I like the creative outlet it provides me. I'm not going to post flakers or send out reminders to rate me. I figure if you didn't get my swap or it wasn't what you expected, you will let me know. I send out things I'd like to receive and am pleased when I get the same in return. This site is for fun and that's it. If it isn't fun, there's no point.

Food & recipes

For food and recipe swaps:

I love food. I and my family have no allergies to food and love trying new things. Any and all recipes welcome.


abshanghai rated for Bookish Postcard Swap #2 on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for this PC. Love that one!
Comment: Thanks! I'll Check it out.
Jocecrafts rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #28 on Jul 13, 2024
Comment: Thank you for sending the okra poppers recipe. Excited to try it! Also laughed when I saw the stickers… totally made my day. I stuck them in my journal hahaha. Had to use them right away!
Alice1994 rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #27 on Jul 6, 2024
Alice1994 rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #25 on Jul 6, 2024
fabiana962828 rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #24 on Jul 3, 2024
Comment: Thanks I Love it Kisses fabiana
catlingmex rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #26 on Jul 2, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful-sounding fig recipe! I LOVED figs when I lived in Latin America and could get them. Alas, we can´t grow them here because of the climate, and they do not transport well, so it´s very rare to see a fresh fig anywhere around here. We can get dried figs, but those are not at all the same. Maybe some day ...
majewsju rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #26 on Jul 1, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful recipe! I wish we had fresh figs here! SO jealous! My grandma had a grapefruit tree and there's nothing like fresh off the vine. Thank you so much!
truthfulorange rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #25 on Jun 27, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much!! I appreciate it (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
Craftlady rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #24 on Jun 24, 2024
fabiana962828 rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #19 on Jun 22, 2024
Comment: THANK YOU
Tr3n1ty rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #23 on Jun 21, 2024
Comment: <3
Diagn1Os2is rated for Chunk-O-Cardboard - May 2024 on Jun 19, 2024
LavenderSprinkles rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #23 on Jun 17, 2024
Comment: Thanks this sounds lovely! I will try it out soon! Happy swapping!
Tr3n1ty rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #20 on Jun 8, 2024
ccap rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #21 on Jun 7, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the recipe and the tea. I've never tried cold brewed tea so I'm rather curious.
Catt007 rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #22 on Jun 4, 2024
Comment: They sound so good, thank you. I will be cooking those very, very soon. 😺
MisplacedfromPA rated for 2024 Recipe Swap #22 on Jun 2, 2024
Comment: I have never heard of Samosa muffins so I am happy to try a more heathier version you shared. Thank you also for the wonderful seeds. I will spread them on the little hill of wild flowers I have. It is where I have my hummingbird and bird feeders. When the seeds bloom, I will think of you.
Comment: Thanks! I love it
matt319 rated for Random Postcard Swap on May 31, 2024
Comment: Thank you very much!!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 846 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
674 1004 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
19 366 289 0
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Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


supersquirrel on Jun 11, 2024:

Thank you for the package of fun goodies. I'll work on our ATC and get it home to you 🐿️❤️🐿️

bluehairedmary on May 9, 2022:

Happy Monday from NYUP group!

watercolorgirl on Dec 15, 2021:

Thank you so much for the wonderful selection of unmounted stamps you sent me. They are a treasure to have and nicely selected. The wee cat stickers are adorable too.

OrigamiGrace on Oct 19, 2020:

Thank you for the finished JAM and set to finish off!

newrule on Jan 29, 2020:

Hello Emily! Thanks so much for the lovely surprise of washi samples. You didn't have to you know. But I really appreciate it. Take care and see you around!

Hell0Z0mbie on Oct 9, 2017:

LOL I'm only brave on IG because I have my "art" one that's separate from my normal/linked to Facebook one that's associated with my actual name. IRL people don't see my account linked here which is for the best! :P

debtea2 on Jun 8, 2017:

awesome finish on the dragonfly jam thank you and hope to jam with you soon

judgedbyabookscover on Jun 8, 2017:

Thanks for the homer, and the set to work on. They are awesome! I ill keep them moving : )

hibiscus on Feb 26, 2017:

Love those finished jams! So creative!

Candyn29 on Jun 3, 2014:


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