Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're so welcome! And thanks!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: So glad you like them! It's always fun to pick out cards.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're so welcome! It was fun to decorate!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: I keep borrowing travel books and making plans, Hopefully soon we'll get to go!
Response: Exciting! Our summer reading starts on the 17th and I can't wait!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: And bonus, if you enjoy that look, there are three more in the series and another due out this fall!
Response: You're so welcome! I'm hoping we can!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Thanks! We share lots of them at work.
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: So glad you enjoyed them!
Response: Hooray! I'm so glad you liked them!!
Response: You are so welcome! I enjoyed shopping for you! Enjoy the treats.
Response: You're so welcome! Glad you enjoyed!
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy!
Response: You're welcome, it came from a really cool postcard set
Response: Happy belated again! My birthday was great too :)
Response: YAY! I always hope they'll be new ones.
Response: Thanks to you as well!
Response: I keep my eyes out for fun reading stickers and you're right!
Response: You're so welcome! And chances are the washi tape came from Amazon XD.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for swapping!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: glad you enjoyed them!
Response: Glad you enjoyed them!
Response: :D always fun to swap with fellow fans.
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for swapping
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the rating! I super appreciate it. Glad it arrived safely!
Response: So glad they arrived safely! Hope the conference was fun!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Yay for libraries!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you enjoyed them!!
Response: Glad you liked it! Good luck with π!
Response: Youβre very welcome!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're so welcome! Glad you liked them.
Response: I hope you enjoy them as much as me!
Response: You're welcome! I love those kinds of jokes!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: Thanks so much!!
Response: That's so neat! I love finding connections like that!
Response: You're so welcome! I hope yours do too!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! It was really fun to write!
Response: You're welcome, I hope it was helpful!
Response: Glad it arrived nice and safely!
Response: Thanks for letting me know it got there safely!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked it!
Response: De rien! C'Γ©tait amusant d'Γ©crire!
Response: They have great taste! :D
Response: Thank you!! It's been amazing so far.
Response: Oh dear, I'm glad the envelopes came through okay. The one I got also took a bit of a beating, but thankfully all the contents made it too. Hope you're enjoying them!
Response: You're so welcome! Thanks for hosting them!
Response: You're very welcome! So glad you liked it!
Response: You are welcome! Cringe and all XD
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for being in the swap!
Response: Puns are so much fun! Glad you enjoyed!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: So glad you joined us!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: You are so welcome! I LOVE those envelopes!
Response: I'm so glad you like them! It was a fun swap, thanks for hosting!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I hoped you'd like it.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Glad they arrived safely!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Oh my goodness I loved my Gameboy Advance! Glad you liked the card! Thanks for swapping.
Response: You're so welcome! It was such a relief!
Response: Thanks for those awesome ideas! I love the idea of a textile one!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Glad you enjoyed the card! :)
Response: You're welcome. It was fun to write!
Response: You're so welcome, sorry about the mixup! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're welcome.
Response: I am so delighted that you enjoyed it!! Thanks for the heart :)
Response: So glad you liked the card! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I really liked those new stamps! I think they were just recently released. Glad you enjoyed the card!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed!
Response: :D I am so glad you enjoyed it! It was fun to make. Zines are such a fun little project. You're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome! I think I'm about 90% oddball. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are very welcome! It was fun to write!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: you're very welcome!
Response: Oooh that sounds exciting! I haven't yet done a run as a qunari, but I want to! I just got my second booster on Sunday and it knocked me out! I slept most of Monday away.
Response: It was a delightful trip. Thanks and you're welcome :)
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Response: I HEAR you on the achievements thing! Thanks for the compliment on the name. <3
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: It's always so fun to get someone you 'swap-know' isn't it?
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: I love hearing those kinds of stories :)
Response: Glad you liked the choices! You're welcome!
Response: Bad in Plaid :) You're welcome!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're so welcome. We definitely did!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you enjoyed them!
Response: You are so welcome! It was SO fun to write this one! I think the seals survive (most of the time) because these days they're made from plastic!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome! Glad you liked them.
Response: Thanks for the heart! Glad you liked the PCs!
Response: I'm really slow at it too. I say it's just us being intentional at creating our art. :)
Response: Thank you! I hope so too!
Response: You're very welcome. <3
Response: You're welcome! It tickled me to create it.
Response: You are very welcome. I liked getting to try out some bibliomancy, I normally read tarot. Glad it was meaningful.
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for being so much fun to shop for!
Response: Fistbump for awesome taste in games!
Response: I'm so glad you found the site. If you need more recommendations message me. I have many favorite! Also I have gotten their Communitea box a couple times and it is a fantastic way to sample a bunch of different flavors.
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I've always wanted to try keeping an orchid at my office, I've heard from plant folks that the climate in the office would work. And thanks for the encouragement!
Response: aww bummer! I have a friend with many allergies too, it's such a challenge for her, my sympathies.
Response: You're welcome! Congrats on the sweaters!
Response: Oh I love that a PC inspired you to go to an art museum! I should get myself to an art museum soon too, it's such a fun visit.
Response: You know, I don't think I ever heard his description of it before! That is a different feeling for sure!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are very welcome!! Glad that you enjoyed the swap and goodies! :)
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: Thanks! So glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome! I love hearing about other people's quilts too. My instagram is about 75% quilts, cats, and hamsters at the moment!
Response: So glad you agree :)
Response: You're so welcome! I had fun sketching for you.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed them.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: A perfect use! Happy pride!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! Yes definitely try good omens!!
Response: So glad you got it safely! Happy Swapping!
Response: Thanks for the rating!
Response: It really was! Thanks for swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Glad they finally made it!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad to hear it! :D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Happy swapping!
Response: Happy swapping!
Response: It was a pretty cool series back in its day :) Glad to share!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: It was a delight to make! Thanks for giving me such a fun option!
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: This was such a fun swap to put together! Glad you enjoyed them.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're welcome! I love using my wax seals!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks! You're welcome!
Response: Agree! It was such a strange postcard I was glad to get to send it :D
Response: You're welcome! Glad to finally have the perfect use for it!
Response: mmmm now I want cookies!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for the heart Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks!
Response: You are so welcome, thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for swapping!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm so glad to hear that! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for swapping.
Response: Yes, you got it right, mod podge. I'm so glad you liked it! I ALMOST kept that one because I loved it so much too. I'm delighted you enjoyed it too!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: So glad you liked the card! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Here's to hoping for better weather for both of us! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart too!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spring too.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're so welcome! I'm glad they made it safely. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: They really do! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: I'm so glad that you like it!! I'm such a tea fiend too! I have a couple mug rugs at work for my daily tea too. Happy Spring! <3
Response: You're so welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed them.
Response: You are very welcome! It was fun to make and stuff them!
Response: You're really welcome! I'd never made a flipbook before so it was fun to try out a new thing!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Love me some cat post cards!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Jellyfish are some of my favorites! And I love those pretty post cards.
Response: Happy swapping! Thanks!
Response: Good to swap with you again too! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're welcome! happy swapping!
Response: You're quite welcome! Happy swapping!
Response: I'm so glad that you liked my choices! Thanks!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: awww so sorry to hear about Snowball, that must have been really hard. <3 Much love to Bella.
Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! I practiced those heiroglyphics, tricky little things!
Oh and sadly, I don't know what deck that one came from. I have some random single cards that I got in a big lot and I don't recognize the art.
Response: You're very welcome :) Thanks for the heart!
Response: So glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart :D
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome, and the kitties say to tell you... that they haven't been fed. But they're fibbers. ;) Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: I get that feeling! These swaps have been such a lovely boost.
Response: You're so welcome! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Glad it made it there safely!
Response: Glad it arrived! Thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad it arrived safely and that you liked it!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I had a fun time coming up with the idea. I'm a big Dresden fan too!
Response: I really had fun making this one. I'm glad you like it!
Response: I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! You're welcome!
Response: aww I'm sorry the mail got to it. Thanks for the rating!
Response: ooh I would LOVE to go to the Van Gogh Experience. I've heard about it. What a cool thing to have seen. Thanks for the rating and heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for the nice rating!
Response: So glad you like it! Thanks for the lovely rating!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for swapping!
Response: You're so welcome! I swear I don't get kickbacks from them ;) I just love their tea so much, drinking some as I post this now!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the rating :)
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you for being part of the swap.
Response: Thanks so much! I'm delighted you enjoyed it! Looking forward to future swaps!
Response: You're very welcome! I had fun making it for you.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks again.
Response: I should look into learning again :) Thanks for the encouragement!
Response: Thanks for the rating and glad you liked them! Thanks for being part of the swap!
Response: Thanks for the rating and for the tip, I didn't realize I needed to, but obviously that would have made it easier! Thank you!
Response: Thanks for the rating! and thanks for the tip! I realized I did forget it, thought you meant my user name!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the heart! I've just got started making ATCs and I love it!
Response: :) Thanks for sharing your booklist!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: YAY! Thanks for the heart :) I'm glad you liked the things I picked.
Response: thank you! *grins*
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thanks for that tip!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: I can't recommend them enough!! They are some of the BEST books that I've ever read. And I'm a librarian, so I've read a great deal of books :)
You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: I'm so glad you liked the card I chose! Thanks!
Response: Glad that I picked good stickers! Thanks for the heart :)
Response: You're quite welcome! I'm so glad I picked a card that you really liked. :) Thanks for the heart too!
Response: You're welcome :)
Response: You're welcome!