Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I started with 9th as well and as he would say, he was brilliant! I have watched Kim's Convenience Store and loved it! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: It was! If you ever wish to take a trip there then I can definitely be of help :) Thanks for the heart!
Response: Enjoyed the swap a lot. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You are the kindest person I know. Thank you for your heart. Trying to get back to swapping for now - even if it's electronically at this moment.
Response: A very late response from my end - thank you so much for the heart and comment.
Response: Thank you so much! It definitely took it's sweet time to reach you but am glad that it did. I did want to try something different for the bookmark for you. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the rating and the heart. Take care and happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for the heart and the rating and for these incredible thoughtful swaps. I hope my second one reaches you soon as well. I'll try to join in for more email based swaps now till I find a proper address where mail can be sent safely. Till then - take care and stay safe. Happy swapping!
Response: I'm not planning to watch the movie based on your recommendation here. Totally excited! Also, Toni!!! I've moved to a new city and I've so much to write to you. Maybe a lengthy chatty email soon. I hope you are doing well and thriving. Lots and lots of love to you 💓 take care and happy swapping!
Response: I am glad to hear it reached safely. I am taking your beautiful words to my heart and instilling more of love and kindness. Thank you for that and for spreading kindness. Happy swapping!
Response: Glad to hear it. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I am so happy to hear that it reached you safely. I did try to include as many details I could keeping your profile in mind. That owl was looking forward to a home and you seemed like the best person for it. Thank you for your kind words, heart and rating.
Response: I am glad to hear it. Thank you for the heart and the rating. Happy swapping!
Response: Glad you liked it. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh lovely! Glad it reached you safe and sound. Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the heart and the rating. Happy swapping!
Response: I absolutely did. It has the perfect beats that is relaxing as well as productive. Thank you for introducing me to it. I am glad you liked your sunshine happy mail. Happy swapping!
Response: I am willing to delve into the world of King (soon). I have read Carrie, Rage and the short story, "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption". What should be the next book or short story that I should read? Jackson's work is something I want to get into but haven't found the time to do so yet.
Response: Thank you so much. Your heart+rating is well appreciated. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words and the heart+rating. I hope you do get to pick up these two books at some point. They are perfect to critique at this point in history.
Response: Thank you so much for your rating and the heart.
Response: I hope they add value to your collection. Thank you for being so generous with the heart and the rating. Happy swapping!
Response: Haha! Moira memes are the best! Thank you for the heart and the rating! Happy swapping.
Response: Lol! That episode had me in splits. When I had first watched it, I was far away from my thirties and wondering whether I would feel the same eventually. Oh well, Joey! You got me for sure. It's relatable! Thank you for the heart and the rating. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you so much. I saw your meme mail as well and I can't deny how well these memes shape our collective memory of these times. Every thing it relatable. Thank you for sharing it and the generous heart and rating. Take care and stay safe. Happy swapping!
Response: I am glad the PC made it to you safely. We have monsoons over here and it's all very pleasant. You take care. Thank you for your generous heart and the rating. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh Toni! You have a way with words that touches my heart every time you write to me. Cannot emphasize how much I am looking forward to your note. My partner for this swap wrote about Persuasion and I ended up reading and watching the latest adaptation of the same. Have you read and watched it? Last but not the least, thank you so much for your evocative words, generous heart and the rating for this swap.
Response: Oh that's lovely to hear. Thank you for letting me know. Thank you for the heart and the rating. Happy swapping and crafting!
Response: I am so glad to hear this. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: I'm so glad to hear this. I love this theme and end up collecting vintage items. Thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: Woah! What?!! It reached so fast. From the last mail that never saw the light of the day to this one reaching you so soon. I'm really suprised. Thank you for being so patient with me and you didn't even ask for a resend despite it being so late. Your kindness and support means the world to me. Thank you so much. Hope all your swaps reach you safely. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh great! Glad it reached safely. Thank you for the heart and the rating. Happy reading and swapping!
Response: Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: I am so glad to hear it. Hope you are having a great time over there. Take care. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh phew! So glad to know that this one actually made it to you. Thank you for the rating and the heart. Hope to see you swapping in full swing soon.
Response: I am glad to hear it. Thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for your appreciation ☺️ I loved making this cute simple zine. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: This did travel a lot to reach you. Finally it did! I hope you do get to travel soon and enjoy the wanderlust. Happy swapping!
Response: Hey! Thank you so much for such a positive response to my zine. It is very close to my heart so sharing it with all the swap members meant a lot. I would like to thank you for hosting these zine swaps because they provide me with a platform to do so much more. Thank you for hosting, rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you so much. I'm glad to hear that it made it well in time. Thank you for the encouraging words.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the positive response to the zine. It's so close to my heart that it sings whenever someone tells me what that made them feel. Thanks for the heart and the rating.
Response: Thank you! I'm so glad that both of ours reached each other in such splendid timeline. Never expected that from my end. Thank you for understanding what the zine - the word - stood for. Take your time. There is no rush whatsoever. Hope to swap with you soon.
Response: Thank you so much for appreciating what I wrote and put together. Headache has become a part of my existence and thus this piece is very close to my heart. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart.
Response: Oh how wonderful! Glad both of them made it. Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I am slowly getting back into romance novels. It is providing me with a comfort space that I desperately need now.
Response: I'm glad you liked them. Thank you for the heart and the rating. Much appreciated.
Response: I am so glad. I have lost my phone and all the pics I clicked of the swaps. At least knowing that they are making their way to people is a point of relief. Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: The moment I saw that you are an Army, I had to do it. I hope you liked the surprise. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: That wink has my heart and tells me so much more 😋 thanks for the patience above everything else, Shareen. I'm glad too that this one reached after such a long 4 month adventure. Happy swapping to us!
Response: Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart.
Response: This is probably the fastest that it took for my mail to reach anyone. So pleasantly surprised. I am happy to know that you have such a happy connection with that place. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Oh wow! Second time lucky it is for us. Glad that it reached. Enjoy the goodies. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Hey! No issues. I hope all is good at your end. Thanks for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart. Loved working on the insert. It was a fun swap.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. It was actually a fun and useful swap.
Response: I do love the Tenth Doctor a tiny bit extra (enough to collect Doctor Who merch on him). Thank you for the heart and the rating.
Response: You are a word-smith! Thank you for accepting my request for this swap and sharing your thoughts about it. Also, for challenging me to try and evolve my art. Without such words of encouragement there won't be any growth. I am so glad that we did this swap. Thank you!
Response: It was a fun challenge to get out of my comfort zone and try something new for you. Glad we could do this swap! Thanks.
Response: I love your zine swaps and always look forward to them. Thank you for encouraging all the time. Thank you for the kind words, the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart, the rating and your kind words. 92914 is a such a chill band. Their whole playlist is always on repeat for me.
Response: I am so glad that it warmed your heart, Toni! And all I can say is that am equally in awe of Indian Postal System now - they surprise me all the time. This barely took a month or so whereas the tracked mail took like forever. Thank you for your kind words, always. For the rating and the heart too.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy reading and swapping!
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart ❤️
Response: Thank you for the heart and the rating. Happy crafting and swapping!
Response: Thank you so much. I did spend some time on your Instagram to understand what you like. Happy crafting and swapping!
Response: Thank you! I connected with the music choices right away and thought how a music based sketch is perfect for this swap. Went with blue for the stickers since that's your fav color. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you! For the heart, the rating and your kind words. I'm very happy that it reached you so fast (surprising since India post is always a mystery in this). Happy crafting and swapping!
Response: I'm so glad to know this! We got second time lucky 😊 thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: I'm so glad to hear this ❤️ thank you for the rating and the heart. Loved making the ephemera packet for this swap. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart :)
Response: It took me a while to remember which particular sketch you were talking about 😅 If it has two frames with a dreamcatcher on the wall then that's probably my wall. Haha! Thank you for the rating and the heart. It's a bummer though that this took forever to reach.
Response: Woah! The PC took just 4 months! It's so funny though - one season just flew by in India by the time the postcard arrived. Winter is over here and the warm pleasant sunshine is doing the rounds. Thanks for your rating and heart. Wishing you a safe and fun time. Best wishes!
Response: Woah! Four months to this day I believe. Gosh! Hope you liked it. Happy swapping!
Response: Woah! I must thank you for waiting so patiently for this mail. Thank you for the rating and the generous heart. I had given hope about this set of mail. Glad that you liked it. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: I really hope it reaches you. Meanwhile, sending you a re-send :)
Thank you for giving the rating and heart so generously.
Response: I love those quotes as well and Angelou's has stayed longer than I thought it would. I hope you find some to your liking :) Thank you for the rating and the generous heart. Happy swapping!
Response: I hope you find some to your liking :) Thank you for the rating and the generous heart. Happy swapping!
Response: Woah! This one really did a number. I am glad that it reached safely. Four months! I can't wrap my head around it. Thank you for waiting and leaving these kind words. Happy swapping!
Response: HELLO!!! Thank you so much for the prompt rating and the message. I am so relieved that it reached though it is a bummer that some goodies are missing. Take care of yourself and happy swapping!
Response: I had seriously given up on this swap but so glad that it finally reached you. Thank you for rating and for the kind heart. Happy swapping!
Response: It reached! Enjoy the goodies and I hope we get to swap in future too.
Response: Woohoo! I've been waiting for this one to reach you since forever and thankfully it did all safe and sound. Happy crafting to you and happy swapping!
Response: That sounds splendid. A vacation is definitely a too priority when it's safe to travel. Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words.
Response: Toni!!!!! I'm so glad that this one finally reached (even when it took over two months to reach you). Do give Einaudi a listen. Definitely one of my fav contemporary composer.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words. Happy reading and swapping to you too!
Response: Woah! This one took ages to reach. Close to four months I believe. Glad that you liked it. Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: Glad to know that you liked it. Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words.
Response: Hello! Thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: Hello! Thank you for the rating and the heart. Glad that you loved this tiny blind mix of stuff for you. Happy swapping!
Response: Hello, thank you for the rating and the heart. The post did take a while to reach. I wanted to try the pockets for the zines and this seemed like a fun project. I am happy that you liked it. Happy swapping!
Response: Hello again! Thank you for being so generous with the rating and the heart. It was the first handwritten ATC so I was apprehensive about it. I am glad it reached safe and sound. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. I can also see your other rating for the other swap. So glad that it all reached so safely. Happy swapping!
Response: FINALLY! From 22 Sept to 7 Dec. It definitely travelled a lot. This was one of my early ATC tries so I was and still am trying to find my style. It was part of a collage master board indeed. I was trying various Autumn themed ones back then. I am so glad that it finally arrived safe and sound. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: It is finally there!!!! Thank you for hosting this swap and for your rating and heart. Have a lovely day. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh woah! Took two months to reach but it finally did. I am glad you liked it. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating.
Response: OMG! It finally reached. I have tears of relief now. I wasn't sure what was happening to all the mail but so happy right now. Thank you so much for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: I am so glad to hear it. Making it for you was a fun and learning challenge. Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: You are the best! Thank you for the rating and the heart.
Response: Thank you for the rating. Happy swapping.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart. Happy swapping!
Response: Yay! I am so glad that I didn't goof on this one. Lots and lots of love and warm wishes to you and your family.
Response: Hello! Thank you so much for your rating and the heart. I did try "The Sandman" on audible and it's good. I hope you enjoy it too.
Response: Hooray for libraries! Thank you for your rating and the heart ☺️ Have a lovely day ahead.
Response: Thank you so much for the rating and the heart. If you do pick up this Ishiguro then do let me know what you thought about it. Would love to know.
Response: I would definitely like to pitch this idea somewhere though I feel Neil Gaiman and others might have done that already ;)
Thank you for the rating and the heart. Have a lovely day ahead!
Response: Thank you! Happy reading and swapping!
Response: Thank you so much for saying that. It was my first ATC swap and I was all apprehensive about it. I will definitely try harder in the future :)
Response: I hope you had a wonderful one as well. Take care and happy swapping! :)
Response: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy is simple and yet so memorable. I hope you like reading it. The artwork is great too. Have a lovely day. Happy swapping!
Response: I would say I "stumbled" across those books and was pleasantly surprised. Happy reading to you! :)
Response: Thank you so much, Jeannine. Have a lovely weekend! Good vibes and positivity to you.
Response: Thank you so much! I enjoyed working on your card :)
Response: Thank you so much. Have a lovely day.
Response: I hope you enjoyed my Neil Gaiman doodle :)
Response: I woke up with your email and response here and it has definitely made my day and what seemed like a dull and boring week - looks amazing right now. So, thank YOU!
Response: Thank you! Take care.
Response: Thank you so much. I loved your email as well. I am going to respond very soon. Take care and have a lovely day ahead.
Response: Thank you so much and thank you for replying as well!