[url=https://flic.kr/p/PgLsKF][img]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5473/31027190461d389534087b.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/PgLsKF]#BTS[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/147704006@N07/]Triptych__[/url]
"Don't be trapped in someone elses dream"-BTS
Make my day swap
Page 2 of Makiechan's Comments
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Try to be a Rainbow in someone's cloud !
“I do not want to just read books; I want to climb inside them and live there” – Anonymous
Make my day #4 Swap
Woops, sorry about that! Wrong link was copied to my clipboard!
Here are my 3 images for the BTS Profile Swap #1 - Group!
Hope you like the pics I picked for you! The second and third are my favorites!
Make My Day Swap
"Don't be trapped in someone elses dream"
Sorry for the other two comments, my computer was playing up a bit but i finally made it work!
Make your day swap "don't be trapped in someone elses dream"
[url=https://flic.kr/p/PgLsKF][img]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5473/31027190461d389534087b.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/PgLsKF]#BTS[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/147704006@N07/]Triptych__[/url] "Don't be trapped in someone elses dream"-BTS Make my day swap
From Make My Day swap
Glad to see another Studio Ghibli fan! Their quotes are so well written and honest.