Swap-bot Time: December 21, 2024 9:12 am

Ones ratings for lrm1980

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teejlc rated for DB💜: Bulk Deco Package 10/23 on Nov 14, 2023
Comment: Unfortunately I never received and the swap is still marked as unsent. I hope you are ok and that you come back to swapping eventually!
Comment: Oct 25 I held off rating a 1 to give you the opportunity to respond to the messages I sent you. Attempts to check on you and the swaps have gone unread. You also haven't read messages that I sent you about swaps where you need to rate your partners and also a SB swap I sent you with tracking that shows it delivered. 9400109205568101727766 You haven't logged in since Oct 6 so I contacted you via Facebook Oct 14 to which you replied that you would check your SB messages ASAP. I'd be happy to change the rating once a swap is received.
MuggleMom rated for DB💜: Bulk Deco Package 9/23 on Oct 22, 2023
Comment: 22 Oct - hate to leave a 1 but I'm the host & you haven't contacted me back from my message. I hope all is well and you come back to swapbot and deco art. Your decos are always a treat. Sending the 2 homers I have for you on Monday and any future ones I get will travel safely to you. Take care!xxMuggleMom

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9925 1653 14 15
Completed Fives Threes Ones
1342 1870 1 3
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
25 355 962 0

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