Swap-bot Time: December 21, 2024 8:03 am

Ones ratings for hg08

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Comment: never received
Response: I had no idea you never received. If you would have let me know I would have sent a new card out. I still can send one out.
radalice518 rated for Christmas Cards! on Jan 25, 2021
Comment: i wasnt even able to contact you because the option was taken away on your profile :/
Response: This is a very unfair rating. I had to block this person because she was asking questions that were very personal and I contacted the cordinator of this swap and have yet to hear back
IrinaBG rated for 3Teabags on Mar 9, 2016
Comment: I hope everything is OK with you and you'll come back some day.
alitana77 rated for Bookmarks' Swap (February) on Mar 5, 2016
Comment: I don't know the reason you have not sent the swaps this month... but, if I receive the swap, I will change the rate.
mamajoy rated for Bookmarks' Swap (February) on Feb 29, 2016
Comment: I gave you extra days to send. You said you would. I will change this rating if I ever receive.
Comment: I am sorry to hear of your current situation and I hate to do this but... This swap was supposed to be sent back in early December. You said you would get a resend out but have not yet done so. I will consider re-rating if the swap is made up.
Comment: Today is Feb.6, you did communicate with me on this missing swap on Jan 7, I still have not received anything. I will be happy to change this rating when I do. Hope you are okay.
Comment: Never received my book =[ If/when you resend, I will rerate.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9525 622 133 162
Completed Fives Threes Ones
787 1201 13 8
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
5 422 360 0

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