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stephiedee on Nov 6, 2013:

Yay - glad the goodies arrived and you like them! Have fun :D

jukejan on Nov 5, 2013:

Got your letter last week, thanks. Had a very busy weekend so just got to the computer today. Nice to see you got some work.

stephiedee on Nov 1, 2013:

Awesome! I hope the packet of goodies isn't being held up anywhere - I sent it before the postcard. Oh, and those guys are Sonny & Rico from Miami Vice! An 80's cop show...so you're not too far off ;)

MichelleWillow on Oct 31, 2013:

Yep. Got it! Will be mailing one back soon!

LahDeeDah on Oct 27, 2013:

LahDeeDah on Oct 27, 2013:

What??? Did the fabric PC finally make its way to your doorstep?

Paige1900 on Oct 19, 2013:

for my birthday wishes!

stephiedee on Oct 15, 2013:

I think I put at least one page of DB in your packet of goodies (along with some of the Akira pages and other comics). The envelope's all taped up and ready go...I'll be making a run to post office this Saturday so it'll go then :D

TerryF on Oct 13, 2013:

SCaption Action Winner!

stephiedee on Oct 12, 2013:

Thanks for the awesome C+P postcard that arrived today! My daughter was happy to see Kagome again - InuYasha was her first (and still favorite) manga :D Hope you had fun in Hamburg despite the rain!

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