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Hearts ratings for Matlena

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Comment: Yay!! The tea came today :) What cute tea bags! I am so excited to try it. Thanks a bunch :)
Response: I hope you like them. :) Thanks for the nice rating.
Toupti rated for Anonymous Tea Trade #10~ Quick Send on Jan 1, 2013
Comment: Thanks so much for all the nice teas.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating. :)
meshimotakame rated for European tea lovers! #2 on Dec 24, 2012
Comment: Yay, thanks for that package! Every single tea is different, I totally love them! Merry Christmas and the Happy New Year <3
Response: I'm glad to hear that. :) Happy New Year for you too! :)
kuroneko11 rated for Tea for Three #13 on Dec 21, 2012
Comment: Hi Minna! No worries the teas are all new :) I wouldn't receiving a repeat too, because they are nice! Hope you have a lovely day <3
Response: Thank you. :) I'm happy to hear you liked them.
EmilyT rated for Black and White Postcard Swap on Dec 19, 2012
Comment: Thank you so much! I like the photo :) (yes, it was the resend. I'll let you know if the first ever arrives!)
Response: I'm happy to hear that. :) I assume it was the resend you received...
rhynah rated for Tea Lovers' December on Dec 10, 2012
Comment: Kiitos runsaasta teelähetyksestä! :) Harvemmin ostan itselleni Nordqvistin vihreää teetä, joten nyt pääsen niitäkin maistelemaan! Aika metka tuoksu tuossa Lapsang Souchong teessä. Mulle tulee siitä mieleen savukalkkunaleikkele, mutta toivottavasti tee ei maistu samalta! :D
Response: Itse en suuremmin pidä vihreästä teestä, mutta ne nordqvistin villit vihreät on ihan hyviä. Olen ilahtunut ettet ole aiemmin maistanut lapsang souchong -teetä. Kaikki eivät siitä pidä, mutta mun mielestä se on maistamisen arvoinen tee ehdottomasti. Mielestäni se maistuu hieman tervalle. En usko että maistuu savukalkkunalle, mutta en voi mennä asiasta takuuseen, koska en ole ikinä maistanut savukalkkunaleikettä. :D
sanna rated for Matlenan ja sannan teevaihto on Dec 7, 2012
Comment: Kiitos paljon! Vihdoinkin pääsen maistamaan noita, en vain osaa päättää kumman avaan ensin! :)
Response: Toivottavasti maistuvat yhtä hyvältä kuin miltä kuulolstavat. :) Kiitokset sytämestä. :)
tanjch rated for Matlena & tanjch on Dec 6, 2012
Comment: Thank you, thank you, thank you for the swap! The tea (i LOVE the fresh taste! - forman teas are the best conserning loose tea) and thank you for the extrodinary yummy chocolate! personaly i'm to much like Garfield to lose weight :D (but some of those things are so delicious - like a certain vegan puding desert i discovered and rice cakes) LOL - I hope you'll love the tea i'm sending you as much :)
Response: I'm happy it got there so fast! At the same time I sent your package, I sent an inland package too and I think that's still on the way... Thank you for the nice rating. :)))
beadqueene rated for Tea For Two on Dec 2, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the teas, they smell delicious, I can't wait to try them! Even the wrappers are pretty :)
Response: I hope you like the teas. Thank you for rating! :)
Nela rated for Tea for Three #13 on Nov 30, 2012
Comment: Thank you very much for your teas with wonderful wrappers and nice stamp. I like them a lot. :-)
Response: I'm happy to hear that. :) Thank you for rating. :)
LunaEtLesEtoiles rated for Tea for Three #13 on Nov 30, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the teas Love-True-Sweet-Warm in a nice envy :)
Response: I hope you like them. Thank you for rating. :)
sonja rated for European tea lovers! on Nov 29, 2012
Comment: thanks for the nice tea...
Response: Thanks for rating. I hope you enjoy the teas. :)
IngridRijnen rated for Tea Swap #4 on Nov 19, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the very nice teas and the many teatags, many of them were new for me so you made my collection grow!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating. Enjoy the teas! :)
dorcii rated for Simple tea swap on Nov 7, 2012
Comment: Hey! :) I got your teas today, thank you soo much! :) I love the pictures on the tea bags *.* You have to get a heart because of this! :)
Response: So fast, I mailed it on monday! :) I'm happy you liked it. Thank you for the nice rating. :)
FrancescaP rated for 7 days tea #2 on Nov 3, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the awesome teas and for putting in 2 extra bags, I can't wait to try them!!!
Response: I hope you like them. Thanks for the rating! :)
kuroneko11 rated for 7 days tea on Nov 2, 2012
Comment: Thanks for the teas!! =D Even the packets smell so nice!
Response: Thanks for the rating! I hope you like the teas. :)
LunaEtLesEtoiles rated for Tea Lovers Number One! on Oct 31, 2012
Comment: Thank you for your great selection of teas, so impatient to taste them all :)
Response: I hope you like the teas. Thank you for rating and the heart. :)
abbyaguas rated for Random Postcard Swap #15 on Oct 28, 2012
Comment: You got me two cool postcards! Soo nice of you to send an extra card :D They're both great, that I don't even want to send them to my friends. Thank you so much!
Response: Great, you got them already! I read your profile and was sure that it will take two months for a letter to get there... It just felt so silly to put single pc in an envelope, so I put two. :) I'm glad you liked them.
KittenAssassin rated for Favorite Candy Swap - October on Oct 27, 2012
Comment: This was so sweet! Loved the candy, loved the sweet note, adorably packaged. Made my day!
Response: I'm just happy to hear that you liked them. :)
riftvegan rated for Serial PC Swappers - Week #85 on Oct 25, 2012
Comment: Thanks for the little wolf PC. :) In the USA, we have re-introduced wolves in a few places, like Yellowstone Nat. Park.
Response: Thank you for rating. :) I have noticed that our postcards are smaller than yours.
Comment: Thansk for the great tea.
Response: Thank you for rating and the <3
Comment: Kiitos kortista! Miten tätä kuvailisi, että saisi enemmän tällaisia kortteja? Eli jos osaisin, toivoisin. Todella ihana, ja tekijän sivut ne vasta mielenkiitoiset ovat. Tsemppiä sinne Pohjanmaalle, itsellänikin on toiveissa joskus vielä muuttaa jonnekin tuppukylään, ja siellä kyllä menee sukupuoliroolit ihan päälaelleen kunhan pääsen hommiin. Minähän en potaatteja kuori, tänne se jakoavain.
Response: Minun on monta kertaa pitänyt käydä katsomassa sen kuvaajan sivut, mutta en ole saanut aikaiseksi. Jotenkin kauhean vaivalloista kirjoittaa se www-osoite ja painaa enteriä. Tykkään myös noista korteista, ne on juuri sen tyyppisiä mitä itsekin haluaisin vastaanottaa. Kyllä täällä maalla asumisessa on oma hohtonsa. Muuten viihdynkin kaikin puolin mainiosti, mutta vieraat ei välttämättä aina ymmärrä että ihmisellä voi olla muutakin tekemistä kuin päivät pitkät puunata kotia nuolla lattialistoja puhtaaksi. Ei se mitään. Pitää sekin vain ottaa huumorilla!
Comment: Hi Minna, I love weird and unusual cards that make me think, "What was the artist trying to portray?" Thanks so much! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Response: Thank you Sherry for rating and the heart. :)
agoodgirlie2 rated for Tea Swap #3 on Oct 16, 2012
Comment: ty got it!
Response: Good. Thanks for rating. :)
Comment: Great tea! I love it the packaging!! Thank you so much Minna :)
Response: I'm pleased to hear you liked them. :)
Anouke80 rated for Taste the rainbow .... of tea on Oct 11, 2012
Comment: I thank you very much,this was a super-great rainbow-swap,you did find all the colors and surely I'll love the flavours too :) Thank you also for the extra ;)
Response: Good to hear that you liked my swap. Thank you for the heart. :)))
Comment: Yay thank you for the awesome letter and yummy tea,it was great to hear from you again ;)
Response: It's so nice to hear that you liked them. :)
ina rated for Postcard and tea with a twist on Oct 5, 2012
Comment: Thanks for your wonderful teas and card!Moomin is one of my favotites.
Response: Great! I'm happy you liked them. :)
JenniferMernastin rated for Any Postcard Swap # 3 on Sep 28, 2012
Comment: Thanks for the card with the wild elks. You were right, I do like the wild animals. Lovely choice!
Response: I'm glad to hear you liked it. Thank you for the nice rating. :)
Annalee rated for Tea Swap #2 on Sep 26, 2012
Comment: Thanks! I especially like the Moomin teas! :)
Response: Moomin teas are new in here, I'm happy you liked them. :)
Comment: Just drank the "Sadepäivän Ilo", what a great black flavoured tea! Thank you!
Response: I'm happy you liked it. Thank you for the nice rating. :)
Anouke80 rated for Matlena and Anouke80 on Sep 12, 2012
Comment: This was an extra-awesome package,Thank you :):):) I really did like my magic yarnball,can't wait to find out what's inside of it and the extra yarns were loooooovely too :)
Response: I'm happy you like it. :) I hope you find some use for the yarn. :)
suepier rated for postcard pen pals # 2 on Sep 12, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the great card.
suepier rated for Any Postcard swap on Sep 12, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the great card.
saardina rated for Fall tea and recipe swap on Sep 9, 2012
Comment: Thank you, i love your appel pie recipe and tea :)
beinguided rated for Any Postcard swap #2 on Sep 4, 2012
Comment: thanks for your sweet note
nascarangel rated for Any Postcard swap #2 on Aug 31, 2012
Comment: Thank you for the lovely pc. I love the black and white photos. It just seems they are more elegant. You selected very well. Thank you so very much.
Response: Thank you. I agree with you about the bw photos. :) I might have selected a messy pen when i wrote your card, i hope it didnt look too bad when it got there...
Comment: Thank you so much! :) Today this looong letter, the cute postcard and the tea reached me! I try this tea soon and will answer your letter, too! <3 ps: i blogged about it! http://pixelschubser.in/Blog/?p=6082 the most in german, because my english is horrible ;D
Response: Great! I'm happy you liked it. :) Thank you for the nice rating.
Comment: Thank you very much for your beautiful card. Hugs,
StrictlyRudeGirl rated for Any Postcard swap on Aug 27, 2012
Comment: What a great postcard, thanks!!!
djfshop rated for a letter, a postcard and a tea on Aug 25, 2012
Comment: Wonderful! Cannot wait to try the tea! Will be writing back soon!
MeganMar rated for Art Postcard on Aug 25, 2012
Comment: Thanks for the pc and the great background on the artist! :-)
Comment: Thank you for all the wonderful candy!! Pepper candy is so good!
Response: I'm glad to hear that the package arrived already and that you like the candy. I hope the chocolate didn't melt on the way. :)
gloworm1947 rated for Random Postcard Swap #14 on Aug 9, 2012
Comment: I loved my little reindeer!!! I like getting cards from overseas. Thank you so much for the prompt send.HAPPY SWAPPING!!!
Response: I'm happy you liked it. Thank you. :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 44 1 2
Completed Fives Threes Ones
41 51 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 29 12 0

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