Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Thanks for the rating. I did send you my email on 13 February and your own email swap was sent out on 26 February, so I'm surprised the problems with your computer lasted so long. If you knew on the 13 February that you couldn't rate, then a quick message to let me know would have been appreciated and would have avoided me resending the email on 21 February and then messaging you about it on 3 March. Please communicate next time.
Response: I'm so glad it finally got there, despite the complications of the international postal system!
Response: I'm increasingly borrowing cookbooks from the library before buying them, because it gives me a chance to try them out and see if I like them.
Response: Thanks so much. I too really like this challenge -- the limitations are freeing rather than inhibiting.
Response: I'm glad it finally arrived!
Response: Thanks for the suggestions -- I'll look into them.
Response: I'm only sorry the first one didn't arrive! Thanks for the rating -- I too liked the sparkly bits! I've not used glitter thread before but will experiment with it more in the future. Have a lovely holiday period and I look forward to swapping with you in the future.
Response: I'm so glad it got there in time for Christmas!
Response: I'll try hosting it again after Christmas. Thanks for joining this time (and for the great recipes!)
Response: It is a really beautiful country, well worth visiting.
Response: Yes, I hoped that the miniatures might find a new home in your room box! Have a lovely Christmas.
Response: Can't wait to hear your response to those two!
Response: So glad it finally got there!
Response: I'll see if I can email you the original postcard pictures!
Response: It's a great technique to experiment with -- I highly recommend trying it! And for those of us who are less confident with drawing and painting, it creates wonderful effects.
Response: I hope you enjoy it. They're fun to make!
Response: Oh, good, I'm glad it got there safely.
Response: Nope, a different Elizabeth Taylor! Try She wrote around a dozen novels in the 50s, 60s and 70s.
Response: Thank you so much for your comment -- I really appreciate it.
Response: What I've found is that I create the doll, then the story comes to me afterwards! I hadn't expected to make up back stories when I started, but it just seems right.
Response: I'm so pleased! I hope you enjoy them.
Response: Thanks for the rating and for your patience!
Response: Thanks! I had a feeling that some of the work-related books would interest you, and I suspect the ones I'm going to be reading over the next few months will be the same. That's why I like doing this swap with you and Carol -- we're all willing to consider books from right across the genre spectrum! I think you'd like the Flanders and her other books as well if you've not read them. I haven't read any of the Kate Summerscales yet but they're on my list!
Response: We were about a mile from Horner Park -- I used to ride my bike there in the summer and sled down the hill in the winter! Always followed by ice cream at the Tastee Freeze across the road. I went to Bateman School. I agree -- a fun coincidence!
Response: Mystery solved -- the Post Office returned my original envelope today (13 April) with a sticker saying 'Non-compliant postal item identifier'. Not quite sure what that means (maybe it should have had a customs sticker) but at least we now know where the first send went. Sorry about all the complications!
Response: I'm sorry. Would you like me to send them again in another format? I could paste them into a document.
Response: I've not seen the movie but a lot of reviewers reckon the book of 'Miss Pettigrew' is even better. I look forward to seeing what you think. And so far I'm loving 'Haven'.
Response: I'll be really interested to hear what you think of it and whether it works on audio.
Response: Sadly, I've misplaced it. If I ever find it again, I'll send you a copy!
Response: And if there isn't a queer hiking group in your area, maybe you could start one! The Pride stamps are great. The Royal Mail actually issued a group of 8 Pride stamps -- 4 first class and 4 for international letters. You can see all the designs at Great to connect!
Response: Thanks so much. I foolishly didn't take down the name of the flower -- I really should keep a little notebook in my purse for such things! And I've not made the ramen since -- but if I can find the recipe I'll send it to you!
Response: I did indeed send it. Let me know if you want me to send it again -- I still have a copy in my sent folder.
Response: It was a chilly blustery evening -- you're absolutely right! But the bonfire was fun anyway.
Response: Thanks for adding the little bit of glue! Sorry!
Response: I've just bought a good book, The Lensball Photography Handbook by Marvin Lei which is helping me understand better what I can do with it. (There are various other lensball books on Amazon -- mostly useless and worth avoiding!) But the main thing is, as you suggest, just playing and experimenting. One warning -- avoid using it in direct sunlight -- it focuses the sun's rays like a magnifying glass (remember setting fire to paper when we were kids?) and you can get burnt. I say that from experience!
Response: It's an old tree ... it blossoms wonderfully but then produces apples which are totally inedible!
Response: Yes, I'm a big Maisie Dobbs fan!
Response: What a lovely response to the pictures, Gabi, thank you so much!
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart, Lou. No, a turnstone and a tern are different -- turnstones are part of the sandpiper family and live all along the UK coast. I've just looked them up ( and it looks like we have some resident ones and some that migrate each year from Canada and Greenland.
Response: I did realise that my reading this month has been a bit specialised -- not everyone wants to read obscure 19th century novels! Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Have a look to see if you can download BBC Sounds, which is the portal to on-demand BBC radio. I've Googled 'BBC Sounds and USA' and it looks possible -- see,from%20anywhere%20in%20the%20world. (sorry that's such a long URL!). BBC Radio 4 does a Book of the Week (usualy non-fiction) and a Book at Bedtime (fiction) as well as a fun programme called A Good Read where they get two prominent people on to recommend and discuss a favourtie book. Good luck and thanks for the rating.
Response: I'm so glad it arrived! Thanks for the rating.
Response: Rift -- this was exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you!!!
Response: I've just read the second book in the series. Definitely start with the first one (the second one sort of assumed you knew the characters already) but both were a good read!
Response: Thank you so much -- I've been on tenterhooks waiting for it to arrive. I really appreciate your kindness and helpfulness over this swap.
Response: I think you could enjoy the Attwood, even without reading the original so do give it a try!
Response: Having eaten it for dinner last night, I would definitely cut the chilli powder down to 1/2 - 3/4 teaspoon! But it was delicious -- in the end we had it with rice rather than stuffing a tortilla which worked well.
Response: I do enjoy sending things through the post that aren't necessarily rectangular!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. I read it a few months ago and really enjoyed it.
Response: Thanks for the rating and for being my partner. Postman Pat is a character from children's TV -- probably anyone who was a pre-schooler or the mother of a pre-schooler in England during the 1980s and 1990s will have the Postman Pat song permanently in their memory! He's a rural postman and in each episode, he and his black and white cat not only deliver the mail but also get involved in other problems -- stopping a runaway train, rescuing , a cat up a tree, fixing the broken ice-cream machine and so on. Interestingly the Royal Mail did use Postman Pat as a mascot for a while as well.
Response: Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it -- I thought that Panda Radio Times card was great.
Response: I'm so sorry the post office ate your envelope! Do let me know what you received, in case anything went missing, so I can send again if necessary.
Response: I'm so glad it arrived! I obviously forgot the time involved in transporting a postcard through interspace transfer ...... :-)
Response: I agree, that baby was definitely creepy!
Response: It was a fun swap to make -- I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response: It was sold as 200 gram colour copy paper. It's made by a company called Mondi and comes in A4 sheets -- I bought a ream of it. You're right -- it's beautifully smooth and takes colour well. It's actually too thick to go smoothly through the printer where I work so I just use it for hand crafting. I bought it from Amazon UK back in 2014 and still have loads left -- I mostly do inchies and postcards and ATCs so a sheet generally makes several items. It cost just under £8 for 250 sheets.
Response: Thank you for being willing to accept the substitution and thank you again to @Potoffel for taking over this swap. She sent me a photo of the PL and it was indeed lovely -- I'm glad you like it.
Response: Hi Anicka, Sorry about sending you that zine twice! I'm rather fond of it and tend to tuck a copy into any parcel going to someone who likes fairy tales. I'll send you another fairy tale zine soon.
Response: I'm impressed -- for a package to go from the UK to India in one week is great! I'm so glad you liked it -- I had real pleasure in finding it for you.
Response: Wrong, I'm afraid -- I was born in the USA but have lived in England for over 20 years. My grandfather was Norwegian, hence my Norwegian name, but I've never been there. The true statement was that I went on holiday to Bulgaria last year - we spent a few days in Sofia and then a week in Veliko Tarnova in central Bulgaria. Lovely countryside and fabulous churches, but still quite a poor country.
Response: Wrong -- I'm American but have lived in England for over 20 years! No, the true statement was that I went on holiday to Bulgaria last year -- we spent a few days in Sofia and then a week in Veliko Tarnova in central Bulgaria. Lovely countryside and fabulous churches, but still quite a poor country.
Response: Digital art is fun -- and good for people like me with limited drawing skills! I'm still very much a beginner but gradually improving ......! Thanks for the enthusiastic rating!
Response: He particularly likes riding on new models or ones that a particular bus company has just acquired.
Response: Thank you, Terry, for your thoughtful comment. I know that it's a somewhat controversial topic but I'm glad you liked the ATC!
Response: I'm SO glad you liked them -- I had such fun making them! I've been on tenterhooks waiting to see what you thought of them!
Response: I've PM'd you the full lyrics!
Response: Yes, Hindu. Good luck with the unpacking!
Response: Don't worry -- I've done that myself on occasion! Glad it got there safely.
Response: So glad the second one got there safely and that you enjoyed the things I found for you!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Thank you!!!! Maybe we should set ourselves a digital art painted feather challenge ....
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed both the film and the food! It's a film that I've known since childhood but can watch over and over again.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely comment!
Response: Wow -- the letter got there in three days! I'm glad you liked it -- thanks for joining the swap.
Response: Your profile is great now -- well done!
Response: Just in time -- I was planning to send it out again today! I'm glad it got there and thanks for the kind words!
Response: I thought that might be your favourite!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!
Response: Better than Me and the Elephant which is what I kept singing yesterday!
Response: I'm so glad you like it -- I really enjoyed finding things that I thought you would like!
Response: So glad you liked it!
Response: I am SOOO glad that the puppet (I think it's a puppet!) survived his flight from Birmingham to Derbyshire. And I'm glad you liked the wall hanging -- I found it in one of the Chinese shops in Birmingham city centre and really likedit.
Response: Do notice that what looks like newspaper is really a carrier bag!
Response: I'm sorry the statue got chipped. I'm sending you something else to make up for it!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun choosing things!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it -- I had great fun putting it together! I've listed another holiday swap for March if you feel like joining!
Response: I must admit I did it from a distance!
Response: I was so delighted when I found them!
Response: Thank you very much! I was pleased with the window effect and might experiment with it further.
Response: I'm so glad they arrived safety. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I'm so pleased they arrived together! Thanks for your patience.
Response: It was fun to put together -- thanks for the chance to do so!
Response: I'm so glad you liked them -- I hoped you would!
Response: Viza, I'm absolutely delighted that you love your package! I was really pleased to find that Alice in Wonderland postcard -- I knew as soon as I saw it that it was perfect for you!
This has been a great swap -- let's do it again some time!
Response: It was great fun trying to find as many different kinds as possible! Chocolate with mint is very common in England but most other countries don't seem to put that combination of flavours together. I'm glad you liked your parcel.
Response: And a statue of a woman in a fountain, officially called "The River", was nicknamed "The Floozie in the Jacuzzi" within a day of it's being finished!
Response: If you're ever coming over, let me know! I work at Woodbrooke and love showing the gardens to people. There's a wonderful Victorian kitchen garden which still provides food for the college.
Response: So glad you liked them.
Response: I am so happy that I managed to find things that you liked! I must admit, the inflatable guitar was my favourite!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I really enjoyed putting it together.
Response: It's always lovely to share poems with people.
Response: So glad you liked them!
Response: Hope you enjoy the recipes!
Response: Glad you liked them -- thanks!