Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: The way I wore out my dad's vinyl of the first Boston album...
Response: You're so welcome! I fell in love with it. I think I may do a variation on it as a tattoo ...and do all the quarter tools in the same style.
Response: That always makes me laugh when I do the same thing and Spotify is like "Ma'am, what are you doing?" LOL
Response: Black olives & pineapple are good, but I'm a slobbering idiot for green olives on pizza. So few places do it though.
Response: So glad you liked them! I figured with 12 different decks to play with and lots of partners, it was easier to list what was given to whom. That way, if I get a repeat partner, I just don't use those same decks necessarily.
Response: Oh thank you! I hope you have a good holiday season, as well!
Response: I am so sorry! I didn't even realize that's what I did. I usually don't do that.
Response: LOL! I look forward to your reaction when you open the gifts I've sent you. Especially the one...
Response: It was fortuitous! Woohoo!
Response: I did! It was a new-to-me pattern because I couldn't find my go-to mini stocking pattern. Glad you like it!
Response: I haven't been yet, but it's on my list.
Response: I've had that frame for a bit, but it never felt like it was "mine", so I patiently kept it aside until it said it wanted to go home.
Response: When I realized what I'd done, I paused for a minute like "Shoot! Now what?" But then I just shrugged and was like "I'll leave a note for who takes that page next" and just continued. LOL
Response: It was a lot of fun!
Response: I wanted to play with color in this one ...and these just worked together somehow. I love how it turned out.
Response: With this particular string, I always do double paradox in the upper 2 spots, usually attempting the whole mirror image effect, so it looks this way.
Response: I had fun coming up with this one for you. LOL
Response: It came in a set I ordered last year off Amazon. I fell in love with the whole set.
Response: The first 2 albums by Asia are just absolute bangers! No skippable tracks on either. I will go through phases where I literally just listen to them over and over.
Response: So glad you liked the PC! I had fun trying to figure out what I'd do ...and then it just hit me. As for my writing, it just takes practice, I guess. LOL
Response: I have 3 packs of Zebra Mildliners, so I used mostly the neon pack for this... I thought it was fun!
Response: That is entirely acceptable!
Response: They turned out so pretty! I didn't even realize what they turned into until it was all over!
Response: Oh, that is so awesome! So few know of her or that album/song!
Response: Thanks for the rerate. I've had to do several recently myself, so there must've been a glitch at some point...
Response: I wasn't sure if it would work, but I really like doodah in paradox, if nothing else. LOL
Response: The Oxford comma and double spaces after periods are my two big grammatic hills that I'll die on. LOL
Response: Thanks! LOL Some of it's for myself down the line, too.
Response: Thanks! It's a line art I found some years back and always like to reuse from time to time.
Response: Glad you liked it all! I had so much fun making it! The tea is my favorite part of my work days in the colder months, so those were all "fresh" tags, as it were. And you're welcome for the gnome stickers! Enjoy!
Response: Thank you. I mean, I AM happy with what I did accomplish in 2023. I think a major part of the issue is the list itself. I need to make some changes.
Response: It was a fantastic weekend! Our road trips are always an adventure & we rarely do a lot of excessive planning. We prefer to let the day dictate. So outside of our hotels and the concert, we just went with the flow.
Response: I accept that I always add in things that I'd love to complete, but may be lofty goals ...or that may end up not actually being goals by the end of the 1001 days. Some I hate failing at, but others I am okay with failing for the reason I just mentioned. It's the way of life.
Response: I love all four of them, ngl... Am still amused that they were all like "You're bored with your job today. You're just doing peer training. Let us entertain you." LOL
Response: Zinger is one of my favorite go-to tangles to play with! I've started combining it with fescu in some cases for a really neat organic look.
Response: I'm so happy it got to you safe and sound! I hope you can get a lot of joy and use out of the items!
Response: I was having waaaay too much fun writing out meow on the envelope. LOL
Response: It turned out so pretty, I almost kept it. LOL
Response: That's exactly what I use it for now! And with the right other tangles, it looks almost 3D...
Response: I hadn't realized it until I'd started adding the extra "brances" of the Yolo, then it just felt right to add in the fescu to make it more obvious.
Response: I haven't actually decided yet. LOL It will end up depending on whether or not I have a migraine. I also need to check with my soulsis to see when we're doing our annual OUaT AppleFest festivities, as we may do it then.
Response: Oh no! Shingles AND a migraine?! I'm SO sorry! I can't imagine how awful that is! Now I feel bad for the purple ink on hot pink paper for the journal!
Response: I adore lighthouses myself, so when I saw you liked them, I knew what I wanted to do. Glad you liked it!
Response: I see your rating! And thank goodness you got it! The USPS site weirdness was freaking me out! Also, thanks so much re: my penmanship!
Response: I always keep certain things on my list at the beginning that are kind of "pie in the sky" things that I'd LIKE to happen, but know that's the possibility isn't necessarily likely. They've been re-included every list since my first and never done. I think maybe it's time to just be done with that practice when I do the next list.
Response: In adult hindsight, a pizza burger is nothing more than a hamburger patty with mozzarella in the middle. I can't remember now if they had marinara on them or not. I just remember the burger with the melty mozz in the middle & thought it was the neatest thing in the world!
Response: I have one that I've been using for like 15+ yrs now. And just bought some new ones [not quite as good] for whenever that good one eventually craps out. LOL
Response: The papaya extract pills are a naturopathic version of Pepto Bismol and easier on my system.
Response: It honestly depends on my mood. When I'm in the mood, I'm all in. When I'm not, or I don't really have to time to truly explore with color, I prefer the good old b&w.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I had fun figuring out how I wanted to do it, then making it.
Response: I had pulled all those things and couldn't decide on just five, so just say "Screw it! All of them it is!" LOL And I HAD to do the stamps, since I saw you liked them in your profile. They're heritage breeds.
Response: I'd never seen this string before, but I am digging it, so may be playing with it more in the future...
Response: Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it! I had a lot of fun doing this, even when I was sharing not so happy days...
Response: I had fun with this swap. Took forever to figure out what my secret message would be, then I heard k.d. lang's voice in my head from the first Happy Feet movie, and I knew what I'd do...
Response: The "tangled Rune" just felt right somehow... And now I want to start making more of them. I almost didn't let that one go, I loved it so much. LOL
Response: I'd never seen this string before, and I've fallen in love with it!
Response: So glad you liked them! I am minorly obsessed with Zentangle, so always default to it when I can. And the premise of this swap just screamed a kind of mirrored pair of ATCs...
Response: I'm glad you like them! The pentagram pattern will need more practice to look better IMO, but I am SO in love with that cauldron pattern!
Response: I am definitely trying... I am taking a deeper look at my list this month and checking the viability of some of my choices. There may be some substitutions coming up in the next couple months, but that's okay.
Response: I'm still getting used to it and didn't realize I could "reject" options with that first set that I got, but I think it still worked out okay. LOL
Response: LOL! It did have the potential for that, didn't it?
Response: I think I found that card at Dollar Tree? I can't remember atm, but that seems likely.
Response: I'd actually been fighting a migraine for well over a week when I was finally able to do this, so yes, I only did the bare minimum required on this one swap because of that. I still did follow the rules of the swap, as it states that it's a choice to add the extra details of an explanation or not. I was not in a state to be able to do so and did not feel that I needed to explain why, but here we are.
Response: Glad you liked it! Sorry your partner didn't rate you. That's not kewl at all! Am still bummed I didn't get to do everything the way I'd wanted to in the journal I did for you, but I did what I could with the time and spoons I had.
Response: Hope you find something new to watch and maybe like!
Response: Oh, I listen to Christmas music year round. LOL
Response: Am hoping so! Covid really borked 2022 in so many ways. I know I'm still feeling some of the effects this year, but am working on ways to work around that.
Response: Oh, I'm so happy to know that! I love sea glass, so have a metric ton of it probably. I can never stop picking it up, plus I have people that find it in other places to send to me for my collection!
Response: LOLOL I hadn't considered that, but it works!
Response: That's the number of plays in brackets.
Response: I do have a before picture! I am SO behind on updating to my deviant art! LOL I'm glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it all! And yes, I'm pretty sure I gave you the purple fine point Pentel RSVP last year. LOL The black & blue versions are nice, too [I use them for work].
Response: I know! I was enjoying it!
Response: Thanks! The tiles were precolored and given to me as extras in a previous swap sometime back. They just felt perfect for this swap.
Response: Thanks! The tiles were precolored and given to me as extras in a previous swap sometime back. They just felt perfect for this swap.
Response: The triad is my main focus, but is still part of the larger grouping of "short" stories. LOL I'm actually finishing the last 2 chapters of a prior fic that the triad fic is dependent on, so there's that.
Response: Well, the two tiles were kind of similar & on the same color/type of tile, so... LOL
Response: I almost bought another box of them a couple days ago, but refrained, as I've got a metric fckton of cards rn. LOL
Response: Can't wait to see them!
Response: Can't wait to see them!
Response: Thanks! I love that theatre!
Response: I had so much fun making it! I'm glad you liked it!
Response: It is an entirely different experience to see it live. I haven't even watched it on Disney+ since seeing it live, and it's usually in my "background noise" rotation. LOL
Response: I use the Papaya extract for any GI tract issues, pretty much anything you'd use Pepto Bismol for. It is a GODSEND for me.
Response: Yeah, it was so weird when I got it back, too! I was like "I've been sending it the same way for how long now?" I just redid it and put the whole thing in the new envelope.
Response: Oh, the same for me! I know better, but my inner child always wants to believe in the best in people.
Response: It was an exercise in symmetry, I think.
Response: I love experimenting with my Tombow pens as "cheap" watercolors.
Response: I mostly use them as "cheap" watercolors right now, ngl... But I keep exploring. The Tombow IG has a lot of great tutorials.
Response: 4 is one of my favorite/power numbers. If it's available, I'll snag it. LOL
Response: So glad you liked it! I love playing with Zentangle. It's literally one of my stress release things, so I try to incorporate it into everything. LOL
Response: If you do, let me know! I've been trying to figure out a fun swap with numerology, but haven't QUITE gotten the logistics figured out yet. LOL
Response: The lighthouse is SO much fun!
Response: Cabbit is absolutely one of my favorite tangles to play with!
Response: I decided to give the "mirror" aspect a shot this time around. I'm rather pleased with it.
Response: Thank you! I had a lot of fun playing with this one. Almost kept it for myself. LOL
Response: Glad you liked it! I had so much fun making it!
Response: Max was my son.
Response: Max was my son.
Response: Glad it made sense. I was struggling with whether or not it did. As for the deck chosen, I have such a huge collection of decks that I use, and I always just go with whichever one calls to me. The Magdalene oracle deck has been kind of front and center lately.
Response: I'm not 100% sure I did well on the screenplay, but we'll see what happens when feedback comes in.
Response: Glad you liked it! I hated that everything else I was trying was failing spectacularly. Then I remembered that sometimes simple is best.
Response: That's how I felt, too!
Response: I admit I was slightly sneaky with the A, but it was the very first thing I inked in. LOL And cabbit is one of my favorite tangles, ngl...
Response: I love doing zentangle, so will always include it when I can.
Response: The Food Fortunes just makes me giggle every time I look at it, which was mainly my soulsister's intention. LOL
Response: Thank you! I was trying really hard to not fall prey to my "even I can't read it sometimes" handwriting. LOL And working with a bum wrist. Also I hope you find some songs you like in there.
Response: Thanks! The project is a playlist of all my personal fave Brightman songs in chronological order, not including Broadway/live/compilation albums. I'm nearly done ...ish. LOL
Response: Thank you! As far as I know, I'm the only person I know of to have the deck. I got it in a swap years ago, but the maker's etsy is no longer active, so I can't even offer it for people to buy their own copy.
Response: Oh, I'm SO glad you liked everything! I literally just thought about things I'd like to receive and let the universe help guide me from there.
Response: Glad you liked it all! The filled pouch was so much fun to put together!
Response: Awesome! What's hilarious is that I have white Jellyrolls and keep forgetting to try them when I use the kraft paper for my PCs. LOL
Response: I'm so glad you liked everything! I wasn't 100% sure if the felting book would be in your wheelhouse, but it felt like something you might like. And it looked so interesting, I may go back and buy myself a copy, ngl!
Response: There have been years that I have included my social media status updates in my word counts. It's always a conscious choice I make at the beginning of each NaNo. This year I chose against it. I should've chosen the other way. LOL
Response: I honestly don't always focus on the 50k anymore, unless I have a specific idea that could do it. I mostly just focus on using NaNo to finish things that need finishing, you know? And besides, all words written are good words that weren't written before.
Response: LOLOL Why am I not surprised? This is a stubborn, coy little fella/gal!
Response: Oh, they'll likely never be gone for good, but thank you. And the projects are going to be so much fun to play with all month.
Response: Isn't it pretty?!
Response: Aweome! I love writing haiku! My personal preferred short verse is the tanka, but I'm also more than happy with haiku.
Response: OMG I hadn't even thought about that when I made it. Ooops!
Response: Glad they made it to you and that you liked them!
Response: The Deryni books are some of my favorites. I've not done a full series reread in a while now. I should probably do that again soon. LOL Let me know if you read and like them.
Response: It's not Tom Cruise, it's Keanu Reeves. You're thinking Interview with a Vampire for Cruise.
Response: Woohoo! I'm glad it worked out for you. I was trying to figure out what I would want/need to hear for a pep talk and just wrote from that place in me. I had fun putting your writing gear packages. And I hope you like your "I did it" gift. I got myself the same thing because it looked so interesting.
Response: You are quite welcome! I'm glad it showed up and that you can use the items!
Response: I didn't want to do the obvious "I do a letter, you do a letter" thing, so I did a kind of string of sorts spun out among the letters and did sections of each.
Response: You are quite welcome! I'm so glad it resonated with you!
Response: You are so welcome! That tiny palm reading book is actually from my personal stash. It told me it was finally time to leave me and move on, so you were the lucky recipient. It's quite a fascinating little book. And yes, you'll want the magnifying glass. LOL
Response: I actually name all of my electronics. The current naming scheme for the last 9 yrs or so is based characters/things related to my favorite character from Once Upon a Time, Regina Mills, aka the Evil Queen.
Response: I fell in love with that deck, so happily did the crowdfunding on it.
Response: Please let me know if you like what I listed!
Response: You're welcome! I actually bought a Bible Journaling kit a couple months ago on clearance for the rest of the items, and knew you did Bible Journaling, so kept that date stamp in reserve for a swap for you. Perfect timing! And I hope you like my favorite pens!
Response: Oh what kismet!
Response: Cabbit is one of my favorites, ngl...
Response: Yay! I'm glad you like them! I haven't made one in ages, so they're not perfectly straight, but they're still fun!
Response: You're welcome! Dutch Bros is my life! LOL
Response: It was absolutely gorgeous in person.
Response: Yeah, it's a genuine Sasquatch trap. LOL And that pic of Crater Lake isn't necessarily the best one I got, but it's the one I like that had all the features I wanted in it.
Response: It truly was...
Response: The lightrail fiasco was insane, but I got there, so that's all that matters. And yeah, my nephew was thrilled to get the books, as was his mom, as one of them was on their list to read this year anyway.
Response: I hope it's helpful. And thank you re: the deck. It's a newish deck and I'm still learning it, but I am in love with it.
Response: LOLOL Really? That's hilarious! I've had those links for a while now and was rereading some this last year due to my writing group and those all stuck with me, so I figured I'd share.
Response: So glad you like it! And glad it got to you!
Response: I've actually never done any shading in my tangles. It's something I've never tried before.
Response: Thank you! I love trying different ways to do the layouts.
Response: I hope I signed up for it. I love this whole swap series idea, ngl...
Response: I definitely plan to take a pic of mine at the end and email both of you to show it off. LOL
Response: I absolutely adored We Three. I'm anxiously awaiting the sequel...
Response: I hope you do! It's so pretty! And the beach is just gorgeous!
Response: It always feels like such an organic offering...
Response: I have NO idea how I made them so clean! I wasn't expecting it to come out so nicely. LOL I thought I'd have to ditch it and start over.
Response: It just felt organic to do it that way...
Response: I didn't sew the little felt heart. It was in my box of "pass it along" items for swaps and it just felt right to send along in your triple pocket.
Response: I'd thought I'd sent it earlier in the week, but clearly hadn't. It had been a stressful week at work and I misremembered the events, including if I'd pressed sent or not. That said, it was sent with a timestamp in my Gmail of 23:01 PDT on April 30, 2021. It was sent before midnight on the last day of the swap in my timezone, which is how things were explained to me when I joined this site.
Response: The Muse Cave is a crazy cacophony of insanity. LOL My head is never quiet ...and when it is, I get scared.
Response: Oh, I can't wait to see them. I'll PM you with my email. And I need to finish yours and get it in the mail.
Response: I thought the same thing when I read it!
Response: It just felt organic to kind of make it like a funky set of flower vases, sort of...
Response: I had fun playing with it and it just kinda happened. LOL
Response: I am so glad it brightened your mood! I hope you can use everything. And if you can't, please feel free to pass it along to someone else who can!
Response: Glad you liked it! I just took some faves and had fun with it.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I've been writing poetry for most of my life...
Response: I'm glad you liked it!
Response: I got those notecards at my local post office in a set of 12. They're so pretty, and I just had to have them. And I'm glad you liked the tile.
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I love playing with border ideas and golven is just such a pretty tangle in and of itself...
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! The painted background was actually given to me, so I chose to use it and pass it forward. And I loved all of those border tangles, and couldn't choose between them, so decided to use all four. LOL
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I wasn't sure if I did those tangles justice or not. LOL
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh please do! It's fantastic!
Response: I absolutely adore this book & try to reread annually.
Response: So glad you liked them! I had fun making them.
Response: LOL Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You'll have to wait to find out.
Response: Yay! I'm glad she's got a new home to watch over.
Response: Thank you! I really loved this PC and had a hard time giving it up. LOL
Response: You're welcome! Glad you like it! I have used the larger size of that same journal and liked it, so thought you might like the smaller size.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it all!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I fell in love with it and almost kept it. LOL
Response: This is pretty much where I'm at with it. I KNOW I can do 50k in a month, so I try to push more for getting projects done. This year was just bollocks for either. LOL But I'm proud of what I did get done.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it all!
Response: You're welcome! I hope you like them!
Response: I love that quote! It's one I need to remind myself of, too.
Response: I may need to use it at some point. LOL
Response: So glad you like it!
Response: You can read the note now. I forgot to tag that, didn't I? LOL
Response: She's quite fun to work with. Am hoping to work with her some more.
Response: It was pretty crazy, that's for sure!
Response: LOL! Tom and Trina have had their share of rocky times in their marriage, but they've always stayed together in my fics. I'm still hoping to continue that fic though.
Response: I'm so glad you like it! The glitter gel pens are some of my favorites to play with to add that hint of color/sparkle to anything.
Response: Glad you liked it! I actually was looking at your profile to see what jumped out at me to work with. And since I have that dragonfly tattoo design I fell in love with, I knew what to play with for you!
Response: I'm SO glad you liked it all! I had so much fun deciding what to get you. I fell in love with those snake paperclips and will be getting some for myself, ngl. LOL
Response: Glad you liked it! I learned doodah for another ATC series I've been doing and fell in love with it!
Response: I hope you found something you liked in there!
Response: It's just become easier lately. LOL
Response: They have been so far! The 5th was ice cream bars from Dairy Queen. Yesterday was boxed lunches. Still to come: snack bags and root beer floats.
Response: It's a lot of fun, especially when we go wading for them. The sunburn sucks though. LOL
Response: The past couple of months have been major Kylie months for me. A specific subset of my muses LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her. LOL
Response: Oh, we always eat the crabs we catch ...unless we share with our neighbors.
Response: ngl = not gonna lie
Response: I honestly couldn't decide on them, so decided to send both along!
Response: LOL I'd happily do that!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I love playing with Zentangle, so thought this might be fun for you to find in your mailbox!
Response: It's a lot of fun. Give it a shot!
Response: You're welcome. I try to include the Spotify links when I remember.
Response: Oh, this is about 2 years post-series and in a canon divergent verse of mine, so... But thank you!
Response: Not a problem! I know this whole pandemic situation has everyone's game a little off.
Response: Thank you so much! When my muses want to write, I pretty much am useless to deny them. LOL
Response: I always try to on this list, since I gather them from a Spotify playlist.
Response: Awesome! Which one did you read?
Response: Thanks! I always have a ton of writing projects in the works. Don't always get them all done, but I like to have options.
Response: I love the Shadow Poetry site, as it has introduced me to a lot of new poetry forms.
Response: Yeah, I just have been finding it easier to read fic than books, tbh, and even that is slacking off lately. My groove is totally thrown. LOL
Response: LOL! No, that one's actually true, thanks to the TV show Damien and the wonders of Twitter.
Response: I hope it helps!
Response: Thank you! I love playing with different poetry forms [when I'm not using my standby tanka] and tetractys is one of my favorites.
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: It's a blend of a standard journal and a bullet journal. I was told once it's called an omni-jo as opposed to a bujo, so it's just stuck with me.
Response: I love a little bit of everything. I only know the one Erik Hassle song, but will take recs for others.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like it!
Response: Thanks! Hope you find something you like!
Response: I love Leverage! One of my fave shows.
Response: I'm legit obsessed with the clipping album. It fascinates me on levels I didn't expect, and it's become my writing music for the main project I'm using for NaNo. LOL
Response: You're welcome! I hope you like everything!
Response: Oh, my queen is by no stretch of the imagination done with me yet. LOL I'll be writing for her for a long time to come yet.
Response: Friends and I in the fandom have been doing it for several years now. It's a lot of fun.
Response: LOL My dad has a ponytail and named all ponytail holders and scrunchies "doinks", so it's just stuck with me ever since.
Response: You're so welcome! I hope the feedback I gave helps with your editing!
Response: I couldn't help myself on that one. LOL
Response: That's a good one, isn't it?
Response: I love our container gardens, bit the one on the deck and the one in the backyard.
Response: So glad you enjoyed them! Most of the time my single listen songs are from my Spotify Release Radar playlist, which is 30 new songs released each week, based on what I listen to.
Response: It's pretty neat looking, isn't it?
Response: The Redwoods are absolutely wonderful!
Response: That was kind of the idea I was going for with those colors. I love the variegated yarns for things like that.
Response: Thank you. I kind of hope I still have the pattern written down somewhere, as I want to try it again in a different size/yarn combo.
Response: 4 is my favorite number. I always grab for page 4 if it's available.
Response: I love that troll notepad! I think I got it at the dollar tree?
Response: It's fascinating! I learned all sorts of new information!
Response: It was a fascinating book, that's for sure. Gave me a lot of good information.
Response: Hope you find some you like! I absolutely adore my Release Radar playlist on Spotify. It introduces me to so many new songs/artists!
Response: Yeah, that's my worry. LOL But I haven't done a proper multi-chap for this particular pairing yet, so who knows? Thanks for the heart!
Response: A friend gave me the cake prompt and I just went with it. LOL I guess technically that was more of a senryu than a haiku?
Response: Thank you! I love playing with different poem forms.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! And forgot to PM you the link for the lineart! Will do that now!
Response: Here's hoping you find some new music!
Response: Have fun! I have a VERY eclectic musical taste. LOL
Response: The prospects are limitless!
Response: LOL! I know the feeling! I literally hide them in a specific spot, so I don't always see them or get tempted.
Response: The book is fascinating so far! Just learning about mojo bags/hands so far, but worth it to get a good foundation of info to add to my own spiritual practices.
Response: It's just something I do. LOL
Response: I swear, the Release Radar playlist in Spotify is gold. It allows me to find new stuff of my faves AND new bands/artists to fave.
Response: I love the Release Radar playlist on Spotify for just that reason. They have the bands/artists I listen to a lot, so populate the list from them first, then add in similar artists/bands to round it out to like 30 songs/week.
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: I've had that card in my "to send out" bin for ages now. It just felt like the right one to send to you. LOL Glad you liked it and the journal.
Response: It's great for coating/soothing the throat and it warms you up!
Response: I like that one, too.
Response: LOLOL I'll have to see where it ranks at the end of the year.
Response: You're welcome! Glad you liked it!
Response: I have a lot of playlists, both in Spotify and in iTunes, but I love my Release Radar every week, as it gives me new stuff to listen to.
Response: Glad you liked it! Calcifer is so awesome!
Response: You are so welcome! I hope you like them!
Response: Woohoo! She just leapt out at me in the store, then when I got home and saw that blue was one of your colors, I knew she was perfect.
Response: Thanks! Good luck on yours, too!
Response: You're welcome! I've been doing the same thing with mine! LOL
Response: You're quite welcome!
Response: Enjoy! I hope you find something you like!
Response: You're welcome! I hope you find some good stuff in there. Brightman's Dive is one of my lifetime favorite albums.
Response: Enjoy! I hope you find something you like!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: The Zentangle books are wonderful. I'm really digging exploring my art with Zentangle.
Response: The Gaga song is a personal favorite. Glad you like it and others.
Response: The corpse reef! I love that term! I'm gonna steal that now. LOL
Response: You're welcome! The CSI fic listed in there isn't my usual pairing, but I know the author and gave it a shot. LOL
Response: See? I knew you would! LOL
Response: Glad you liked them! I love Zentangle, so anything I can practice on, I take the opportunity.
Response: Thanks! If you're into metal music, I highly suggest trying to find a band called Bound For Severance. Sadly, they're defunct now, but they've got killer music ...and my brother was their drummer for several years [& on both albums].
Response: I'm so glad you liked the Zentangle art! I love doing it, so thought it might be something you'd dig.
Response: Verve is a new one for me, but I kinda like it. The muted colors just felt better with the metallics somehow. Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: I need to do a proper reread and also read the prequel that came out last year.
Response: I tend to do more fanfic than actual books sometimes. It's a mood thing. July will be even worse, as I am participating in a theme week for one of my fave ships, so it'll be a LOT of fic. LOL
Response: Thank you! I have a strong connection to the ocean, and that album fits it perfectly.
Response: I was in a major album/playlist mood last month. LOL
Response: I have not heard of Born Of Osiris, but I dig the name and am always down for new music recs. I'll check them out in Spotify. Thanks!
Response: So glad you liked it! I had fun making it and finding that fish! LOL
Response: Hope you enjoy them! Most of the non-album tracks came from a playlist I call "Chairbopping 3.0" [3rd of its kind].
Response: Enjoy! I happened to like pretty much all of them myself!
Response: Do it! They're so gorgeous!
Response: There are several like that one, of course, but we nicknamed it "Merlin Tree" for personal reasons. LOL
Response: Glad it could help!
Response: An omni journal is a blend of traditional journal and bullet journal.
Response: Thanks! I actually need to determine what I'm going to do with the books on my stalled list. Some have been there quite literally for years.
Response: It's fantastic with rainbow trout, too, just fyi...
Response: It also works well with rainbow trout, just fyi...
Response: I've never missed an ep. And there was a themed week or two recently [and another one this month], so I have a lot to read. LOL
Response: You can keep the longhand. I have copies of it on my computer now. I'm a little too stubborn to give up on the whole world just yet. LOL
Response: Glad you liked it all! I didn't actually make the cards. They were in my stash and literally jumped out at me to send to you.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I love blending art and poetry wherever I can.
Response: Supposed to make... *facepalm* So THAT's why there's this flower ATC sitting off to the side on my desk. I'd meant it to be both. Let me send that out to you this week. I should have it in the mail tomorrow at the latest. My bad!
Response: Oh, I already love 2Cellos! I need to listen to them more though. LOL
Response: Enjoy! They're actually a lot of fun.
Response: I am eerily drawn to pendulums. Or they're eerily drawn to me. I'm not sure which. I literally can't touch one or it goes home with me. LOL
Response: I live for OUaT fic. Plus, there was a lot more I didn't include because I forgot to, but they held a Bisexual Regina Mills Week that gave A LOT of fic to read. LOL
Response: If I ever come into the right amount of money, I want to live there.
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: I was rather amused by them, that's for sure!
Response: I hope you like it!
Response: I live for AO3 and the fanfic that abounds, both as a reader and a writer.
Response: I get the Rainbow Drops and Parma Violets from my bestie in the UK. She spoils me muchly. LOL
Response: I did very well for NaNo, thank you! Won again. I have eclectic taste in music, but I go in waves of obsession with my music, too. LOL
Response: I'm so glad you like her! I enjoyed making her.
Response: Glad you like Lindsey Stirling's work! She's incredible!
Response: You are quite welcome! It's been sitting in my stash of journals for ages because I just couldn't quite connect with it to use, so I thought it might be of interest to you. Enjoy!
Response: I hope you enjoy them!
Response: I hope you enjoy it! It's a household favorite and tastes SO good!
Response: When I do watercolor postcards, I like to ensure they won't bleed if wet, so put them in a plastic sleeve for safe keeping.
Response: My spirituality has gone through a lot of changes and has become very instinctual and fluid. I don't do a lot of big rituals or anything like that anymore. I do a lot more energy work than I used to.
Response: I mean, I CAN sleep without it, but I sleep better with it, so...
Response: I have SAD, too! The bright colors are some of my favorites, too. I'm SO glad you liked them.
Response: Right?! LOL! I looked at my list and just kinda stared, then started laughing.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to try something different, and this just felt right. And now I have a new technique to play with some more.
Response: I hope you find some that you like!
Response: No planned spread, but they're in the order they were drawn. Glad you liked it.
Response: I don't normally do many public/group rituals, mostly because of transportation issues and energy issues. I'm picky about the energy I deal with.
Response: I've had mixed results with them personally, but I have several pagan friends who swear by them. I always figure it's user error when I have issues. LOL
Response: I hope you find some you like!
Response: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
Response: I love sharing music for that reason. It's always fun to find new inspiration.
Response: You're welcome! I hope you like everything!
Response: I actually received a swap years ago that included something in that style of artwork and have been wanting to try it ever since. This seemed the perfect opportunity.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. It just felt SO right when I made it.
Response: Please feel free to PM me for recs. I listen to a lot. My instant rec would be In This Moment.
Response: You're welcome! I hop you can find something awesome in there!
Response: There are 3 novels & 1 graphic novel. 1 novel is an adaptation of S1. The other 2 novels [Regina & Ruby] are written by the same author. All 4 are considered canon because they're vetted by the writing staff/showrunners before being published.
Response: Thanks! #1 is our car and #4 is a famous sub place that does lettuce wrapped subs.
Response: Oh, I walk them. I don't run. LOL
Response: I didn't get them enough, but I took what I could. LOL
Response: So glad you got it so quickly and that you liked it all.
Response: I'll be sleeping to Hamilton on the train tomorrow. LOL!
Response: It's awful, but I deal with them. Especially the weather-related ones, like last month.
Response: You're welcome! I like adding in the links when I can because it helps people find the music.
Response: I'm realizing that a lot of the things I'm "failing" in this list are things that I've been using in pretty much all my rounds thus far, & they're things that just aren't feasible for one reason or another. So rather than dwell, I'll find appropriate substitutions.
Response: I think I have like 150 total ebooks on Amazon, and that doesn't count the 54 books I've gotten from the University of Chicago Press over the years...
Response: You're welcome! LOL
Response: Heavy metal is my favorite kind of writing music.
Response: Thanks! Hope you find something you like!
Response: You're welcome! I have really eclectic taste in music, and it crops up every so often. LOL
Response: Well, some of them were supposed to start in January, but I got distracted and forgot to add them in. LOL
Response: I have been getting A LOT of freebies over on Amazon for my Kindle over the years and am trying to work my way through them... while getting new ones along the way. LOL
Response: Oh, Doggie is my other half's nickname [full nick is Big Dog].
Response: It's by no means finished, but I got a lot of organizing started. I'm proud of that.
Response: Almost every month since June has had the full soundtrack in my top 20 list. November will be no exception. It's great writing music. LOL
Response: I actually have specific criteria for what counts as a walk. If I had a fitbit, it would be different, but I don't carry my phone with me & my non-gps step counter on it just stopped working, so I don't have an easy way to track things without using my data.
Response: I'm SO glad you like the deck. It's one of my favorites of everything I own and use. If you have any questions about it, please feel free to ask.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I kept stuffing it, finding something else, un-stuffing, re-stuffing, until I finally couldn't fit anything else in. And then realized I hadn't put a letter in. LOL
Response: Right? LOL! It was about 5 more down from the top 20.
Response: Oh no, I actually adore Tori Amos. The whole "force myself to finish" thing is because when I listen to her I get distracted and can't get as much writing done. And most of my music-listening time lately is when I'm writing.
Response: Really? How funny!
Response: It's a fascinating book. I'm actually considering buying my own copy to reread down the line.
Response: All of them! LOL! It's so hard to pick, but if I had to "Farmer Refuted", "Satisfied", "Non Stop", "It's Quiet Uptown", and "Who Lives, Who Dies..."
Response: Omnivore's Dilemma is fascinating so far, that's for sure. And I love the book of Practical Magic alongside the movie. There are differences, but each is good on its own.
Response: A lot of them do have multiple parts. I may have to restructure my list for the next round to be cognizant of that.
Response: Oh, that'll be happening for a while yet. I still don't have it all memorized. LOL
Response: I adore Disturbed and am so glad my brother got me into their music.
Response: Same here re: Broadway shows.
Response: My soulsis has the Inktense pencils & speaks very highly of them. I'm hoping to get a 40% off coupon for Michaels to buy them at some point.
Response: Sense8 is fascinating but you really need to pay attention with that one. Worth it though.
Response: I think I've had at least 20 full listens of the soundtrack of Hamilton. It's actually been great writing music for me. LOL
Response: Glad you liked it! I have a really weird and wide taste in music, so I know some of it's not for everyone.
Response: It was far more interesting than I expected it to be, that's for sure. I'm finding I really like finding the YA fics to read.
Response: My top song is awesome. When I start listening to it, I just can't stop. LOL
Response: You're welcome! I have a very wide range in music.
Response: Noisetrade is nice for getting music and books. And it gives you the option of being able to "tip" the creators for the items, too.
Response: You're welcome! I've been trying to find a good use for those little bags and couldn't, so I'd thought maybe you could find a fun use for them.
Response: I don't see why it wouldn't work with a crumb topping. I just hadn't thought of trying that. LOL
Response: I'm happy to have been able to finish off the 5k one. Not that I'll stop doing 5ks, but it's a challenge completed.
Response: I utterly adore the entire series. I have to read them in order, or not at all. LOL
Response: Oh, I'll stick with it. This is my 4th time playing, so I know how it can be.
Response: Thank you! It's definitely an interesting project, that's for sure. LOL Now I just need to remember to update the site with my wordcount.
Response: I love the original, but I find the Disturbed cover even more poignant.
Response: I have a really funky bunch of playlists that I cycle through. Sometimes my list looks positively psychotic. LOL
Response: I figured fanfic is no different than other short stories/novellas/novels I'd include, so decided several months back to start including it.
Response: Mostly I'm crocheting hats and scarves to send to families in the Okini Program, given how bitterly cold the winters are there. I have one family in my list that has 2 babies born relatively recently and nothing for them, so am crocheting a bunch of baby items for them. That sort of thing. My soulsis is paying me to make and ship the stuff, as she knows it's something I like to do and will help the families.
Response: I don't care much for Lorde for the most part, and don't care for The Hunger Games [books or movies]. If I hadn't gotten that song in the fanmix, I'd never had heard it. But I love Bareilles and Garbage so much!
Response: That's Mog. I got him as a Giftmas gift from my bestie in the UK.
Response: I like that song, too! It's one of my favorites for that group.
Response: My soulsis and I have a plan to do this several times this year, and probably for the next few years, so I think I like this better. Plus, it uses up my yarn stash that just sits there otherwise.
Response: I like a little bit of everything musically, so my tastes are very wide-ranging. And you're welcome for the new music to explore.
Response: I like it, even if I'm just writing a short haiku or a tanka. It's still at least 1 poem a week.
Response: Thank you! I was happy to get so many of the 2015-specific ones done. Now I hope to do the same for the 2016 ones.
Response: I actually need to sit down and get back to reading that one.
Response: Pairing is a fanfic term for the main romantic couple in the story, which is designated with a / between their names. If it's listed as "gen", that means there's no romantic pairing.
Response: Glad you liked it! It's a lot of fun to play with this technique. It's so open to possibilities.
Response: Oh yeah! A brand new, never used dog dish is the perfect serving dish for this.
Response: It's a lot of fun to see it in a dog dish.
Response: Not a problem! I know sometimes ratings fall through the cracks.
Response: They're so good, but I know a lot of people haven't liked them for various reasons, so...
Response: I have a really wide variety of music in my arsenal, but have certain things I cycle though a lot.
Response: Thanks! I wish I was farther along, but I'm pleased with where I am.
Response: LOL! Glad you liked it. The moon phases are Pacific Standard Time out of habit, as that's my timezone.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it!
Response: My other half had issues with Wicked, as well. I know it's not for everyone, but I still rec out the entire series as one of my all time faves.
Response: It's a fabulous book. The whole series is.
Response: I love living so close to the water. It's very soothing to me.
Response: This is true. And I do have a couple I'm going to have to list as officially failed this month, but that's okay.
Response: I actually bawled my eyes out for the end of Wicked, Son of a Witch, and Out of Oz. A Lion Among Men is good, but my least favorite of the four.
Response: You're welcome! Those are two of my personal anthems, actually, so I tend to get into streaks of listening to them every so often.
Response: I am, too! I'm already seeing a couple that I think will end up as "officially failed/abandoned" if nothing happens by the end of the month. And I'm oddly okay with that. I will likely be doing some serious revisions to this list for round 5 in a couple years...
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: Oh, I know it takes time. This is my 4th round for 101 in 1001. I just wanted to be a little more on the ball this time around. LOL
Response: Thanks! I'm glad I did it.
Response: Thanks! I'm glad I did it.
Response: Oh, I didn't run it. I'm not a runner at all. I walked it and was happy with that.
Response: They all amuse me. And I had to force myself to stop with just those. LOL
Response: I like adding them in. I just keep forgetting to note that I tend to do them for the US west coast, which is where I live. I always intend to do either US east coast or UTC, but forget and go with my own timezone. LOL
Response: I do what I can. LOL
Response: I have financial reasons for not doing a lot of the Write Now swaps, but will always do the digital ones.
Response: Thank you! I just need to get myself into a better state to do the moon phases. Perhaps that will be a good one to start with Samhain...
Response: It's a fascinating book. I'm glad I finally started to work on it after having in my collection for so long.
Response: It depends on the poet and the poem sometimes, but since these were spiritually-inclined, I tend to take them much more slowly.
Response: Glad you liked them! I was having fun finding things for you.
Response: Thanks! I'm trying to branch out more with my poetry in an attempt to get some stuff together to try to publish it.
Response: Practical Magic is a reread as it was going to be research for a story I'm writing. It's a fun book. Goddess Initiation actually upset me at one point, and I haven't touched it since. I am a huge Gnostic Gospels fan, and have wanted to write a feminist genderbent story along those lines for a long time now. And the Calafia book is taking me some time because I don't have access to all the required readings.
Response: Not a problem at all! And I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't sure the flag would work out, but I gave it a shot anyway.
Response: I love that particular album of theirs, and keep thinking I need to write a story based on it, but can't come up with a good idea. But it's lovely background music for when I am writing.
Response: True enough. I got close my first time, I think? I can't remember now. But I'd also done a lot of swapping of goals, so...
Response: They are SOOOOO good!
Response: I've not seen the film adaptation yet. I'll have to look for it.
Response: That mussel had my mind boggling! As I do clamming/crabbing/shellfish gathering, I was positively salivating at the size of it. LOL
Response: I adore Dreamkeeper! I caught the second half of it on like PBS during a pledge drive back in 2003, then finally found the DVD of it. I've met a couple of the actors in it and got their autographs on the DVD case.
Response: If you have an android phone/tablet, check out Gratitude Journal. It's a free app that I use.
Response: Thanks. I tend to have the same set of goals every time I do this, hoping it'll instill better habits in me. I'm still waiting for that to happen. LOL
Response: Toodledo is really nice for setting up lists of mostly recurring items, but also for "one shot" ones. I use it for a recurring list of things [weekly & biweekly].
Response: I got the numbers idea from one of my swap partners, so thought it would be fun to give it a shot.
Response: I got the idea from one of my swap partners, so thought it would be fun to give it a shot.
Response: I realized, after I'd sent it to you, that I screwed up on that one. It technically isn't completed, as it was for "each year", so I put that back on my "in progress" list. *facepalm*
Response: Is it? Hmm, maybe the resize emphasized the tonal qualities?
Response: LOL! It's both hard to get rid of paper stuff and hard to add to the stash at the same time.
Response: And this particular book was AWFUL! I had so many little sticky flags marking grammatical/typographical errors, it looked like a rainbow!
Response: I did watch Man From Atlantis! It was a favorite when I was a kid.
Response: I'm vaguely embarrassed by how messy it is. I want to get it all organized better, but I also am a realist, so I'm getting used to the mess again. LOL
Response: I have been picking up trash along the beaches and in nature for sure since July 1998. It's just automatic for me, but I still like listing it in my 101 things because sometimes it's nice to have an "easy" one in there to keep me from getting discouraged.
Response: Oh, I was being judicious in how I took the pics. Our office is terribly messy right now and needs some desperate spring cleaning. And yet, my "mess" is organized for me, if that makes any sense. LOL
Response: I thought it was neat, so hoped you might like it.
Response: I've gotten three or four replies now, just have to go back and find the others so I can keep a list of them. LOL
Response: I'm actually at least 2.5 yrs behind on updating my fic index. It's just so daunting that I keep putting it off. LOL
The bulk of this list has been the same since I first did this challenge back in 2006. I just update anything that is time sensitive each round.
Response: I'm actually considering making a variation on this challenge as a journal for a Giftmas gift for friends. Kind of like a fauxbonichi journal.
Response: I had a hard time narrowing down to one Joan Osborne song, as I love so many of hers...
Response: Most of the items on my list are ones that I've used the past 3 rounds, I just update dates for them.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked everything.
Response: I try to put the pairing/focus for each fandom, too. And as I'm offering no synopses/reactions on any of the stories, they're totally caveat emptor...
Response: Glad you liked them! I had a lot of fun picking them out.
Response: I figure if people are curious, they have links to check it out...
Response: I'm already planning to make variations on that 52 writing prompts project for Giftmas gifts this year.
Response: I won't lie to you about the trilogy. The first two books are riveting. The third is where pretty much EVERYONE I know has issues. Though I hear there's a fourth book that I want to read yet.
Response: Glad you liked it! I love including the moon phases. I think they're UTC, rather than PST [which is my timezone]. I've already forgotten which way I put them in. LOL
Response: I'm glad you liked it all. I had a lot of fun putting it together for you.
Response: Oh, trust me, there's some of it that I'd rather not link to, but transparency and honesty are key.
Response: Not all of it was good fanfic, but you take the good with the bad, right?
Response: Oh, it's still an uphill battle for me, so I'd rather not be anyone else and have that temptation, you know?
Response: It's easier for me to keep track of books, as I tend to go look back over the previous swaps to see where I've been at for books.
Response: Thanks for the suggestion. I've had issues with audiobooks in the past because I can tend to tune "background noise" out very easily, but I'll give it another shot.
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I love making my funky little poinsettias!
Response: For some reason, it wasn't as fun for me this time, but it was a childhood favorite.
Response: That was a quick turnaround! Especially during the holidays! Go USPS!
Response: I've known about In This Moment for a few years and love them. GEMS was a new find for me, and I'm happy to share.
Response: I don't dare try to keep up with some of the WiPs for fanfic that I read, so my focus there is on what was complete and read.
Response: It's mostly composition books, but I have some of the journals I've received in swaps here that are in the stash, too. It's always just a matter of mood.
Response: I have to remember to update my dA site with pics of the whole series, as well as the full background piece.
Response: I'm hoping to try them myself. We've done the "freeze a whole individual container of flavored yogurt" before, so the drops will be fun.
Response: Oh, the banner sounds like fun! Yeah, the artwork is kind of reminiscent of zentangle.
Response: I'm still considering that option and letting it ruminate in the back of my brain.
Response: It's good, it's just slow going.
Response: Thanks. I've been working on a number of major writing projects lately, so reading always gets sacrificed for writing time.
Response: Thank you! I love that particular colorway, but have since run out, so it's kind of a one of a kind right now.
Response: Glad you liked it! I was having fun with the design in the heart.
Response: I grew up with it, so I couldn't help myself with making that list. LOL
Response: Thank you! I try to do something a little different with each set of ATCs that I make, so I'm glad you liked this concept.
Response: Thanks! I made the background first, then decided on the whole celestial theme. Hopefully I can find appropriate lyrics for each artist.
Response: It's phenomenal. I actually got it via GoodWill about 2 yrs ago and couldn't put it down. But I'm a Magdalene lover, so...
Response: Really? I'll keep that in mind. I'm still on the waiting list for it from the library, but in the top 10. LOL
Response: Those flowers helped me get the idea for the whole ATC. Plus the 4th of July flyer from a local business.
Response: So glad that you liked it! I had fun making it.
Response: Thanks! I had a lot of fun writing it.
Response: Port Townsend is local for me, too. And we were just in Chimacum this past weekend, so it stuck in my head when I did this swap.
Response: LOL! I'm actually using the crime scene washi tape on all of my cards in this series. It's part of the theme between them.
Response: I'm finding it quite fascinating actually. I started watching the series last fall and got totally sucked in. Now I'm getting more details that the series missed. As for the lack of finished books, I have months like that. It happens...
Response: The "official" name is Dark Secret, but the nickname is little beastie.
Response: Crystal Magic was quite interesting. I'm curious to see what the rest of the series is like.
Response: I like giving the links as it allows people a little more access to them.
Response: You're welcome! That basic game was the first thought that popped into my head for this ATC, so I had to do it.
Response: I love the song, so was happy to be able to use some of the lyrics for a project like this.
Response: I'd honestly say that it's worth your time.
Response: I've actually learned to keep track of basic recipes and rough measurements, then write it down so that I can share, but it's got a lot of "to taste" comments for everything. LOL
Response: I'm kind of an eclectic reader, so will read a little bit of everything. LOL
Response: Download the program for your computer. Then when you click on the links, it'll start to open in your browser, but also opens the program to listen to the song.
Response: I tend to "collect" music and have several friends who know that I like discovering new things, so they send me a LOT. Thankfully Spotify has most of what they suggest to me. LOL
Response: They're a fascinating series of books, all interconnected without being cheesily done, if that makes any sense.
Response: The Menzel song is from the Frozen soundtrack. As for my brother's band, I'll let him and the guys know.
Response: I get a great deal of writing done while listening to Disturbed, among others of the harder bands.
Response: Thanks! I actually had a lot of fun setting it up.
Response: Thank you! I don't get to participate in either of those traditions any longer, as I'm not physically near either of my families, but those are some of my favorite memories of growing up.
Response: I'm doing the same with the one I received.
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I was having so much fun making it, I had a hard time packaging it up to send off to you! LOL! I'm hoping to perfect the matchbook style binding a little more, too, for future journals.
Response: Several of the songs in my list are from a playlist co-created with one of my writer partners for a story we've been working on. Both of those are related to that story.
Response: thank you! I try to maintain nice handwriting when I know others will see it because it can get quite messy at time otherwise.
Response: I am so glad that you liked it! I had a lot of fun making it!
Response: So glad you liked the Eeyore sticker!
Response: Oh good! I hope it's interesting for you!
Response: Oh, good! I'm glad you liked everything!
Response: thank you! OUaT is my obsession right now, and it's not getting any better as we get closer to the premier on Sunday. LOL!
Response: Oh, sage would be fun! And I'm glad you liked it!
Response: so glad you like them! They were fun to put together.
Response: Glad you liked it! It was fun trying to decide on songs and artists to use!
Response: Glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun making it!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: I'm glad you liked everything! And yes, I made the bag and the hanger.
Response: Oh, I'm glad it made it to you so quickly! And I'm glad you liked it.
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I had fun making it.
Response: You're welcome! I hope the pattern comes in handy...
Response: You're welcome!
Response: So glad you liked it! I had fun when I designed it.
Response: LOL! Glad you liked it! I ALMOST sent you some of the monkey stuff I had [similar sets, but with fun monkeys], but thought you'd like this set better.
Response: Please let me know if you like the sandwich. I actually haven't had one in YEARS now, so am not even sure I'd like it anymore. LOL! I should probably test that out.
Response: Glad you liked them! I had fun thinking them up and writing about them...
Response: I do so love that rainbow doodle bird of mine...
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it.
Response: You're welcome! I've never tried 3D atcs before, but it was kind of fun. I may have to do it again.
Response: You're welcome! I hope you enjoy them!
Response: I was having fun with the entries, so kept going a little longer. And I hope you like all of the extras...
Response: Hope you like it!
Response: I hope you like them!
Response: I've mostly got waters from the OR/WA areas, plus a couple of small bottles from a friend in the UK and a bottle from a friend in Oz.
Response: It's a fantastic recipe for basic soup. In fact, I'm making a batch today. LOL!
Response: It's super easy to make and tastes incredible.
Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it!
Response: You are quite welcome!
Response: I'll send you a PM with my list of "must see" stuff.
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: I love the pockets in the front, too! I actually got the journal at the local Dollar Tree. I'm hoping they still have more when I go back next.
Response: You're quite welcome! I love making off-the-wall stuff like that.
Response: Glad you liked the prompts. I had fun finding them.
Response: Glad you enjoyed the goodies. I had fun making them.
Response: Thank you! Still working out some of the kinks of this type of mandala. Glad you liked it.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I tried something a little different with this one.
Response: Glad you liked it! I specifically chose a Stephen King book because you like his works.
Response: You are quite welcome! I hope it's all useful for you.
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I adore butterflies myself, so had LOTS of butterfly stickers to play with.
Response: You're welcome! I adore Katey Sagal's voice. She was once one of Bette Midler's Harlots [backup singers], way back when, too.
Response: *nods* I know several people who don't like a lot of her music. I adore all of it...
Response: You are quite welcome! I was hoping that everything would be a good match for you!
Response: I hope you do try to write some poetry. It can be quite fun. If you need ideas of different forms, feel free to check out I use that site A LOT for form ideas.
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I saw that Bellwether was your favorite book on your profile, and that you liked ferns, then I just kind of went from there.
Response: I think Pinkie Pie is my second favorite of the ponies...
Response: Oh good! I was terrified my new technique didn't look up to par...
Response: *thinks* I sent you the "Snow's Demise", yes? If so, I used a set of woodless colored pencils that I love to work with.
Response: You're welcome! Hope you liked it!