Fives ratings for valancy
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Response: It's hard to believe that it arrived so fast! But I'm glad it arrived. I really hope you like the taste as well! Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: I'm happy that you liked it :) Have a great week too!
Response: Thank you for rating! Have a great day!
Response: I'm happy you liked them, I remember that you like the Moomin tea ;) Thank you for the heart and have a great day! :)
Response: I'm happy you liked them! :) I just woke up and made coffee. A tea moment will be later :) Have a great day! :)
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm happy you liked them! :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! I hope you liked the teas! :)
Response: I'm happy you received it and liked it! :)
Response: Thanks a lot, such a lovely thing to say! <3 Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: I'm glad you liked everything, thanks for the heart and have a nice day! :)
Response: I'm very happy you liked my card, I find it quirky too and very amusing :D Also I am hilarious when I'm in the mood haha ;) Have a nice day and thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for rating and I'm glad you liked them :) Have a nice day!
Response: Kiitos myös sinulle! Thank you! Today I went to a market place; there was a festival, lots of concession stands. I didn't buy anything and I'm very proud of myself :D
Response: Thank you for the heart and I'm glad you liked the swap :) Have a nice day!
Response: Moikka, tulee vähän viiveellä tämä vastaus. Hyvä ettet löytäny kissan karvoja :D Joo voi olla kieltämättä hankalaa kerätä sopivia teitä jos on tosi eri mieltymykset. Kiitos sydämestä ja mukavaa päivää! :)
Response: Thanks Tania and have a great day! :)
Response: Thank you, have a nice week :)
Response: Thank you for the heart and have a great week yourself! :)
Response: Nice to hear! (or read:) ). Thanks for the heart! :)
Response: I'm glad you liked them :) Thank you for the heart and enjoy your day and tea!
Response: Dear Aline, please let me know if you want more some of the teas I sent! I don't remember anymore what I sent but Twinings and Nordqvist brands I have access to. I can send them with my next letter. I don't remember if you like chocolate, but if you do, I'd love to send you some Finnish chocolate - Finnish chocolates are very good I must say :) I'm looking forward to your letter (can't wait :) ) I feel very comfortable reading your words too <3 Wishing you a very happy and lucky week! Hugs, Sanna
Response: Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: I'm happy that you liked them! And I was glad to be able to send the tags I had been collecting to a tin :) I hope you enjoyed the teas! Wishing you a happy week!
Response: Dear Aline, this is a late respond. Thank you for the heart! I'm wishing you a great week, I hope you get swaps and letters :) Hugs, Sanna
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm happy you liked everything :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm happy you liked everything :)
Response: Moi Sanna, kiitos sydämestä! Onkos turhien ostosten välttäminen onnistunut? :)
Response: Hi Jetske! This is a very late respond. I'm happy you loved my parcel, I really loved your too <3 If you want more salmiakki chocolate or turkinpippuri, just let me know :) Actually I'd love to do a new swap, a small one (can't afford a big one). For example I could send you a bag of turkinpippuri and few salmiakki chocolate bars. I'd love that spiced bread or something that you sent me, if you still have access to it. And if you can find some energybars/mueslibars or spiced nuts/seeds. If anything comes to your mind what you'd like to get from Finland, just let me know :) Have a nice day! :)
Response: Hi there, it's nice to know that you received the swap! I hope you'll like the teas :) Thank you for the heart and enjoy tea time! <3
Response: Dear heartcore1985 (I'm not good at remembering names but I will learn yours when getting known to each other:) I'm so happy you liked my package <3 Thanks for the heart! :) I'll be waiting your letter (can't wait:) I'm having a flu now, trying to rest and drink warm drinks. I've been writing letters a lot 'cause I have to stay at home and need some entertainment :) It's a bit boring to be ill :) Have a nice day and a weekend too! <3
Response: I'm OK, I woke up at night and ate a homemade "ice lollipop" :) Need to get more sleep though... Thank you for the heart, I'm glad you enjoyed the swap :)
Response: Thank you for the heart and your lovely words, I'm very happy I made your day! :) It's nice to know that I'll receive a letter soon, I love letters, they are the best! I don't remember if I told you in the letter but sometimes I'm busy or tired or my head is blank so I don't always reply quickly. But I try to, and if you don't hear from me in a decent amount of time, please contact me, that usually does the trick ;) (I'm too ashamed not to write soon :D ) haha. But have a lovely day! I'll give my cats treats now... :)
Response: Dear Fea, I'm happy to hear your cats are fine now! I'm glad that I was your partner so that I had to make myself send that chocolate mould that I bought for you, 'cause I can be very lazy and get nothing done ;P I'd love to receive homemade chocolates, homemade is the best! <3 I need to buy a chocolate mould for myself too and try homemade chocolates some day. I'm planning to make homemade popsicles where I put unspiced yoghurt and berries/banana etc., when I'm able to buy moulds for that, but yummy yummy I'm looking forward to it, I bought a book with popsicle recipes. This is great especially at summer time. Today I'll go to a Christmas meal to a parish (I'm not into religion but I'll go anyway, it's open for everyone) and to sing Christmas songs to Virkkula. I also have to go to library and buy milk. So it's a busy day again :) Have a great day!
Response: Thank you for rating
Response: Thank you for rating!
Response: Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm glad you liked them :) I loved the socks myself :) Have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Thank you, I love the card too :D Have a lovely day and pleasant Christmas time!
Response: Haha, I fell in love with those elf cards and so seem the receivers too :) Merry Christmas again, I hope you get presents too if you want some :) Have a great day!
Response: Thank you for the heart, I fell in love with those elf cards :D Merry Christmas once again!
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm glad you liked them :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! I fell in love with the elf cards :) Merry Christmas to you too :)
Response: Thanks for the heart, I'm glad you liked it :) I tried to pick something you like. Looking forward hearing from you when you open them on December :)
Response: You're a crazy cat owner so you understand me :D Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: Thanks for the heart :) I have the same; my other cat is "easy" and the other one drives me crazy... If you ever want a new snail mail friend, let me know :) I love chatty letters a lot. Take care xx
Response: Thank you, take care xx
Response: Thanks for the heart, I'll PM you soon :)
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm glad you liked it :)
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you, what a nice thing to say <3
Response: Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Kiva että tykkäät, kiitos sydämestä! :)
Response: Thank you. It's life... Take care and have a nice day :)
Response: Thank you, it's nice to hear that you enjoyed reading my message. Take care :)
Response: Ollos hyvä, kuomaseni 8) Hmm, oisko mun lempiteetä, tai yhtä niistä, edustanu se Earl Grey, en enää muista mitä muuta lähetin. Kiitos sydämestä! :)
Response: Thank you <3 I'll PM you about snail mailing :)
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you! I haven't done ice-swimming yet in this autumn (there's no ice yet but cold enough to swim and freeze ;) but soon, I hope :) Take care!
Response: Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Kiitos sydämestä! Missä asustat? (en huomannu profiilissasi). Kuopiossa? :) Asuin 15 vuotta Kuopiossa, muutin pari vuotta sitten Siiliin. Mukavaa päivää :)
Response: Thanks for the heart! :)
Response: Moikka, kiitos sydämestä ja anteeksi kun vastaus kestää! Joo ymmärrän tuon että lasten kanssa kauppamatkakin on seikkailu; itselläni ei ole lapsia mutta mulla on yhteensä 10 sisarusten lasta ja yhteisiä kauppamatkoja on kertynyt paljon - ehkä sen verran että järki ja hermot on jo menetetty moneen kertaan ;) Mukavaa päivää! :)
Response: Kiitos sydämestä! Ihanaa että tykkäsit :) Olen editoinu profiilia, vieläkin editoitavaa olisi mutta jospa joku toinen hetki... Valmistelin pari swappia ja tarvii vaan viedä ne laatikkoon. Vietän ihanaa kotipäivää, olen mm. kokannut, kirjoittanut kirjettä, hauduttanut eri teemakuja, keittänyt kahvia, siivonnut keittiön... Ihanaa päivää! :)
Response: Thanks for the heart and understanding! :) I'm a lot better now, thank you :) Have a great day!
Response: I'm glad you liked them, thanks for the heart! :) I'm much better now, thank you :) have a great day!
Response: Greetings from Finland! Thanks for the heart! Please watch the Pride and Prejudice TV series if you have a possibility, it's fantastic <3 Take care, have a lovely day :)
Response: I'm very happy you liked it, thank you for the heart :)
Response: Thank you so much, it makes me happy when somebody enjoys my letters and swaps :)
Response: Thanks for the heart! I liked that article about an ice cream stand too :)
Response: Dear Birdie, sorry for being so late with my reply. Thank you so much, I'm happy you liked my swap :) Yours were great too! I have wanted to ask you: would you like to receive my glitters that I have no use for? I'm not much of a decorating person... Take care honey, hugs <3
Response: Loveliest Fea, take your time, I do understand hectic very well. That's a good idea: remember to enjoy the cold weathers because then you can easily drink hot drinks :) Your job seems interesting, maybe tell me more about it some day? Today I'm babysitting my sister's three children, uhm, what did you say about hectic..? ;) Take care and enjoy the teas and really, don't worry about replying, just concentrate on what you are doing, okay? Btw it's hot here and I wish I had your weather! :D But I've learned to enjoy sweating a bit, I imagine myself in a moist greenhouse or to a rainforest - it helps thinking that way! :) Because I like it more when it's cool than hot. Have a fantastic day!
Response: Thanks for the heart! I hope you will like the teas as much as the envelopes! :D I didn't host this swap, it was "the other Sanna" :) Cheers!
Response: Thanks for the heart! :) I'm happy you like the Paris stuff, I love them too :) Take care!
Response: Dear Fra, thank you for the heart! I'll snail mail to you if it's OK - or do you prefer PM's? Anyway take your time replying, no rush. Today I went to learn pieces of gym equipment and I'll start going to gym. It's 3 PM and I feel like going to bed :D I need to rest and maybe watch a movie. Take care :)
Response: I'm happy that you liked the package :) Happy swapping and take care!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad you like the journal :) It was fun and interesting to do.
Response: Merci! I'm happy that you liked the swap! :)
Response: Dearest Pat, thank you a lot for the fantastico rating! I'm replying to these with a delay, but better late than never, don't you think? :) I have one Calvin & Hobbes cartoon book (bought from library), I'd love to collect them all. In Finland you can read C & H from a newspaper too. I'm super happy that the spider is in a good home now ;) Anyway, I try to take the time to start a letter to you, actually I could start today. Just to tell you what I've been doing and such. I'll meditate rain for us (it's too hot here, 30 c or something... ugh.). If that doesn't work, I'll travel to pour water on you by a watering can :) Hihi... Keep cool!!! (we ARE cool, right? :)
Response: Moro Noora, ihanaa kun tykkäsit! Vastailen saamiini arvosteluihin "hiukan" viiveellä joten en muista enää yhtään mitä lähetin :D Mutta kiva että tykkäsit. Joo mua suututtaa tuo postin vitkuttelu (ja se että paljon postia ei edes saavu perille). Mutta jotta en ärsyynny liikaa, vaihdan aihetta ;) Ihanaa kesää sinullekin ja oikein mielekästä swappailua :)
Response: I'm glad that you liked them! :) Thank you for your letter and tea, I'll reply to you later. Take care :)
Response: I know; I'm awesome ;D But seriously I'm happy that you liked the swap and little letter. It's a beautiful weather today in Finland. I just came home, I brought free bread from Virkkula and put it in the freezer. And I'm getting a "job" from Virkkula: cooking. I get paid a little, that helps me a lot too :) I have had headache for few days, so I went to a health center and got some gymnastic exercises info and I really need to do those regularly. Because my shoulders and neck are jammed. Now I'm gonna drink tea on my little yard <3 Take care, do the things you enjoy and have a good day :)
Response: Thank you, I'm glad you found some new ones :) Take care and have a good day!
Response: Thank you for rating!
Response: Thank you for rating :) I hope you enjoy the teas I chose for you
Response: Kiitos sydämestä, se tuli yllätyksenä koska tuntui ettei mulla ole oikein mitään erikoista lähetettävää. Joo kyllä mullekin suomalaisia pareja sattuu välillä :)
Response: Thank you for the heart and I'm glad you liked the selection :)
Response: I'm happy that you liked my little package :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm very happy that you and your son liked the packages, I liked wrapping them and choosing the teas for you :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: You made me laugh now and I can't stop laughing because you told so funny way how the package exploded on your face :'D Well it was kind of hard to pack because the bubble envelope was too small after all haha... I'm glad that your cats liked the treats! My cats are picky too and they don't eat what ever, but they love those too. I'll send you those again some day :) I'm happy your cats had a special day <3 And that you liked the package :) There's no hurry with the Pu-Erh cakes, take your time :) Now I have to feed my cats! Miisu is begging for her breakfast hehe
Response: Ihanaa että teet olivat mieluisia! :) Joo se salmiakki on niin namia, toivon että sitä saa vielä Tiimarista :)
Response: I love the coconut too <3 I'm glad you liked it, some people hate it :D I'm happy you like the tea I sent :)
Response: You're welcome :)
Response: You're welcome :)