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Response: so they actually are meant to go around the wine glass stem LOL but i just thought they were so adorable and could be reused for anything
Response: it always amuses me, i made my username on the whim cause i couldnt think of anything funand i didnt realize id become addicted to swapping and that i couldnt change it LOL. Also thank you so much! So happy you enjoyed it
Response: Elijah Woods the singer is a different person from the actor if thats what you mean! glad you enjoyed them <3
Response: awee this filled me with pure joy!! im so happy you enjoyed my mail <3 <3
Response: awesome! so happy it delivered safely <3
Response: aweee this makes me so happy!! <3 if i get you again for anything ill do my best to remember to send you my other style i decorate with magazine cut outs.
Response: It is beautiful! i love her so much
Response: LOL!! that is awesome, i guess my photos i sent are actually in lake nipissing, thats where we stayed! in sturgeon falls area. we drove into sudbury multiples times in the week!
Response: hehe yay! i love creative writing
Response: Perfect! i did my best to find things i had that went with your interests <3
Response: LOLL! im so happy you enjoyed my mail!! <3 this made me smile :D
Response: Awe, so happy you liked them!
Response: so happy you enjoyed <3
Response: Awee I am so happy I was able to bring you joy!! And I love getting good signs in life, so i hope choosing a caribbean card for you means youll have an amazing trip!! i am excited for you, have fun!! i am also excited for summer. I just said today - "i just want it to to be warm out"
Response: Love that you enjoyed it! receiving a decorated envelope makes me so happy when i check my mail!
Response: So happy you enjoyed! one of my fave things is receiving pretty mail in my mailbox!
Response: Glad you enjoyed!
Response: we had some warm days too!
Response: i swapped partners with the coordinator for this one, please check in with her! i sent day 11 to her partner
Response: im glad i was able to! i did my best <3
Response: awesome!! those were such a lucky find at a thrift store! i love them too haha
Response: i'm so glad you enjoyed it!! tbh i wanted to keep writing hahaha
Response: it was terrifying but so fun! glad i did it haha the skin on my face was flapping LOL
Response: That stamps from the 90s! I found it at an old used bookstore that still does written receipts. Was such a good find
Response: so happy you enjoyed it!! <3
Response: oh im glad you enjoyed them! and yessss i was just there in may and they had so many cute card decks in their shops
Response: ive actually switched to sleeves since then, but thank you! im glad you enjoyed the cards
Response: awe im glad you got it and enjoyed it! cant wait to receive yours.
Response: so glad you enjoyed my picks!
Response: im so sorry, i had my mail in envelopes stamped and forgot to mail them before i left the country. im glad it made it <3
Response: Awesome!! I hope you enjoy some! <3 and thank you, getting there.
Response: Oh that is awesome!! im going to send him a little something :D
Response: lol! glad you enjoyed, that deck was a super fun find!
Response: it ended up being super awkward after i taped it so i tossed into a bigger envelope for shipping LOL! glad you liked it! i has fun making it
Response: Oh good! im so happy it arrived <3 i'm glad you enjoy what i picked out!
Response: I've never heard someone say that! theyre pretty big especially when youre in the boat going right up to them hehe. its a fun experience and so many things to do other than just the falls :D
Response: awesome!! i didnt know it glows in the dark, bonus!! i ended up liking the postcard i got for this swap too haha.
Response: hell yeh! hahaha
Response: YAY! so happy it arrived safely. much love! <3 <3
Response: thank you so much! <3