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bstitched on Dec 2, 2013:

Have a verrrry merrrrry Christmas!

S: Happy December

gooseberry on Dec 2, 2013:

Have a wonderful December and a very Merry Christmas! :D

kirstyenarno on Dec 2, 2013:

S: Happy December! From: Kirstyenarno


I hope you have receivedmy ecard ingood order. Take care and Happy December :-) Kirsty

TerryF on Dec 1, 2013:

Have a wonderful holiday!!

Terry (";)

(S: Happy December! Swap)

RyeRye on Nov 27, 2013:

Paige1900 on Nov 25, 2013:

Hello and how have you been doing?

jukejan on Nov 21, 2013:

Did my letter make it? I sent it awhile back.

SFreer on Nov 21, 2013:

Thank you! :)

nasreen on Nov 14, 2013:

I just love your pic on "how to dress for our shape". It is brilliant and I agree whole heatedly. Life is to short to conform to other peoples ideals.

jukejan on Nov 8, 2013:

Thanks for the "sweet" birthday wishes.

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