Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Thank you for the positive energy words!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating. It gets pretty hot here too and dry, and then we have the winters, which I am extremely tired of. Glad you like your gnome and see you in the next swap most likely!
Response: Sorry if I sent something you already had. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Glad I picked the Bichon card for you! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I always enjoy your notes on the postcards!
Response: I never thought about how they smelled! I should be more aware of that for people with allergies. But, I am happy they did finally get to you! I wonder if the post office holds mine up when I cut out the fastener on those manila envelopes, because they have to check it for a fastener first before they send it through a postmarking machine. I guess we will never know!
Response: We had an Aussie that we had to put down due to thyroid cancer a year and a half ago. He was sooo loved! They are wonderful dogs!
Response: Thank you for rating! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Oh, thank you! I enjoyed using them, so I may continue practicing!
I appreciate the heart rating.
Response: Glad you liked it and that it got to you in one piece. Thanks very much for the heart rating!
Response: Sorry you didn''t get it the first time. I am not a seasoned Pinterest user, but I love seeing all the millions of ideas on there!
Response: No problem, lol!
Response: No problem, lol!
Response: Thanks for the heart. Somedays my handwriting is better than others. We don't write as much as we used to; it's all keyboarded,lol!
Response: Glad you liked the froggy. I've still got the one male bird separated and he seems beside himself even though the cages are touching each other. Poor thing; I may have to get him a buddy now...
Response: That is a great idea! I will have to try that. I hope you have a super new year!
Response: I don't like to be cold either! It is getting so expensive to live here that I may move south somewhere. Thanks for the heart rate.
Response: That would have been beautiful. I remember catching them and putting them in a jar by my bed at night. Hopefully we put holes in the top of the jar; I think we let them go in the morning.
Response: That would be nice to watch. Here they sell practically every pumpkin they grow at the fall festivals. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Glad it didn't get turned around again. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Happy Holidays!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Oh no! Sorry to bring back bad memories. A lot of plants can do that for sure. I was also fighting English Ivy. The neighbors thought it was great and I guess it held up the fence a little longer, lol!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad it did get to you. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Mine too. Those are the kind we have here in Colorado, sometimes in our neighborhoods. People with small dogs and cats need to be on alert.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yeah! So happy you like it!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Hope you had a fun Halloween. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes I have seen thousands of eagles in Iowa on the river and it was unreal!
Response: I enjoyed making them so glad you liked them! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you enjoyed my list! I love to garden, so let me know if you want to chat garden stuff anytime. I also collect rare houseplants, so we could exchange those too!
Response: Do you trim their nails and wings yourself? The reason I am worried they get out of their cage because they fly into the window panes and hurt themselves before I can catch them. Maybe once they are tame, they would fly to me but the last time one got loose, it took me a couple hours to finally catch him. I felt so bad about him getting hurt.
Response: My duck drawing, lol! I'm not much of an artist, haha! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes we would have a bunch of strange looking birds running around if we invented our own breeds! Thanks for hosting and for the heart!
Response: We got snow today! There goes all those pretty leaves. Now I pray for spring, lol!
Response: Glad you got it! Thank you for the heart and for hosting!
Response: Thanks, it was a good idea for the swap. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for hosting!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating and the heart!
Response: I now have to move my mom out of her apartment as she had a stroke and is now in long term skilled nursing. I won't be coming to Denver anytime soon, but if you come up this way, let me know and I can possibly meet you. There are many craft fairs this time of year!
Response: Sure, you are welcome. Thanks for hosting all these great swaps!
Response: I love mountain photos! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart
Response: You are so welcome. Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Yes, make sure to come here, it's beautiful. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Germany is one of the countries on my wish list to visit, as well as other European countries. Thank you for the heart!
Response: It is supposed to look like the mountains I think, since we have a lot of mountains and foothills in Colorado. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Yes, I am feeling much better! I am happy you like the Gorjuss girls and the bus stamps. Thanks so much for the heart rating!
Response: Im happy you liked it! Have a great week! Meow =(^.^)=
Response: Thank you for the heart. It finally stopped raining here. Now we have the smoke from Canada and our air quality is dangerous. Hope your summer is fun!
Response: It is a beautiful airport both inside and outside. Hope you will one day be able to see it! Thanks very much for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart. I know, all the spring flowers just don't last and since it has been raining so much here, it has made all the beautiful crabapple blooms fall too soon. I'm looking forward to my blue morning glories. They take so long to finally bloom, but worth it!
Response: Yes, the ones that look so fuzzy will surprise you! Then you can't see it the thorn because it is so tiny so it is hard to get them out of your skin. I use duct tape, lol!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating. Happy Spring!
Response: Thank you very much for rating me. I am happy that you liked the pages and I hope you are enjoying coloring!
Response: Happy to hear you liked what I sent. Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Thanks for the heart<3
Response: Thank you for the heart rating! Have a great spring and summer!
Response: Happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating! I wish you a bountiful gardening season!
Response: Thank very much for rating and for the heart! Have a great Spring!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating. Glad you enjoyed the silly jokes!
Response: Makes me happy when my partner likes what I send, so thanks for letting me know! Happy Easter! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Ha ha! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks and Happy Spring to you!
Response: Happy you liked them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: I wish I lived close to a farm! Thank you for the heart<3
Response: I love animals, so this was enjoyable to me. Thank you for the heart!
Response: They can be a real 'kick', lol! Thank you for the heart<3.
Response: Happy you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you got this; I was worried it got lost in mail land...
Thanks so much for the heart rating!
Response: I was wondering if you ever received it, so thanks very much for rating! Happy Spring!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Don't get fooled tomorrow!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad to hear you liked my coloring! Thanks for the heart!
Response: It did sound that way. We can be mail buddys! Have a great spring.
Response: I know, right? Haha
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Thank you for rating and for the heart <3
Response: Thank you for rating and for the heart<3
Response: Sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to thank you for leaving me such a nice note here. I'm glad you liked what I sent to you! I love coloring while I am watching TV at night. Happy Spring!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: This swap was fun! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Me too! He always makes me smile! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes spring would be a blessing right now! We have had a trying winter with few sunny days. Have you ever grew Rapunzel or speckled roman tomatoes? They are fun to grow and tasty!
Response: Happy to hear you liked everything. Thanks much for the heart rating!
Response: Hi! I used a combination of Sharpies and alcohol markers. Thank you for the heart rating<3
Response: Thank you for the heart rating<3
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: I sent you something else on 3/2.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart rating:)
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart rating<3
Response: My pleasure, washi is so fun! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart ;)
Response: I enjoyed making it for you! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart<3
Response: So happy you like them! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: So welcome! Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Happy Galentines day!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: It must have been the sloth. They are in the tropics. I used to live in Panama, and we would see them often. Thank you for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart rate!
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart! Have a great week!
Response: Sorry I couldn't include the kazoo in flat mail! Thanks you for the heart rating.
Response: You are very welcome. This was a fun swap. Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: Welcome! That one was my favorite also, lol.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Have a great week!
Response: Oh no, I was assuming you got a lot of snow there. We got even more today. It is unlike it for the snow to last here, so it has been tricky on the roads and for walking with ice everywhere. Thanks for the nice rating, Laura
Response: Thanks for the rating and I wish you a great year as well! Happy 2023!
Response: Wow, die cuts would make them more precise and therefore less time intensive. My die cut machine is still buried somewhere in the boxes, but now that you mention it, I remember seeing a button punch somewhere, maybe at Hobby Lobby that i might have to have, lol!
Response: You are so very welcome. You and the others in the advanced group are always an inspiration to me!
Response: Glad you got it. Seems like it took awhile for you to get these, on top of me sending late...ugh!
Response: You are so very welcome! I always garden in my high heels and apron, don't you? LOL
Response: You are very welcome :)
Response: Glad you liked it! I love the glitter gel pens! Thanks for the nice rating and comment!
Response: Thank you, I'm so happy you liked it! Thanks for the heart and nice comment.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! Thank you for the heart and nice comment!
Response: Oh, I just got them at TJ Max. I just looked and there are absolutely no markings on the container, so I'm sorry I can't give you more info. Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure, you deserve a special extra after all you have been through!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Hope you had a great day! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Oh, that's good to know. Did housewives really wear high heels and aprons to do all the housework? That's insanity, lol! Of course I hate house work anyway. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I can't believe how expensive lace and fabric can be nowadays, lol! Don't shop without a sale or coupon, hehe. I'm so glad you are back swapping!
Response: I'm so glad you liked them! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked the pc. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm happy that you liked the pc :)
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart.
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks to you for the heart rate!
Response: I'm happy you liked her! Thanks for the heart!
Response: It is! I planted it in a pot, haha. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, I hope you can find some markers and coloring books from them. I see Michaels is starting to carry their markers also! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks so much for the heart and kind words! I'm happy you like them. I love using washi on my cards.
Response: I loved that sweet little girl image too!
Response: Thanks for the heart! Glad you did indeed get it, lol!
Response: Happy to hear you liked it. Thank you for the heart. In my last neighborhood the bunnies got diseased also. It took two years before they were back. But now they are back like crazy and I drive extra slow because it would break my heart if I ever hit one.
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm glad you liked it!
Response: Glad it brightened your day! Thank so much for the heart!
Response: Can you remind me which one I sent to you? I get my cards in several places and that would help me remember. Thanks very much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the kind words and heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: haha, I thought you would! Me too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: aw, thank you! Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks to you for the heart!
Response: My pleasure. Thanks to you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked them. It was a new idea for me. Thank you for the heart!
Response: oh yes, I had a rabbit fur coat also. When we moved to panama, my mother gave it to my cousin and I never forgave her, but I wouldn't want it now anyway, as I realize now how unnecessary it was for all those bunnies to die. It still makes me sick when I see a fur coat on anyone and leather designer purses disturb me immensely. Have a super nice day!
Response: Oh I'm happy you liked it so much. I love anything flowers, so it was a given for me, lol! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yeah, glad it brightened your day! We had snow here today, ugh. Thanks for the heart rate!
Response: That was good timing, I was going to contact you today to see if you received it since I had not seen a rating from you, lol!
Response: I've used images from the little cards they saved in the baby book, so it has been a treasure for me. Thanks very much for the heart!
Response: I use that mug year round I love it so much! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for all the nice compliments! I love these coloring cards! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: So happy you liked everything! Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! Happy Spring!
Response: You are so very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: My pleasure! I love these coloring cards! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes, it was in a set of cards i bought. So much fun to color; I'm addicted to coloring! I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked everything! Thank you for the heart!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm so happy I could brighten your day! I love the rose trim too! Thank you so much for the heart !
Response: You are so very welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm so happy you liked it and finally got it. Thank you so much for the heart!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: That's good to hear! Thank you for the heart!
Response: That's hilarious! Have a nice enjoyable gardening season! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! Hope you enjoyed the things I sent. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes someone did call animal control and it was not a good result and that's why I left it out. So very very sad, but they darted it and then it ran up a tree and fell to it's death. But we have had may other wildlife in our neighborhood. The cutest were the baby foxes. They came out to play every day, just a few houses down from us, with momma and daddy standing watch.
Response: I'm so happy you liked it! Thanks for the Heart!
Response: I know, I love that image too! So happy you liked the atc. Just getting back in the groove making atcs after a long time gone! Thanks so much for the nice rating and heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it Thank you for the heart!
Response: It's nice to be back! Thanks so much for the heart!
Response: Wow it took nearly 12 weeks to get to you! Yikes. I am happy you liked what I sent and made for you and thank you so much for the heart rating!
Response: Well, I sent you another one. It's gerbera daisies, one of my favorite flowers. My mail lady wants to fold everything, even when things can fit in just fine laying flat. So I know what you mean. They don't respect our mail art!!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for hosting! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm so happy you liked them. Thank you very much for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Hope it brought you some sunshine. It's a beautiful day here in Colorado, sunny and 52 degrees. Alaska is gorgeous too, went there about 20 years ago and we loved it(in summer of course).
Response: These were fun to make! So happy you liked it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Me too. I guess we can dream though! Lol. Gosh, I am so happy this one made it to you and I thank you for being so kind about it. Guess someone else either enjoyed the other one I sent or it got ripped up in the mail.
Response: My pleasure, I love the challenge of making shaped atc's. Thank you so much for the heart.
Response: Oh my, I hope you didn't just get this, I sent it on Feb 7th. ,,Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: I'm glad it finally arrived! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: So happy you liked it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you finally received it! Glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm so happy you liked it. One of my favorite themes..butterflies! Thank you for the nice rating and heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I couldn't use the card itself as I had to shrink the image down on my copy machine to fit the small puzzle piece. Thank you so much for the heart and nice words!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I sent you a pm regarding the markers. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are Very welcome. Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: So happy you like it! Sadly, I know what you mean. Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! I LOVEd coloring it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure, thanks to you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thanks for hosting and for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, mee tooo. Thanks for the heart and have fun eating lunch!
Response: I'm really happy that you liked it! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome and same to you! Thank you for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: So much fun they had and not too messy. haha! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Happy New Year!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: So happy you liked him! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I know, I'm not a snowy person myself. I want it to melt in 2 days! Haha. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: So happy you enjoyed it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I couldn't resist doing Rudolph! Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked him. Always a favorite for me! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked my 'creation'. LOL! Thank you for the heart! Happy Holidays!
Response: Thank you for rating and the heart!
Response: Same to you! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yes I did read your profile, lol! Glad I picked PC's you liked. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart<3
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart (=^.^=) MEOW
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked the swap! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Oh no I am sure yours was loved by it's recipient just as much! Thank you for the heart and Happy New Year to you and I hope it is a great one for you, Laura
Response: My pleasure, glad you liked everything. Best of luck to you with your wishes for the year :)
Response: Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure, it was a lovely swap!
Response: My pleasure. I agree, we get so wrapped up in our lives it's refreshing to hear what others are doing :)
Response: My pleasure , glad you liked it. Thank you so much for the heart <3
Response: Thank you for the best wishes, and same to you!
Response: Thank you for the heart and nice comment.
Response: Thank you for the heart and nice comment!
Response: My pleasure. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: That's ok. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Thank you for your kind words and the heart rating<3 Hope your new year is off to a great start!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Happy New Year!
Response: So happy you liked the critter! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure! Wishing you a Happy New Year! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Glad I picked a good one for you! Thanks for the heart and Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the great rating and Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure :) Glad you liked it and I am looking forward to your series. Happy new Year!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the heart rate<3 Happy New Year....!
Response: My pleasure! Love Peanut's gang. Happy New Year. Thank you so much for the heart <3
Response: We could always do a private swap :) Glad you liked everything. Thanks so much for the great rating, and Happy New Year!
Response: Of course, loved making it for you! Thanks for the heart <3<3
Response: My pleasure. Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Have a waonderful holiday!
Response: So happy you liked it and it made your day. Yes, I am sick of the cheap cards that most people send these days. They usually go right in the round bin! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure, I enjoyed making it. Thanks to you for the great rating<3 Have a wonderful holiday season.
Response: Thanks for the nice rating. Glad you liked the ornament, enjoy the teas! Thank you very much for the heart rating<3
Response: My pleasure, I am happy to hear you liked everything. Thank you for the nice rating and heart <3
Response: Glad you liked it! Happy Holidays! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: No problem whatsoever. Glad you liked it. Have a great holiday and thank you for the sweet heart <3
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the great rating <3
Response: And same to you. Glad you iked it. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart and have a wonderful holiday season <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart<3
Response: To you as well! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Aw, I am so happy to hear that you liked it and will cherish it. I failed to mention that I used the Graphics 45 paper line that I am so addicted to--not sure if you knew about it. Thank you so very much for the compliment and heart and have a wonderful holiday season <3
Response: So happy to hear you liked it. Kind of took a risk with that one with all the glitter and thickness of the buttons! Thanks so much for the heart an have a wonderful holiday season <3
Response: Glad you did find them after all. Hope you will get a chance to make the recipes and enjoy like I do. Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure and thank you for the heart rating<3 Have a great holiday season!
Response: My pleasure, they were fun to make! So happy to hear that you liked them ^ Thanks so much for the great rating<3
Response: My pleasure, it was so fun to put together. Thanks for the nice heart <3
Response: You are very welcome and thanks so much for hosting!
Response: My pleasure, so glad you liked it and it got there ok! Thank you for the great rating <3
Response: Glad it got there ok. Thanks for rating and for the heart!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure, glad you liked it. I enjoyed making it ((^.^))
Response: You are very welcome <3
Response: Both my partners guessed right! I have a fuzzy black cat (=^.^=)
Response: My pleasure, thank you for the great rating <3
Response: Glad you like the card! Thank you very much for the great rating <3
Response: You could move to the mountains in Ecuador where the temp year round is 70 degrees. And it is beautiful there, tropical paradise! Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: My pleasure, glad you enjoyed the swap! Thanks to you for a great rating <3
Response: You are so very welcome! I had a 'hoot' making it for you <3
Response: You bet and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome, glad you liked some of them for your collection. Thank you so much for the heart rate <3
Response: Great to hear, I thought he was very sweet. I have many squirrels in my yard and enjoy their antics. Thank you so much for the heart rate <3
Response: Just getting back from long trip w/o internet service. Will resend in the next two days. This was resent, are you sure you did not receive either one? That would be a strange coincidence if you did not receive either one. I am not sure why you would want to rate anything other than a 5 when you do finally receive the two separate mailings???? Update 9/29: Thanks for the rating, including the heart <3 Glad you liked the recipes! Glad you got the resend!
Response: Thank you for the great rating and comments <3
Response: So happy you liked it! Thanks again for the great rating <3
Response: My pleasure, glad you liked them =) Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: Glad you enjoyed everything! Thanks very much for the heart rate <3
Response: I was glad to pass them on to you since my collection is super big now! Glad I picked some that you like and fot into your collection. Hope you are having a great day <3
Response: Thank you for being so kind!
Response: I certainly hope so! Thanks for the alternate idea. Glad you liked the quotes I picked out! <3
Response: My pleasure. Thank you for the nice Heart rating <3
Response: Glad you liked them =) Thank you for the heart rating<3
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: My pleasure to make it for you =) I hoped you would like the photos of some of my favorite things. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the great rating <3
Response: My pleasure, I am so glad you liked what I sent! I have never had a compliment on my handwriting; thank you for that! Thank you also for the great rating <3 <3
Response: My pleasure! Glad you liked the quote I picked. As we go through life's trials, it is important to be nice to ourselves in order to get through it. Thank you for the heart, it means a lot to me right now <3<3
Response: You bet! So happy to hear you liked it. I think the paper is called Raining Cats and Dogs, by Graphics 45. I had to order it as our local shops just don't carry much. Thanks for the great rating<3
Response: MY pleasure! It was fun to put together for you and I am glad you liked the photos I selected =) Thank you very much for the nice rating and heart <3
Response: Oh my goodness, that is not what you call efficienct! I think the USPO is not very careful with mail handling. Even the postcards I get are skimmed off and bent. Thanks so much for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Glad you liked it and thank you for the nice heart rating<3
Response: That lace was such a bargain at Hobby Lobby. I have a whole roll of it if you want some more. Thank you for your very nice comments and heart rating <3
Response: My pleasure, always! Glad you liked the image as much as I did. Hope you are having a fabulous summer; it's my favorite time of year. Thanks for the sweet rating <3
Response: Haha! Glad you liked everything. Always fun to make A in W atc's. Thank you for the great rating and hope you are having a good summer and keeping cool!
Response: You're welcome =) Thank you for the heart and happy summer reading <3
Response: You are very welcome. Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure! Glad you liked them. Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I was hoping it wasn't too corny looking for this swap! Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: Thank you for the great rating<3
Response: Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart <3 I just got your RAK card, that was so sweet of you =)
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure, my friend. Always good to have either of you as partners. Hope you aren't getting too hot down there. We are still having bouts of cold rain and hail and storms. It hasn't really become summer here yet. Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: Yes, I was very excited to see that new design of Colorado flag on the card rack! I thought it was very cool also. Glad you liked the cards. Thanks very much for the heart rating <3
Response: My pleasure. Dogs are one of my favorite subjects! Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: Glad you liked the cards I picked for you! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure, thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Well, recently he got a rib bone off the stove and ate it. Gave us a huge scare, but did digest it okay, but after a high vet bill of course. Thank you for the heart rating and enjoy your furbabies =) <3
Response: So happy to hear you liked it! My second pocket letter ever! Thank you for the great rating <3
Response: You are very welcome =) Hope you had a great vacation! Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: Great, glad to know that you did receive them =) Thank you very much for the heart rating <3
Response: Great! Glad you liked the fox. Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: My pleasure! This was the first pocket letter swap I was in. Wasn't sure what to tuck in for you, so glad to hear you liked it <3
Response: You are very welcome =) Just happy to hear that you liked it! Thanks so much for the great rating <3
Response: Ah yes, that took a lot of cutting to get all those little embellishments, so glad you noticed, and that you liked it =) I like the sugar skulls also and couldn't resist putting one on the envie too! Thank you for the great rating <3
Response: Glad you liked it! Yes,it is fun to go over the edges =) I have to get used to that because I rarely go over on my atc's as I like them to fit in my binder/baseball card sleeves. Thanks for the very nice rating <3
Response: Thanks for rating <3
Response: I always like Alice swaps, so thank you for hosting =) Glad you liked my atc! Thank you for the great rating and may we swap again soon <3
Response: My pleasure and glad you enjoyed my note also. Thanks for the great comment and rating <3
Response: Great to hear you were interested in the sites! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: That's great! Have fun with science and craft experiments! Thank you so much for the heart rating <3
Response: My pleasure, it's good to know how much you liked it. Thank you for the heart and very nice comments <3
Response: I was hoping the tiny little geisha would fulfill this swap-lol! I was thinking the same thing about the zen look, so I'm happy to know you thought it was simple beauty too. You have yet another swap coming in the mail! <3
Response: Thanks for letting me know that you got them. Glad they were something that you liked. Thank you very much for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure! I love peacocks and enjoyed this swap. Thanks to you for the lovely rating <3
Response: Aw, thanks for the nice comment. You are very welcome! <3
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you loved them, as I don't normally use stencils and I was stumped at first. Thank you so much for the heart <3
Response: Wow, I'm honored and very happy you liked the atc. Thank you for the sweet comment. Again, my condolences to you and hope you are doing okay <3
Response: It is always my pleasure =) Glad you liked it. I struggled getting the size right, as I don't like to cover words up with embellishments. We are getting so much rain here that I haven't even planted any of my seeds yet =( Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: So happy to hear that it made your day =) I enjoyed making it and I had fun with the embossing powder and feathers too. Thanks to you for the very nice rating <3
Response: Oh, so happy to know that you did receive this =) Glad that you enjoyed it also! Thanks very much for the great rating <3
Response: Hope you found some to add to your collection =) Thanks so much for the heart rate<3
Response: Always my pleasure, my fellow gnome loving friend ^^^ Thanks for the lovely heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked it! I found those little boot charms and fell in love with them! I used my wand lighter and stayed close to the sink! I have been using my embossing powders lately =) Thank you for the great comment and rating <3
Response: You bet! Glad you thought they were awesome; thanks! <3
Response: My pleasure, always! You have another atc on the way from me =)
Response: It's okay, we are all human-LOL! Just happy you did get it. Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: My pleasure, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it. Thanks to you for the sweet heart <3
Response: You are so very welcome! I really enjoyed making it; love the G45 florals and spring designs. Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: LOL! Glad you liked it. I wondered about that glass glitter being a little too much--it's so chunky! Thank you very much for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure; I enjoyed watching them too! They were Canadian Geese. We have so many of them in town that certain people think we should 'get rid' of some of them but I love them! It is always great to hear them honking when they are flying in formation.
Response: Always my pleasure, Sheryl! This is my favorite group of ladies, friends, crafters. Thanks very much for the <3
Response: So glad you liked them! What would you like to trade next?
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you very much for the heart rate <3
Response: Oh, thanks for understanding about the lost bird and my senior moment-LOL! Glad you liked the bunny instead and again, thanks so much for hosting all these great swaps!
Response: My pleasure. I really liked that image. The little dog was one of several that another swapper had sent me and I just wanted to share one with you =) Thank you for the nice heart rate <3
Response: I'm glad you like HD, as I do not care much for them. I just got two more yesterday if you would like me to send them your way? They are butterflies/flowers. Thank you for the heart rate <3<3
Response: Yes, please do find time for a tea break! Glad you liked the pcs I picked for you, and thank you so much for the very nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! I always like making cute spring atc's. Thank you so much for the heart rating <3
Response: You are so welcome! It was fun to make it. I'd never heard of it before and I now am going to make others for birthdays, etc. Thank you so much for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure! Glad you had a great time in your travels! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: So happy you liked it. I always like making cute things =) Thank you so much for the heart rating <3
Response: So glad you liked it! I love gnomes and fairies. Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You deserve it! Yes, I love the G45 papers and I wish my local store carried more so I wouldn't have to order and pay shipping. Thanks for being such a great group leader and host<3<3
Response: Great to hear! I enjoyed making it; love butterflies! Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: No problem and sorry you are not feeling well. That's not fun. Left you a smile on your profile. Take care!
Response: Great to hear! Cats and dogs are some of my favorite subjects. Thank you so much for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked it! took me forever with all those small pieces! Thank you so much for the heart rate <3
Response: Thank you, so glad you liked it l..l. Thank you so much for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you got it and liked it! Thank you for the nice rating and heart.
Response: My pleasure to make it for you =) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are so welcome. I just found out about this artist last year and had to get his book of pc's. Thank you so much for the heart rate <3
Response: You are so kind. I hope to keep improving my photography skills! Thank you so much for the heart rating <3
Response: Thanks for the great rating and Happy Easter!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating. I'm really glad you liked the atc <3
Response: You are very welcome, enjoyed making it for you. Thank you for the heart rating<3
Response: No problem, but I was out taking photos for another swap and took some of this pretty cool old oak tree that I will send you also.
Response: Thank you for the heart! I am happy to know that you liked the pc =)
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm glad to hear you liked the pc =)
Response: My pleasure! Glad you liked everything and thank you for the great rating <3
Response: Glad you were able to add some to your collection! Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: Sorry about that, I usually put a little note in every swap, but guess I must of slipped up on this one. Glad you liked everything and thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Great to hear you liked everything. Thank you so much for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: Yes, we have had some spring weather with SUNSHINE =) Thank you for the nice rating, I am glad you enjoyed the recipes I sent.
Response: No gold heart needed, your comments are more than enough for me =) So happy you liked my creation. It was great to get my embossing folders out again. I love Paperpunch Studio notecards. I get them at Tuesday Morning or TJMax at great discounts.
Response: Aw, yes a cupcake would be yummy about now! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You must, it is fantastic. A little sweet added to the savory and spicy is yum!
Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks to you for looking and for the heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome. I am glad you liked my atc, and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Yeah! Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: You are very welcome, my pleasure! Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: So good to hear! Thank you for the nice comments and heart rate <3
Response: You are so very welcome. Thank you for the sweet comments and heart <3
Response: Glad it arrived safely and that you liked it so much =) Thank you for the sweet comments and heart rating<3
Response: Yes, I really like the lemon that is also in this tea. Wonder if it would be good cold mixed with some black tea?
Response: My pleasure to send to you=) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for being a super group leader with such endless energy and creativity <3<3<3
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart. Happy Valentines Day <3
Response: Glad to hear you liked the Snoopy valentines. Thank you for the haert rating <3
Response: Glad you liked it! They are cute little critters. Thank you very much for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you liked it! I had fun making it. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad to hear you liked it, Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: My goodness, I can't believe it took so long for them to get to you. I was just getting the supplies out today to make you some more, so glad to hear they arrived finally. I still have my Christmas tree up, so we both celebrate still in Feb-LOL!
Response: Thank you for being so kind =) I am happy you got it and liked it. Can never have enough of the G45 swaps!
Response: Glad it arrived and happy you liked it! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Hope you like it!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Ha, that was my last Batman stamp. Don't know if they still have anymore at the po. Glad you liked the atc and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Thank you for the sweet comment; I am happy you liked it. Always love the theme of flowers. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Yes, I love anything from Paper Studio! Just happened to have a rose themed one to send my atc in =) Thank you for the heart rate; I am glad you liked everything!
Response: Great to hear you liked my foxes atc! I really had fun making them. Thank you for the nice rating and heart <3
Response: Oh my goodness, glad you got it even without the stamp! They aren't charging you for it are they? I am sure I put one on it. I will reimburse you if they are asking you for money-just let me know.
Response: Well thank you for the kind comments. I am very glad you liked my little creation. Thank you very much for the heart and for hosting this swap!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked it!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked it!
Response: You are very welcome! =)
Response: Thank you for rating. I hope you got it a long time ago and not just now?
Response: Thank you for the nice comments and for the heart rate. I am happy to hear you liked the atc =)
Response: So happy you like them and hope you like the stickers I picked out for you. Thank you for the heart rate =)
Response: It has two kitties! I am a fellow cat lover, so just had to go with that theme--meoooow. This was a fun swap and gave me ideas for gifts for my family, like an all floral one that looks like a wreath. Happy New Year!
Response: Great to hear! Thanks for the nice rating! (=^.^=)
Response: My pleasure! Happy New Year!
Response: Thanks for rating =) Glad you liked it.
Response: My pleasure, always enjoy making Hello Kitty atc's! I'll never grow up...Thank you for the kind comments and the heart rate<3 May see you again in this series =)
Response: Great swap! Happy New Year and thasnk you for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure. Happy New Year!
Response: It,s been very cold here too, and today we had a blizzard and I was out in it driving....Glad it made it to you =) Keep warm and wish for Spring!
Response: Glad you liked it. Fun to make and design! Happy New Year ; hope you have a great year!
Response: My pleasure! Have a great year! I'm sure we'll be swapping agin this year =)
Response: No problem, glad you got it! Thank you for the nice rating and Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure! Happy New Year =)
Response: My pleasure having you as a partner! Thank you for the heart rate <3 I used the new G45 paper. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!
Response: My pleasure! You too =)
Response: Thank you for the nice rating and have a great new year <3
Response: My pleasure. Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for hosting and for the nice rating <3
Response: Gosh, I was just going to pm you to see if you got it, so glad I checked here first! That took a while to get to you! The one I got from my partner was sent on the 17th priority mail and I just got it today too. Slow snailmail............So happy you like it! I had a little trouble witht he glue. I will never use Aileen's jewelry glue again. Had to scrape it off and use E6000. Happy New Year!!
Response: Aw, thanks for the nice comments. Glad you liked them. The images were from a Christmas card. I shrunk them on my printer onto cardstock. I use Stickles glitter glue quite a bit; good for little areas especially.
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the nice rating and Happy New Year!
Response: Have a great holiday! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Great to hear you liked the card ! Thank you for the nice rating <3 Happy New Year!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Aw, thank you so much for all your kind comments and heart rating! I am so happy you liked the atc =) Yes, I wish I had those sweet little kittens also (=^.^=) meow meow
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you got a smile out of that one =)
Response: You are so very welcome! Have a great holiday!
Response: You are very welcome =)
Response: Thank you for the nice comment and rating! So happy to hear that you liked the Sitting Bull.
Response: You are very welcome and glad you liked the items. Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure! Have a good holiday =)
Response: So happy you liked it! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Thanks for rating, glad you got it. Have a great day!
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: Thank you for rating.
Response: You are very welcome =)
Response: You are very welcome =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: So happy you liked it! Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the nice comment and heart <3
Response: Great to hear! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Aw, so glad you liked it! Thank you for the nice comment.
Response: You are so very welcome!
Response: Yes, mine too =) I was lucky to find these at Tuesday Morning. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: That sounds great, will be looking for them. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: I got mail from you today also!! Hope you are on the mend and good health to you in 2015!
Response: Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: I saw on your profile that you collect Santas, so sent you those stickers =) Thanks for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for hosting =)
Response: You are very welcome =)
Response: So glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Glad you liked it =) Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: Glad you like it =) I went to Tuesday Morning's early in the season and got some great cards at about half of retail price. Holiday Cheer to you!
Response: Anytime =) Thank you very much for the heart rate and have a great holiday season!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: My pleasure. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked it. You are very welcome and thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are so sweet and it's a pleasure to have you as my partner again. Thanks very much for the heart <3
Response: Great to hear =) Have a great holiday! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Hi Bev, glad it made it safely to you. I enjoyed making it since birds and flowers are some of my fav things. Thank you so much for the heart and enjoy that spring weather!
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: So happy you liked it! I found this series a little more challenging to create with. Thank you very much for the nice rating and heart rate <3
Response: Thanks for hosting! I really had fun with the kitty pilgrim and cat turkey--Ha! Gobble gobble meoooowwww. Have a very Meowy Christmas (=^.^=)
Response: You are so very welcome =) Thank you for the heart. Happy holidays!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: My pleasure! So happy I picked something you like. Have a great holiday season!
Response: My pleasure. Thanks for the nice comment and heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome =) Thank you for the nice rating and have a great Holiday!
Response: Great to know that it arrived safely to Russia =)
Response: So glad you liked it. It wasn't the best vintage image, but I really liked it and glad you did too. Thank you for the heart. Happy Thanksgiving!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart. Happy Thanksgiving!
Response: You are very welcome and have a great Thanksgiving! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart rate. It's good to know that you received it.
Have a nice Thanksgiving!
Response: Thank you for the nice comment and heart rate<3 I've had fun with this swap; I use the same template but use different designed papers and embellishments. wouldn't mind if the series continued =)
Response: Aw, thank you for the heart, you are so sweet to struggle with the system to make sure I got one. I'm really glad you liked the atc's. The color combos were some of my favorite, so enjoyed making them. Happy Thanksgiving <3
Response: My pleasure =) I had made a shaped birdhouse before and thought it would be perfect for this swap. Thank you so much for the sweet comments and rating <3
Response: Well thank you for the sweet comments and heart rate =) So happy you liked them!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thank you for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: My pleasure, I always enjoy the owl swaps ^'^. The envie was just a rubber stamp and brown ink. Thank you so much for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: Glad to hear you liked the atc! Thank you for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: I hope you are feeling better now. It's no problem about late rating, I was just concerned you may have not received my swap. The recipe comments were very helpful to me, so that's why I included them. I use different things to decorate the turkey cheese ball, as I think of new things and try different 'embellishments' on him. Glad to hear you liked the recipe. Thanks to you for the heart rating <3
Response: So happy it made it through the mail. I kept thinking maybe I should not have sent metal in an envelope in the mail!!
I do love those alcohol inks =) I am so happy you liked my creation <3
Response: Mine just tipped over a plant, so I am mad at him right now. He saw a squirrel out the window and forgot he was in the house I guess! Have a great holiday season =)
Response: You are very welcome =) I'm glad you finally rated because I was afraid that this one went missing in the mail. Sorry I used the same girl for both. I only have one other one and it is the big one in the gown, so too big for this tag. Thank you so much for the nice rating <3
Response: So glad she made you smile and that you like western theme! I love dressing these dolls. Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the heart<3
Response: Oh I'm so happy you liked the pc's , especially the eagle. I try to collect different eagle pc's but they are hard to find. Thank you for the heart<3
Response: Great to hear that they got there safely and you liked them! Thanks for the Heart rate <3
Response: I'll try to remember to send you some. It is a die that I bought =) I am out of black cardstock right now.....
Response: Great to hear you liked her =) Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You very welcome! Glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: Glad you liked it =) Just found those batman stamps when I bought new stamps at po. Never even knew they were coming out, or I would have bought them sooner....
Response: So happy you liked it~ Thanks for hosting and for the nice rating (=^.^=)
Response: Glad you liked everything =) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: No problem. Two more swaps should be there soon hopefully, if not already.
Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Yippee! Glad you liked it. Guess it didn't get delivered on Friday like the po said it would =( Hope you had a thrilling Halloween ((^.^))
Response: Always good to do some reflecting-lol! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: My pleasure; glad you liked it! Thanks to you for the heart rate <3
Response: Thank you for the nice rating<3
Response: Sorry I waited until the last day; I was sick for two days after I got my flu shot! Hope you had a thrilling Halloween!
Response: Glad you liked the skeleton gnomes! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure, glad you liked them !
Response: You are very welcome ((^.^))
Response: You betcha! Glad you liked it and got this one. Thank you for the heart rate ((^.^))
Response: Yeah! Glad you liked it! I enjoyed making it. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You bet! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: I hope they arrived in good condition. So glad you liked them. I'm bummed out that summer is over! Thank you so much for the nice rating (^.^)
Response: Thank you for the heart <3
Response: So good to hear you liked my mail! Thanks to you for the heart rate<3
Response: I only need one heart-LOL! I found the PCs on Amazon. They came in a booklet and had to be torn out. Then I trimmed the edges clean. They have Christmas ones also! Thanks very much for the great comments and rating <3
Response: Great to hear you liked what I sent =) Thank you for the nice comment and the heart rate <3
Response: I'm happy to hear that you liked my little doll. I enjoyed making it for you =) Thank you very much for the great comments and rating <3
Response: He is quite the cat that I had never heard of before this swap! I enjoyed making the atcs; I couldn't stop at just one--LOL! Just remind me of a private swap mid to late Nov. Thanks for the great rating (=^.^=)
Response: Glad to hear you liked it so much! Thank you for the very nice comments and the heart rate <3
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it =)
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the great rating (=^.^=)
Response: Me too! Thank you so much for the tutorials. My mom would love this too =)
Response: So happy that you like it! My partner sent me a tiny one compared to the one I made you. Now I'm thinking of making some more of all sizes for a little family--LOL! Thank you so much for the Heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome. I had fun making it for you and glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: If you read Santa Montefiore, let me know how you like her writing! I purchased her books on amazon because I couldn't find them locally. Here husband is an author also, but more of a historian type writer. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Glad you liked her =) You are so very welcome! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: So happy you liked everything! Thanks for the great comments and rating <3
Response: My pleasure =) thanks for the heart and happy baking !
Response: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: I love those new farmer's market postage stamps! Glad you liked the pc also/ Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the hear rate =)
Response: My pleasure =) Thank you for the great rating!
Response: brrrrr! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: That's good to hear =) Thanks for the nice comment!
Response: You are very welcome. Glad you liked it =)
Response: My pleasure =) Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Wow, the second one was sent Aug 26th, so it took over five weeks to get to you! The first was sent out July 6th, so I'm sure that one fell in the ocean or something! I'm glad you liked the Alice pc. It was my favorite that came in the booklet of pcs =) Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked it and thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: I was happy we had each other for partners after a long time :-) Thanks for the nice rating, I'm glad you liked my at. Wish I could visit San Francisco again.
Response: That was some scrapbook paper I used for the background. Glad you liked it :-). Thank you for the heart<3
Response: My pleasure :-) So glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: I'm so happy you like it :-) Thank you for the nice comment and rating<3
Response: I wondered how you got it so quickly--haha! Hint--it's hunca munca..... You can go back and change your rating anytime
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thank you for the great rating!
Response: So glad you were so happy with it :-) Thanks so. Much for the nice comment and rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating<3
Response: Always fun to talk about our animals :-) Glad you enjoyed reading about mine! Thank you so much for the nice rating<3
Response: So glad you got it :-). Thanks for the great rating!
Response: Great to hear that! Thank you for the great comment and rating :-)
Response: You are so very welcome:-) Hope you like them. Thank you for the nice comment :-)
Response: You are very welcome :-). Thank you for the nice rating :-)
Response: Thank you for the nice rating :-)
Response: My pleasure :-). Glad you liked everything. Was hoping the gold was a good color. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Thank you for your nice comments and rating :-) I'm really glad that you like it!
Response: My pleasure. I'm glad you liked it :-)Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure :-) Glad I picked some that you liked. Thank you for the heart<3
Response: So glad you can appreciate the strangeness-lol! Thanks for the heart<3
Response: Glad you liked it! I think when I tape the edges of the envie it tricks my eye into thinking it's a stamp when I get in too much of a hurry at the PO. Ive been known to do that every few months or so, realistically its probably a senior moment though--lol :-)
Response: I'm glad you like it. With his artwork, you never know ! L OL. Thanks for the heart rate<3
Response: My pleasure :-) Thank you for the nice rating.
Response: You're welcome! I enjoyed making it for you :-)
Response: I actually love having the ducks and geese in our town :-) They are so cute. I had to wait for a flock to cross the street the other day. They take their time waddling across!
Response: I appreciate you rating. It's the only wat I know if you have received my swap :-)
Response: Good to hear you found the recipes enticing and can use them :-) I enjoyed making the envie and the recipe cards for you. Thanks for the heart rate<3
Response: Glad you liked the owl witch! Thank you for the heart and for hosting the swap :-)
Response: Good to hear. I've only been able to find two different Colorado map cards here. Thanks for the heart rate :-)
Response: Glad you liked them! Always fun to trade photos. Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Oh you are too kind! I'm developing my drawing skills one atc at a time--lol! Thanks to you for the heart rate <3
Response: I was thinking about this atc yesterday and whether it had made the trip OK, so I'm happy to hear from you :-) So happy you liked it and thanks very much for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad the recipes sound enticing :-) Happy baking! Thank you for the nice rating<3
Response: Glad you liked the owl PC. I ordered a book of them off amazon because I can never find owl PC's locally. Thanks so much for the heart :-)
Response: Got them yesterday! Love them all but especially the fairy that is raised <3<3 So beautiful. Thank you very much for making them pink and lovely just for me =)
Response: Oh, you are much too kind! I plan on practicing. I found some inexpensive erasers at the dollar store. I think they might be smoother material than the pink ones.
Response: Hope you get to try them :-) Thanks for the great rating<3
Response: My pleasure :-) Thank you for the nice rating<3. Happy fall cooking!
Response: Thanks for letting me know that you recd them. I'm sure I will love/whatever you make<3<3
Response: You are very welcome. I enjoyed looking through my collection for ones that fit your profile likes, so good to know that you liked them! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure to make it for you :-) Thanks to you for the nice rating!
Response: My pleasure to make it for you :-) Thank you for the heart rate !
Response: Glad you liked what I sent --you deserved it:-) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you liked the PC I sent to you :-) Thank you very much for the nice rating
Response: Oops, I am so sorry. I could have sworn That I read your profile, but maybe I missed it. I've been very scatter brained lately. I do remember I was going to send you a pastel spring themed one but read that you didn't care for pastels. I would be willing to send you that one also if you would like it, jut let me know, OK?
Response: Glad you got it! Yes, learning how to draw a little bit....I got more PC's off amazon :-)
Response: The monkeys used to creep me out! I can watch that movie anytime--love it:-) :-) First watched it on a12inch b/w TV at my grandmas.
Response: My pleasure :-) Thank you for the nice rating.
Response: Thank you for the heart :-)
Response: Glad you did receive this one :-). The PO has not been kind to me this month, as it is not the first swap that's gone missing lately §§rrr. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: Oh my goodness, I was beginning to think this one got last also. Do customs confiscate our mail sometimes? Maybe they think it's a gift instead of paper crafts because of all the raised embellishments? Thank you for the nice rating<3
Response: My pleasure :-)
Response: You are very welcome :-)
Response: I'm so happy that you like everything :-) Thanks for leaving me such a nice comment <3
Response: Great to hear, hope you do like them:-) Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: Great to hear that some of them fit your collection! Thank you for the nice rating<3
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thank you very much for the heart <3
Response: Glad they are tempting to you :-) Thank you very much for the heart rate<3
Response: I hope you watched the video of the sifika lemur dancing/playing :-) Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: Thank you for such nice comments. I'm really glad you liked what I made and sent! I think the new g45 is dogs and cats--yippee :-)
Response: I'm happy that you got it OK :-)
Response: Glad you liked the recipes and the cat note card :-) Thank you for the nice rating. Happy cooking!
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the nice rating :-)
Response: I'm happy to hear that I picked ones that you liked :-) I didn't know if you would like that bear one-lol! Thank you for the nice rating<3
Response: Glad you liked it:-) Thanks for the heart rate.
Response: You are very welcome:-) Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: I've seen them at a distance only, thank goodness! One in Alaska and one in Yellowstone years ago, as well as one in Colorado. Have you ever been to Bear Country in South Dakota--very very fun to drive through as the bears are all around you! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You're very welcome! I think I have another PC on it's way to you, a Colorado with large letters. Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Great to hear! I love the summer here, not a lot of humidity and lots of sunshine! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Your very welcome! I am glad I picked something you liked even though I had no guidelines-lol! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome, had fun making it. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome! TOH is a lot of fun. Have you been on their forums? Thank you for the nice rasting =)
Response: You are welcome, glad you liked them =) Thank you for the heart <3 I'll be sending you an art doll PC soon, I promise.
Response: Glad you liked them. Always love Garfield and Odie! The original grumpy cat......Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: So nice to know you liked them! I had a great time with this theme, there are so many great images and embellies available. Thanks so much for the nice rating <3
Response: Yeah, glad you can use the recipes I sent. My zucchini is just now growing, so I'll be baking a lot of bread to put in the freezer =) Thanks for the Heart rate <3
Response: Wow, small world! The doctor's offices always try to put that extra c in my last name--lol! So happy to hear you liked the pc's! We've been up to Cheyenne Frontier Days twice this summer =)
Response: Yes, very fun! Thanks for the nice rating! I am happy that you liked everything =)
Response: Glad you liked them! Thank you for the nice comment and rating =)
Response: You are welcome. Glad you received them via google! Happy cooking!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked the card I picked for you! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Happy to hear that you liked the atc! Have a great rest of summer! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you liked them and the notecards I made them into. Thank you for the nice comments and rating =)
Response: You are so welcome! Glad you liked them and hope you will try the recipes =)
Response: I just received your pieces and the ones you made for me this morning. I really love what you did with them. I can't believe how much you are able to fit on them!! Wonderful =)
Response: Oh, nooo. Please let me know which tastes better =) If it's yours, you'll have to share it with me--lol! I made the banana bread recipe in a different crockpot and it burned in the 2 hr time frame, so you may need to watch it the first time you make it. I used a spice cake instead of yellow.
Response: I am sorry, I can't remember which atc I sent you, was it the gypsy? If so, that was an image I printed off internet. Well, WI is too cold in the winter and too humid/hot in the summer. We have fairly mild winters here and summers are dry =) I'll PM you my email for recipe exchange!
Response: I can't believe how fast the summer is going by....! Glad you liked the atc! Thank you for the heart rate =)
Response: Thanks for hosting! Hope you like the recipes. Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks to you for the nice rating<3
Response: Glad you liked what I made for you! Thank you for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Great to hear that I picked a theme you would like! Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: I tried to age it with distress make it go with the paper colors and theme. Glad you liked it because I thought I distressed it too much! Thanks for the nice rating and for hosting <3<3
Response: I'm in no hurry so take your time and feel better soon =)
Response: That's great to hear! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You bet! Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked them for your collection! Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: They are just blank cardstock card kits that I found at Michael's craft store. They had other designs like chevron too, or solid colors. They come with the envelopes and there were 40 sets per package for $9.99. I used the 40% off coupon that I printed off the website. Glad you liked the photos and cards! Thank you for the nice rating <3<3
Response: Oh, I know I will like anything you decide to do. I always love your art <3
Response: We planted one three years ago and it looks soooo beautiful this year. The blooms are dinner plate size! Glad you liked the atc and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Thank you for the nice rating! I'm glad you liked it =)
Response: You are so very welcome. Thank you for the nice comment and rating. See you again at the mailbox soon <3<3
Response: So happy to hear that I picked something to your liking! Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: You are very welcome! I hope you are feeling better each new day <3 <3 Take care of yourself =)
Response: Glad I made something you liked! It was hard to get good images of the net to print out for the Dodgers! Thank you for the nice comment and the heart rate <3
Response: Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Yeah, glad you liked it =) Thank you for the nice comment and heart rating <3
Response: Thank you for the sweet comment and heart <3 I'm glad you liked the vintage bird image I used!
Response: You are welcome! Glad to be a part of your group =) =)
Response: Oh my goodness, I was just starting to think you didn't get this and almost pm'd you last night. I am so happy it got there okay and that you liked the image I used! Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: I thought a little reinforcement of the edges with the washi tape would be a good idea, and it looks good too-LOL! Glad you liked the cards and the fox are always some of my favorites also. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked the atc! Thank you for the nice comment and rating =) We went to the park today where they have a water type park where the water shoots out of the ground!
Response: I'm glad it didn't offend you! Hope you are having a great summer =)
Response: You are very welcome. Hope you get to try them =) Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You are welcome. I'm sure you will enjoy her books. I ordered mine off Thank you for the heart !
Response: Good to know that you got them =) Thank you for the heart rate!
Response: Good to know you got it! I am so happy that you liked it. Thanks for the nice comment and rating!
Response: You are very welcome; happy that you liked what I picked for you. Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: I love that book also! Glad you liked it and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Great to hear you liked Mr sock monkey! Thanks for the nice comment and rating =)
Response: Glad to hear you liked it! Thank you for the nice rate=)
Response: Glad you liked it =) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you liked my Annie ATC =) You are so very welcome and thank you for the heart <3
Response: Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked the little flower fairy. I just got that yellow lace from another swapper, so I had to incorporate it =) Thank you for the heart <3<3
Response: Glad you liked the little fellow! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: That close up was great, wasn't it?! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: You are very welcome! I am thankful for my air conditioner because I love the hot weather, but also like the relief of the AC afterwards-LOL! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Thank you for hosting so many good swaps! I'm happy to hear that you liked the bluebird =) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you liked him. I couldn't resist adding glitter to that beautiful smile! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome. Just in time for the holiday. Happy 4th of July! Thanks to you for the heart rate <3
Response: Well thank you for the sweet comment. I'm glad you liked them. I thought I may have gone overboard on the borders--LOL I am very glad you liked them and hope you will be able to use them. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You mean you never have? LOL!
Response: Thanks for the nice compliment and I'm happy you liked what I made for you. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Glad you liked the dress! Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked the PC =)Thanks for rating <3
Response: Glad you liked the Little Darlings! I liked the pastels in the paper so it was a pleasure to make it for you!
Response: I was just getting ready to make you another one today, so it's great to hear that you did get it! I hope everything is ok for you <3
Response: Glad it arrived safely! Great to know you liked it also. Thanks for the heart rate =)
Response: Wow, you got that quickly! Glad you liked it; I'd never seen that illustrator before. Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: So happy to hear that you liked it! Now I am out of owl cards so if you know where to get more, please let me know =)
Response: Great to hear I picked ones that you liked! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: I was wondering if you got it, so thank you for rating!
Response: You are always welcome. Glad you liked the extras! Hope you are eating lots of strawberries, they are so yummy <3
Response: I'm glad to hear that you love Audrey too! Thanks for the great rating <3
Response: That is a good idea, but you would have to seal them. Maybe I will seal mine front and back next time. I'm glad you liked the hats atc =) PS sending you a pm with an idea for a swap!
Response: You're welcome, I had fun making it! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Yes, it makes us want to travel around the world when we get these packages from our partners! Glad you liked everything!
Response: Yes, the park is next to the Centerra shopping center, which is just off I-25, Centerra Exit. It is worth it. They have concerts during the summer.
Response: You're very welcome =) Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: The stars were from a punch and I just rounded the corners and added detail with pen. The seaweed and coral was from MS border punches. I'm so glad that you liked it. BeeMGee has been making atc's with acetate, so that is where I got the idea--heehee =)
Response: You are very welcome Miss Hostess dear =)
Response: Your very welcome, and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Ha, yes that is a problem with some sculptures! These are all pretty realistic, I guess that is why I am drawn to this park. Thank for the nice comment and rating!
Response: You're welcome, thanks to you for the heart rate <3
Response: Thanks for the compliment and for the heart rate <3 Glad to hear that you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked them =) Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Glad you liked my photo! Yes, we are lucky to live by such a beautiful place. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it so much to display it!
Response: Hope you got your goals done too!
Response: Yes, you should come visit! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Thanks for rating, it's great to know that you did get it. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: You are so very welcome=)
Response: Yeah, I was glad to hear you did get it safe and sound, I was starting to wonder. Happy that you are loving it <3 I had fun making it =)
Response: Thanks for the rating, I hope you will like some of the recipes!
Response: I like it when I wake them up to pet them; the stretching and the yawning and purring. Thanks for the heart rate (=^.^=)
Response: Yeah, glad I picked ones that you liked! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: The twine reminded me of the ropes on ships and boats. I am so happy you liked it and the charm didn't cause damage in the mail. Thanks to you for the heart <3
Response: Wow, thanks for your compliments =) I am happy that you liked it so much. I really enjoy the G45 papers. Thank you so much for the heart <3
Response: Penny was my doxen that I had for fifteen years. I still miss her. We now have our hands full with a rescue Australian Shepherd that has issues. Keeps us on our toes for sure! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: I love the texture as compared to modge podge. We had three hailstorms that destroyed most of our spring flowers; it was a bummer. Glad you liked the atc! Thanks for the nice comment and rating =)
Response: You are welcome, I had fun making it for you. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Guess, what, I found even bigger ones at Tuesday Morning the other day!
Response: You re always very welcome, Bev and thanks for hosting all these great swaps =)
Response: You are very welcome. Hope these are in better shape than the ones in the body bag!
Response: Glad that you liked it too!Floral is one of my favorite subjects. Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Happy to hear you liked the ATC! Thanks for the heart rate =)
Response: Oh I'm happy to hear that you liked it and it made your day! I really had fun with this paper. Thank you for the nice comments and rating <3<3
Response: Glad you liked it! I think their papers are getting better all the time...Thanks for the nice rating =
Response: Thank you for the heart rate!
Response: Happy summer to you too =) Glad you liked the card! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: So glad you liked it! There are so many pretty scenery pc's to pick from here, and I hope I never send the same one to you! If I do please let me know and I will send another. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Me either, I've only been able to try one recipe so far because I've been so busy. Hope my comments were useful and helpful. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: So happy to hear I picked ones you liked =) Thanks for the heart.
Response: Me either! Glad you liked the cards. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: I'm glad that you did get it =) I'm joining more and more PC swaps, so we may meet again at the mailbox!
Response: You are very welcome. Nice to be partners with you again. I am sorry about the ink blotches on your note card. Thank you for the nice rating.
Response: glad you liked it! Thanks for the heartrate<3
Response: They aren't the cuddly type though =) Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating <3
Response: That is good to know, now I can make more of these. Never thought of it before! Thank you for the Heart rate <3
Response: That was a great idea! Going to send one to my niece! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: I've been shopping for a bike lately and just couldn't resist using that rubber stamp for this swap, so I am glad you liked it. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Aww, so glad you liked it. I loved the image also. I can't draw, so use images....I wish I had a cat to dress; mine is all boy and goes out every day. In fact, I am mad at him right now for not coming home last night!! We rescued him; they said he was a stray, so lives to be outside. Glad to see you back swapping!
Response: Glad to hear you liked it. Afterwards I thought it might be better to raise it with some foam, otherwise the holes get lost in the design....Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Aw, thanks for the compliments. For some reason, I find most of the g45 papers hard to work with, but this one came to me much easier and I am glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart and of course I never mind if you are inspired to make something similar, that's what I'm here for, to share and learn =) =)
Response: I agree totally, that is why I left the working world eleven years ago. My husband works 60 hrs a week as a manage for TrugreenChemlawn company, so that's enough for the both of us. I do recognize those companies, I think ours bought or sold a couple things to FD and Pfizer. Enjoy that retirement; you deserve it!!
Response: Great to hear =) Thank you very much for the nice rating!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: I do too! Glad you liked it, and thank you so much for the heart <3
Response: Oh you are much too kind--lol! I did not make the Happy Hoppers card; I had gotten it at a craft fair. The horse notecard is by a local artist that got bought out by Hallmark =) Thanks very much for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome. I am happy that you liked what I sent! Thank for the nice rating =)
Response: Thank you for the heartrate!
Response: Yes, you can google her. I did and found out more about her. What a brave woman in a mans world. Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome, my fellow cat lover (=^.^=)
Response: You're welcome. The stationary came from a swapper in Malaysia. Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks to you for the heart rate <3
Response: So happy you liked the PC! I bet the baby moose are adorable!
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: LOL! We've actually seen these mtn goats up the canyon where we drive for a pleasure trip. I LOVED Wild Animal Kingdom. We went through it twice. I hope you don't see any of those pythons or whatever snakes that have taken over Florida--Yikes!
Response: Yes, that would be fun. I may even try to draw one myself....Thanks for hosting and for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked the blue bird. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Thanks for the rating <3
Response: That's a great idea for the bows. I bought several of those nail arts to share as they were from the dollar bin =) Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: Aw, I didn't know you were from Colorado! It's Mother's Day and it's snowing!! At least it waited until our sale was over.
Response: I'm always happy to make you something pretty, as you are a super duper host <3<3
Response: You are so welcome <3
Response: Happy to hear I picked out a good one for you! Thanks for rating me.
Response: I had just happened to find those notecards after I signed up for the swap =) Thanks for the rating and I am so happy you liked the blue birdy.
Response: Sorry, I don't know much about FB's....someone had sent it to me...Thank you for the heart; I'm glad you liked the Boston Terrier.
Response: You are very welcome, glad you liked the PC =)
Response: Oh, yes aren't those notecards and envies great for doing that?! The envies are high quality too. Glad you liked the cat (=^.^=) Thanks for the rating!
Response: I'm happy you like it=) I always like the cute theme for spring. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You are always very welcome. I enjoy making them. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Great, I was afraid you'd give me a three--LOL! I have a few more if I get you as a partner =)
Response: And thank you for the rating =)
Response: You are so welcome, it was fun to make because I like the G45 papers. Thank you for the heart rate<3
Response: The puzzle was a challenge for dog just got his summer haircut and now looks like a Saluki--lol! Thank you for the rating <3
Response: I try but don't always get it right, so great, I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for rating <3
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad to hear that you liked my work and that it brought you a smile. Thank you for the nice rating.
Response: Haha, that's funny. I'd rather see Orlando than the men on the PC ;) Thanks for rating!
Response: Wow that took a long time to get to you....glad you liked the design and the glitter, gotta have glitter =)
Response: I hope you like the books if you do decide to read them. I loved them. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: I'm glad you liked my design. I have only done a couple pin ups so it was a challenge for me. Thank you so much for the rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: I know, those little diamond shapes were all over the counters in the bathroom too. I had a blast with this swap we should do it again=)
Response: You're very welcome. Glad you liked them =)
Response: You are so very welcome. Hope you try them!
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You re very welcome and thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it. Sorry I did not have any extraordinary stamps. Would that be Bingham Hill cheese or MouCo?
Response: I'm glad you liked the seeds. I never know what kind of flowers people like to grow! Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: That PC is beautiful isn't it? They have that event every year here. The sculptures are all over town in all our parks. They are quite the sight to see. Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: I thought it was too; glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome! I hope your son liked his goodie bag as well. Thank you for joining my swap and for the rating <3
Response: You are very welcome. Glad I found a common like with you in John Muir! Thank you for the nice rating. Happy Spring!
Response: You are very welcome; glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: I had seen that image before and liked it too, so just had to use it for this swap! Glad it was a good addition to your collection. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: You are very welcome and consider the second one your 1st anniversary present for being founder of our awesome group! I get inspiration from the other group members as well and continue to expand my 'artistic' self......
Response: They are cute little creatures and I can see how people could have them as pets(after de-scenting them of course). We used to have a few families of them in our neighborhood, but people trapped them and the foxes and coyotes got them too.
Response: Glad you liked my creation! Happy Spring !!.!!
Response: Yeah, just in time for Easter =) Thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You are welcome, glad you liked it and thank you for the Heart rete <3
Response: Glad you liked the atc! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: I am happy you liked the handsome little guys! I love owls. I can't remember why these were a resend at this point either. I had kept the swap in my sent file so it's good that we can call this one closed-lol!
Response: Wow that is some patience and determination she had, bless her heart <3 Did you get the genetic testing and counseling done? I would highly recommend it and insurance usually covers it. Once you have one cancer you are highly susceptible to certain other cancers you can get screened for appropriately, even 15 years post diagnosis I'm still doing this. Take care!
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: That's great to hear! So happy that you liked it!
Response: So happy you liked it, I'm trying to get better with this theme =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks to you for the nice rating and yes, I am sure we will meet again at the mailbox =)
Response: Me too! I was happy to find it. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: I hadn't seen that one either and bought myself one too--lol! Thanks for the nice rating<3
Response: I think all the ones I'm getting in this swap are so pretty. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: I am happy you liked them =) Thanks for hosting; I thought it was a great idea!
Response: That's great! Glad you liked them and thanks for the nice rating!
Response: My pleasure. Thank you for the sweet comments <3
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Glad you liked what I sent =) Thank you for the nice rating.
Response: I'm happy to hear that you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Great to hear it finally got there and that you liked it. Thank you for the heart rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: I noticed on your profile that you did not like glitter, but glitter glue doesn't flake, so I don't consider it glitter--lol! I'm glad you liked it, it took several stages of drying...Thanks for letting me know that you got it =)
Response: Thanks for letting me know that you got it! Glad you liked it. My husband is the GM for Trugreen in Grand Junction, but he only gets there about twice per year and I don't get to go with him.....
Response: What a sweet comment, thank you. I am very happy that you liked it =) Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked her! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: I know, I can't wait to smell the lilacs every year, and it's getting to be that time! You are so welcome =)
Response: Glad you liked it and thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: Thank you for the very nice comment=) The fairy is an image from Mary Cicely Barker's books; so many lovely little fairies in each book! The teddy is a rubber stamp that I colored in with markers.
Response: Good to hear that this one got there safely. Who knows what happens to our missing artwork?!! My other partners got theirs ok. I'm glad you liked my theme and thank you so much for the heart rating =)
Response: Aww, thanks for the nice comment, but I thought yours were great too! All the words are from songs, I guess I forgot to mention that.
Response: So happy you liked them, they were kind of difficult to get my mind around the size. The words are all from songs, I forgot to mention that.
Response: So happy that you liked it. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Well thank you for the kind comment; I'm glad you liked it. It takes me an hour to think of how to put it all together so as not to block out pertinent things- LOL!
Response: Glad to hear that you liked it =) Thanks to you for the nice rating!
Response: Thanks for your kind rating and thanks for the challenge! I do want to try another one of these little gems =)
Response: thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Yes we all can use more money and the best of health! Today is St Paddy's Day here, so I'm wishing you the luck of the Irish coming your way! HaHa! Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: Yeah, it got there in time! So happy to hear you liked it. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Wow, that would be nice if Michael's got the G45 papers! I understand they have some Easter bunny design now. Glad you liked my card and thank you very much for the heart rate <3
Response: Well, thank you for the nice rating! Glad you liked it =)
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart rating.
Response: So glad you liked it =) Thanks to you for the nice rating!
Response: Oh goody, glad you liked it! Thank you for the lovely heart rating <3
Response: Thank you for the kind and generous rating <3
Response: Thank you for the nice comment and rating <3 Glad you liked the leprechaun!
Response: Happy Birthday! Glad you liked the cupcake and thank you for the heart rate <3
Response: You're welcome; I thought that bling sticker was too cute to pass up and I was saving it for just the right swap! Thanks for the heart rate!
Response: You are so very welcome; I'm glad you liked it. Thanks to you for the heart rating =)
Response: I'm happy you liked the atc I made for you! Thank you for the invite to your group, but I have stopped sending packages internationally because of the very high cost of shipping. Hope to see you in other swaps!
Response: So happy to know you liked her! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: I thought you would like the spiders! iht a huge bag of buttons at Halloween, so I was happy to share some of them. Thanks for hosting the swap =)
Response: Wow, that's great! I just made my mom one, as teal is her favorite color. She's gotten compliments too. I think this style can be worn through the spring too =)
Response: So happy to hear you liked what I did with it. Thank you so much for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked everything. It's nice to know you can use the makeup and perfume! Be careful of the tail coming off the lion with a baby!!!
Response: You're welcome =) I'm happy to know you liked it.
Response: Please feel better soon. We need your creativity here! I should start up again doing the photo swaps. I just don't have a great camera........
Response: You are very welcome and I am happy to hear that it is going into your collection =) I can't wait to see the spring flowers popping up!
Response: I see more and more cute and/or lovely vintage images on the internet; it's hard to resist saving every one of them on my computer! Thanks for the Valentine heart. Hopefully the envie got the poem and special cancellation from Loveland?
Response: Oh, goody! Hope it got the stamp and poem from Loveland for you. Thanks for joining my swap again!
Response: And thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Hopefully the stamps from Loveland came out ok. I'm glad you enjoyed everything! Thanks so much for the heart rating <3
Response: You are very welcome. I am very happy you liked it =) Thanks for doing the private swap with me. Hugs, Laura
Response: You are welcome =) Thanks for rating and for the heart!
Response: Me too, I couldn't resist buying those animal valentines. Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: You're very welcome. Thanks to you for the nice rating <3
Response: I'm happy to hear that you loved the atc I made for you! I couldn't resist those animal valentines. Thanks for the heart =)
Response: Yes, they had me gathering donations from neighbors, but I did not use all their envies so had to put them to good use! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Great to hear you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Oh no, I am sorry about the 'poke in the eye' ! I guess I didn't package him well enough, even though I paid for hand canceling, but I am glad you were able to doctor him to recovery ^.~
Response: Glad you liked him! Thanks for hosting and for the heart rate <3
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart rating =)
Response: You are very welcome. Glad to hear you liked the little guys. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Well, I'm so happy to hear that you changed your mind based on my happy mail to you! I hope you stay and if you want to private swap, let me know. Thanks for the very nice comment and rating <3<3
Response: Yeah! Glad you and the kiddos loved everything! Thanks for the nice heart rating <3
Response: I love learning new techniques from other artists, glad you do too =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Glad you got my fun mail and liked it. Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: You are welcome, glad you can use them, I bought way too many.....!
Response: Thank you for the heart rate <3 Glad you liked it!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: So happy you liked her! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: You are welcome =) Thank you for the heartrate!
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the very nice rating. I'm happy you liked the kind of 'strange' atc!
Response: You are very welcome :) Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: So happy you liked it! Something about that image...I may have to use it for the Mar swap if I don't get you as my partner again-LoL! Thanks for the heart for valentines <3
Response: You are welcome! I'm glad you liked everything. Thank you for the very nice comment and rating :)
Response: So glad you and your babies liked everything! (=^.^=)
Response: Oh no, thanks for letting me know about the tearing! I have recd a couple torn myself. Glad everything was still inside. Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad it made you smile! Thanks for the rating =)
Response: Meow, you're welcome. We are so happy you liked the things we chose to send you (=^.^=)
Response: So happy the birdy has a nice new place. I'm sure you will take good care of him ))>
Response: Hopefully we can put him away soon, I'm so yearning for warm sun here in Colorado. Thank you for the heart <3
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart rating <3
Response: you're welcome =)
Response: Thanks once again for the kind comment and rating <3 Glad you liked the little gobbler!
Response: I appreciated your patience and understanding with me sending your first atc to the wrong partner in Australia! I am very happy that you enjoyed receiving them. Thank you for the heart and the kind comment =)
Response: You are very welcome. Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Glad you liked the atc I put together. Thank you for the rating <3
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks for rating.
Response: So happy you loved it! Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Thanks for the nice comments =) Glad you thought the atc was wonderful!
Response: Well, I'm having fun watching them in the trees and along the top of my fence in the backyard =) They drive my dog crazy though!
Response: You are very welcome and I know you will like them!
Response: No problem, just glad they came out okay and that you enjoyed them =)
Response: You are always so very welcome! Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: That's my favorite also! Glad you liked the squirrel pics. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You are very welcome. I can't wait to start my garden, but it's still winter here!!!
Response: Glad these got there safely! So happy you liked them, too. Thanks for the heartrate<3
Response: I got the image and the hearts from a Valentine themed paper pad. I thought she was a cutie too. Glad she will be giving you cheer for a while =) Thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: You are very welcome Bev! Glad you liked it=) Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: So happy you liked her. I enjoyed making her for you! Thanks for your lovely comment <3 <3
Response: Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Oh goody, I'm glad you liked it so much! Thanks to you for the generous rating <3
Response: I'm glad it brought a smile to your face =) I enjoyed making it for you. Thank for the nice rating!
Response: You are very welcome! I hope you can wear the scarf without getting too warm there; I tried to make it a more deco one than warm one for you. Thanks for the nice heart rating <3
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart rating <3
Response: I won't go without those cucumbers! I forgot to mention that they are not bitter. The skin gets little pricklies if you wait too long to pick, but you can peel them. Thanks for the rating =)
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: I am happy to hear that you liked the things I picked out for you! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: The bear was one of my favs too. Thanks for the nice rating, I am so happy you liked the inchies =)
Response: I just made it again last night! My husband and son love it and it is so easy to make. Thanks for the nice rating=)
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the nice rating. I am very happy that you liked the atc I made for you!
Response: You are so welcome! I have my Christmas ATC's still spread out on the ledge between my kitchen and living area; can't seem to put them away just yet!
Response: So happy you like it! I never trust envies that have more than a flat card in them, so have to tape them like crazy. I shake everything to one side and then carefully cut a sliver off the other end, then take contents out. I get these kind all of the time since I trade ATC's =)
Response: You are welcome =) Happy New Year!
Response: Hope you like it =) Thanks for the rating!
Response: Oh goody, glad you liked him!
Response: Yippee! It finally arrived. In one piece I assume...We are all having such fun with our embossing powders!
Response: Happy New Year to you too!
Response: So glad you got them finally! New techniques for the new year-lol!
Response: You are welcome, new year new recipes =)
Response: You're very welcome. I enjoyed making them for you. Thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: You are so welcome! I had two of those duck punches for some reason or another and I can never resist the pretty cling stamps in the bargain bins at JoAnns and Michael's, but then I don't always get around to using them. That's pathetic, I know, so I had to pass them on and hope someone will actually put them to use =) Thanks again for those watercolors!
Response: You are always very welcome! I still have to get some of those beautiful borders that you use. Thanks for hosting =)
Response: It is good=) Thanks for rating!
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the rating =)
Response: Hope you do! Thanks for rating.
Response: Please do , it's yummy! Thanks for the heart =)
Response: Wow, it finally got to you! Thanks fir the rating and Happy New Year! You should be getting a Snoopy ATC soon too.
Response: You are so very welcome =) Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: Have a great new year =)
Response: Me too, that was a long time ago! Now my younger son (22) still likes to get his stocking, but he knows who really puts it all together--heehee.
Response: Wow, that was lightening fast mail! I felt like I was sticker slapping on this one, but just couldn't resist those pretty foiled ones. So happy you liked it!
Response: You are very welcome and thanks to you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are so very welcome=) Thanks to you for the heartrate <3
Response: Wow, you did get it before(barely) Christmas! I had fun with my new embossing powders =)
Response: I'm glad you found it because I was starting to think I didn't package it well enough with the 'bump' of the charm. Embossing is addictive!
Response: Well thanks for the nice comments. Believe it or not, that one was not that time intensive once I had all the punch outs done. It kind of designed itself!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked it =) I'm fond of all the miniature Christmas cards that image came from, I think they are from Punch Studio.
Response: Enjoy all the fun swapping =) TY for the nice rating!
Response: So happy you liked it =) TY for the nice rating!
Response: Oh, the heart is enough =) I hope some of them fit into your collection!
Response: So glad you liked it! Picked it just for you. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You are very welcome! Happy baking =) Thanks very much for the heartrate.
Response: You are always very welcome! Thank you for nice comment!
Response: Thanks for the heart Wendy!
Response: Thanks for the heart Donetta !
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the heart and Happy Holidays!
Response: Oh, it's so good to know that you liked it. I had never made one before and was so nervous that it wouldn't be right. I waited to get mine from my partner so I knew how to fill the pages, and I read your profile looking for ideas--lol! Thanks so much for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome! Happy Holidays!
Response: You are so welcome =)
Response: So happy to hear you like it! Thanks for joining my swap and thanks for the heart. Happy Holidays!
Response: That was in the nick of time! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Response: No problem, just happy to know you got it and that you thought he was adorable =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Yeah, glad you liked them!
Response: Yeah, I'm so happy you like it! Thanks for the very nice comment and Happy Thanksgiving (((8)))
Response: Thanks for hosting this! I enjoyed learning a new craft =) Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: That one was a challenge! I'm so happy you liked it!
Response: Hope you'll try the recipe--it's very tasty !
Response: I'm so happy you like them. I was thinking that 2-3 inchies attached one under the other with ribbon and add a hangar would make a nice tree ornament. I might try that!
Response: You're very welcome! Enjoy the last of fall, WINTER is here! Happy Thanksgiving to you also!
Response: Glad you did get it!! Thanks for rating =)
Response: Oh, I'm glad you liked my creation =) Thanks for the sweet comment and nice rating!
Response: I am glad you liked the recipes I chose. What a good idea to take the popcorn with you to view lights! Happy Holidays!
Response: I don't usually use stickers but this beaded one was just too beautiful to turn down. I am so happy you thought so too =) Thank you very much for the nice rating!
Response: I am so happy you liked it even though I was still in Halloween mode. I'm so happy it made your day to get it! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Yes, I hope you enjoy shopping and filling up your craft room! So happy it was a housewarmer for you =) Happy Thanksgiving in your new house!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating <3
Response: Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You are so welcome =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Yes, those stickers are great. I was afraid to put them on the envie, but I have recd letters from others with them and they stay on ok. Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for hosting and for the nice rating <3
Response: I hope you do and like it! Thanks for the nice rating and Happy Holidays!
Response: Thanks to you for hosting and for the nice rating <3 =)
Response: I doubt I will ever get to Slovenia, but thanks for the offer =) Yep, friends and coffee are the best! You will have to refresh my memory as to which card I sent to you, okay?
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Yes it is a small world! Hope they like it here! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: So happy you liked her =) Thanks for the sweet comment!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for joining my swap and for the heart rating <3
Response: Oh my goodness, I guess great minds think alike, hey? So I am glad that I picked something that you liked because I'm not real familiar with D of D art, other than I know it's colorful and floral. Thanks for the very nice rating <3
Response: The Tin Man that I used is from the Graphics 45 paper line. I enlarged it a little on my printer though. Thanks so much for the sweet comments =)
Response: I was starting to wonder where it was! Glad you liked it! I tried a little 3D this time. Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: I had fun making that one from a pumpkin stamp. I got the card at the dollar store believe it or not!
Response: The stars were cut from a trim piece. I used a little Pearl Ex around the sheet music but it wasn't very noticeable. Sorry for not listing my techniques; I tend to forget to do that.
Response: You're welcome, my pleasure! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Thanks to you for the nice comments and heart rating!
Glad it got to you just in time=)
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks to you for the nice rating =)
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you for hosting and for the nice rating =)
Response: Well thank you! Good to hear that you enjoyed it. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: I'm glad you like it! Thank you for the nice rating and the nice comments =)
Response: Glad you are in the group too! Thank you for the sweet comment and nice rating =)
Response: You are always welcome! Thank you for the heartrate =) Happy Fall!
Response: Oh thank goodness! Aren't those leaves nice? They are brads I got at Michael's. I used them on an atc too. Sometimes I just bend the arms off and then glue them on. I was going to make one of these matchboxes for my niece because the leg extension is so funny!
Response: You are very welcome--I loved those stickers too!
Response: You are very welcome!!! I got my pkg from you today and I love everything! Yours will be on it's way soon. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You're so very welcome! I'm glad you liked everything. The precious pearls are fun to use! Thanks for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: So glad it didn't freak you out--lol! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Thank you for the nice compliment. I'm not that experienced with steampunk, so getting better every swap I hope =) Thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: You are so welcome. He was such fun to make. I hope you enjoy the Halloween season!
Response: I know, those envies and cards are so pretty. I almost hate to write on them with my poor handwriting. Thanks for the noce comment. I'm so happy that you liked him. You should be getting a vintage fairy any day now........
Response: You are very welcome; I had a good time making them! Thanks for the nice heart =)
Response: Yippee, I'm so happy you like it after all the great quality swaps you have sent me lately and the witch hat and shoes!!!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating. I am happy you liked the little blondie girl =)
Response: I would love to see what you are doing with these in your collage! I need some inspiration for displaying. The elephant was my favorite too =)
Response: Oh, no, she wasn't supposed to be considered cute! She was to be an evil witch =) I am glad you liked her, I had to learn how to hand sew again to get those snaps on the dress....Thank you for the nice rating =)
Response: Aw, glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart <3
Response: Yippee! So happy you liked them. It's hard to get good images sometimes. Thanks to you for the nice rating, it's appreciated =)
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart =)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment; I'm glad you liked the atc =)
Response: Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have all the gadgets we wished for? Glad you liked the atc =)
Response: You are very welcome! I couldn't resist using those vintage images of the children at Halloween and love the little poems that go with them. Dipstick is what I keep wanting to saytoo, every time I see that word. That's also the word I use for the people that irritate me on the road--heehee! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: I found those at a dollar store. They are actually treat sacks! I'm happy you liked everything and thanks so much for the nice rating!
Response: So glad that you liked it! Thanks so much for the nice rating =)
Response: You are always very welcome, and it is my pleasure! I'm happy to know you liked them. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: So happy it got to you safely and that you do enjoy it =) Thanks for such a nice rating!
Response: You are so very welcome. I also used nail polish to alter an altoids tin in another swap. It adheres well! Thanks to you for the lovely rating!
Response: My pleasure! It's always fun to 'talk' to another monkey and dog lover--heehee! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Thanks for hosting and for the nice rating. I'm glad you enjoyed the stories.
Response: I'm glad you like the little fellow! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You are very welcome! It's so fun to see the techniques we use and then try them ourselves =)
Response: Glad you liked it! Was kind of a different theme for me to try =)
Response: You are very welcome. I am glad you liked the PC and recipes!
Response: Yes, I thought that one was very creepy rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thanks for the heart <3
Response: Well that one took forever to get to you! I am glad it made it in one piece and that you liked my booklet design. Thank you so much for the nice rating <3
Response: If you decide to go, I will go with you! No kidding!! Thanks for the nice rating; I am glad you liked them =)
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are so welcome =) I'm glad it got to you; it took forever this time. Thanks for the very nice rating!
Response: I'm so happy you liked it, I had a hard time finding a good image! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Aww, glad he brought a smile to you =) The sealant was a puzzle laminator by Sargent Art. It's been in my supply box for years, LOL. I got the Ziggy labels from a non-profit mailing--LLS Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Thanks again for joining my swap!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! The giraffes seemed to fit the job-lol. Thanks again for hosting!
Response: Glad it brought a smile to all of your faces =) My grandson liked it too! Thank you for another nice rating <3
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: The image was part of the image that was on the magnet. I thought those dogs were so sweet and I'm glad you liked them too!
Response: You are so very welcome! I bet Lilly is so happy to go to school! Get a break from all the doctors and be around children her own age =)
Response: Oops, I'm sorry I missed that on your profile and I did read your profile....I don't like the glitter either that falls off on everything and this paper seemed to keep it well adhered, I guess that's why I liked it. Thanks for giving me a heart regardless =) <3
Response: You are so very welcome. I hope you are feeling better =)
Response: Well thank you for such a lovely comment =) I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Response: Oh goody! Butterflies are also one of my fav creatures. Thanks for the heart and rating!
Response: I'm happy that you liked it! Thanks for rating and the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Aww, thanks for the sweet comment! Hope you had a nice birthday! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Oh good, you did get it! You are very welcome =) Thanks for rating!
Response: Yeah, they stayed intact-so many small pieces. Glad you liked them! Thanks for the tip and the rating =)
Response: Yeah! It's always nice when you don't get duplicates! Have you seen those new Anna Griffin beauties? They are on my wishlist =)
Response: Aww, thanks for the sweet comment. I am happy you liked it. Thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for the lovely rating.
Response: No, it was a card sent to me by another swap-botter. My kitty is 'Wilson', a black long hair. Thank you for the heart and I'm happy you liked the atc!
Response: I'm happy that you liked it. It was so fun to make; I had never tried that technique before. Thanks for the great rating =)
Response: Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: I stood at the scale at the po and kept adding until it was one ounce =) I am happy to know you liked what I sent!
Response: What a sweet comment! I am happy to know that you liked it. Thank you for the great rating!
Response: Thanks for the very nice comment! I'm glad you liked what I created =) Yeah for Virgos!
Response: I read you like hummingbirds in your profile =)
Response: You are very welcome =) Thank you for the heartrate.
Response: I am so glad I finally found an image to use for this oriental atc =) Hope you are feeling better each day!
Response: My pleasure! Maybe we should do a skinny 3x5 hula girl next, that way we have space for more embellishments =))((
Response: You should come for Cheyenne Frontier days! It's end of this month thru first week in Aug. We are going to see some concerts--Luke Bryan and Rascal Flats!
Response: welcome =) Thank you for the heartrate!
Response: My pleasure! Glad you had a great trip! Yes, I need to bite the bullet and get moving on the traveling =)
Response: Oh, yes, that is one of my favorites too for making cards out of. Glad you liked them, they were fun to put together =)
Response: You are so welcome =)
Response: I'm so happy you liked it. I had a hard time finding good images, so resorted to the kimono, which I had made several before. I thought the bookmark looked like cherry blossoms. Thanks for the nice comment and rating <3
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for being such a great hostess and group leader! And thanks for the lovely heart <3
Response: Glad you liked the atc and the stamp! I still recommend you touch up the image with a fine sharpie after you stamp it though. My first attempt at carving was not a stellar outcome--lol! Thanks for the very kind rating =)
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for hosting this swap =)
Response: Thank you for the nice comment and rating. Very happy you liked it!
Response: So happy you liked the little guy =) Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: And thank you for the nice rating. I'm so happy you liked them =)
Response: I had fun at Walmart on their photo machine putting all the borders and the text on them. Great to hear you enjoyed them!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating. Since I broke my toe, I've had my son and husband taking mail to po for me and I now hear that they 'forgot' to send some right away. I am so sorry for the tardiness!
Response: Oh good! So happy you liked it. Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the very nice rating!
Response: My pleasure; thanks for rating. I am glad that you did get it =)
Response: My pleasure!! Thanks for such nice comments. I am learning more and more techniques as I go =)
Response: My pleasure! Thank you for the heartrate <3
Response: Such a nice comment coming from an artist! Thank you so much for the great rating =)
Response: Ohh, so glad you liked my Chipster boy! Let's do cats next....=)
Response: My pleasure! Thanks for the hilarious video you sent on my profile. I was looking at the shading kits at Hobby Lobby yesterday, and I also noticed they are having watercolor classes. Thanks for your encouragement !
Response: My pleasure. I'm so happy you liked mr froggy. Sometimes others don't like cute things like I do. Thanks for the nice comment and rating :-)
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the nice comment and rating :-)
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thank you for the heart :-)
Response: Oh, I am so glad that I sent you a smile! We now have a big dog because my son and husband wanted a 'real' dog. I sure do miss my little penny girl. Whenever I see a doxie, my heart sinks. Thank you so much for your hearts <3
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: I'm very happy that you liked it so much. In my spare bedroom I have a white antique bedframe and have the room decorated shabby. Thanks so much for your sweet comment and heartrate!
Response: You are very welcome =) Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Thanks for the nice comment and the heart rate <3
Response: My pleasure; happy to know that you enjoyed everything! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: You are so very welcome! Thanks for being such a great host of these enjoyable swaps <3
Response: Wow! Happy you liked it and thanks for the great comment =)
Response: Thanks for being so kind...I liked that one the best but wished I would have gotten a better pic of the ones in the cage with the necks formed like a heart <3
Response: Oh I'm so happy you liked it. I only had the background papers, not the Geisha, so had to think of something to go with what I had =)
Response: Thanks for being so kind....I thought the birds in the cage formed a heart with their necks and heads, but I didn't get such a great pic of them.
Response: You're very welcome =)
Response: You're welcome and I'm happy that you did get them=) Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Thanks to you for the heart. Glad you liked the atc =)
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: So happy you liked it!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating =) I am so sorry that my glue did not withstand the postal demons. I thought the bubble wrap would have 'shielded' it from harm.
Response: You are very welcome! I am so glad that you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked him!
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the heatrate <3
Response: Oh, I'm sorry you were expecting larger cards. The swap said no larger than 4 x 5, so I thought I was making an okay size. I would be happy to make you some larger ones and send them out. The punch is an older Martha Stewart one. It's an edge punch and I just used a small section of it =)
Response: Thank you for the nice rating =) I'm happy that you liked it!
Response: That sounds very pretty! Have you ever seen those little Japanese pincushions with little Japanese ladies all around? I used to live in Panama and had a few of those. I wish I would have kept them now!
Response: I'm so glad that it met your expectations! I really had a hard time with that material raveling and slipping. Thank you for the heart =)
Response: No problem, I am glad you got it. Oh what fun having baby raccoons sounds like! I'm afraid my dog would go crazy.
Response: You are very welcome, hope you will like them =)
Response: So happy you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: You are so welcome, glad they brought a smile to your face =)
Response: No problem! Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yeah! You are very welcome! Thanks for the heartrate =)
Response: You are very welcome =)
Response: Thank you very much!
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the nice rating=)
Response: Well thank you for the nice comment and the heart <3
Response: You are very welcome and thanks to you for the heart <3
Response: Enjoy your time here! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad you liked it !! I got mine from my partner and it is so interesting all the combinations there can be of the style and color! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: You are very welcome--I don't usually use stickers, but I thought these were beautiful ones. Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: I'm so glad you liked the little fella =) Thanks for the nice rating and comment!
Response: Yeah! So glad you liked it and that the wooden mushrooms did not split or break!
Response: I'm so glad it got to you, seems like it took forever! Hope you enjoy everything. Thanks for the heartrate!
Response: You're very welcome and thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Yeah, I was hoping the wooden pieces wouldn't split! Glad you liked it and thanks to you for the nice rating!
Response: You are so welcome =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: I forgot I had those stamps until this swap came up. That's why I like swap bot, it churns creativity. Happy you liked it, and thanks for the heartrate!
Response: Well thanks to you for the wonderful rating! I really am happy that you liked everything. I wanted to make a good swap for you since you were such a good angel to me!
Response: Yeah! The set I sent to my other partner did not.... Gald you liked them =)
Response: I am happy I picked ones you liked! Thank you for the nice rating=)
Response: No problem, I'm just happy you got it and enjoyed it =) Thanks for the heartrate.
Response: I'm glad they got there in one piece and that you are enjoying them already! This was a fun swap!
Response: I thought his tail was cool too....Thanks for the nice rating and I'm glad you enjoyed the atc.=)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment and rating =) What a relief that you live far away from the river. Water can do sooo much damage to a home!
Response: You are so welcome =) I'm happy you liked the color and style. Butterflies are a fav for me in the summer, along with hummingbirds!
Response: You are very welcome. April showers bring May flowers--Yeah!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it! He's a favorite of mine! Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: Glad you liked the lemon and I hope it does cheer your daughter up =)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment and rating =)
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks to you for the nice rating =)
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart ^.^
Response: Thanks for the rating =) Please tell me you didn't just get this? Hope you are doing well!
Response: Glad you liked everything! I did not make the greeting card but thought it had to go with the pooh atc I made. Another wonderful swapper had made four pooh cards for me =) Thanks for the nice rate!
Response: Good to know you liked the Raggedy Ann on yellow=) I love yellow, but can't wear it though. Thanks for the heartrate <3
Response: I will =) Thanks for the nice rating and Happy Spring to you!
Response: Wow, this was a swap from 2011! I hope you are okay!
Response: Thanks for the nice comments! I am so happy you liked it. Some don't like children's book characters....Thanks so much for the heartrate!
Response: so very welcome =) I am happy you liked the rabbit; wasn't too sure about adding him....thx for the heart rate!
Response: You're very welcome =) Thanks for the nice rating and Happy Spring!
Response: Glad you liked the little critters =) Thanks to you for the nice rating!
Response: Great, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks to you for the nice rating <3 Happy Spring!
Response: You are very welcome =) I am happy you loved it as much as I did!
Response: You're ver welcome. Thanks for the nice heartrate =)
Response: Thanks for the heartrate. I hope you can use the paper for the next swap!
Response: You are very welcome. Just happy to know it did get to you safely =)
Response: Happy to hear that you liked the stamp as much as I did! Thanks for the heartrate =)
Response: Oh, good! Sorry the first gif images didn't stay on; I'm not sure why. Thanks for the nice heartrate.
Response: Oh, good! As I join more swaps, I am wondering where I am going to store all these atc's. So I guess I should pass along more and more often =)
Response: Yes, aren't they dollbabies? Thanks for rating =)
Response: Wonderful, I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for the nice comments and rating =)
Response: Yes, Good Earth IS THE BEST =) Thanks for the heart rate <3
Response: Glad you liked it! I'm sorry to hear about the damage. I'll try to remember to tape the envie when I send to you
Response: So happy you liked it and thanks for the nice comment and rating =)
Response: Thanks for the nice heart +
Response: You are very welcome' Thanks for the nice comment and heart =)
Response: These were a challenge for me, so I am happy that you were pleased =) Thanks for the kind comment and the nice rating!
Response: You are welcome, glad to know you liked him!
Response: Glad you liked the atcs! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Anytime, I am glad you liked everything =)
Response: I am sorry to hear that you cannot see them. When I look at your profile, I see them. They are all 3 .gif images. I will try to post you a .jpeg image.
Response: You are very welcome =) Thanks for joining!
Response: Thanks for the heat rating. Happy St Paddy's Day!
Response: I happy you enjoyed it all =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You are welcome; glad you liked it. Got yours in the mail an hour ago =)
Response: Great, I'm happy you liked him! Thanks for the heart rating =)
Response: You're very welcome! Thanks for the rating =)
Response: You are very welcome; I hope you can use them in your crafting!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart rating =)
Response: You are very welcome! I am happy you liked the sayings =)
Response: I'm glad you liked them and hope they are something you can use in your crafting. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome <3 I enjoyed making them for you. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Thanks for your kind comment and for the heart rating <3
Response: Yeah! You are very welcome and thanks to you for the heart =)
Response: You are welcome--I'm so happy you likd him =)
Response: I'm so happy that you liked them and that they finally arrived! My love of dogs, too....Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Thanks for the kind comments! I'm happy that you liked everything =) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You're very welcome; thanks for the rating!
Response: I'm happy you liked it! Thanks to you for the nice rating =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You're welcome =) Thanks to you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, they are beautiful creatures . Glad you liked my atc!
Response: Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: Glad you liked it =) You are very welcome.
Response: You are very welcome--I'm happy to hear you liked everything!
Response: Oh, good, glad you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: LOL! I'll go with you--I'm starting to despise most holidays myself! Thanks for the rating =)
Response: You are very welcome (=^.^=) Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Oh good, so happy you liked the little guy. Wouldn't mind doing another swap! Thanks for the <3
Response: Oh good, thanks for the heart! I am glad you liked the atc, too!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed her! Thanks for the rating =)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment. Coming from you makes it even better! Thank you for the heart rating!
Response: You're very welcome and thank you for the <3
Response: You are so kind; I am happy you got it and you enjoyed it. Thanks to you for the nice rating <3
Response: You are very welcome and thanks to you for the nice rating <3
Response: Sure :-). Thanks for rating!
Response: Yes, those hamster stickers were so sweet! Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: You're so welcome. Thanks for the nice comment and rating; I'm glad that you enjoyed it :-)
Response: You are welcome, and thanks to you for the heart <3
Response: Wow, thanks for all the kind remarks. Mine failed in comparison to the one I recd--I wish you could see it. I thought the same thing as you, that this was drab paper to work with. My partner actually used alcohol inks to color the teacup, and then used some metal brads and added a clock with it's metal dials. I thank you for the heart <3
Response: I'm happy you did :-) Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: Glad to hear that you liked it. Always hope my partner likes my art when it is personalized with their name =). Thank you very much for the heart rating and the nice comment!
Response: You're very welcome--thanks to you for the heart <3
Response: Glad to know you liked the cute little things I sent :-) Thanks to you for the heart rating!
Response: So happy to hear that you like everything :-) Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: Thank you for the nice comment :-). You are very welcome !
Response: You are so welcome <3. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Yeah, that's great! Thanks for the nice rating. :-)
Response: You are very welcome :-)
Response: Yeah! Glad she like them :-)
Response: How sweet (=^.^=). Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You are so welcome and thank you also for the tip on the expired film! Thank you for the nice rating too!
Response: You are very welcome <3
Response: you are so welcome =) Thanks for the nice comment and heart!
Response: I'm happy that you liked what I put together for you! Thank you for the heart rating :-)
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you forthe nice rating; I'm happy you liked the card :-)
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart rating :-)
Response: You are very welcome-- I'm happy to know you liked everything <3
Response: We haven't got much mixture here either. They are predicting we will be in a drought this summer, one of the worst. Maybe we will get more snow before spring sets in. Sometimes we get a huge wet snow in March. Thanks for the nice rating I am glad you liked the patterned snowflakes :-)
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the nice rating :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart rating :-)
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart !
Response: I'm happy that you like it :) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You are so welcome and thank you for the nice comment!
Response: Glad you liked it :) Thanks to you for the nice rating!
Response: Great! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I am glad that you liked them! Thanks to you for the nice rating :)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment and heart!
Response: Thanks for the nice comments and for the rating :-) I'm happy that you enjoyed it.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. I'm pretty new to twinchies! Thanks for the nice rating :-)
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart! I'm glad you liked it :-)
Response: You're welcome and thank you for the kind comment and heart:-)
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the nice rating :-)
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart :-)
Response: Sorry you had to glue something back on. I thought I used good glue. I am happy he made you smile :-)
Response: I'm happy that you lied the little guy :-). Thank you for the nice rating!
Response: Thanks for the Greta comment and heart rating. Glad you are back swapping :-)
Response: I'm happy that you liked her, and thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked him:-) Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: Thanks for the nice rating :-)
Response: Glad you liked it and the tea! Thank you for the heart :-)
Response: You are very welcome! I'm so happy that this one got to you safe and sound :-)
Response: You are very welcome! I'm relieved this one got to you safely. I hope the first one will still show up because I thought it was adorable :-)
Response: Thanks for the nice comment and rate :-) you are very welcome!
Response: Had you liked it :-) Thanks for the heart and hope to swap with you again!
Response: Glad you enjoyed the picture of our new doggy! He's one of my favorite subjects to photograph right now.
Response: So happy you liked it :-)
Response: Thanks for the nice rating :-)
Response: Thank you for the nice comment and rating :-) Very glad you liked it.
Response: Thanks for the nice rating! I am glad that you liked it :-)
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the rating :-)
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the nice rating:-)
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thanks forthe nice rating!
Response: Glad you liked the pic of our new family member:-)
Response: So happy that you liked it :-) Thanks for the nice rating, and Happy New Year!
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thanks for the heart rate!
Response: I'm glad you liked what I picked for you :-) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You're very welcome and thank you for the heart :-)
Response: You are very welcome:-) Thanks for the rating!
Response: You are welcome :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the nice rating. Thanks for sending my aunt a card!!!
Response: I'm so happy that you liked he PC's. Thanks for the nice rating :-)
Response: So happy you liked it :-) Merry Christmas!
Response: You are very welcome and thank you for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome and have a great holiday :-) Thanks for the nice rate.
Response: So happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for the rating!
Response: You are welcome and Happy Holidays! Thanks for the rating
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them and thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart rating :-)
Response: You too ! Thanks for the heart rating:-)
Response: Thanks for the heart rating and enjoy those sweets :-)
Response: You are very welcome:-) Happy Holidays!
Response: You too! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: Thanks for the heart rating and cheer of the season to you!
Response: We don't have snow here either-lol. It has been a mild winter for us so far, but that's OK with me because I would rather be somewhere tropical :-)
Response: I'm glad that you like the postcards because they weren't ones hat I collect. Merry Christmas!
Response: Happy Holidays and thank you for the nice rating :-)
Response: Thank you--and thanks for the heart rating!
Response: I'm happy that you liked them :-) I hope you have a very nice holiday season! Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: The original swap had disappeared in the mail system. You said to wait a couple of weeks because of Storm Sandy, which I did. I just responded yesterday that I would get them out in a couple of days, and you also said it would not affect my rating. Would you like me to send you a copy of your messages to me? UPDATE 12/10/2012--I'm so happy and relieved that you got this shipment and that you enjoyed them :-) Happy Holidays!
Response: I have an awesome gnome book that I use for the images. Since I cannot draw,, I resort to using different images. The cutting is tedious though. I am so glad that an artist as good as yourself likes my atc :-)
Response: You are welcome :-) Hope you have a great holiday season!
Response: I'm glad you liked it:-) I enjoyed making it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome :-) Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome--so happy he has a nice home :-)
Response: so happy you enjoyed it :-) Thanks for the heart and have a good holiday season!
Response: Glad you liked it :-) Happy Holidays!
Response: So happy you liked him :-) Have a great holiday season!
Response: You are so welcome:-) Happy Holidays!
Response: You're welcome:-) Happy Holidays!
Response: You're very welcome :-) Merry Christmas!
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: So happy you liked him! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for hosting :-) Thanks for the nice rating <3
Response: No problem, glad you liked it. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving day :-)
Response: I'm glad you joined:-) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Thanks for the compliment and the heart. thank you for hosting :-)
Response: You are welcome, and have a nice holiday :-)
Response: Hope you can use them. Thanks for the heart =) Happy Holidays!
Response: I'm so happy that you liked them! Thanks for the heart and Happy Holidays!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart =)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart =)
Response: Oh good, glad you liked him =) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy you liked it! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart. My son's bday is Nove 26, and he will be 21!
Response: I hope you liked Dracula Snoopy! It was tricky getting him to pose =) Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked them! Thanks for the nice rating :-)
Response: You are welcome, and thanks for the nice comment :-)
Response: You are so welcome--glad you liked him :-)
Response: Glad you liked it, I wasn't sure if the atc was supposed to be the ornament, or if the atc was to have an ornament on it, so I did both :-)
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Glad you liked my mail :-) Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for he heart :-)
Response: Glad you liked it :-) Yes, those papers are the best!
Response: Happy to hear you liked the PC's. I needed to destash, so glad they found a good home :-)
Response: My pleasure :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked him :-) Thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome :-). Are you sure I can't send you some snow?
Response: I'm glad you share my love of kid's cards :-) One heart is enough =)
Response: I guess you liked it since you gave me a heart--lol :-)
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: Better late then never :-) I am happy that you could appreciate those sculptures, they were a sight to see ! I'm envious that you got to go there :-)
Response: I had fun making it. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart :-) They like sun but you should shade the root area, water often and have good drainage. Good luck!
Response: You're welcome , thanks for the heart :-)
Response: You're very welcome :-)
Response: You're very welcome :-)
Response: That's great, glad you liked it :-)
Response: Thanks for the nice rating, glad you liked the PC of the sculpture :-)
Response: Holy polar bears--that's so cute :-) So happy you liked the atc!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Mine too :-) Just went to the zoo and watched the cheetahs walking around with their large plastic bones. They looked like dog toys!
Response: You're very welcome :-)
Response: Glad you liked it :-) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You're very welcome :-)
Response: I'm glad that you liked it :-) I started to think that maybe not everyone likes glitter as much as I do!
Response: I'm so glad that you liked it :-) Thanks for the nice comment and rating!
Response: You're very welcome :-) I used Glossy Accents on the little guy. I sent you a pm.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Maybe we could craft while we watch TV :-) Have you seen unforgettable? I love Poppy Montgomery.
Response: You're very welcome :-) Thanks for the well wishes too.
Response: Glad you liked them and thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I'm glad that you got it :-)
Response: You are very welcome :-)
Response: You are very welcome :-)
Response: Happy to know I picked something you like:-)
Response: Glad they brightened your day :-)
Response: You are very welcome :-). Thanks for hosting!
Response: Sure, my pleasure :-)
Response: My pleasure :-)
Response: Anytime, glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it :-)
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: Sure :-) Glad you enjoyed it.
Response: I'm happy that you liked them because to be honest, I was looking for a home for them :-) LOL
Response: You're very welcome :-)
Response: I'm not an early bird, so don't see many sunrises. Sunset in Key West was the best I've ever seen.
Response: Glad you liked it and I was happy to send it to you. See you agin in the gnome swap =)
Response: You are welcome! Glad you liked them.
Response: I'm so glad that you liked what I picked for you!
Response: So happy you liked it :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Great, glad you liked it. Was I supposed to put a hanger on it?
Response: So happy that you liked it. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Thanks for the nice comments and rating :-) Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Great minds think alike-lol :-) I got that tape at an office supply,either Staples or Office Depot. It's packing tape. Hope you can find it!
Response: I'd been saving that one for the right person :-)
Response: Ian says you are welcome, Mattias, and he is glad you liked his artwork :-)
Response: You are so welcome :-) I almost thought he was too bright! I hope you will join my next swap for a female gnome!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart:-)
Response: Glad you liked it :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: You are welcome :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I was just about to PM you to see if you had gotten it =) I started thinking that I put on way too much glitter, so I am glad that you liked it!
Response: Happy you liked him! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome. Thanks for the heart =)
Response: Glad you enjoyed it =)
Response: You are so welcome =)
Response: You are welcome, I am glad you liked the little guy!
Response: Glad you liked the little fellow!
Response: You're welcome :-) I had fun making them.
Response: Your welcome :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy you liked the atc :-) Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: Oh good I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart =)
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart =)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart =)
Response: You are welcome. They are fairly easy to grow. The roots like to be shaded. You can cut it back after the first bloom and it will bloom again. Thank you for the nice rating :-)
Response: Oh good! I can stop worrying now! Glad you liked it and thanks for the kind rating :-)
Response: Yes, you got it! So happy you liked it :-) Thanks for the kind rating.
Response: Glad you liked it :-) Thanks for the rating!
Response: I'm happy you liked them :-) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: I am so happy you got it :-) Thanks for the kind rating!
Response: Welcome :-) Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating and happy you liked it!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart =)
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the rating =)
Response: Oh, good, glad you liked the ATC! Thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: No problem, glad you received them this time. Maybe the others will show up sometime!
Response: That's one of my fav too! Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Glad you both liked it! There have been a few Halloween swaps, so I got the idea of bats :-)
Response: Yes we are safe but the smoke is overwhelming at times. The wind and scorching hot days don't help either. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: So happy you liked it and the bookmark I made for you :-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked it and I will keep you on my gnome swap list. I have not started another swap yet :-)
Response: Thanks for the nice rating :-) I hope you liked the atc.
Response: You're welcome, glad it was clear and readable =)
Response: Thanks for the rating and the PM. I hope you get to move to Colorado! If you have any questions or want some maps or tourist stuff, let me know =)
Response: I'm glad you liked it :-) yes, it would be my pleasure!
Response: you are welcome :-) thank you for the rating!
Response: you are welcome :-) I've never found any seaglass. Sounds like a fun adventure!
Response: Wow, you've been here in Ft Collins! My dad lives in Rockford, MI :-)
Response: Yes it does seem like paradise from the sattellite pic ! Thx for the rating =)
Response: You are welcome! Thx for the rating =)
Response: So happy you liked this one =) Thanks for the rating.
Response: Oh bummer that I sent a set you already had. I can ssend you the ones I recd, as they are not my preference. They are a whale and rabbit stamps from Michael's. Let me know if you would like them!
Response: Good minds think alike, hey? Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the heart =)
Response: No problem, I am glad you liked the little girl and her puppy =) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You can come and visit =) Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: You must have liked it:-) Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: You are welcome, glad you liked them and thanks for the nice rating =D
Response: Oh good; I'm glad you liked them. I was having technical difficulties with my laptop and printer, so had to copy out of a dog book. Thx for the nice comment!
Response: Yes, I am lucky! I am glad that you enjoyed the PC =)
Response: You are very welcome! Thx for the rating =)
Response: Sorry I sent one you already had! Oh thank your son for his hard work and care! It has been really bad at night trying to sleep. We are just a mile below Horsetooth Reservoir, so praying they get it controlled soon!
Response: You are so welcome, glad you liked it!
Response: Your very welcome and thanks for the nice rating:-)
Response: Thanks for rating and for the heart =)
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the nice rating =)
Response: Thank you for the nice comment and the heart. I'm happy to know that you liked it=)
Response: You are welcome! Ty for the heart =)
Response: You're welcome. Ty for the rating:-)
Response: Glad that you liked it and ty for the nice rating:-)
Response: You are so welcome and ty for the great rate.
Response: So happy you are pleased with it:-) ty for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, happy you liked the sweet treat! Thx for the heart:-)
Response: Glad you liked her. I made one for myself too--heehee! Thx for the heart:-)
Response: Happy you are pleased with her even though i used her in a different design in another swap. I will make it up to you in a future swap. Thx for the heart:-)
Response: So glad you liked them since my photo skills aren't the best. The photo in itself was too much pink at once, but worked much better split up into bookmarks. Thx for the good rating:-)
Response: I'm glad that you liked him, he's one of my favorite cartoons. Thanks for the heart =)
Response: You are welcome, glad you liked it =)
Response: You are very welcome. I am happy that you enjoyed her:-)
Response: Happy he got there in one piece since the jewel was raised. Thx for the heart:-)
Response: glad you liked the little guy! Thanks for the rating:-)
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for the rating:-)
Response: I am happy that you liked her. Thank you for the heart =)
Response: You are so kind with your compliments. I am sorry you had to wait so long to get it. I haven't recd any body bag for the first one I sent out. I'm just happy you recd this pkg in good condition.
Response: You are welcome and thanks for the heart =)
Response: Glad you liked the little critter. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Yes, I intend to!!! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm happy you liked it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Happy you liked her. Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the nice comments. I'm very happy you liked it! I tried to use colors you listedin your profile and tried not to use too much glitter:-)
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the heart!
Response: Awesome, am so happy that you like it! Thanks very much for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked the little critter. Thanks for the heart:)
Response: You're welcome; thanks for the heart:)
Response: Happy you liked it!
Response: You are welcome and happy fishing!
Response: Great :) I'm glad it arrived safely and that you like everything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the heart rating :)
Response: Happy you liked it. Thanks for the heart :)
Response: It's one of my favorites. Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Glad you like it. Thanks for the heart:)
Response: Happy it got to you in one piece this time and that you enjoyed it! Thx for the heart!
Response: Aww, thank you for the nice comment. I am so happy that you like it. My partner used that same image-LOL
Response: Oh, I'm glad you liked it!
Response: Sorry, I should have put the swap name on the envie so you would know. I'm just trying to use up the tons of envies they sent me instead of throwing them away. Glad that you liked the ATC!
Response: Happy to hear it got to you in one piece!
Response: You are very welcome, thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like them. Someone told me they thought they were boxing! I thought they were dancing-LOL
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm happy that you liked them!
Response: Great, hope you are having another good day! Take care, Laura
Response: You're welcome; thenks for the heart!
Response: I'm happy that you liked them! Thank you for the rating.
Response: You are welcome and thank you for the heart! I am going to make one more effort with the cricut and then we'll see if I will be keeping it...............
Response: You are very welcome and thanks for the <3
Response: I'm happy that you liked it. I really loved those cherry blossom stickers. Thx for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome, that was a fun one to make! Thx for the heart!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it. Thx for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Oregon is beautiful too!
Response: I am so glad that you liked it and thanks for the great rating even tho I was a little tardy! I loved those stickers; I may have to buy more of them, since there is no hope for my drawing!
Response: No, I've had that kind of chili before, also steak is great!
Response: I thoguht they were cute too. Thx for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: Happy you liked it, it was fun to make! Thx for the heart.
Response: I'm happy that you enjoyed them. Thx for the heart!
Response: I am so happy that you liked it. Sometimes I get carried away with the glitter-LOL
Response: I'm so happy that you like everything. It was fun filling all those eggs and painting the carton. Thx for the heart!
Response: Hi, I went to dianacreativesort on facebook and got the runaround.. I'm not much of a facebbok user, so I must be doing something wrong, but would like to see your photos :)
Response: Oh, good, I'm glad I did them correctly and that you liked them!
Response: Well, thank you. I'm glad that you liked it! I thought the pieces looked too structured but not random or something.......
Response: Aw, thank you. I just thought I wasn't random enough on the placement of the pieces or something like that--LOL
Response: The basic parrot was a black and white image. I only colored it in and added some green tropical leaves with colored pencils, so I can't take credit for drawing the parrot, as I have no talent for that-LOL!
Response: Thank you very much for the heart and thanks for your patience on the resend. I am glad that you like eveything! That was a fun swap.
Response: Thx for the rating and the heart!
Response: I' m happy that you liked everything. Thx for the <3
Response: Thanks for the compliments! I am glad that you liked the moth ATC and the notecard. My pleasure to send to you!
Response: You're very welcome; that was a fun swap! Thx for the heart!
Response: Oh good, I'm glad you liked it! Thx for the good rating!
Response: My pleasure, hope you you are having a good day! Thx for the heart rating too.
Response: I'm happy you liked them. I hope they help with your collection! Thks for the heart!
Response: I found that stationary at Ross. Glad that you enjoyed it! Thks for the heart!
Response: I hope you do try them, the potato soup is awesome. Thanks for the heart:0)
Response: Thanks for the heart! I am enjoying the quote PC swaps!
Response: Glad you liked it and thanks for the heart:)
Response: Glad you liked it and the little buzzy bee! Thanks for the heart:)
Response: You are welcome, thanks for the good rating!
Response: Glad you liked it. I had to make one for my mom also, since I thought the girl looked like me when I was Much younger!
Response: Glad you liked it. I think dalmations are so sweet. Thanks for the heart:)
Response: Glad you liked it. I had never used a spray of flowers on an ATC, so it was an experience. Thanks for the heart <3
Response: So happy that they made it okay and that you liked them. Thanks very much for the heart!
Response: You are welcome, and I hope you enjoy the teas also. Thanks for the heart rating!
Response: I am very sorry, I guess I checked the discussions below the swap, but must have forgotten to also read your profile! I will resend some black teas to you today that you can try and hopefully enjoy ;-0
Response: You are very welcome and I hope you liked them. Thanks for the rating!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the rating:-)
Response: happy you liked it:-) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: I am happy that you liked them. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Glad that you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad it wasn't one I sent to you before. This city just doesn't have a lot of kitty postcards. Wilson is sad today is too cold to go outside ^=^
Response: Glad you like the design. Thx for the rating!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the rating!
Response: Glad you liked the PC Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the compliment and heart. I'm happy you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked the PC. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Hope you didn't cringe at the poem--LOL Thanks for the heart!
Response: I am so happy that you like them. Thanks for the heart!
Response: My pleasure, so happy you liked it!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks fpr the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad that you got this second mailing okay!
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Happy New Year!
Response: I'm glad they got there, and happy that you like them. Hope you had a nice Christmas!
Response: So happy that you liked your gifts. I have to watch Charlie Brown every holiday! Thanks for the heart ()
Response: I think she came out cute too :-) I am so glad you liked her and thanks for the <3 !
Response: Glad you liked both cards. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I am so glad you liked everything. I had a fun time trying to close the box! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad that I had some of that tea to send you. I had just gotten it a couple of weeks earlier. Anticipating your letter!
Response: I am happy that you liked my mail-Thanks for the heart!!
Response: I hope you will like it, it's my favorite! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. I hope you love that pie, we do! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked your package! Thanks for hearting me!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I am glad that you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! I love those mints also....Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: You are very welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome. Hope you try the pie and like it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed my mail. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm delighted that you like eveything! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I bought them on line, however I have seen the lemon in the grocery store now. It was by the sugar substitutes for some reason. I am glad that you liked my package. Hope to swap with you in the future!