Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome; thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Glad it made it! You’re welcome! Thanks for the heart rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ raring.
Response: You’re welcome; thanks for the heart rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Enjoy! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Enjoy! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome;thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Enjoy!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: You’re welcome; thanks for the ❤️ rating. Yes, I was thinking the same as well. With that many people; we should get new partners every round.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome! I tried to pick ones I thought you guys would like.😀 Thanks for the heart rating. 😀
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and no problem! I’m glad these made it; hopefully you’ll eventually get the first envelope. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Aww thanks!😊 Glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome;life gets crazy at times;no worries! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome abs thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Hi! Glad to hear it finally made it! 😀 You’re welcome! Apparently some of your mail decided to take the scenic route! Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: Glad I brightened your day! You’re very welcome! 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️. Road trips are always fun.
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome;enjoy the tea! Thanks for the ♥️ rating
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome; thanks for the ❤️ rating. Have a great weekend!
Response: You’re most welcome! Anytime you’d like to do a private fb swap, feel free to dm me. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome;enjoy!
Response: You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating v
Response: You’re very welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the holiday wishes. I hope yours is nice and relaxing. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re most welcome; glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re most welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating. Pm if you need more.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! I’m glad you liked it. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating. Have a great weekend!
Response: You’re welcome; thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Glad you liked them. 😀 I enjoyed picking them out. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re most welcome! 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Great minds think alike! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked it. Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you like it. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks; you as well. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome and glad you’re enjoying the stickers!😀😁 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! 😀 I’m glad you liked everything. Thanks for the ❤️ rating. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked the Doctor Who pc. 😀 Thanks fir the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Aww thanks!😊 Glad you liked what was sent. Thanks for what you sent as well. 😀 I enjoyed swapping with you as well.
Response: Aww thanks! 😊 Thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: You’re welcome! 😀 Glad you liked it! The games sound fun! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Glad you liked everything.😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Nice! You’re welcome and thanks for the rating. 😀
Response: You’re welcome!😀 I’m glad you liked everything. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Enjoy the tea. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Glad it made it safely. 😀
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks! Thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: Moana is one of my faves as well! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Yep! Sometimes you can find some really cool ones at the library. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Nice! Thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: Nice! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy them. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Yes, I had a great time visiting NC. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy the teas! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks and thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: You’re welcome! I’m the same way,unless I already have something in mind; I’ll wander the shelves until something catches my eye. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome and I’m glad you enjoyed the stickers. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Aww thanks! I’m glad I made your day and you liked everything. 😀 Hope the seals made it in one piece. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked them. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked them; I tried to vary it up. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome; I thought that one was funny as well. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! 😀Glad you liked everything. Hope you enjoy them! I really like the vanilla caramel. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! I’m glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Sweet! You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 and thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome 😀
Response: You’re welcome and thanks fir 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Thanks! Thanks for the ❤️rating. 😀
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks fit the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! 😀 Glad I made your day! Thanks for the ❤️ rating 😀
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks! I’m on Postcrossing and another Postcrosser sent that to me on a card. Thanks fir the ❤️ rating. Have a great weekend!
Response: You’re very welcome! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome and glad you enjoyed reading my answers. Sweet! Thanks for the ❤️ rating!
Response: You’re very welcome! I’m glad you liked it. 😀 Thanks, hope you have a good week as well. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Nice! That was the perfect card then. 😀 Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome; hope you enjoy them. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome 😀
Response: You’re very welcome! Glad you liked it.😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: ☹️ Glad to hear it made it safely this go round. You’re very welcome! Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Glad you enjoyed it and you’re welcome. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything.😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome😀
Response: You’re welcome! That’s cool! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 Glad you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: Glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating. Hope you have a great summer as well.
Response: You’re welcome.
Response: You’re very welcome! Glad you liked them. 😀 Sweet! Glad I was able to add to your list. Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Thanks and thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the 💜 rating. 😀
Response: Sweet!😀 Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re very welcome.😀 That’s funny you got 2 different banned books bookmarks. I’ve been playing around with making my own envelopes. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome!😀 Hope you enjoy it and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: 😀 You’re very welcome! Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked them. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 Glad you liked it. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Yes, it’s cool to see what people come up with. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Great! Hope you enjoy the teas. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Aww thanks! Thanks for the rating.
Response: Aww thanks! Hope you enjoy the teas. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Aww thanks!😊 Glad I made your day and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome; you as well. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Glad you enjoyed them and thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Enjoy the tea and thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything and hope you enjoy the teas. Thank for the 💜 rating.
Response: Enjoy the teas! Thanks for the ♥️ rating. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome! Glad you liked it. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome! Glad you liked them. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Tina,
So glad you enjoyed the postcard with quotes and you had a great first swap! You’re very welcome! Thanks for the 💜 rating. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome! Hope you enjoy the tea. Thanks for the 💜 rating. 😀
Response: Ha!😀 Yay! I’m glad you’re enjoying everything. You’re very welcome. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome 😀
Response: Glad you loved the postcard. 😀 Great minds think alike! Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Glad you liked the card. 😀 Same here, great songs are always coming out. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Thanks! Hope you find some you like. Hope your year is great as well. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it! Yes, all is well. Hope it’s well your way. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome, hope you enjoy the read. Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: Glad you enjoyed reading them. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome and I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: Sweet!😀 Aww, thanks and you’re welcome.
Response: You’re welcome and hope you enjoy everything. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you like everything. 😀 The cat sushi stickers, I got at Five Below-it’s like a Dollar Tree but everything is $5 and under. I got the sushi washi tape at Michael’s. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome and hope you enjoy them. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: I’m glad the resend made it safely. 😀 Aww, thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome😀 Yes, am hoping it’s just as good as the others. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome😀 I hope you enjoy the teas and thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: I’m glad you enjoyed the swap. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks, you as well. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re very welcome; glad you enjoyed everything. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks, hope you do as well.
Response: Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: My apologies for not replying sooner. Glad you liked everything 😀 I hope you enjoy it. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you enjoyed everything. 😀 Merry Christmas as well. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Yay! Glad they reached you the 2nd go round. 😀 Glad you liked them and thanks for the rating and hearts. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome!Glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: You’re welcome; glad you liked them. Thanks for the 💜 rating.
Response: Glad you enjoyed them. 😀 Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome, glad you liked everything. Yes, hopefully season 3 will have some answers. Thanks for the ❤️ rating. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome! Hope you enjoy them. Thanks for the ❤️ rating. 😀
Response: You’re welcome 😀
Response: Yes, I was exited to have gotten your name. 😀 I’m glad you liked everything. Have enjoyed doing your swaps and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything. 😀
Response: You’re welcome and glad you enjoyed reading them. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. Thanks! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome;glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome😀 Glad you liked it. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Yeah, am hoping the postal system will come out with more scratch and sniff stamps. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Cool!😀 Be neat if we got each other’s addresses on Postcrossing. Thanks, you as well and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating and enjoy.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating. 😀 Enjoy!
Response: You’re welcome😀 Glad you liked everything and hope you enjoy the teas. Thanks for the ❤️ rating. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Hope you enjoy them. Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome, thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome, thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the ❤️ rating. 😀
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: I got it today. 😀 I’ll send you a reply soon. Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the 💜 rating. Yes, that’s one of my faves as well.
Response: You’re welcome, glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the ♥️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for ❤️ rating. 😀
Response: Oh good😀 was hoping you didn’t have it. Thanks for the 💜 rating. 😀
Response: Glad you liked everything, especially the washi tape.😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Glad the popsicle stamps still smelled great. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Yay!😀 Glad you liked everything and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome😀 Cool! Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything. Aww, thanks! Sure, I’m up for a reply. Can’t wait to get it. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: You’re very welcome and hope you enjoy them. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Glad you liked it. Thanks for the rating and ♥️.
Response: Thanks for the rating and ♥️.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for rating and ♥️.
Response: You’re very welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Yeah, I try to add various types of stamps. Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: You’re welcome😀 Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: Yay! Glad it got there safely and you liked everything. 😀 Glad you enjoyed the teas. Thanks for the rating and ♥️.
Response: You’re very welcome😀 and I’m glad I made your day. Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 The Doctor Who postcards are a boxed set. It mostly has the 11th Doctor and the villains from that time. Thanks for the rating and ❤️. 😀
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating. 😀 Ok, sounds good.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for rating.
Response: Yay!😀 Glad you liked everything. You’re very welcome and thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 I’m glad I made your day. 😉 Thanks! Hmm, it took a couple of years. We’d usually decide on a place, say the redwoods in CA,and then we’d drive. So depending on our route coming and going, we might hit 7-8 states that trip. 😀 Thabks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀Glad you liked everything. Thanks, hope you do as well. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked it and thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️. 🤗
Response: You’re welcome! 😀Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Glad you liked the card and stamps. 😀 I’m hoping the postal service comes out with more scents. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Yay! 😀 Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the rating and ♥️. 😀
Response: Glad you liked the envie. 😀 Can’t wait to get your letter and yes, feel free to send me how many ever fbs that you’d like. Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: Glad you liked everything and you’re welcome. 😀 Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and hearts.
Response: Glad you enjoyed reading my list. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 That’s so cool!😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome and glad you liked everything.😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Great!😀 Glad you liked it. Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: You’re welcome! 😀 That’s ok. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 It’s always fun to add a splash of color to plain, white notebook paper.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and 💜.
Response: Glad you liked everything!😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️. I need to rewatch the older episodes. It’s been a bit since I’ve watched them.
Response: Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you enjoyed the letter and washi. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Glad you enjoyed reading them😀 and thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you enjoyed reading them. Thanks for the rating and hearts. 😀
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked the. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Yep, I do the same thing! I borrow from the library and if I really like it, I’ll buy the book. Same here😀, I love trying new candies and seeing what’s new has come out. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Thanks and you’re welcome. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Glad you enjoyed them and thanks for the rating.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Glad you liked everything. Sweet! Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it!😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Most waxes now are mail safe meaning they won’t break in sending. But you can always add a piece of packing tape over it to make sure it stays. Or stick a note asking the envelope be hand canceled. I’m glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 I like to send happies to my partners. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Yes, I try to include a happy. I hope you enjoy the tea. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 and thanks for rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Yes, the Vader dad is a funny card. Yay😀, I’m glad I was able to expand your washi collection. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: Thanks for the rating and ❤️. 😀
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome😀 Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the rating and ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 Happy summer to you as well.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything and thank you for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome😀 Glad you liked everything. Thanks and same to you. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ as well.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Glad you liked everything. 😀 Yes, I bought several books of the Sweet Treats stamps. I’m hoping the postal service will come out with more scratch and sniff one. Chocolate would be awesome! Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome and thanks. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ as well. 😀
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked everything. 😀 Fun!😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 Thanks for the ❤️
Response: Thanks for the ❤️. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Glad you liked them. Can’t wait to get your letter and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 Glad you liked it and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Glad you liked everything and thanks for the ❤️. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome. 😀 Glad you liked everything. Thanks for the ❤️. 😀
Response: You’re welcome and I can’t wait to see what my 1st stamp will be. 😀 You’re very welcome for the washi and tags. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️ 😎
Response: Yay!😀 Glad you liked everything. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome 😀 and glad you liked everything.
Response: You’re very welcome and glad you enjoyed everything thing. 😀 Thanks, yes, hopefully it’ll be much cooler up there than it is here. Thanks for the ❤️ 😀
Response: That’s so cool you still have Pez from when you were a kid. 😀 Yes, am hoping to visit one day in the near future. Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Thanks and you’re very welcome. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome 😀 Glad you enjoyed it and can’t wait! Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it! It’s Finnish. Yep, definitely! I just finished reading “The Alchemist”, it’s on the list and was pretty good. Thanks for the ❤️. 😀
Response: You’re very welcome.😀 Glad you liked it and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome😀 I like that’s it’s super easy, just watch it cause it can burn easily. Hope you enjoy them😀 Thanks for the ❤️
Response: You’re welcome😀 Yeah, I try to put various stamps on my cards when I can. Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Yay! 😀 Glad you enjoyed it. I had fun doing it. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️
Response: You’re welcome😀 and thanks for the ❤️
Response: You’re welcome😀
Response: You’re very welcome😀 Feel free to drop me a line, if you’d like. Hope you enjoy the recipes and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome😀 and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Ah,must’ve just missed it then.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Ah, those were great as well. 😀
Response: You’re welcome 😀
Response: You’re welcome and hope you enjoy them.
Response: Thanks😀 I had fun doing it! Glad you liked everything and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re most welcome and glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you liked everything. 😀 Yeah, I like trying to mix the weird and funky. Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome😀 and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and I’m glad you enjoyed the story. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you enjoyed everything and thanks for the ❤️ 😀
Response: You’re welcome😀 and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome!😀 Glad you like everything and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the heart.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you enjoyed it. 😀Thanks for the ❤️
Response: You’re welcome and thanks for the ❤️ 😀
Response: You’re welcome and I’m glad I made your day. 😀 Cantvwait to get your letter and thanks for the ❤️.😀
Response: You’re welcome😀 and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome and glad you like the 🐻. Thanks for the ❤️ as well. 😀
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ 😀
Response: You’re welcome and no worries.😀 Thanks for the ❤️..
Response: Thanks! If you’d like to start up a correspondence, feel free to drop me a letter. Thanks for the ❤️ as well. 😀
Response: Sweet!😀 Glad you liked everything and can’t wait to get your letter. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.😁
Response: You’re welcome😀and thanks for the ❤️
Response: Sweet! Glad you liked them. 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome😀 and thanks for the ❤️.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked it and thanks for the ❤️ 😀
Response: Yay, glad it stayed on. 😀 You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed the letter and washi samples. Thank you😀 Yes, that’d be great if you’d like to send a letter my way. 😀
Response: Yw!😀 No worries, it happens and thanks again for the ❤️. Hope tour weekend is good as well.
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked them and thanks for the ❤️. 😀
Response: You guys are welcome!😀 That’s cool Micah has a Tardis 🎒 and 3 sonic screwdrivers. 😀 I only have 1. Thanks for the ❤️ as well.
Response: Thanks for the ❤️ 😀
Response: Yw 😀 Thanks for the ❤️.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked the. 😀
Response: Glad you did and you’re welcome. 😀
Response: Great! Can’t wait to get your letter. 😀
Response: You’re welcome😀 Thanks😀 I just started, so it’s a work in progress.
Response: You’re very welcome😀 Glad you’re enjoying it!
Response: You’re welcome😀
Response: 😀 You’re welcome
Response: 😀 You’re welcome
Response: You’re welcome and yes, the festival was fun.
Response: You’re very welcome!😀
Response: 😀 You’re welcome
Response: Yes, when I saw it, it was just one of those weird yet cool stamps. You might can find it online. It’s made by Dewey, Inkum and Howe.
Response: You’re very welcome😀
Response: You’re welcome😀
Response: You’re very welcome😀
Response: Glad you liked the card😀
Response: You’re welcome! Glad you liked everything.
Response: Glad you liked it. :)
Response: Great! Glad you liked everything!😀
Response: Coo! Hope it works for you. Thanks! I like trying to learn new things. I’m even taking a Braille transcribing course.
Response: Glad you liked everything. :)
Response: Glad you liked everything. :)