Hearts ratings for junemoon
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Response: Im sp g;ad you like thje PC amd tjat it will be useful. I don't remember where would it it came from and I sortof thought no one wpuld relate to Swa[bot is surprising.
Response: ssl
So glad you liked it. Actually I had a fit on day trying to find my house key that I was sure I put in my purse (byt actually it was at home.
Response: glad you liked it. There are tons of those little notebooks available and that seemed a good use.
Response: glad you liked it.... I am happy to find a home for many things that come my way
Thanks for the information
I hope you have a good year and read a lot of good books.
Response: Yes. a lot of things are fairly expensive here --we DO have a lot of summer visitors and that's when most stores and hotels make the most money.
Response: SO glad it is stiuff you'll use. I seem to get a lot that I don't need or use.
Response: Thiink of it was a new year's giftl
Response: I'm glad you got it. Happy swapping.
Response: And merry| Christmas to you too.,
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the journal. I had a "geek" finally get rid of old Zoom connection and put in a new one. I sure hope it works, I'll need it later this week.
Response: I hope it made you smile. Thanks for rating.
Response: Thanks for your note. Actually Halloween is a holdiay I don't like at all . People put the ugliest stuff on their laws. Pumpkinds are okay, it's the junk I hate.
Response: I\M glad it hit the spot. Happy swapping.
Response: I'm happy it hit the spot,
Response: I\m very glad you got it and that you liked it. I'm always a little afraid something in another country will get lost.\
Happy swapping.
Response: I'm happy you and your daughter liked it. One happy thing about these swaps, sometimes things find their rightful home.
Response: As you probably guess -- it's fun to be able to vent when it's to someone who won't reapeat it/
Response: Thanks for your note,
Response: Nice that the stickers found a happy home. I'm glad the stuff was appreciated/
Response: I am sending you some info from the visitor's magazine. It's beautiful and historic and there's lots to do, very good seafood. I hope you'll be able to visit in the near future (but I don't recommend winter)
Response: Thanks for the rating. It's possible my handwriting was so awful you couldn't read the name of the swap.
Response: And I'm always delighted when I can send to you.... and when you send to me,.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- Do come to the Cape if you can -- it's lovely, historic and, as always in the summer. chock full of tourists .
Response: I'm like they are useful. Have a great rest of the summer.
Response: I hope you can visit Cape Cod sometime -- I think you'd enjoy it.
Response: I find I have to be careful who I talke to about state of affairs i nthis country,. I agree with you -- it's scary.
Response: I hope the temps there will get more bearable. Sounds awful as is.
Response: Sorry the shell was broken, PO clerk said it might be, but I took the chance. I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the mailing. I hope you can visit Cape Cod
Response: Thanks for telling me the sea shell got crushed --I asked the PO person if it was okay to send ... she didn't know. I'm sorry it didn't make it.
Response: Thanks for your note -- I really do read a wide variety of books; there's so much one could know I don't want to waste my time all in one genre,
Response: I'm glad the "stuff" found a welcoming home. I find these things pile up here.
Response: I'm glad you like them. I'm trying to sort out things in my notions box( or boxes)
Response: Apologies for the unreadable long hand -- the fact was that when cats purr they can be helping broken bones to heal --their own or the ower's.
Response: A beloved old sewing machine is a treasure. But went it wears out -- a new one is a delight. I don't know if you are familiar with Janome brand but various mahcines are excelletn.
Response: I'm very glad you like the little quilts. I use a Janone sewing machine (Just had to tun in one I've been using for about 10 years and got a new one that's already making a new quilt.
Response: Thanks --
I've forgotten what "treat" is -- remind me if you want to.
Response: Actually I like sunflowers but as of right now, which is finally flowery spring here on Cape Cod, I'm totally enjoying the drives past houses and yards full of all kinds of spring color! It's truly glorious.
Thanks, you made my day.
Response: I am surprised when someone else has read her --! YOu are very right about the timelyness of that poem.
Response: Thanks for your note --my book lists lilve on the computer file ... and in the barely readable little notebook I've been keeping since 1960. I'm glad you like the stickers, they're fun to use.
Response: If you can read my handwriting you are a genius. I DO try to write readably, but I usually fail. I'mhappy you liked the stuff.
Response: Thanks, Cindy, I am very busy this week -- that helps although I can't say the weather is helping (rainy/snowy)
Response: Thanks -- I'll probably do a bit more with the story --I was kind of pleased to find that ending.
Response: I actually think it is an inadequate way to sum oneself up ... All of us are complex critters and can't be summed up so easily. Thanks for yhourra ting and note.
Response: Thnks for the rating, I'd love a reply when you have time.
I'm glad you like them. Winter is a very good time to make a quilt or two.
Response: So glad you enjoyed it. I DOOOOOO love classical music;
Response: I'm glad youl liked them. I have SO many bits of writing and often no place to share them.
Response: Thank you Jessie --what an delightful note to read first thing in the morning~
Response: I find many many computer things confusing. I don't usually have notes about messages being blocked.
Response: Thanks for rating. I suspect many people are like me and wouldn't go to the trouble of seeking a specific section except maybe preludes to operas. Also, I'd have difficulty choosing specific sectdions.
Response: I'm glad the article was interesting (one never knows ...) I've used up most of my poetry PCs and don't think they're available any more ...sighn,
Response: I'm glad you liked it, Chagall is not everyone's taste.
Response: I'm, glad to hear you liked the letter and "stuff". That's what Swap-Bot is about as far as I'mc oncerned.
Response: Writing is such a good outlet -- I"ve been teacher mostly memoir classes to senior citizens (only some of which have ever done much writing) it's good at any age, but I think it's especially good for retired people who have a lot to look back at and often to share with family,
Response: I may have sent a second answer because I don't think I checked off "sent" on my list. I don't keep an actual list and the new ones keep piling up ... that's not realy a complaint.
Response: Lucky you -- winter is taking over the skies and temperature here. Our beautiful trees are almost entirely bare. : Love to meet you if you manage a trip.
Response: I hope you get there. I think it's probably my favorite of alll museums ... I admit it DO like the impressionsts and others in the same time period more than most current painters.
Response: I'm glad the letter arrived fairly quickly. I think it's wonderful the roses are so hearty. Although I can say our climate is very pleasant.
Response: live happily without a TV. Fortunately
the deaths of those I cared most about were spread over many year. Now that I am older, I think acquaintances will begin disappearing, several are ailing already,
Response: I know what you mean about the to-read list. A good reason to shoot for living to 100.
Response: I'm glad it was readable -- my handwriting, as you could see, is embarrassingly awful. Thanks for the note.
Response: Good, I'm glad you and granddaughter will enjoy the fabric. I'm trying to use-up and destash but I have a LOT of fabric and I like sharing it.
Response: Different people have different tastes -- and plays are always better as they are meant to be -- acted, not just read. Thanksf for your notel
Response: I am still curious why I didn't get your name for this swap. Thanks for telling me and righting it for the record
Response: I am so disturbed and unhappy when I read the paper or longer articles about what's going on in China and all the places that are at war or killing so many innocents, and our county;s politics are really scary to me.
Response: I just finished them. I'm satisfied although I generally wish I had more artist talent,
thanks for posting swap often.
Response: I'm happy you liked it. Famous I'm not but it was good to write something as long as a book, Mostly I've written plays and poetry and shorter stuff.
Qiulting is a wonderful craft for those of us who cannot draw or paint.
Response: Thanks for your note. I have a small group of family still in the Versails area.
Response: I envy you with the big quilt show there and you can go two whole days!! The big shows here stopped for covid and aren't starting again except for our own guild which had a fine show this August.
Response: Thanks for your note -- actually I didn't pay for the class; I teach a writing class and teachers get to take classes free (it's all volunteer so free classes are the payment for teaching. Good deal, really.
Response: I have no idea how widely that book is distributed -- thanks for your suggestion of the TJ Klune book.
Response: These swaps truly surprise me making more sense than I expect..
Response: I hope you'll be able to return when the weather is nice and you can enjoy our villages as well as the beaches.
Response: Happily for us, the recent one skiipped us and went to Nova Scotia..
Response: I get word-y, but I'm a lifelong writer.
Response: I'm glad you like pigs, I was afraid I'd get a parter who wanted lions or elephants.
Response: I KNOW about having so many books to read -- but I love it. One that has just blown me away is by Julia Philips, Disappearing Earth (a title that makes no sense) it is set in Kamakacha ('Amazing)
Response: I hope you can visit the Cape some day. It's a very pretty and interesting place. I'm happy I wound up here. Plus I've met loads of very interesting people
Response: Thanks for your rating note - I hope your house wasn't damaged in the storm.
Response: I hope you'll enjoy it. I've had a fit of novel reading this summer and that's one I certainly will not forget. The final 20 or so pages were especially interesting.
Response: Good, I think you'll be delighted by her writing.
Response: I think you can get it for libraries., Certainly Amazon will have it. It was an unusual and thought provoking novel.
Response: New for me too -- but it was kind-a fun!
Thanks for the heart.
Response: Always good to swap with you,
Response: I'll look forward to it.
Response: Actually since I live on a long skinny penisula we get cooling sea breezes and it's not bad. I'm not especially sensitive to smoke. I am appalled at the extent of the forest fires.
Response: I hadn't heard of Trust either but it won the Pulitzer this year. It was a different world I hadn't read about (except in the financial section of the newspaper, which is not something I usually read). It;s interesting to discover a world you will never be a part of.
Response: Glad you like it. You can go to the videos and take your choice of ways to make them.
Response: Myu understanding was red, white and blue -- which it was. I didn't understand three things. If you'd like, I'll find a red and a white item and send them to you, let me know.
Response: I hope it's new to you, but I know what you mean -- I read a lot and most of it is NOT what other people are reading. Thanks for heart.
Response: Thanks for your note -- where I live, the hot days aren't going to happen for a while. Summer is wonderful here.
Response: I put it in the mail earlier today.
Response: Sorry my handwriting is awful. I'm glad you could read most of it. and YES it's truly beautiful here -- right now the rhododendruns nare unbelieveable.
Response: Yes, you're right. I was very lucky that the neighbor woman tutors me before first grade,
Response: It's the source of many happy memories.
Response: I'm glad you could read my handwriting. Thanks for the note and hear.
Response: It's a Memorial day -- there are tons of flags every where. I'm simply going to have drinks with a couple or three friends.
Response: Any many hearts __ or bouques for such an uplifting comment.
Response: Thanks for the good words. It was a welcome swap-- maybe you'll do others.
Response: I HAVE to do that because my handwriting is HORRIBLE!!! & I'm glad it lets me write more than I might otherwise. Glad you like it.
Response: I LOVE the letter swaps and I'm glad when someone enjoyrs them. THANKS.
Response: Thanks for the compliments and I'm glad it lightened a busy day.
Response: You're the only other almost-85 swapbotter Iive found -- I'll be 85 on June 7th -- sounds like you could write a good book, probably a memoir.
Response: some swaps are "not worth it" but I usually find the writing ones are fun for me to writer and often fun to read.Thanks for the heart
Response: Yes, before you moved to where you now live. Did I say that for about 20 years I lived in Cazenovia?
Response: I'm sorry my handwriting is so awful -- usually I type and paste if necessary but these were such short comments. Thanks for your pateince.
Response: I'm glad you liked the "scraps" and I appreciate your asking the library to get my book. Amazon sells it.
Response: I'm glad it's usable. Enjoy.
Response: You were very fair to your daughters. I have a brother,so there were very different gifts. No complaints.
Response: So glad you enjoyed it, Happy swapping.
Response: It can be for varioius kinds of memories --including adding photos and things like PCs if you'er not interesting in daily notes on what you've been doing.
Response: Thanks -- and I'm glad you liked Fanny H.
Response: Thanks for your note. Writing is a perfect way to express yourself when the language is a problem-- you can usually find the words you want with a little searching and learning at the same time.
Response: Thank you, it was a pleasure to write.
Response: I'm glad you like the card. I hope you have no more big snows ... but you probaby will. But spring always comes.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Swap-bot is always pure chance -- never know when I'll met someone after a long time.
Response: I have been to Padukah just once, and not for the big show. I used it quite a bit in my novel.Check out the website under my bio above.
Response: I'm glad you liked the package.
Response: Just write what you really want to write --- and don't be shy about sharing it with people who will be helpful. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for all your kind words --happens to be a day I can use a lift.
Response: Delighted you enjoyed it and grateful that you told me so.
Please go tp my profile and click the link to my website
Response: To quilt you don't need a super machine with all the bells and whstles, it's mostl straight seam sewing - actually quite easy and SO many possibilites. There are lots of local guilds and most of them have groups that beginngerss can join. Go for it!!
Response: Glad you like it -- I've been quilting for ages and am at a stage of giving away -- it's hard to know who will like what.
Response: I predict you'll love living on the Cape -- partly because of familhy, of course, but it's just a great place to live.
Response: I'm glad it got there so quickly -- theswap was HAPPY MAIL so I tried.
Response: Yes, it's sad but when you're in the 80s it becomes something you and your friends are dealing with much too often,
Response: Thanks -- I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves thrift stores -- Tuesday is "treasure hunt day" (discoutn) and I'll spend a happy hour looking at everything.
Happy holiays.
Response: Thanks. I hope I am -- I've had time to get this way.
Response: Thank you. If you keep your eyes open at magazine sales places, you may discover a whole other world of quilting. I find it very wonderful!
Response: I try to read books to learn something new -- I don't read just for entertainment. I guess I'm a very serioius stick-in-the-mud.
Response: You are right. I guess I'm in the majority -- thank heavens it wasn't terrible.
Response: Thanks for your thoughts. REally being mid-80s is pretty wonderfufl, I recently went to a birthday party for three friends who all 80-something birthdays in August. We're in great shape!
Response: Thanlks for the quick rating. My answes come from a great many years of answering questions. Thanks!
Response: So glad you like it -- I like it a lot too.
Response: I' m glad he is on you TBR because he's a fine writer and his subjects are deeply explored.
Response: Yes, I did write a book -- look at my website (Under name on profile) It's a good story, not a how-to. Amazon has it. Best deal is for a an e-book. no postage, they even have an apf.
Response: I'm happy you liked itl
Response: Thanks so much for you compliments. I hope you'lll enjoy my novel.
Response: I'm glad I chose things you like.
Stay cool -- if possible in Houston.
Response: you're most welcome
Response: You're quite welcome. Stay cool.
Response: Thank you -- story, yes, true, not fiction.
Response: Thanks for your note and the heart.
I'm surprised this has caused such a flurry of misundersatndings.
Response: Thanks for your comment,
Response: Glad you received it. ...I hope you wont' get bored.
Response: Im glad something clicked. Happy reading this summer.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I hope that means you enjoyed the letter
Response: I'm always happy to write about things I've done. Meanwhile, have a look at my website (on profile) and see what I've been writing.
Response: Your right. I must have sent the gargoyle to someone else.
Response: YOu're most welcome.
Response: Thanks a ton for orderiing my book. I hope you'll realluy like it and if you do please write a reveiw on Amazon. It's the opposite end of Indiana from
South Bend -- if you belong to a book groiup, I hope they might want to discuss it.
Response: Perhaps we'll meet some time if your daughter still lives on the Cape.
Response: Computers have totally revised a lot of jobs. As your story says, sometimes, it' not good to be very efficient.. We live and learn.
Response: A few years ago the various quilt magazines wrote about quilt PC -- it was a fad for a while and most of them were sent "naked" and arrived in good condition. Gotta give the PO credit!!
Response: Thanks for the note. Fabic PCs actually are fun to make.
Response: Book sales are slow but I haven't had time yet to get to a majority of Cape Cod bookstores-- things are calming and I'll make the rounds in the next month.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. The "blind" aspect made it difficult to decide what to include.
Response: Thanks for note -- I don't meet many farmer's daughters on swap-bot.
Response: Ditto on the hope--plus these people stomp on the ceiling when I attempt to play my piano!!! I don't even know who they are and that's probably just as well.
Response: Thanks for helping me spread the word about the book. If you want more info look at the website listed under my name on the profile.
Response: Thanks for the note -- very good to have a back up machines!
Response: Thanks for your rating -- YES, the Himalays are amazing mountains.
Response: Thanks for the quick rating. It was interesting that someone would think to ask those questions.
Response: Plese note: I have just published an novel, Friendship Quilts, not available from Amazon -- check it out.
Response: You're quite welcome.
Response: Start saving interesting things now and you'll have a vintage collection i 50 years.
Response: glad you like them.
Happy thrift-store shopping this year.
Response: Thanks for rating.
Response: Gkad you ially got it. Good for you and your book -- if you changed a lot you should consider it a novel. Nams are always hard.
Good luck. My novel will be lauched March 1.
Response: I'm glad it got there -- that's the longest time any "book" has taken in the US. There's a lot of reading -- I hope you won't be bored.
Response: It took me quite a while to stop feeling guilty when I stopped reading something -- but there's time for better reading experiencses Thanks for your note
Response: And a lot of the possible answers are gone because settlers plowed up the mounds. There was a small one on a far near where I grew up -- it has since been fattened - no artifacts buried in it.
Response: Thanks for comment and quick response.
Response: Thanks for quick response!
Glad you enjoyed it -- it was fun to write,
Response: What a delightful respose! I very glad you enjoyed the letter. Today is one of the beautiful autumn days with blue sky and golden leaves --now mostly on the grass.
Response: Great -- a laugh is one of the best things than can happen with such a brief bit of communication.
Response: It was a fun swap.
Response: I'll be curious and hope sometimes to see a whole bunch together. Don't know how that could happen....
Response: Thanks. One of my partners discoverd Before the Dawn by Nicholas Ward is available form Amazon for $4,75 - it's worth ordering.
Response: Very glad you like the lavender one --- find something wonderful to put it in.
Response: But I still ask for "hot". I'll be you do too.
Response: A little late is fine. PC do have a way of getting lost on crowded desks.
Response: Thanks for telling me, Writers don't get enough pats on the back.
Response: Thanks for finally rating.I never know if an email reached someone until they rate.
Response: Good, I didn't know what to send so I sent stuff I thought I'd probably not use. If it's a good start to your swap-bot activity, I'm especially glad.
Response: Thanks-- glad you like it -- I really think you'll enjoy the book.
Response: It is -- I truly found a wonderful place to life when I retired -- one really can't plan things like that.
Response: I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Response: I try to be truthful and not cliche.
Response: I'm glad you liked all of it. Have a wonderful remainder of the summer.
Response: I love writing and reading questionnaires. Would you believe neither my daughter nor her daughter (who has 4 kids) have TVs. We read more books than most people do.
Thanks -- I also enjoy learning about others through these questionnaire swaps.
Response: You've got me pegged. Thanks for the note and insight.
Response: So glad you enjoyed it and hapy it was delivered promptly.
Response: SWap-bot is chancy, isn't it? I feel I know a few people in various parts ot fhe US but none of us really know each other. I am happy to get your poems an stories.
Response: You're very right. The changes we've seen just since 2000 are amazing.
Response: I've lived more or less where I thought the characters lived but never experienced a tornado - and an glad about that.
Response: Thanks for the rating and I'm glad to hvae inspired you. It was LONG questionnaire but I enjoyed it and haven't received from my partner yett -- alas!
Response: I haven't been to a wedding in a very long time, but I know a woman who can be that kind of hysterical.
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I am truly working at doing some destashing. Finding a good home for the items is a pleasure.
Response: I'm very glad you like the fabric. I am de-stashing and that barely made a dent. I'm glad it has a happy home.
Response: I'm so glad you like them. It's a pleasure to find a good home for something I knew I wouldn't get around to doing.
Response: Thanks, reactions always appreciated.
Response: Thanks for your note; I'm delighted when people enjoy things I write.
Response: Gee. that took a long time getting there.
Response: Thanks,I'm glad you liked it..
Response: I love when people rate quickly, so often I wonder for a week or two if something has arrived.
Response: Lovely poem, thanks for including it. This is National Poetry Month and I have been sharing poems, how nice to receive one I did not know.
Response: So glad you like the butterflies, I like somewaht different designs.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. A small writing group (4+me) met in person yesterday, We have all had both vaccine shots. We were so excited to be together!!!!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. No, I did not make the cards, I save things I think others will use or enjoy more than I do and pass them on.
Thans for the heart.
Response: So glad you've finally got it. thanks for telling me.
Response: I'm glad you liked both -- I rarely wear my old red raincoat but I can't discard it.
Response: Thanks for your note. Staying busy is the answer for surviving these times.
Response: Unfortnately it looks like we'll be stuck with masks for a good many months yet. Thanks for the heart and the note. Enjoy winter in Maine!
Response: Jan. 15 --tried to resend by email twice today, address rejected by AOL, PM to partner, offered to snail mail. Mo response so far.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the good wishes. I'm glad you enjoyed the letter.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I'd been saving the snowflake buttons for something like this. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Orher pats of the world can be wonderful -- and surprising. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response: Love the pink dress, tiara idea -- don't have either but sounds like fun Thanks for you note.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. My oldest greatt-grand kids(12 and 10) will read it to the family taking turns as part of our Christmas day. They don't know this yet.l
Response: I'm so glad I chose things you like. Have a lovely holiday --- and be well.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- happily no winter yet, it gets later every year here.
Response: It was a pleasure -- and an unusual chance to write about the topic. One learns to be modest about appearance, so openness is a treat.
Response: Do you mean Rhode Island? No, I'm on Cape Cod and going nowhere. Actually love it here.
Glad you liked the poem.
Response: If I inspired you, I'm glad. It is time consuming but need not be as big a job as it sometimes seems. Thanks for the heart,
Response: I am a relaxed quilter, I don't try tom make show quality or heirloom quilt. I make every day quilts with simple patterns.
Response: Thanks for rating --it's the only way to know something arrived. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it -- and thanks for the heart. Don't try her pie filling recipe, I think it would be disastrous.
Response: Oh, good! Some people realluy don't like orange but I think they wouldn't have joined this swap.
Response: I'm glad to hear it. thanks for the heart.
Response: If you can't get it from a local library, I imagine Amazon has second hand copies at a very reasonable price. Love sharing book ideas with others.
Response: Very glad you like them and will use them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thans for the heart,
Response: Me too -- thanks for heart,
Response: Glad you like it. Actually I liked it too and I think I may make another for myself. -- or maye I
ll turn it into the sun.
Response: Thanks -- it's my favorite non-beach place to walk.
Response: Happy it arrived -- I always worry about email swaps. Thanks for heart.
Response: I hope you get relief for the headahes soosn. Thanks for the start.
Response: Thanks for your note and offer, and the heart. PCs are extra, I often want to let partners know where in the US I live.
Response: I live in an apartment complex for people 50 and older. LIttle kids sometime visit but not often.
Response: Thanks for the heart. It's a long difiucult time. I'm glad that the various pandemic restrictions don't curtail most of the Swap Bot exchanges.
Response: Thanks for the heart and I' glad you found it fun to read,
Response: Yes, I'm glad you got that out of it, I was afraid it wouldn't be understood.Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it. We can look forward to a few beautiful weeks ahead. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it - - thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your note and the heart. I hope we'll be partners again -- I'd like to read your writing.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- I'm happy when at least some answers bring a smile.
Response: Good to know many of us have weird dreams -- probably usually but especially during this difficult time. Be well
Response: I'm especially glad the flowery little knives will have a use. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for note above and for note on my email. It's been quite a summer for reading.
Response: I believe it won't always be like this but I don't think "normal" is going to be the same. How I miss it!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your note, it was a good week. Keep joining writing swaps and I may be your send to partner one of these times
Response: Many thanks for your note. At this moment I can look out the window and see a dozen geese, mostly eating grass.
Response: Thanks for note and heart -- have a great time enjoying Swap-Bot.
Response: Thanks for comment. Gee, it takes a long time for the mail to get from here to there,
Response: Thanks for comment and heart -- glad you enjoyed it. Of course one has to watch for the "land mines".
Response: It's more fun when there are several in a swap. And the "bot" sometimes seems stuck on certain partners. Anyway, I hope the story was enjoyable.
Response: Thanks for naming the resturant--several people have shared this with me but none knew even what city, though most guessed Paris.
Response: Thanks for leaving a kind note and thanks for the heart. I love to hear a response to what I wrote.
Response: When you're my age you'll probably be pretty sure of yourself too
Response: lucky you for getting in a couple of trips. I'm just happy I get in a restaurant lunch once a week with a friend I can talk to without a mask on.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope you'll get to have your outdoor meeting. It's so good tos see people face to face.
Response: I'm glad you like them, table runner sounds like a good idea.
Response: Teachers have SO much power that they don't realize. Maybe no one else has learned to drive in an empty hayfield. I still love to drive.
Response: I'm happy to hear that. I love sharing things that I have found pleasure in.
Response: I'm glad they piqued your interest, I enjoy all of them. thanks for the heart.
Response: Always a pleasure to know someone enjoyed what I wrote. thanks for saying so and for the heart.
Response: You're right. It was all true. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response: Yes, I think it was made into a movie some time ago.
Response: My goodness , it IS a VERY late rating. I hope that is not a habit o yours. But I glad you did rate just now.
Response: Thanks for your note. Yes, I think it could be the beginning of a short story --actually I often feel that way about other people's flash fiction. I do like a fully told story. I have written a poem about how our dreams reflect our anxiety during this pandemic.
Response: I'm glad the poem struck a chord -- it's very satisfying to hear that what I wrote is worth thinking about. Thanks for telling me.
Response: Glad you liked the photos and thanks for clarification about the name.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. As you can tell I love writing abut things I love -- like walking on the beach.
Response: Actually you're thinking of a different beach, this one is not at all near the butterfly walk. As you know we have an abundance of wonderful beachers.
Response: Thanks for the quick response. I'm glad it was fun to read.
Response: I'm glad the books appeal to you. Happy reading.
Response: So we're both priivileged to have Canada geese as visitors! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it -- and thanks for the heart. Didn't know how long it would take to arrive.
Response: I hope you're feeling well now. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Sorry you're ill, very glad it's not Covid. The Cape is beautiful with rhodies an azaelas.
Response: Very glad you like them -- do something fun with them.
Response: so glad it finally reached hyou. Thanks for the heart.
Response: How about a happy medium? I'm getting a bit sick of flash fiction request in magazines -- anything under 500 never satisfies as a story to me and micro is a kind of joke.
Response: I'n glad you had a positive reaction to the letter. I was a bit worried. Professional theatre is a fascinating world.
Response: I'm glad you like them. I have such a stash, I'm delighted when I can share.
Response: Sometimes I forget things I've bought that I hope to send in swaps. This was one, Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart, now I just wish the weather would improve so I could go to the beach.
Response: Thanks for your note, It's good to get on a drippy, yucky day here.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Very happy you like it. I'm doing almost nothing but making quilts while I'm "sheltering in place"
thanks for your note. I don't garden but I notice that's how many people are filling their time around here.
Response: Thanks for your note and heart. Right now crafters and people with absorbing hobbies have a specail gift ... time for their favorite activities.
Response: I'm sorry the book is going to be a somewhat sad read--in fact, I'm afraid the poorer people in all of India are going to suffer seriously from the current restrictions ---I'm sorry to say I think there will be more deaths from starvation than from the virus. I hope you have access to other books to read -- I'd go crazy without books.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: All's well here -- glad you like the stuff. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the note and the heart ... maybe you'll make more quilts, it' a great hobby.
Response: I"m happy you enjoyed the letter I see we've done about the same amount of swaps, probably in about the same amount of time.Thanks for the heart.
Response: I;m glad to know we have agreements. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. AS you can tell from the package, the needles were more or less antiques.Thanks for the heart.
Response: It's not really that I think they're "bad" but I know they're not something I want to do.
Response: Good, I"m very glad you like the items.
Response: I'll look forward to your letter. I'm glad this one didn't take too long to arrive.
Response: Thanks for the heart, and I'm very happy you enjoyed the letter.
Response: Glad you liked the poems --yes that was me on a safari in Zimbabwe where I "walked with lions" and much else.
Response: thanks for the heart -- I'm glad you like the poems.
Response: Haven't been to that store, but it's a peaceful lovely little town. Thanks for the heart.
Response: The mail was quick! I'm glad others are posting thrift swaps.
Response: Sometimes it happens -- too short a sign up period, not enough enough people do that kind of swap... who knows?
Response: Many thanks, no one's ever used "brilliant" before--wow!
Response: Thanks for the kind words. It was fun to turn it into a little booklet. Thanks for the heart.
Response: How wonderful! When you come back go out to Provincetown and maybe let me know you're coming and I'll get fliers about upcoming events.
Response: Thanks for your nice, nice comments and or the heart. You made my day.
Response: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them, thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad ou enjoyed it. Thanks or the heart.
Response: Oh, good, I'm glad you also like pink. I did love the softness of the fabric.
Response: I'm so glad I made the right choices. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it -- writing this kind of letter is really fun for me..Thanks for the heart.
Response: I think you understand why I choose only swaps where I can type. I don't enjoy long hand and it's awful for others to try to read it. I'm happy you liked the poems.
Response: I'm glad you liked it; I especially thought of your favorite color for the scarf. I have a similar one and find myself using it often.
Response: I"m delighted you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks -- it's wonderful to feel personally content even as I read the newspaper which are so full of very bad things.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed them.
Response: Thank for rating promptly. Blue in the hair is a conversation starter --and it's fun.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. Happy holidays.
Response: Thanks for letting me know it arrived. I hope you won't be bored but it's probably best read in small chunks.
Response: I'm glad it arrived. Read it when you want... I hope you have a good holiday week.
Response: Thanks for our kind notes -- it's been a long, busy day and I'm very tired -- reading your note is a delight, I'm like you liked the letter.
Response: I'm delighted ou enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it -- the fabric was an inspiration.
Response: I'm glad it reached you and was right for your collection. Yes, I found the shell, We are a community of beach walkers and everyone I know has a collection of shells we've found.
Response: PHEWWW! I don't know if you'll ever get the original ... I hope you'll find it an interesting read.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- they're a wonderful group.
Response: Let me know when you put it on your blog and the blog's address so I can see it. I have many of Mary O''s books and love them too.
Response: I've had post office problems (or they've had problems with my handwriting. I'm glad it finally arrived. Plumbing is still not perfect, probably never will be.
Response: Glad you liked the poems, and ever betteri if your're inspired to try writing one.
Response: I'm so glad you finally have it.
Response: I'm glad you like them.
Response: I'm glad you like the fall poem -- it was especially for you. Hope you have a beautiful autumn season
Response: I'm so glad you like it. The poem makes me very happy.
Response: I'm really glad you enjoyed them.
Response: It was a fun challenge
Response: You're riight, life is interesting and I'm enjoying retirement. Farming is VERY different today.
Response: Thanks for quick rating.
Response: I'm glad your interest is piqued - several magazines and lots of websites exist to explore, and maybe some local shows.
Response: There are many versions of tai chi, some are martial arts-y, some are meditative. No predicting what kind might be available any specific place.
Response: I'm glad you likes the poems and it's especially happifying to be told someone likes my writing.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- yes, touristy summer places are wonderful but there's a down side for the year-rounders.
Response: I'm so happy you like them.
Response: Thanks so much for the kind words-- makes my day.
Response: You're very kind and I can only apologoize again for the handwriting. I hope you are at least partly as interested in di Vinci as I am.
Response: Thanks for you note. Please try not to hide your light under a bushel or for any sad little excuse. Have a wonderful end of summer.
Response: Thanks, Mindy. It's been a fun quilting summer and I love when people go to my blog.
Response: Delighted you liked it. Thanks for saying so.
Response: You're totally right. Cape Cod just had three baby tornadoes one nigh, trees down, power out, Missed where I am by at least a mile.
Response: I write to share and am very happy when someone enjoys what I write.Thanks!!
Response: Many thanks, I'm afraid the world isn't looking for historical stories of this type. It's a kind of throw-back to the '40s.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Probably you're in for somewhat hotter week than we although the humidity index is up and that's just not any fun.
Response: Glad to find another sane person! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked them; I love to introduce readers to poets they haven't discovered.
Response: Good, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the heart. The author wrote some more famous, and longer books you can probably get in a library or on Nook.
Response: Sorry it was kind of downer -- but that's sort of the definition of "crappy stuff".
Response: Thanks for your note. I'm happy the poems were meaningful to you. Makes me feel good.
Response: That was long ago -- I lived about 14 years in Cazenovia. And I did a lot of volunteer stuff with the symphony guild and the Syracuse stage guild.
Response: So glad you like it. I'm thinking of doing a series and may make another on this theme, only different fabrics.Thanks for the heart.
Response: I have a pen like it and it seems to be lasting very well. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart, I'm glad you enjoyed the letter.
Response: Good, I was worried I'd send the same poet before.
Response: Thanks for the heart. It seems this will be our first week of sun without intermittant drzzle. Ah! Spring!
Response: I hope you're well now. Cape Cod has its own weather (milder than most of the state) not a bad winter, but very wet and gray spring.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm happy it arrived quickly. It'll take some time to read all the stuff and some of it may be boring or just not your thing. I love writing these journals and can't wait to start the summer one.
Response: I'm glad you liked the poems. And for the extravagant compliment -- good for the ego.
Response: I'm glad it works for her -- or you by extention.
Response: So glad you liked it. I hope you find a red raincoat -- it's great ot have one.
Response: I'm very glad you liked it. Enjoy both quilting and writing stories, as I do.
Response: You've made my day! THANKS
I have to blogs, see my profile for listing -- but, at the moment I can't add new posts because I've got to get a new password and that's a pain I haven't taken time to tackle.
Response: I like batiks a lot too, sometimes it's hard to cut into them.
Response: Making the polka dot quilt was so much fun, I may make another, I only used about half my stash of polka dots.
Response: I'm glad it arrived. I've been feeling so "incomplete" with this first mailing having gone AWOL. Perhaps late in the summer it will arrive at your house or back at mine.
Response: I hope you're recovering. Thanks for rating and for the heart.
Response: Yes, I remember, you said raccoons were a favorite animal. I'm happy you still enjoy it.
Response: I totally agree with you. Plus I love writing (especially about myself) so letters like that one pieces of cake for me and I have to cross my fingers and hope other enjoy them. I'm glad you did.
Response: I'm glad you like them, I hope they'll go into a good quilt one day. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It's really not very hard and it's very satisfying to make useful things you can share with others. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed them.
Response: I'm so glad you feel that way.
Response: I'll look forward to it.
Response: I'm happy it arrived and I don't at all mind using regular mail although it can be slow.
Response: I hope your DH is doing well. And I think you've just had anotehr batch of snow. I hope you don't have power outages.
Response: people using textring abbreviations make me grit my teeth too.
Response: Glad you like it. It's Simplicity 8815 and has small,medium & large versions. I'm soon going to make a small for a grandchild. I made a few small changes on trim. For me Christmas is the start of winter. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I've been reading about the snow -- early this year and I'm sure, it's not very welcome. I hope you are all managing well.
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart. Actually you probably should open the package before Christmas as the contents are for Christmas decor.
Response: Thank you very much. I've written you an email which you will have seen, I think, before you see this.
Response: I'm glad it got there, I always hold my breath about how long media mail will take. I hope you enjoy the journal - being a writer all my life, I sometmes just about can't stop.
Response: Thanks,glad you likie ti. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Response: Make something fun. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked the package but sorry to get your cat in a state. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I was delighted when I found it; I hoped you didn't already have a collection of them.
Response: I'm glad you like them, I collected them for a while and was glad to find someone who wanted PCs.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I pass on the books when I'm done. I'll send you the Mountain 'women (book rate, may take a while) Tibet is too beautiful to pass on, look for it on Amazon.
Response: I moved from Syracuse in 1981, lived there from 1968 - mostly in Cazenovia.
Response: Thanks for rating so promptly. I'm glad you enjoyed the answers.
Response: I was happy to find a swapper for the HP fabric. Enjoy!
Response: Good, I didn't know it was your favorite color, I'm glad, Enjoy. Thnks for heart.
Response: Thanks for your rating. I think we'll have interesting quilts -- if we keep doing these swaps and add a few more of our own (which I plan to do)
Response: Thanks for the info. I'm curious and will look online. I did not find the Tarot intuitive to use. Mainly I use the I Ching, which i'm sure you know is quite a different thing from a different tradition Thanks for the rating.
Response: 'Delighted you enjoyed it. It was a memorable trip, I love traveling with my daughters
Response: DElighted you enjoyed it. It was a very memorable trip, love traveling with my daughters.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. It was a memorable trip. I love traveling with my daughters.
Response: I hope you retain happy memories. Thanks for the heart.
Response: An interesting challenge, not really a way I choose to work. I enjoyed other people's solutions.
Response: To me its only fun if gives me something new.
Response: I SO agree with you, sometimes I really feel sick reading the news!
I'm glad you like the FQs. Find a happy use for them.
Response: I hope you can find it and enjoy it.
Response: Glad it arrived. Your letter was here when I returned a couple of hours ago from trip. Letter somewhat later.
Response: apologies for the wrong name. I was rushing to get swaps sent before a vacation with m daughters. I think Clifton is a poet who wakes us up to what can be written in poetry
Response: Thanks for your understanding. Hope this is a great summer for you.
Response: Yes, I wanted them to go together. I'm glad that pleases you.
Response: I'm sorry I don't have--it was torn form a quily magazine I was cleaning out of my stack of old ones. I threw it away. I thought I had included everything. Maybe you can look it up on the magazine's website.
Response: Enjoy! thanks for the heart.
Response: I just discovered tea wallets at my guild's last show. Never thought of making any myself but it's a very good idea. Enjoy.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the swap. Thanks for the heart.a
Response: I'm still put off by sharing a space with a reptile. I saw a lot of iguans in Costa Rica and they seemed placid but... no thanks.
Response: That's fine although yours "won't fit in a stocking". Mayb Jazly's will. You've got a lot of will power, I'd never be able to wait.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed Cape Cod. With the kind of winds we get, you migth have needed that sweatshirt most any month.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps some day you'll visit it. Thanks fo the heart.
Response: It is a wonderful place. I've been on Swap-bot a long time and am now sure who I've written to a lot ... overload.
Response: Glad you liked them. Good to share favorite poems.
Response: Thanks for your note and the heart.
Response: So glad to have reached someone who shares my feelings. Thanks for your note and heart.
Response: Thanks for your note. The modern (easy) way to do borderie perse is to fuse, which is what I do ... a lot.
Response: very glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: It is, there's lots I really enjoy about it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm very glad you like the poetry book and will be honored to get your poem. Writing poetry is not so much a choice as a necessity. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome. I agree with you about scarves, I just can't resist buying then at my Goodwill. thanks for the heart.
Response: That was super quick for a "book rate" mailing. Thanks for the heart. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Response: I'm glad you like and can use it. I thought of keeping it for myself to take to grocery store, but I have three I'm using and I really didn't need another. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you found it. I think that kind of thing happens farily frequently.
Response: I think the Goodwill in Hyannis (behind the mall) is the best. It's one of the biggest too.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: All it takes is practice --but a few classes or a good friend can be a help. Thanks for the heart. Enjoy your new hobby.
Response: I'd be curious about your reaction to both sections of the story.
Response: Thanks, it's nice to know I've sent something useful. Thanks for telling me about the hat.
Response: Good,I'm glad it arrived and glad you enjoyed the stuff. So many swap-botters enjoy post cards I tore that article out and waiting for a partner who might enjoy it.
Response: I avoid most email swaps because email can be unreliable. Glad you found it, thanks for the heart.
Response: Delighted you like it. some people are shy of so much color,, I'm glad you aren't one of them.
Response: How wonderful of you to feel that way about my poems! Such a happy compliment.
Response: Maybe you'll be inspired to collect them too.
Response: Delighted you like the book mark, I had been wondering what to do with the coins.
Response: You would NOT have enjoyed trying to read my handwriting, I promise, and i wouldn't have enjoyed writing it either.
Response: Thanks for the quick rating. My daughter says they had good weather, and no flight problems. Further info when we have time to talk.
Response: Not watching TV gives me time for things I really enjoy! Good luck with your challenges, eating out alone is SO simple, try it, you'll like it.
Response: Thanks for our comments, it's gratifying to know my notes on the books were meaningful to you. And thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it, I thought the bag was cute but knew I'd never use it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart and I'm glad you enjoyed it. 2018 is becoming just as scary.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it, naturally, I totally agree about the kids. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Response: Thanks for heart and thanks for your note. It's rare to find swap-botters who share a lot of my tastes (it's a big, big world out there) I'll watch for the mailing from you.
Response: I'm glad you got it and are enjoying it -- it's a long read and I hope there are some fun additions too. Thanks for telling me and for the heart(s)
Response: I'm glad you like it -- have a great holiday.
Response: Thanks, I'm happy you enjoyed the poems. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm happy you liked it. I guess "quilt" is in my blood, I wasn't really thinking about it that way, but I see what you mean.
Response: I'm very glad you feel inspired. To me quilting is my "play" and I do a LOT of it.
Response: I'm glad. I hope it will be useful
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm happy you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I rarely find people with similar reading taste, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Glad you like it and thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like the little bowl. I've never had any surgery of that kind so can't imagine the pain and partial immobiliaty that I assume. I hope it heals quickly. I know with enforced Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good -- maybe some will come back in later swaps.
Response: I'm glad. thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad they work well for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you can think of uses for the fabric. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Many thanks for all your nice words. I'm very happy you liked the poems.
Response: Thank for the heart and may you have many more happy mail days.
Response: I'm glad it arived at a good time. Thanks for the heart,
Response: I'm glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good, I'm glad you like it, it's such a bright design you shouldn't ever lose it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Directions said to tell a lot. Being a writer I pay attention to all kinds of little details - most people think those little things aren't important and therefore aren't interesting. I like details in things I read. Thanks or the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Zippers can be scary, but once you've done a couple they're not harder than anything else.
Response: I should have said FREE -- although, of course, it would be paid for with tax-payers money. I'm glad we generally agree. Thanks for he heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- it was an interesting swap.
Response: I'm delighted you enjoyed it. I really do enjoy these "write anything" letters.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Actually, I'll have 5 in the show, and a couple of them are for sale although priced a bit high so I don't think they'll be purchased and that's part of the idea.
Response: Glad it finally came - thanks for the heart -- enjoy poetry!
Response: because it's something we love!
Response: Thanks, Bev. I really enjoy doing diaries ... been practicing since I was 12.
Response: That scarf can really only be enjoyed by someone who also really likes Betty Boop. So you probably should do your daugther-in-law a favor.
Response: Phewww! I'm glad.
Response: Make sure to stop at the Goodwill which is "behind" the mall in hyannis. It's the best.
Response: Thanks a lot. I love to follow the discoveries of mummies from all parts of the world. And I love watching the dogs, mostly on Sunday mornings when I walk on a quiet beach.
glad it was interesting -- I love following the "discovered mummies" that I see occasionally in the news.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you thought it ineresting and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart -- I'm curious how it will go from there.
Response: Thanks for nice comments and the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart,
Response: I'm always smily after one of those incidents happen. Thanks for the heart -- have a beautiful weekend.
Response: My that arrived very quickly. The rubber bracelets are called "ATtitude Bracelets" -- thus an A. I'm glad you like the scarves.
Response: That's very good news. I hope it'll be a warm spring and you'll feel well and really enjoy it.
Response: Yes, I only recently noticed that there are two Jaimes involved in these letter swaps. I used to think it was a masculine name because there's a sort of famous classical violinst of that name. (Jaime Larado) pronounced the Spanish way.
Response: Keep doing the swaps, I think they're a great idea. And our weather really HAS been crazy this last week. I'm ready for spring.
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart, I'm glad you enjoyed the letter and I hope the floss will come in handy.
Response: Thanks for your note and the heart. Itry to write the kind of letter I'd like to receive, saying something about what I'm thinking and not just household facts.
Response: Enjoy - and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- it's m 2000th! and it's not even VAlentine's day.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: He was semi-tame.. Four men with rifles were not in the picture.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the journal-- father both journals. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good airports are very rare -- I'd love to travel to Changi - and see the country too. Meanwhile if I go crazy, I'll have a bed to sleep in. Thanks for the star.
Response: I hope so, it's a wonderful way to stay balanced.
Response: I'm delighted you like that mirror; I've had it a while and wanted to send it to someone who would enjoy it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your comment, I can only guess why it might be hard to read but I'm glad you wrote your note. And thanks for the heart. I hope things are getting better.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the letter. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your note; I think it's being active that keeps people going --certainly it keeps life interesting.
Response: Thanks for kind words and heart. A wonderful new year to you.
Response: Thanks for heart and your comment. I'm at 76 so far and possibly one or two more to add. A good year. Have a happy new year and lots of good books to read.
Response: I'm glad it reached you this time. Happy holidays.
Response: Thanks for the heart and I'm glad you liked the letter.
Response: Thanks for the heart and I'm glad you felt for the sad toothbrush.
Response: Glad you like them. Would yo believe my partner set me a dishtowl? Well, D was actdally kind of hard.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- hope you had a really good Thanksgiving.
Response: Thanks for your note and the heart. These questionnaire are fun - I love seeing agreements and other points of view.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- as you see, I love poetry and I hope you find poems you really enjoy.
Response: Thanks for rating, sorry about the confusion.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the answers. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for compliment and heart. Can you forward info about your anthology?
Response: Thanks for your note. It's true, I'm snobbish about much genre writing (music too). At this age, I can only acknowledge but not change.
Response: They're all excellent, I'd suggest Mortality and Infidel first as Ancient Paths is a harder read, more academic although I liked it a lot.
Thanks for the heart. Happy reading.
Response: I'm happy you liked the stationary. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked the letter and pictures. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart. I certainly see some enticing coloring books in the stores.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating quickly and for the heart. iI's a long read, I look forward to seeing my partner's answers.
Response: Thanks for you note and heart. I thought you'd like the owl stationary. I'm glad we haven't had any snow yet --it will come, of course -- and I hope you can visit New England sometime. It's lovely.
Response: I've been waiting and wondering how long it would take to reach your. Glad you liked it and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the curiosity about the novella --basically a lonely woman who had been a teen-age poltergeist, divorced, making new friends - the quirks are in the details.
Response: I'm glad you like the mug. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- I'll PM you.
Response: Thanks, I'm glad you like the story. And thanks for the heart.
Response: We seem to be in the same swaps - - I've just send you another mailing.
Response: Love having things to do all the time -- including, of course, reading a lot. I'll do more of that with summer over.
Response: Thanks for the note and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad you can wear the earrings!Thanks for the heart.
Response: Interesting challenged. Next one is more difficult!
Response: Thanks. I hope you'll be able to use them.
Response: Sounds like an enjoyable way to start quilting. I suggest you have a look at some of the quilting magazines available too -- it's a big, big field, many approaches
Response: You're very welcome -- it seems this group has dwindled to just 3 or 4 of us.
Response: Thanks for your note. I've been to Turkey and loved the food there (it wasn't peach season)
Response: Yes, this is a beautiiful place. Enjoy the piece when you have time to relax and read. Happy autumn.
Response: Oh, good, I'm glad you liked the vignettes. I really don't know if I understand the swap.
Response: I'm glad you liked the card. And glad you've hd a good summer, sometimes a lot of changes are exactlcy the right thing.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope you and your husband will have a rewarding and active retirement Thanks foryour comment and the heart.
Response: I think you realize that sometimes I just can't shut up. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks fort he heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Glad you ilked the quilt photo
Response: I'm very glad you like them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- I have always loved driving... and the smell of new mown hay drying. You must remember that scent too.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the note. Such vacations are expensive (but not as much as you might thing), if it's at all within your budget, go for it; we only live once.
Response: Thanks for note and for the heart.
Response: Couldn't resist the tiny one, LIked the bigger one. Yeah, I liked the larger one too.
Response: YOu must remake those plans and come. Perhaps you could let me know too
Response: Good, I'm glad it was enjoyable. Thanks for the heart,
Response: Thanks for the heart. I love the batiks too.
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like my forest quilt - I'm saving it for the right occasion. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I can understand the awe at the ocean -- believe me, you wouldn't have felt as much awe gazing over acres of corn field.
Response: I'm glad it was useful -- that was the point of the swap, I think.
Response: Over the years i've had to relearn the stick shift a couple of times when I rented cars in another country; I'm glad I learned on one. Thanks for rating and the heart.
Response: Overthinking's problem is that you worry what someone else will think. The someone else doesn't know you, what s/he thinks doesn't matter. Write what come and don't censor.
Response: Good, I'm glad you appreciate Maxines humor-- I was a bit worried.
Response: I did have the right address, I have trouble reading my own handwriting when I make notes of the address.
Thanks for rating promptly and for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the prompt rating and the heart. I'm glad you are familiar with Cape Cod. I feel drawn toward the coloring books, but writing and quilting take so much time, I don't dare get another hobby.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- it's a good group, I really wish there were 4 or 5 more who regularly joined the swaps.
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart. I'm flattered you are interesting in my work.
Response: Very glad you like the horseshoe crabs .... saw a couple mating on the beach, threw them into the water. Don't know if that was good or bad thing to do.
Response: Thanks for your note and the heart. I only have a little Canon Sure Shot and I often click a few photos, then I often crop them and enhance them, color-wise as well, Just on the simple program on my MacBook.
Response: My pleasure. I love swaps that let me use up some of my scrap collection. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Responses always are great to receive. I'm glad you're thinking of doing it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: If you come, let me know. We'll go to a seafood resturant.
Response: I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad you enjoyed it. That's part of the point of my being in this swap.
Response: I'm so glad you received it and like it. I love using the fabric one can run through a printer -- except sometimes the printer gets finicky.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. If you were here you'd find plenty of puddles --we've had rain five days in a row. Thanks for heart.
Response: If you feel like writing back, I'd love it and i'd answer. Yes, I really like that poem, too.
Response: I'm glad it came so quickly. Probably best for chocolate but okay for many other uses.
Response: I agree, it's nice how easily these blocks go together.
Response: I wanted you to have birds because you are enviably (and envied) knowledgeable about them and their songs. So glad spring is here, cool though it is.
Response: Thanks for the compliments. I'm especially glad you like the poem.
Response: No, I don't sell things. I give things to the Goodwill store that I visit about once a week for these swaps, it's a big one with really good choices in all kinds of areas -- good prices and on Tuesday senior citizens like I am get an extra 25% off. I call it my "favorite boutique".
Response: Thanks, Cayleigh, I gave my copy to a friend who tells me she's enjoying it too. I hope you like it. My friend says his other books are good too.
Response: Thank you for your kindness about my lack of attention to the swap specifics. I may send the other anyway, and if this is an ongoing series swap we may swap again.
Response: I'm glad they were right for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: We've had a good winter -- really only one one-day snow storm and not much really cold weather. As you know March is an iffy month ut we've had many very nice days; not many flowers yet but a few crocuses. Thanks for hte hert.
Response: I'm so pleased everything turned out well - one never knows with these swaps. Thanks for hte heart and kind words.
Response: Traveling was a great joy. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I was with a group, we circled the country starting and ending in Helsinki. The names were so unusual to me I can't say which cities we saw, except Raveniemi (spelling?) loved the forests, loved the cities and architecture, old and new and the music and art.- thatnks for the heart.
Response: It's on it's way to being a novella with some strange twists and revelations. I'm having fun writing it. Thnks for the comment and the hearT.
Response: Thanks for this and the previous heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I'm so glad I finally realized that could work as tissue holder. Now I think I'll make several for my guild's show boutique as I'm required to make something.
Response: Thanks for the quick response and the heart.
Response: thanks for rating (every now and then I forget to hit the respond) and thanks for the heart. A pet would be VERY nice. Good for you.
Response: I"m so glad it's not too dark. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I think I'll feel the same way when my "stocking stuffer" arrives. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad it interests you. One doesn't have to have boys in the house for things to get lost under books and papers. It happens to me living alone. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for heart and comment, I;m lucky to have many interestes and many friends to share them an to have settled in a wonderful place.
Response: Thanks for the good wishes and for the heart. A very good year to you too.
Response: I passed H.Lacks on to my daughter who thought it was amazing. I hope you'll enjoy some of the books I enjoyed. Have a great reading year.
Response: Thanks for promptllly letting me know it arrived. I hope you enjoy it.
Response: Thanks for the heart and for the note. Have a great year.
Response: I'm glad you like, and can use, the items. Thanks for the herart.
Response: I'm very, very glad you enjoy it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Do enjoy the mug rugs. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good, I'm glad you like he planner -and I hope you can plow through my handwriting. Thanks for the heart.
Response: okey-dokey -- enjoy the story. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Response: So glad you like it -- I felt I was taking a chance, but I liked the colors. Thaks for the heart (ss)
Response: It's so nice to know that things turn out to be useful. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm delighted you enjoyed it all. This was fun for me too. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for kind words, and heart.
Response: I think the majority of Americans agree with you about pumpkin pie. I'll take pecan or apple, no whipped cream or even ice cream needed.Thanks for hte heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart and smile -- it's good to hear from readers. Enjoy.
Response: Thanks, it's such a tiny incident but could have happened. I like the technique swaps.
Response: I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating, I thought it might have got lost.
Response: I'm so glad some of the books appeal to you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad to hear it -- I hope I'll get to find out how the story developed.
Response: Thanks, Kathy, I'm glad i'm not the nly Halloween griinch. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm delighted you like the star block. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I wanted to hint that maybe the unhappy Macy's clerk k willl see the performance that night and realize she saw him on the train -- a certainly kind d of happinesss for such a person.
Response: I'm glad I guess right. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm sorry my handwriting is really awful. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I thought the scarf was so pretty, I couldn't think how to wear it and show off the tiger. Happy birthday -- later in the month.
Response: I'm glad it fit into your interests. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked the article, I like it because it seemed more useful than many I find.
Response: Thanks for your response and heart. I have a dirty magazine secret--there's a nearby Barnes & Noble with little cafe in it, I often pick out 2 or 3 magaines from their rack, get coffee, look at th magazines and the put them back without buying them. Impossible to have coffee and nto read something..
Response: I'm glad you feel that way.
Response: Thanks, I hope these stories will stay with people. Thanks for heart.
Response: I'm delighted you like the package. As fate would have it i got a grater from my partner.
thanks for the heart
Response: You're welcome. I like the block and I'm having a summer of stash straightening and even giving away overages.
Response: Thanks for your note. Come back to Cape Cod, if you can't go around the world. It's a great place.
Response: YOu're right I forgot my user name (and I see several others did too) Somehow I've suddenly got a t for my email name, I don't want it and don't know how to get rid of it.
Response: Don't know how i got that damned t and don't know how to get rid of it. Glad you figured it out.
Response: I LOVE comments like that. I'm hapoy you like it.
Response: Glad you like it. My first zine -- it as fun to make.
Response: I never go to EBay and reallly can't get interested in that pricing stuff. I thought of it as a book mark, I think some Swap-botter originally send it to me. Anyway, I'm glad you're happy with the swap.
Response: Thanks for posting the swap. Now that I see how easy a zine is I may make others. Thanks for heart.
Response: Wow, that got there very fast. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I hadn't either and I was really surprised there was a phone (or was it glasses) included.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I believe sometimes reading outside my comfort zone.
Response: I hope you find things of interest in it.
Response: Thanks for your comment and the heart. I am not part of Good Reads partly because I cannot keep up with the books I accumulate all on my own. As you can tell my tastes are very eclectic; and I read book reviews often.
Response: I'm glad it was fun to open. I had fun gathering things.
Response: I think flash fiction usually leaves al lot of "what next" Glad you liked it.
Response: Better late than never. FRankly, I barely remember the swap.
Response: Thanks for the rating and good luck with your story.
Response: It's a lovely place to live and to visit. I hope you can make it -- any time except winter.
Response: You probably can't believe how many books I've read either.
Response: Thanks and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks, I hope other people will feel the same way.
Response: Many thanks. It's fun keeping this kind of a diary for someone else and adding pictures and such. I've been a diary keeper since age 12 but rarely share.
Response: It's beautiful and I'm lucky to live here so I can enjoy the summer ... which, as I write is playing hide-and-seek, it being only in the high 50s today.
Response: It's always a puzzle what to send so I'm delighted when something hits the spot. Enjoy,
Response: Thinking of people whose lives I would have loved to live , she's near the top of the list. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm really glad you liked it. It was a pleasure butting it together.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like sharing and I've been a diary keeper since age 12.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I hope the "bot" will keep it circulating and not back to me for a while.
Response: Oh, I've noticed I'm much more brillliant fater a Bloody Mary wehther I'm the one drinking of someone else is. They're miracle makers.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I liked it but I know many people don't wear that shade of green.
Response: I'm making a quilt with torn up pictures of buildings and lots of raw edges. Not a pretty quilt.
Response: I worried a little about sending it through the mail "naked" (that's a pun, obviously)
Response: Thanks, Bev. I'm delighted with how that quilt is coming along.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I'll PM you
Response: Szymborsaka is MAJOR, I urge you to look for her books, I think you'll love her.
Hiaku IS the syllable counts, It's fine to write very short poems but I'm pretty sticky about calling something a haiku if it doesn't have the right syllable counts.
Response: Maybe you have to be "a certain" age to catch the twist.
Response: All those shells are from the shore here on Cape Cod.We don't get exotic ones. But we do get horseshoe crabs in mid-summer, their discarded shells fascinate me.
Response: You're most welcome. I'm glad the mail was so quick.
Response: I hope that medium blue will fit in with your other blocks.
Response: VEry glad you liked the story -- this kind of prompt is definitely not my favorite inspiration for a story.
Response: I always hope to read 100 books i a year, almost never reach the goal.
Response: Thank you very much.
Response: The poem by Grace Paley is a favorite of mine. If you see a book of her short stories any time, read it. She wrote wonderful stories. Thanks for the heart.
Response: And it's why I think there will be a lot more snowbirds spending part of the winter in Florida or Arizona next year. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your note. I will PM you the name of a book which you might find or possiby googling the author can lead you to some articles about the daughters.
Response: Thanks for all your comments. We are not so far away, Being able to get together is far from impossible. If you ever feel like drivng to old Cape Cod you'd be most welcome. Or there are half-way points.
Response: I'm glad you like them. thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- one never can read another's mind soI I'm glad it was nice.
Response: It's a pleasant change to have the pattern be the marker's choice. I enjoyed making those blocks and am glad you like them.
Thanks again for the journal.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- and now if the crocuses would just begin to bloom whee I am...
Response: Sounds like great use for the pin cushion, I hadn't been able to think what to do with it and I don 't need more odds and ends --glad it works for you.
Response: I thought it was funny too -- but the "bot" can't be argued with. I'll look forward to your PM or snail mail.
Response: Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed the letters.
Response: I hope you'll like her as much as do.
Response: Your most welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating, I had given up expecting it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response: Thanks, that was one of those moment of ridicluous inspiration and I like it a lot too.
Response: Sounds like it will be a summer to remember always. Keep a diary.
Response: Thanks, I'll be curious to get it back eventallly.
Response: Thanks for the nice words and the heart. I hope you'll enjoy the report and feel prompted to read the book. It's probably most inexpensive if ordered from Amazon, I don't know if there's an e-version or if you do that. I don't. I like real books in my hands.
Response: This was an enjoyable set of questions. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I Hope it's useful. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad it reached you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, I AM a love cynic. Sorry about that -- I have a miracle cynic poem too. And then there's the stuff in the fridge, I'm really cynical about that.
Response: Thanks for the heart. It was a difficult color and therefore difficult shopping experience.
Response: Very glad something finally clicked with a partner. I hope you find it and enjoy it. I've had a love/hate relationship with my name all my life.
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it. And thanks for the heart.
Response: It you can wait you have more will power than I would have. I hope you'll have a wonderful birhtday day, two and a half weeks from now.
Response: Actually, as I said in the story, I'm not talented at all. I just practiced a lot. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good, I'm glad you like it. Happy Valentine's Day.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed them. Truth is I didn't enjoy the intricacy of the block and decided to make no more of that particular block.
Response: I like to write my thoughts or memories or codgetations on something inspired by my partner's profile. Glad you liked it enough for the heart. Thanks.
Response: Thank you, kind words about my poetry make me very happy,
Response: I'm glad they're useful -- glad my partner didn;t live in southern California
Response: I'm glad -- the K stumped me but my favorite Goodwill store came to the rescue.
Response: In fact after I mailed the sestina I wished I'd sent along a Mary Oliver poem too. A friend of mine wrote to Kooser many years ago an received valentines from him for several years. He's a sweetheart!
Response: Thank you so much. I never liked short stories much until I started doing mostly flash fiction on swap-bot. Now they just keep coming and won't stick to one style at all. It's fun and fun to share.
Response: A happy new years (2014) and birth year -- may you have much poetry and just the right amount of cats.
Response: I'll remember you like stripes and keep my eyes open.
Response: Thanks and a happy year ahead fo you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks, I remember that raccoon and I'm happy he still amuses you. Have a wonderful year and if you can participate more that would be great.
Response: I'm glad you found the letter interesting and liked the extras. Thanks for the heart. Happy holidays.
Response: I'm very glad the neck warmer will work for you and that you like the PCs. Stay warm this winter and thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad it finally arrive. And equally glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Im happy they've found a welcoming home. Enjoy.
Response: Have a great Christmas season. and thanks for the heart.
Response: I enjoyed the swap and I got a very short flash fiction piece out of it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, I was surprised by my own reaction and couldn't resist writing the letter. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm very glad you like it. I collect fabrics everywhere and rarely remember where something came from. I absolutely love fabrics and I'm glad these are ones you like too.
Response: I'm very glad you enjoyed it. thanks for taking the time to say so.
Response: Many favorite artists: among them Lucien Freud and David Hockney,
Alice Martin, Frank Serra, oh, I could go on if I went back in time.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was a pleasure to write about things I love.
Response: You're most welcome. In fact I have friends who summer in Mount Desert, Maine but have lately moved to New Bern because of the much better winters.
Response: Thanks for our note and the heart. It was a lovely fall here until this week when autumn arrived wet and gray.
Response: Thanks. Assonance was not easy but the swap was fun. Stretching a little is a good thing.
Response: I do want to know how to post pictures; I don't know if it works differently on a Mac (which I have) than on a PC. My pictures are all on my IPhoto program.
I hope you do get here for the migrations and I'd love for you to let me know so we coudl meet
Response: Thanks, I believe in giving the real answers, not something everyone expects.
Response: I'm glad you relate to it; I thought it must be something many people struggle with whichever of the woman they relate to.
Response: That's a fun part of the smaller groups -- I like getting to know some writers.
Response: Yes. I liked Sunset Park. And I haven't read anything by Siri H. but she sounds like an interesting writer. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Sometimes a rainy day or two is just what we need -- have fun. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Sorry --I sent te snail mail to the US partners but didn't spring for the extra cost of international postage.
Response: Wonderful. This is the first time I've mentioned a book to a swapper and she had actually aready read it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: That wasn't Whistler, it was John Singer Sargent did I mislead you someway with photos -- This was Madam X ,who was in black, the women in the white dresses were not the painting I was talking about.
Response: Oh my, that was so long ago I forgot what I sent. But thanks for remembering to rate.
Response: Glad to introduce you to some new artists. I'm always happy when I get PCs with artists I never heard of. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it, I'm happy with it too. A group I'm in did this a couple weeks ago and came up with surprising stories. You can learn a lot with a Google search for the painting.
Response: So glad you are exploring Szymborska's poetry. It's so accessible and so intelligent. You might enjoy looking her bio up in Wickipedia. Thanks for the heart
Response: I hope the clam chowder turns out well. It's good to live where it's always available. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good, I really like that BW&red fabric but I was worried it wasn't the kind of inclusion of red you'd like. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed that
"chapter" of my unjournal. I'm enjoying the opportunity to write about these various subjects.
Response: I'm very glad you liked the package -- I love thrift shopping and have a great store I go to.
Response: I'm glad your husband was able to guess. I thought this was a fun swap. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks, Dottie, I enjoyed making both and I'm glad you love them.
Response: Thanks for your note and for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart,
Response: Thank you for your comments and for the hearts.
Response: Hope you like the art cards, I like them very mch.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the comment on my blog.
Response: Many thanks for your thoughtful response and I'm very glad the writing was informative. So much that I write about will not be otherwise known to my children or grandchildern (and they DO live in the US)
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart. Yes, I'm not traveling now and books are a very good substitute.
Response: Thanks for your comment and the heart. Actually I don't know anything about using Photoshop.
Response: I'm glad it was convincing and sorry you had a let down. It's a cool suit, isn't it? Thanks for the heart.
Response: If it's joys flung at you, that's fantastic. Enjoy. Thanks for the heart and I'm glad the piece gave you a bit of thought.
Response: I'm glad you liked the story. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're entirely welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm a writer and the little details are what I believe make things real for others. Hope you weren't bored.
Response: I love poetry month, it gives me an opportunity to be pushy about telling people to read poetry.
Thanks for the spate of ratings.
Response: I'm personally more erotic than romantic and not sentimental at all -- therefore I'm not drawn to reading or writing genre romance.
Response: I'm older and a different kind of reader than my partners in this swap. Part of the reason I join question swaps is to give a different perspective, just to say, not everyone has the same taste.
Response: I'm so glad, I was a little worried it wasn't quite the kind of thing you collect.
Response: Savor as long as it takes. I'll be interested in your responses.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I really think that wooden horse is a bit hokey but I'd have liked to have seen the ruins I've read so much about.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Have a great summer.
Response: I'm very glad you liked the story and the pix.
Response: Good, I'm happy it's all useful and encouraging a creative daughter is always good to do.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for ratin gnd the heart. I never heard the term Sod Poodles" -- I think they're darling little beasties.
Response: Thanks for the kind words and the heart. It IS a nice day on the Cape.
Response: I'm with you about never enough supplies -- I'm a compulsive stasher. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I had a feeling you'd like the cat cards. They are from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. Thanks fo the heart.
Response: Thanks and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you very much Sarah. I love writing compliments -- and hearts.
Response: Thanks for the compliment and for the heart.
Response: I think the quirks of email are probably worth the trouble. I really enjoy Proust questionnaires.
Response: Thanks, Felicia -- the Beston book is a very, very good one.
Response: I know about disappearing pieces of paper , it happens at my house too often. Thanks for the star.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I really liked the fabric with the writing and bought enough to use in a few more projects.
Response: I'm glad you liked the unjournal-journal, and you must have an extraordinarily inquiring and curious daughter. Good luck to you both.
Response: Thanks for the comment; I hope to inspire a little bit. And thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm so glad it was the right thing to send you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: i hope you get many more pinks. Thanks for comment and heart.
Response: I'm glad the note cards and issue holder are useful.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I'm waiting to put them together -- going to us fairly wide black stripping between blocks because black needs to predominate in an Amish quilt. Should be very eye catching.
Response: That's all there is to that story -- I really don't like flash fiction much because it's just a glimpse and I always wish to know more too.
Response: That's a great idea for using the butterflies. Her room must be a delightful place.
Response: Happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad it was immediately useful. Thanks for the heart
Response: Sorry the heart was so small; I thought there'd be lots of hearts at the thrift shop but that was the only one.
Response: Sometimes I shop ahead since I might do two or three thrift shop swaps a month. When I see something that might be right I get it because it won't be there the next time I go shopping there. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad you can use them. It's fun to share . Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm happy you enjoy reading it; I'm having a wonderful time writing it.
Response: I'm glad you like it -- I got my box and felt like Christmas. Enjoy.
Response: It's a great Goodwill store, new items come in all the time and I check it out once a week (on sernior discount day) always thinking of swap possibilities.
Response: I'm glad you can use them. I think we have an awesome Goodwill here. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your good wishes and the heart. I hope you, too, will have a very good year.
Response: NO it's not Christmasy, was the only one I found not sentimental and trite -- or far out.
Response: Our sand is really wonderful except it manages to get intonot only shoes and socks but between toes every single walk. However, summer is wonderful. I'm sending you a brief PM.
Response: I'm sorry the fabric postcard isn't a Christmas one. I made a batch several months ago and it's time to put aside at least a weekend and make a bunch more.
Response: I'm glad the fabric can be used soon. Often I put fabric aside for a long while before I find a use for it.
Response: U3A is a great title. Our students don't have to be uni grads either although I think nearly all are, but that's part of the demographic around here. I'm happy the poem was moving, I feel strongly about that remnant hand.
Response: I didn't feel brave, I may have stupidly trusting of the trainers. But I knew I'd never get another chance.
Response: If you want to write and tell me what interests we share, I'd be curious to know. I don't meet a lot of people that I have much in common with.
Response: Oh good, I'm so glad.
Response: Oh, dear -- I made several and I've been sending them to swap-botters and I think I forget to put it in before I sealed the envie. I'm sorry, Maybe I'll put it in the mail separately soon.
Response: Glad you like it - thanks for the heart.
Response: Oh, good. I love to make people smile, or even laugh. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad that some of them interest you. I have very eclectic tastes and not everyone shares my interests.
Response: Sorry my handwriting gets worse and worse. I really should print these things on the computer and then tape them to a post card. Thanks or the heart anyway.
Response: I'm happy this reached you so quickly. I was surprised when the post office clerk said I could send it as a regular letter. Glad you like it.
Response: So glad the article was right for you. And glad you enjoyed my answers. Thanks for hte heaert.
Response: I'm so glad it was your birthday. Frankly I couldn't believe finding a scart so appropriate.
Response: No I haven't got mine back yet and I'm curious. Thanks for the heart. I agree it was fun.
Response: Aren't these Q&A swaps fun!?
Response: That's amazing -- was the email stuck in Spam? Well, I'm glad you got it.
Response: Too bad the magazine folded. It was a breath of fresh air and fun to read.
Response: Thanks for the note and heart. I'd welcome a letter from you; please don't feel it needs to be in longhand: I don't write in longhand (out of consideration for those who would tear their hair trying to read it)
Response: I like this swap, it proves poems can be short and say a lot. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad it reached you this time. And thanks for the heart.
Response: I hope it'll be useful. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Fall and winter are good times to make quilt, even a small throw size one for you toes in the evening. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating and heart, Kooser is a favorite and I hope you read more. If I remember correctly, I taped that poem over the info about the picture on the front--it's an artist's promo PC, so if you remove the poem you'll have the name -- not a famous artist.
Response: Oh, my dear, I have hidden depths!
Response: I"m with you about being curious how they turn out. Any chance you can put them all on a blog or something?
Response: Glad you like it and passed it on. Thanks for the heart.
Response: If you come for a visit to Cape Cod, you'll find it very, very different from Santa Fe! Enjoy your read.
Response: Glad to bring out some nostalgia. \And thanks for the heart.
Response: so glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad it didn't bore you. Thanks for saying so.
Response: It was totally whacky and I'm glad you liked it. It's no the kind of thing I write usually., so I guess it was really "outside the box"
Response: You are entirely welcome!
Response: Thanks for rating quickly and thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for rating promptly.
Response: Thanks for rating so promptly.
Response: i always read my partner's profiles. I'm glad it's going to be useful.
Response: I'd be happy for you to write to me and I always answer letters.
Response: Maybe you have to have been there to really apprciate the Age of Aquarius!
Response: So glad you liked the poem. Indeed, I am lucky. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thanks, Denise, I'm glad you got the questionnaire and enjoyed it; and thanks for the heart.
Response: Maybe your email provider doesn't work very well with AOL.
Response: Thanks for the compliment and for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the comment -- no one wakes up famous, even Mozart worked at it (and so did his dad)
Response: thanks a lot -- hard to believe you remember a letter from years ago - does my heart good.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it.
Response: Me too with the accumulation -- I still have to quilt the first one so i won't do th second - maybe it'll grow to twin bed size.
Response: To me these attic window blocks should always have some interesting scene. I'm glad you like these.. Thanks for the heart.
Response: So glad you like the blocks. I see, and marvel at, a lot of quilts I'd never try to make.
Response: I've reached an age when I don't read to be entertained, I read to get the most out of my time. I'm glad you appreciate the variety and thanks for the heart.
Response: it would be nice if you wrote back, but don't feel this is necessarily a pen-pal swap -- I always answer letters but don't feel obligated.
Response: I probably have more free time or reading than you do. Also I don't own a TV. Of course I love books. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it - this was a good idea for writing a letter. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I think it exists but the romantic stories about it make people expect something that only exists sometimes and can only be understood after a LOT of years.
Response: Glad youliked them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart Madsie!
Response: I'll watch for it. I'm finding a few questions that always get the same answer. I think there's a little statistician in me that likes to see how things add up.
chances are we will. Enjoy the book.
Response: Samson and Deliah are in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was the strong hero of the Hebrews, she the temptress of the Philastines who discovered the secret of his strength was that he had never cut his hair. She cut it. Go to Google for a better telling of the story. Thanks fort the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like them -- I seem to have many in that tonal range.
Response: I'm glad you liked them, and that they arrived fairly quickly.
Response: My goodness that package reached you quickly. I'm delighted you like the buttons.
Response: Good I'm glad you like it -- I have a couple of daughters so I know about the jewelry "share" thing.
Response: I hope you'll enjoy the book. I often look for books by people from other countries and enjoy seeing how people share so much even in very different societies.
Response: I often feel like a little bit of Christmas has arrived in my mail when I do this kind of swap so I'm glad you felt the same way.
Response: With no TV there's lots of time to read -- being single helps too.
Response: The fluctuations of the mail always surprises me. I'm glad you got them and like them.
Response: I'm glad it interests you and I'll need all the good wishes I can get.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the quick rating. Gee -- I always assume people answer questionnaires honestly.
Response: Good, I'm very glad I can feel free to type to you. I hope you enjoyed the letter.
Response: You're right about DeVries -- this is a real person so I always wondered why she chose that name - I think because she was originally an entertainer in New York and it has an old elegant association in NYC.
Response: Thanks for liking them. Thanks for heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart -- I really LOVE my felt design wall an use it constantly.
Response: After some 25 years in a small NYC apartment this feels like ultimate luxury to me.
Response: glad it arrived in good time and that you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I guess the letter was okay.
Response: I was partial to the cat - but to each her own.
Response: Happy new year and happy witing to you.
Response: I write it because it's a world my kids and grandkids cannot imagine existed.
Response: I'm glad they arrived quickly and that you like them.
Response: Thanks for going to my blog and thanks for the compliment. I'm glad I could send things you like.
Response: I'm glad you persevered with the handwriting. And I'm glad to hear it got easier. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you are a baker -- I worried about that, but since I love to bake also I hoped you could use them over the holidays.
Response: That's what I like about swapping within the group -- feeling like I have friends all over the country and world.
Response: enjoy writing. I'm counting on the book coming home to me some day.
Response: I'm glad it arrived today. I wish I'd had even a small package instead of just boring stuff.
Response: When it's great, it's great -- many people get altitude sickness, definitely not great. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Someday I hope you see the real thing -- meanwhile thanks for the heart and I'm happy you like it.
Response: Your "sew much" is a fun pun and very appropriate. I hope the tea hits the spot.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Gald you like it; i'm doing a lot of red, white and black blocks lately and experimented with that one.
Response: I hope you'll find the sticker idea helpful. Many happy swaps to you.
Response: Thanks for the kind words. I liked this swap for the change to put faces with names.
Response: What a happy coincidence that the card and stamp were just right for your situation. I'm glad to know it was so apt.
Response: So glad it reached you. Scrabble is a word game, not what's usually called a sport.
Response: Glad to share info on books I read.
Response: I enjoy having a tutorial for a block I've never made, the challenge is welcome. But I realize over and over that I prefer the accuracy of paper piecing and not having to measure and sew each piece so precisely. My personal quirk.
Response: Oh, good, I'm glad you've got enough blocks for a hospice quilt. I'm waiting for two blocks before I turn my swap gleanings into a charity quilt.
Response: So glad you like the red - I was a little startled when I saw how bright the block was. I urge you to try paper piecing -- there is a learning curve but after that it's very, very satifying.
Response: So glad you like it. As a "wash ashore" (not a native) I'm still fascinated with the history and love the seafood.
Response: I'm glad it finally got there!! Wow, it must have taken a vacation some place like Hawaii. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad the package got to you in time to save you money. Your quilts made from the book's directions will probably be gorgeous, enjoy sewing them.
Response: I hope your dreams come true -- unfortunately Tibetan culture has been utterly crushed by China.
Response: I like the block too, in fact made two for myself -- with "arms" going in opposite directions and colors different than yours.
Response: Sharing the overabundance of my stash is a pleasure. Thanks for the star.
Response: Good, I'm glad it's useful for you. Thanks for the star.
Response: I'm glad you liked it, I did too, and made one for myself. thanks for the star.
Response: I'm glad you like it, thanks for the star.
Response: Something about it said North Dakota to me -- even though I've never been in North Dakota. Glad like it - thanks for the star.
Response: Good, I'm glad you can use it. I'll watch for it's reincarnation in future projects you put on your blog.
Response: I love introducing people to poems that are not school-book familiar, and to some of the wonderful women poets who don't get the attention they deserve. Glad you enjoyed them.
Response: I think SWap-bot's auto-system has an imp in it that has determined I'm to send you enough blocks for a quilt. That's okay with me. I'm glad you like them.
Response: I'm glad you liked the story and thanks for the heart. I think writing "voluminously" or with a lot of detail comes with growing older and having seen more, know more people and, most important, reading truly voluminously (a pun, by the way).
Response: I'm glad you like it. It's really one poem -- in two columns on the page to make it fit, meant to do just what you defined. My view is the artist isn't "thinking" but expressing visually his psychological view of the world. The viewer will feel that and the critic will define it.
Response: My impression is most men have large quantities of childish selfishness and if they're writers it multiplies. Maybe that's more about the people I know than those in general.
Response: I hope it rang true, I actually don't know anyone with PTSD.
Thanks for this and the above stars.
Response: You're welcome -- this style is really super easy. Have fun making one for our partner.
Response: Glad it was the right choices and I'm glad your son is a musician. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Imagine the fun of having a real monkey in your house ... ahm, well, maybe. I think I'd prefer a cat -- not the zoo type.
Response: It was fun to put together and I'm glad you like it. The handwriting, I know, is something else.
Response: Yes, that guy does weird things -- this was among the LEAST weird. Can't help wondering what he'll do next.
Response: I'm glad you like it -- and glad it's a good size. Thanks for the star.
Response: Wow, that got there fast! Thanks for the heart.
Response: i'm glad you like the lime -- it's not everyone's taste.
Response: Hurray! I can read Dutch! That much anyway.
Response: So glad you enjoyed them
Response: I'm glad something finally struck a chord for you.
Response: Actually I had a free morning before partners were assigned and made them. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad it arrived and that you liked the package. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Good, I'm glad they were poems that you enjoyed.
Response: Glad you like it. I'm enjoying these swaps too.
Response: Sigh! I'm glad you got it and like it. I hope you wore the socks for St.Pat's day.
Response: So glad you like it. In fact, I did not make it, it's from my guild flea market.
Response: So glad you're glad -- thanks for the heart and the good wishes.
Response: Thanks, and ditto! Thanks for stopping by.
Response: Yes, I would love to read your story when it is finished. You can send it snail mail or email. I'm delighted you like my story, writing it was a very wonderful experience.
Response: I'm glad you like it -- the pattern is from a book of paper pieced patterns that I've used often by Carol Doak, it's called Fifty Fabulous Paper Pieced Stars. They are named for states. I think that one was Kentucky but it doesn't have any special relationship to the state as far as I cam tell.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge. I'm afraid the name of the group is misleading and art quilts aren't really what it's about.
Response: He's Horus, a God, of course -- and he's still powerful: he is the logo on all Egyptair planes. Good old gods never die.
Response: I'm sorry it was opened -- I tend to think priority packages are handled more carefully than others, but maybe not. I also have learned that flat rate priority is often cheaper than regular mail for packages. Anyway, I think you got everything and I'm glad you like it.
Response: It makes me a bit sad when a recipient has nothing to say about a writing swap. But thanks for the heart even though I don't know what you liked about it.
Response: So glad you got it, I was planning to PM and ask later today. Isn't she a fantastic poet!
Response: I'm glad you noticed it. That's one of the reason I do very few email swaps -- it seems unpredictable whose spam or junk will swallow them.
Response: I hope you'll find a house of that sort that you love as much as I loved that one. Thanks for the nice note.
Response: Happy Valentine's day -- thanks for the heart.
Response: Oh, that's good -- thank YOU.
Response: So glad you liked it, I'm glad I resent it to you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I wasn't quite sitting ON the lion but I was very close and it was very exciting. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You can't order Descendants as a movie yet, it's in all the theatres. And if you want to read the Pearl Diver I think you'll have to get it from Amazon.
Response: You are my 1000th heart and for that I will find something else purple to send along in a few days. Thanks for the heart!!
Response: I'm happy you like it . I 'm putting another swap in the mail to you today.
Response: Thanks for comment and heart. It was a fun swap giving me a chance to remember those and other good parts of the year.
Response: I'm glad it was fun tor read because it was fun to write.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I hope the things are useful.
Response: I'm delighted you like the foldout card, actually I found some Pomegrante odd lots at a nearby store and thought they would be fun to send with swaps. And I think Ursala Helgi is a very find writer.
Response: So glad -- I'll admit I almost kept the postcards for myself.
Response: I clearly remember sending this post card because it is the only time I have had a swap partner in China. The postal clerk remarked about it too. I would have gladly resent long ago (ift was a January swap) if my partner had said she did not receive it. I will resend when she gives me her address which has been removed from the swap .
Response: Thanks for your comment. Now I have an idea how long it takes mail to get to your island.
Response: Oh, good, I'm so glad. I never made a potholder before.
Response: Seems to me that' one of the responsiblities of being older is to let younger people know life can be good at any age.
Response: I hope you'll get here, there's much besides lighthouses to see.
Response: So glad you didn't have it! Actually I took time to read it and had quite a nostalgia trip.
Response: Very glad you like it. I've posted it on my blog. Maybe next fall I'll use of the rest of the fabric and make another.
Response: Thanks for comment. While I have no more ghost stories, of course, I have many more stories written.
Response: Glad you like it -- it was a fun swap.
Response: I thought they were pretty too. Shalom -- and enjoy.
Response: I;m so glad they were the right kind of bracelets.
Response: Music to my ears. Thanks fo the rating and heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it, unconvetional as it is.
Response: I'd love to see what you draw. Some photos I've been thinking of trying to do as quilts but doubt I have the artistic ability, you might inspire me.
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. Books and classes are both helpful for would-be writers, but best of all are fingers on the keyboard, or pen on the writing pad.
Jus doing it is NOT enough, that's why the books or classes but it's a way to start.
Response: I'm glad you love the batik -- yes, I read your profile and thought you'd like the combination. Happy sewing/crafting.
Response: Thanks for rating so promptly and for the heart.
Response: Glad you like it; I think it's important to keep a record of what you make.
Response: Yes, time is a factor. But if you really want to trave there's always a way to do it.l
Response: I'm glad you liked the mini quilt -- I'm a bit of a missionary about th joys of quilting.
Response: Yes, a lot has changed in the world in a short [seems sort, doesn't it?] time.
Response: The cummings poem is my favorite too. I think it's worth memorizing.
Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for you comment and the heart. I will check out the link very shortly. I'm not aware of Eliz. Peters books but I'll keep an eye open. I'm glad you enjoyed the letter.
Response: Glad you liked the package; thanks for the heart. I'll PM and answer your question.
Response: Everytime I renew my subscription [membership] they send me a platinum quilting needle. I don't use such short needles so I sent them to some one in a quilting swap but as an extra,
Response: I'm really glad you like them. And I understand it's hard to see koalas in the wild because they only eat and sleep and usually up in the trees. Still, they're awfully cute.
Response: Good, I'm glad it's usable for you. I woul dbe just a bit nervous about carrying something so noticeable and snatchable containing soemting you really don't wan to lose.
Response: I was hoping you'd feel your swap-bot experience was off to a good start. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for your response. It's not something I share with many people.
Response: I'm glad you like them. I also have a notebook of poems received -- it's a great way to have thing I might not have found and read otherwise.
Response: Thanks, -- didn't want to overwhelm you.
Response: OMG, I haven't had that kind of compliment in ages. Thanks!
Response: I'm sure there are tutorials on You Tube and I know there are a lot of quilting books with good instructions. Paper piecing is my favorite way to do quilt blocks. Thanks for the heart and I'm glad you like the colors.
Response: Immediately before opening the email about this rating, I opened a rejection for the piece. It helps to know someone enjoyed it. There will be others eventually if I keep sending it out.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. Summer Day is one of my all time favorite poems! Szyborska is a woman, very worth getting acquainted with. Thanks for hte heart.
Response: Thanks for heart and for nice words about letter. Into every life a few parking tickets must fall ...
Response: The Post Office really moved along -- I didn't know they could do that! But you're not that far away. The Pony Express could have done it back in the day ...
Response: I'm glad it's not totally new and weird to you. Doing it freaked me out a little bit but then I liked it and will do it again.
Response: thanks for rating an heart - I think Klimt was far more interested in design than in people, sometimes the people almost disappear, as you know.
Response: I don't know if they actually use some salt water. I'm waiting with bated breath, will let you know when it arrives. My last mailing from UK seemed to take quite a while.
Response: I love both introducing people to poets they don't know and learning about poets I don't know. If you like my poems,t hat's a lovely bit of gravy.
Response: I'm really happy the fabrics work for you. And keeping a journal is a wonderful way to keep yourself growing in a craaft.
Response: Oh, good, it's so hard to know at a thrift shop what will please. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Eventually the larger one will show up on my bog. Thanks for the star. I'm enjoying these quiltie swaps, Thanks for hosting them.
Response: The mail was really fast with this one. Thanks for heart.
Response: Really glad you liked it -- lots one can do with the technique.
Response: Thanks. I'm glad you like the buttons. Sometimes the bot doesn't seem very random.
Response: Lucky you to live so close to the sea --I'm about a mile and half away and consider that very wonderful.
Response: Thanks. I'm so glad you got it and like it. I was afraid it'd get banged up in the mail.
Response: I'm glad you like them, and thanks for the heart.
Response: Sorry I misidentified it. And I'm glad you liked it.
Response: I'm glad you feel that way about the poem. I think you'd like the book that contains his last poems, "The Serpents of September" which has the Raccoon Journal in it -- your library could probably get it for you.
Response: Did I send it without a stamp? I'm really sorry if I did, But I'm glad you liked the PC and note.
Response: I knew who was in the picture but the story is entirely fictional ... as they say "any resemblance to person living or dead is purely coincidental." Thaanks for the pair of hearts.
Response: Remember, there's more of us than there is of them.
Response: Thanks, Vicky, Come to the OFAP forum, I post most days, and many other people -- it's a great way to be friendly with other people who share your interestes.
Response: Oh dear, I must have pulled up the wrong swap and sent you someone ese's swap, I'll have to check. And I just mailed the Nov. getting to know you an hour ago so you're going to know so much about me it will be embarrassing.
Response: Thanks, so much Barb -- keep joining poetry and writing swaps and we'll surely have a change to exchange work and discoveries in the future. I look forward to it.
Response: No, that was a "Pass along" - I thought they were cute but I'm not really into cute and I knew someone else would like them more than I. I'm glad you do likethem.
Response: Thanks for telling me it was electronic, I love to get snail mail and to send it so kind of ignore that part of the swap description -- I shouldn't. But I usually find out something is electronic when I receive it from my partner. I'm glad you liked the story; it was one of the best trips I've ever taken.
Response: Yes, that was me with a semi-tame lion in a rescue preserve in Zimbabwe. I haven't been to the Serengeti like Oliver. I strongly suggest either getting some of her books or googling her and reading more of her poems -- she's just wonderful!
Response: Glad you liked it.
Response: My goodness, I totally forgot about this swap. Thanks for rating.
Response: I had a feeling you might either be making a Baltimore Album or it might be a favorite design. So glad that was right.
Response: Glad you liked it; writing it was fun,
Response: I showed her what I wrote, she doesn't even remember it.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I was such a familiar picture -- I suppose younger women will have imagine a mother or an aunt.
Response: It was fun to make up an alliterative story with your name. Hope you smiled.
Response: Thanks -- I'm trying to do something different with each of my journal quilts. Some are succeeding more than others.
Response: Yeah, but I can keep a secret ...
Response: I'm back-burner-ing it -- if I do NaNoWriMo, it's probably what I'll do but I'm not sure I want to write another novel this year. I'm glad you liked it.
Response: Oh, good, I'm glad it was a successful swap. Tell the kids I said hello.
Response: I always love feedback. Any you want to give will be welcome.
Response: Thanks for your comment -- love it when my writing rings true.
Response: The flowers were in my daughter's yard earlier this spring. Glad you liked them,
Response: Glad you got them and liked them -- I certainly am happy to be near there.
Response: You made my day with all the nice words or apprecaition.
Response: Thanks, Andrea, I appreciate your compliment.
Response: Always love feedback from intelligent readers.
Response: My goodness, you have eight other works? I've just discovered him. I think I'd better Google him and find out more.
Response: I'm delighted you like it. Frankly I don't know where I got either piece, probably from a vendor at a big quilt show or maybe at a guild meeting where we have vendors and sometimes member flea markets and some members sell stuff they've collected.
Response: If I inspire you even a little bit, I'm very happy, I'm old enough to want to spread the "wisdom" or lessons I've learned around a little bit. Glad you liked the letter.
Response: I'm glad you like the poems. I also save the poems I get in swaps. It's wonderful to have a collection of special poems.
Response: I'm glad you liked the poem. thanks for commenting, compliments make me happier than hearts.
Response: I wrote about two weeks ago on my blog about the shell tree and posted a photo, it's the second blog , Big 7-0. I wish I could give you the link but I don't quite know how. Some people have to get to the second blog via the Calenderpages [on profile page]
Response: Thanks for your note - keep joining the poetry and writing swaps and I'm sure we'll be paired again since numbers in those swaps are rarely large. It would be a pleasure for me too.
Response: You're most welcome. I'm always happy when poetry gets spread around and people read new stuff, that's what keeps poets writing. Glad you liked my poetry too.
Response: Botswana's Chobe National park probably has more elephants than any other park in Africa. Trips aren't cheap but there are some group trips that are remarkable bargains. Mine included air and all. Check out Overseas Adventure Travel.
Response: Thanks, I can write practically forever about quilting, so be warned. And you were my 500th heart! Hurray!
Response: I look forward to you poems -- I can't have too many Mary Oliver poems. The pretty paper actually came from a swap -- isn't swap-bot neat!
Response: You made my day! It's only 7 a.m.but nothing is going to top your wonderful compliment.
Response: Sure, a private swap is right up my alley, I LOVE writing about places I've been. I don't have your letter yet, but suggest what a swap might be.
Response: I'm well settled, thanks. And thanks for the nice words.
Response: Crochetting with selvage strips is new to me -- I'd love to know what you make.
Response: Glad the envie arrived at a good time. If I started writing about Africa it would go on and on. I have Flickr photos, and can PM the link if you like.
Response: No, I won't host a playwrighting swap, few people, unless they studied drama in college, has a clue what's involved.technicaly We all read and know stories and they are hard enough to write. I'm glad you liked this story.
Response: I'm very glad it was meaningful to you. It's a subject we all feel strongly about.
Response: What fun! It was the gulls -- it's a Canadian goose that wakes me up. There IS a dead tree with shells and if you'd like to see a picture of it, send me our email and I'll send a picture. I got a pc from my partner that was just as hard and she hasn't told me which was the lie yet.
Response: Not right. I DO remember both those things. And now I don't remember what the lie was that I wrote. Darn!
Response: Got it backward. I thought that would be a good one to fool people; we'll see what my other partner thinks.
Response: Thanks and I'm really looking forward to your letter.
Response: Thanks, I really want others to find the world as fascinating and wonderful to live in as I do. I hope you get that sense.
Response: No, never had broccoflower -- sounds like a "super-veggie" that's probably very good for you.
Response: Good to hear from you again, Susan -- will we ever catch up with the books beside our bed? Or will they secretly multiply when we're not looking as I oftenthink mne do?