Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You are very welcome!!!!
Response: OOO thanks for the heads up!!!!!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Yay!!!! <3 Hugs!
Response: You got that fast!!!! I completely forgot to mark it sent!!!! <3
Response: Yay!!!! I’m glad I could help!!!!
Response: Yay!!!! That makes me super happy!!!!
Response: Thanks for rating!!!! I hope you are well!
Response: Thanks!!!! I appreciate them!
Response: You are so welcome!!!! I’m so glad you like them! I LOVE how offensive they are!
Response: I’m so glad you love them mamacita!!! Enjoy them!
Response: You’re welcome! Thanks for the ❤️
Response: I'm glad you liked them! I love making them and giving them away! It makes me happy!
Response: I’ma HORRIBLE foot stomper!!! Lol. I’m so glad you loved your goodies. I LOVE the you are beautiful stickers and try to give them away everywhere I go!
Response: awe...thanks!!!! <3
Response: OH jeesh...I dont remember what it said, but, I'm glad you liked it?
Response: Ok....I'll look for it...haven't gotten anything yet!!!
Response: Glad you loved it. Thx for the heart!
Response: Glad you loved them...I could have done more, but restrained myself.....might do another batch before the 19th....who knows!!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you lobbed them!!!
Response: You are welcome!!! Thanks for the <3
Response: Love me some cubbies.....glad you do too!!!!
Response: He is soooo Yummmy....Love me some Shemar!!!! and thanks for the hearts and's been tough
Response: One of my all time favorite stories!!!! Thanks for your patience and the <3!!!
Response: Glad you liked them!!!
Response: I hope you have read them by now!!!!! I've been crazy busy!!! Thanks for the <3!!!
Response: Dude....he has some eyes....grrrrrr!!!
Response: Yes...took me long enough...let me see if I remember...
ok you do this...
 and it should work as long as the link itself ends with .jpg, .gif or .png, and never .htm, .html, .php or .asp.
Also you can title it by entering your type between the []
Response: Yea!!! and Yep...I actually got mine back for this round!!!! Sad to see it be over!!!
Response: Thanks for the <3
Response: Thanks for the <3
Response: It was awesome!!! Thanks for the <3
Response: He did!!! Even said a co-worker asked for the recipe!!! Awkward!!!! LOL
Thanks for the <3
Response: LOL! I just could not resist!!!! Thanks for the <3!!!
Response: You are welcome!!! I'm glad I chose one you like!!!! Too cold for me too!!!!
Thanks for the <3!
Response: You are welcome!!! Glad you like them!!!!
Thanks for the <3
Response: Yea!!! Glad you liked them!
Thanks for the <3!
Response: Keep warm out there, chicka!!!!! Thanks for the <3!!!
Response: Thanks for the love and the heart!!! I know that the loneliness one was not great!! I was distracted big time as I was writing that one! I enjoyed writing the love one the most!!!!
Response: I so glad you got it! I was starting to get worried. I hope you love it...I could not decide.....I hoped you would love it!!!!
Response: You're welcome!!!! I know...right?
Response: So glad you loved them!!!! Glad they are safe and ready for the next round!
Response: Yea!!! Glad they are safe and sound and loved!!!!! ;)
Response: I'm so glad!!!! thanks for the heart!!!
Response: YEA!!!! I was really hoping you would!!!
Response: You are welcome!!!! It is a great the summer!!!
Response: That what my hubby says...but not really on my on my bucket list....
Response: Yea!!!! I'm glad you loved it...I got mine back. Are you going to do more of these??
Response: Thanks....hubby and I visited New Orleans in Nov and I grabbed this one cracked me up and I don't really want to send it away!!! I hope it keeps ciriculating and I get it back!!!!
Response: I'm so glad!!!! I was really trying hard to send something you'd love!!!! Thanks for the <3
Response: Great to know it got there safe and sound! Glad you liked your goodies!!! Thanks for the <3!!!
Response: Wow, Barb! Thank you!!!! And for your patience!!!! I sooo appreciate the <3 more than you know!!!!
Response: You are very welcome!!!!
Thanks for the <3!
Response: Cold? In Chicago? Yea!!!! UGH!! I HATE it! We just got another few inches of the white fluffy crap and tomorrow were supposed to get a few more! I HATE it!!! We are quickly running out of places to move it to. The piles on the side of my driveway are so high that I cannot reach to dump it there!!!! And the stupid groundhog saw his shadow! I think someone should have played whack-a-mole with him!!!!
Response: Wow!!! You got that super fast!!!!!
Response: Oh yea....pissed is an understatement.....THAT was the ENTIRE reason I created the you know why I sounded so mean when I wrote it! ;) And I am avoiding her....saw her on christmas and steered as clear as I could
Response: Yea!!!!! Awe!!! I'm glad I could share a little happy!!!!!
Response: Yea!!!! Thanks for the heart!!!
Response: I'm so glad! Addi picked everything out and paid for it with her own money! She wanted to send nail polish but I was afraid it would break and ruin everything else!!!
Response: Yea!!! Glad you loved it. Thanks for the <3!
Response: I'm sooooo glad you loved it!!!! I hope it helps you in some way!!!!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: It is very windy and right now sooooooo cold!!!!! Ugh! I hate it!!!
Response: Thanks!!!! I'm so glad you loved it!!!! Phoenix is so beautiful!!!!
Response: I love snail mail!!! I get so dang excited when there is mail for me!
Response: It was the perfect page for a teaser!!!! The whole series is phenomenal!!!!
Response: No...I hate the it for texting....hate to talk on it!!! When I was in my teens I was on it ALL THE mom thought she'd have tot have it surgically removed!!! LOL Maybe that's why I hate it now!!!
Response: I thought they were sooo cute too!!!
Response: Thanks! And thanks for the <3
Response: Yea!!! I'm glad you liked them!!!!
Response: Glad you liked them ;)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart.
Response: You are welcome!!! Glad you enjoyed it!!!
Response: Brutal!!!! Just brutal!!! I'm glad you finally got it....I was getting worried
Response: You're welcome!!!!! I liked yours too!!
Response: You are welcome!!!! Glad you liked it!!!
Response: That is weird...I mailed in in Chicago!!!! hmmm....Glad you loved it!!!!
Response: I'm glad it got to you already! I hope our prompt journals have lots of questions like that!!!!
Response: Awe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make ya cry! I know he knew, but to have him mention it that night....ugh. Has stuck with me all these years!!! I was 11, for pete's sake! Thanks for the <3!!!
Response: So glad you liked it!!! That was a hard one!! LOL!!!
Response: Me too!!! I lost my last one. I'd really like to get this one back!!! ;)
Response: You are very welcome. I LOVE the west!!!! Thanks for the <3.
Response: I'm so glad she loved it.....I was really worried about the nail polish breaking en route. I even bought a bottle of that for my daughter and I. ;) I'd love to do another one!!!!
Response: I'm so glad you love it!!! I was looking for all things ORANGE for you!!!! I owed ya for sending late!!! Thanks for the <3!!!
Response: I'm so glad you love it!!!!! And, yes, I may have peeked a bit at your profile!!!! Enjoy!!!!!! ;0P
Response: I'm so glad you loved them!!! I really tried hard to find something you would love! I hope you enjoyed the tea, too. I LOVE earl grey!!!! My fav!!! hugs!
Response: I's so glad you liked it!!!! I DO totally hope you write back!!!! I'd love to hear more about you!
Response: Thanks to you too. She was so loving and kind. She was also a lot of fun and, as you could probably tell by the letter, very much missed. She was a best friend to me...
Response: Thanks to YOU!!!! I really am glad you liked them! And thanks for the heart!