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All ratings for cayce

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suessstoff rated for Quick Birdy #9 on Mar 27, 2012
Comment: Du bist völlig verrückt. Ich meine, das war mir ja schon lange klar, aber hier kam heute ganz entzückend aussehende Post von dir an und statt einem waren darin vier großartige Dinge. So geht das nicht! Na gut, in Wirklichkeit freu ich mich riesig und sage 1000 Dank für das tolle Buch, den wunderschönen Stoff und die beiden Teesorten! ♥
suessstoff rated for Not so secret santa! on Dec 20, 2011
Comment: Du meine Güte, Petra! Hammer! Ich freu mich sooo sehr über die ganzen herrlichen Überraschungen zu Weihnachten. Die sehen ganz wunderbar aus in meiner Küche und bekommen ganz sicher einen Ehrenplatz. D.h., heute Abend werden sicher schon die beiden hübschen Flaschen dran glauben müssen... Vielen lieben Dank auch für deinen tollen Brief! Ich wünsche dir ganz wunderschöne Weihnachten!
Response: Juhu, da bin ich wirklich froh! Auch, das nix zu Bruch gegangen ist. :D Danke schön und auch Dir nochmal ein frohes Fest!
Mello rated for Extra Special Advent Sundays on Nov 24, 2011
Comment: Vielen Dank liebe Petra für das riesen Päckchen mit den vielen schön verpackten Geschenken - Jakob ist schon wild am raten was wohl da drin ist :o)
orit rated for Good morning Birdy! on Oct 23, 2011
Comment: Lovely lovely lovely!! Thank you for what will surely help me prepare a very good morning! The chocolates (with prezels!) and the coffee and the jam and the tin! The tin! And the napkins and the CD! Splendid! Thank you!!!
Response: Last night I woke up thinking about it. *lol* So glad it arrived! :D I was very happy to find prezel chocolate for you, enjoy! You are very welcome!!
Mello rated for Quick Birdy # 8 on Sep 29, 2011
Comment: Thanx for the cute little Tin-Robbie! Already has a new home inbetween his buddies on our bookshelf :o)
emsan rated for Spring Scavenger Hunt on Apr 8, 2011
Comment: Thank you Petra!!! I love all the things you sent me, such great items. The tin is just totally gorgeous! I put it in the kitchen to keep Eila's pacifiers in. :)
orit rated for Distress me please! on Mar 19, 2011
Comment: You spoil me so much! What a wonderful destressing package you've sent to me! Thank you a million times. All of those yummy spa items...those delicious looking edibles...and the bird! And the box!! And I adore the card you made :) You've certainly made my (long) weekend a much more relaxing one :) Thank you!!!!
MissThundercat rated for Get crafty! #2 on Feb 22, 2011
Comment: thank you for the gorgeous and inspiring package! i love looking through all the bits and bob and fabric scrap heap :) and of course the fabric basket is wonderful and beautifully made! thank you dear!
Lhise rated for Merry Birdy Christmas! on Dec 11, 2010
Comment: Dear Petra, thank you very much for all your wonderful surprises. ♥ I loved opening the packages one after the other! ^^ I smiled seeing the postcard because Nicole sent me the same! lol I'll take yours to decorate my desk at work. I loooove the colorful box! Wow! I also love your handmade boots. :o) I think I will copy the model to do the same to my mother and my sisters. My boyfriend and I have already tasted the chocolate and almonds: they are delicious! The handkerchiefs are very funny! And of course I looove the great fabric and buttons. Today it is a bit like Santa Claus came to visit my mailbox! :D Hugs.
emsan rated for Hot drinks - let's warm up for fall! on Nov 10, 2010
Comment: OH WOW! Such a sweet and generous swap! The mugs are great, and Stefan really likes his too. He was very surprised to get a gift! The coasters you made are super pretty and all the drinks and the sweets look very yummy indeed. THANK YOU so much, you really made my day with this awesome package! Hugs! //Em
emsan rated for summer birdies on Aug 3, 2010
Comment: Aaaaaw! I love the fabric basket! I will definitely put it in the baby's room later, it's so cute. Thanks also for all the packaging materials ;-) I Especially like the tissue case, such cute fabric and I actually didn't have one of those so it's going in my purse. Thank you again Petra! Hugs! //Em
dreamrains rated for Feathered Friends Scavenger Hunt on Jul 7, 2010
Comment: Yay! I was getting worried that it got lost, but your parcel arrived today! Thank you for the amazing treat! I loved unwrapping everything. You picked some awesome stuff! I love everything so I can't pick any favorites! Thank you for paying such close attention to my profile :) Lots of BIRDy love! :)
Response: Double Yay! :o) I´m so glad it arrived finally. You are very much welcome. :)
dmarie rated for Green Lucky Parcel on Apr 16, 2010
Comment: It arrived -Thank you for all of the cute and wonderful green things - I love it all♥
MissThundercat rated for chirp chirp birdies! on Apr 14, 2010
Comment: thank you so much for the craft book hun! It's adorable!!
Comment: Mann, hab ich wieder ein Glück gehabt!!! Ein besseres Päckchen hätte ich nie bekommen können. Die Tasche ist großartig, genau wie die Stoffe, die Knöpfe und die Bänder! Und dann noch die hübschen Servietten und das leckere Fruchtgummi! 1000 Dank dafür, Petra! Du rockst!!! Aber sowas von!
Comment: Petra, your parcel arrived, it wasn't lost. I'm so happy! I adore the bits and pieces you chose for me, thank you very much for a lovely parcel. I opened it today, what a big surprise! I cannot wait to try the chocs - the banana one looks like a bit of heaven! Petra, we especially love an item: a super cute handmade heart, it's the most pretty thing ever! Did you made it? I'm curious and mum too! Petra, your parcel give us a bit of happiness in these difficult moments, thank you very much, danke!
Response: OMG! I can`t believe it, Daniela. Just had the second parcel ready to be sent to you. Over three months! 3 MONTHS!! Was it damaged? I`m so happy. :) It is a handmade heart, but not by me. I bought it from a girl who sews stuff and donates the money she earns for good causes. I'm sending hugs to you and your mum. :o)
Comment: Petra, I rec'd the felt tree today from Etsy. Thanks for sending it. Now I need to find the perfect place/project for it.
orit rated for B.I.R.D.S. gone wild! on Jan 29, 2010
Comment: OMG this was so worth the wait! I feel like a kid in a candy store looking at all the wonderful things you sent me :) Thank you so much!
Mello rated for Merry Christmas Birdies! on Dec 2, 2009
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank Petra, auch das du an Jakob gedacht hast! Er ist ganz hin und weg von den Dino-Keksen! Der Stiefel-Anhänger ist wirklich super - ich mag vor allem den roten Stoff den du da benutzt hast! Ist schon witzig, das du schon wieder mich als Swap-Partner hattest - irgendwie scheint der bot uns gerne zusammen zu würfeln, genauso wie mich und Ingrid, die hat auch mittlerweile schon 3 Päckchen von mir.... Auf jeden Fall habe ich mich sehr über dein Päckchen gefreut, nochmal vielen lieben Dank und noch eine schöne ruhige Adventzeit für dich!
Response: Gerne, Melanie! Hihi, ich musste auch schmunzeln, mit anderen Birdies hatte ich dafür noch gar nichts zu tun. Aber das wird sich bei hoffentlich noch vielen schönen Swaps sicher noch ändern! :)
Mello rated for Cozy care package for fall on Oct 30, 2009
Comment: Danke für das schöne Päckchen - die Stoffe sind toll, das Badesalz duftet super lecker, und die Schokoflocken sind genau richtig. Die Buchschachtel hat sich gerade mein Sohnemann geschnappt, weil das "das beste Schatzversteck überhaupt" ist :o) Vielleicht kann ich sie ja gegen ein paar Gummibärchen wieder eintauschen. Vielen lieben Dank!
Response: Super, das freut mich riesig! Mal schauen ob der Gummibärchen-Deal klappt, hehe. :)
Comment: thanks so much for this amazing package Petra! loved everything! the fabrics are fantastic and the needle book is gorgeous! and candies are so yummy :) thanks for swapping with me! xoxox
Mello rated for Quick! Snap the birdie! on Oct 12, 2009
Comment: Thanx for the pinky Birdy.....
gem rated for Red + White with a Twist on Oct 2, 2009
Comment: Oh dear, you probably were so worried! I can't believe how long it took to get here, crazy mailpeople (ppft!) But the fabUtastic red and white polka dotty stripey box came today and it's wonderful! And everything was safe and sound :) Thanks so much Petra it was a lovely swap parcel!
siayla rated for BIRDS - Scavenger hunt on Oct 2, 2009
Comment: Thank you for this package. I especially adore the ribbon. We have no cute ribbons over here :( A heart for my handmade pin cushion..Thanks!
Comment: Thank you very much for everything: I love the fact that you recycle the envelope, I love the stamps on the envelope and inside it. The tissue cover is very useful ( spesially new days.....), did you make it youself? I appreciate very much the fact that you ordered the cute squirrel from an Etsy seller for me. I'll PM you to ask about the SINNENSALZE.... Thanks again very much.
sweethappychick rated for No-Spending Swap #11 on Aug 7, 2009
Comment: Thank you
orit rated for Private swap between orit and cayce on Jul 31, 2009
Comment: Thankyou Petra so much for the wonderful calendar. And thank you for the chocolate mix! It looks gorgeous - can't wait to try it. Thank you!!!
lynnemcf rated for No-Spending Swap #11 on Jul 27, 2009
Comment: I love everything in this parcel ... expecially the shopping bag ... many thanks
Ceinwyn rated for Quicky Birdy on Jul 16, 2009
Comment: Thank you so much for the super cute awesome fabulous notebook from Sieben Morgen. I love it !! It arrived last week (but for some odd reason the mailperson put it in the wrong PO box O_o ) and I only found it today. Luckily it arrived all right :o) Hearts to you !
Response: *lol* Thank you, Mailperson! I was thinking: Why does it take sooooo long? Next time I deliver it personally. :o) But yes, mostly I'm happy it's alright and you like it. :))
siayla rated for Forest Lucky Parcel on Jul 7, 2009
Comment: WOW! This was such a treat to open. I LOVE the red owl bag!!! The little magnets are so cute too. Did you make them? Thank you so much. Even the bird postage stamps on the package are to be treasured :) Everything is wonderful!
Response: Yay, I'm so glad it reached you! You are very much welcome. :)) But no, I didn`t make the magnets. :o)
straycat911 rated for 6 piece Vintage Ephemera swap on Jul 4, 2009
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful package of vintage ephemera! I can't wait to play with it! My apologies for the delayed rating; I've been travelling for the past few weeks.
skturbokitty rated for Quicky... erm birdy swap *g* on Jun 8, 2009
Comment: I love the birdy pocket mirror! and I'm looking forward to more B.I.R.D.S swaps. I'm sure we'll continue to cross paths.
emsan rated for Black & White Lucky Parcel on Jun 5, 2009
Comment: Thank you so much Petra! This was an extra special swap indeed. I love everything you sent me! The bowl, the ribbon, the pouch, the tea wallet, the button, the birdie clip and the yummy candy. Totally awesome! Hugs//Em
eadaoin rated for small relaxation lucky bag on May 29, 2009
Comment: Fantastic! Danke sehr :)
Sasy rated for Durcheinander-Umschlag on May 20, 2009
Comment: Wow. O.O Was für eine großartige Zusammenstellung. Vielen lieben Dank für alles! :)
jfreeman rated for 6 piece Vintage Ephemera swap on May 9, 2009
Comment: Thank you for the great package of ephemera. I will use every piece of for my art projects. I love to see what other people have stashed in their own pile of ephemera. Thank you again and enjoy swapping.
suessstoff rated for For the birds! on Apr 30, 2009
Comment: What a beautiful swap package with the cutest bird items ever! Thank you so much, Petra!
Comment: OMG! Das ist wirklich das Beste Lucky Parcel, was ich jemals bekommen habe!!! Die Sachen sind der absolute Hammer! Die Werwolf-pins hat mein Schatz sich geschnappt. Hehe. Ich drück dich ganz doll für alles!!! :-)
Response: Hach super, ich freu mich so sehr, dass dir alles gefällt. Hat mir auch einen Heidenspaß gemacht dieses Thema. Und wenn Schatz auch was davon hatte, umso besser! Ich drück dich rück und wünsche schöne Ostertag! :))
sweetbunnabunny rated for Chocolate/Candy Swap A-Z on Apr 6, 2009
Comment: I got both boxes - they were so fun to open! Thanks for sending so much great stuff - Easter is going to be extra special this year with all the fun goodies from Germany!
Response: Wooohoooo! You received it finally, I´m so happy. Enjoy it! :D
emsan rated for Private swap for emsan and cayce on Apr 1, 2009
Comment: Thank you Petra! I was so happy to find all those teas in the mail when I got home, can't wait to try them! And the Ritter Sport - that was so nice of you to send as an extra! Yum :o)
Comment: Holy cow! I loved everything!!!! Great package from a wonderful swapper
Response: Thank you ! :)) Glad you like it. And I`m so glad you received it! I always get a little worried it might be lost, because some parcels take so long.
Amberly rated for Chocolate Group First Birthday Swap! on Mar 30, 2009
Comment: WOW! You really went all out on this swap-I love the birthday fabric you wrapped the items in and that you sent my favorite tea and some new ones to try. The chocolate looks delicious as well. Thanks so much!!!!
Crinolinelady rated for Teacup and Saucer Swap #3 on Mar 26, 2009
Comment: O! MY! GOSH! (Truly! o! my! gosh!) what a wonderful swap to have arrive at my door. It is the most purrrrrrfect parcel, the trio is (bless your heart) the most wonderful greens that is simply ME!! (smiles) the little spoon is so beautiful and the chocolates and biscuits well the cup of tea today on a beautiful Autumn day will go down a treat with one of these beautiful cookies. I thank you truly from the bottom of my heart it arrived on a day that was lovely timing and sitting and unwrapping each piece was a joy to my heart...............if I could your hearts would be overflowing on your page now because one is simply not enough for this beautiful parcel. (thank you!) yes thank you! Lee-ann in Australia
Response: I`m sooooo happy to read that. And I just saw the photo with the cup on your blog. :D You are very much welcome, Lee-ann!
Nicc79 rated for A Week Of Surprises Swap on Mar 25, 2009
Comment: Thank you sooo much!! I love everything, esp the Pin Cushion!!!
lob rated for Fun-Filled Handmade Purse/Bag swap -int. on Mar 23, 2009
Comment: What a beautiful bag! I love the colors! Thanks!
Response: I`m so glad you like it. Thank you! :))
Comment: I loved this package.. my favorite was the deco tape.. sooooo kawaii....thank you... you really paid attention to my profile.. If you ever wish to do a private swap then please let me know... I would love to have more Kawaii..:)
Response: Thank you, Stefanija! It was fun making this for you. :))
Lalla88 rated for Bath Time! on Mar 17, 2009
Comment: Thank you very much for resend! ^_^ I love everything!!! I will have a good relaxing time with your products! ^_^ And....yummy Ritter Sport! :p
Response: Yay! Glad it reached you and you like it. :))
Juliuslove28 rated for 10 Surprise Items on Mar 3, 2009
Comment: Thank you so much, I loved the items you sent!
Response: I`m so glad it finally reached you. :) Thank you for the heart!
Libbybear rated for 10 Surprise Items- Newbie Friendly on Feb 28, 2009
Comment: it was all wonderful, thank you so much, you are a great swapper :)
Response: Thank you, Libbybear! :))
Comment: What a great assortment! Ich liebe alles :) especially the birdie fabric and ribbon and buttons and sushi fun and roses. Thank you so much!!
Response: You are so welcome! I`m glad you love it. :)
luckycharms rated for Sewing Themed ATC Swap on Feb 24, 2009
Comment: What a great idea for the atc!! I love it, and thanks for the tag and card. Happy swapping. Connie
Response: Yay, I`m glad you liked it. Thank you! :)
Comment: Petra - Guess what finally showed up in the mail today? It looks like it's been thru the war but I LOVE the bag and all the extras! You definitely deserve a heart! HUGS C [F O'F] Cayce - Your "resend" of buttons arrived today - so very generous of you and I really like the bag you sent them in. What cute material! I wish I could give you 2 STARS! You are a sweetie. Thanks again - Carol
Response: Really? lol I am happy you finally received them, so I can see some hope for my other parcels. The resended buttons are in the mail, so you will get another bag soon, but this is ok, you waited so long. :) - You`re welcome Carol! :)
barmeychick rated for Woodland Whimsy Lucky Parcel on Jan 17, 2009
Comment: Thanktyou for an awesome parcel! I loved opening everything......the hedgehog tealight is way too cute for words!!!! I love the fabric & ribbon & all the little woodland godies<3 <3<3 The hazelnut cocoa is such an original & fabulous idea! I cannot wait to try it later:-) Thankyou for all the effort & thought you put into my parcel!!! You are an awesome partner to have xx
wenot rated for Woodland Whimsy Lucky Parcel on Jan 10, 2009
Comment: Thank you Petra for a lovely parcel. Love everything!!!
Comment: Your package arrived just in time for Christmas. Thank you so much for the Lindt chocolate candies. I adore this brand, and these new flavors look delicious! Merry Christmas! :-)
reikitah rated for Ratings Booster #2 on Dec 22, 2008
Comment: Got your package finally! It was extra special. Love the items you sent! <3
Response: OMG! Five months! I really like to know where it has been all the time. :D But I am happy you finally got it.
bettysoo rated for EUROPEAN CHRISTMAS SWAP ... on Dec 20, 2008
Comment: Thank you sooo much Petra for the wonderful gifts and chocolate, i was so glad that it arrived safely, thank you again, have a wonderful Christmas best wishes Sharrena
Response: I am glad too! Thank you for the heart, Sharrena. :)
earthtobella rated for Ogling Owlies on Dec 18, 2008
Comment: Oh my goodness, I love this owl! The little baggie you put him in was too cute! Thank you! :)
Response: Thank you earthtobella! :))
pola rated for :: November Is Perfect For Tea! :: on Nov 30, 2008
Comment: Thanks for all the teas and for the postcard is beautiful!
Griffie rated for Hot, hot, HOT CHOCOLATE! on Nov 22, 2008
Comment: Fabulous package, thankyou! I love the hot chocolate and the bookmark is just gorgeous. I feel very spoiled!
vintervila rated for Hot, hot, HOT CHOCOLATE! on Nov 20, 2008
Comment: Thank you! I'm sure I'm going to enjoy very much each sachet :) I also love the bookmark too, did you make it? If so, congrats, it is beautiful!
procknows rated for Beginners Hand Made Fabric Heart on Nov 17, 2008
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful heart and the extras. I loved the picture you drew of the cat I wish I had half your talent. The heart will be on my Christmas tree for years to come.
Response: Oh, I have to say that it is not a drawing of mine. :D But I am glad you like the heart, thank you!
Comment: great selection thank u :)
Response: You`re welcome. Thank you for the heart!
cassiopeia rated for Astronomy ATC Swap on Nov 7, 2008
Comment: sorry it took so long to rate, i love these atcs. thanks for making them for me :)
Response: I worried a little that they did not reach you, but now everything is fine. Thank you! :)
Starwatcher rated for Upcycled ATCs on Nov 5, 2008
Comment: Great ATC! I especially liked how you used a magazine for your envelope and your note.
Response: Thank you Starwatcher! :))
ArtyEm rated for Upcycled ATCs on Oct 30, 2008
Comment: nice card - very balanced composition - thanks!
Response: I thank you, ArtyEm! :)
Comment: Thankyou, love everything in it! Wrapping paper was so cute! Although I dont drink coffee haha.
Response: Uhhhh, the coffee... Sorry about that! But I´m glad you liked the other stuff. Thanks for the heart!:)
PansySuz rated for Astronomy ATC Swap on Oct 22, 2008
Comment: I LOVE the ATCs!!! Thank you so much :)
Response: You`re welcome. I thank you! :))
Comment: Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you for this awesome package :) I was so happy to receive it. You have done an excellent job matching my profile. The necklace matched my outfit today (red!) so I put it straight on! Love the shoe bag. Thanks again :)
Response: Yay, good! :D I´m so happy you liked it. Thanks for the heart!
qbee rated for Corset ATCs on Oct 12, 2008
Comment: Thank you very much it means alot that you finshed your swap.So many people today on being flackers! HEARTSSSSSSSSSSSS to you.Again thank you. Debbie
Response: I thank you, Debbie! Next time I am a more careful reader of the swap description. :))
USSANGELL rated for Thread Embellished ATC on Oct 11, 2008
Comment: a really great card, thanks
Response: Thank you, USSANGELL! :)
Comment: Love your package & the little specials you put in for me! (the tags, bookmark, card & cute letter) I really like your style! a heart well deserved ^_^
Response: I`m glad you like it! Thank you very much. :)
Comment: hello there thank you for the stuff! i loved the wafers! the stuff in the little baggies, is that tea? how do i make it?
Response: You`re welcome! :) Yes, it is loose tea. Just put in hot water for 6-7 minutes. Thanks for the heart!
ColorInFusion rated for Thread Embellished ATC on Oct 6, 2008
Comment: Thank you so much.
Response: Thank you for the heart. :)
bananais rated for Corset ATCs on Sep 27, 2008
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful ATC! For one of your firsts, it came out perfectly! :) Thank you for the pretty patch, too! I LOVE pandas!
Response: I thank you for the heart! It was a pleasure making this ATC for you. :)
Comment: Hi Petra! This has to win my award for best presentation. Everything was so neatly and beautifully packaged. The days were very well chosen, and that bookmark is just gorgeous. Thank you so much!
Response: You`re welcome! This swap was great fun. :)) Thank you for the heart.
KarlaKC rated for ~Beginners Flower ATC swap~ on Sep 17, 2008
Comment: Thank you so much for the Rose ATC. Yours is the very first ATC I've ever received (a newbie in the ATC world) and I love it. Thank you!
Response: I`m a newbie too and sooooo glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart! :)
Comment: Thank you Petra - a nice selection and a great chocolate bar!
Response: Thank YOU for organizing this lovely swap. :) And thanks for the heart!
Comment: thank you for tea and chocolate:)
Response: You`re welcome. Thank you for the heart... :)
Comment: Thanks for your nice tea selection and the extra hot chocolate!!!!!
Response: Glad you like it and thank you for the heart. :)
janien rated for Pamper Me Swap (International) on Sep 13, 2008
Comment: I want to give you three hearts but that is not possible! Thanks for the wonderful things you've sent to me ... you're great! Big hug Janien (antwerp in belgium)
Response: Yay! :) Thank you, Janien. Big hug for you too!
sewspun rated for BUTTONS! on Sep 10, 2008
Comment: Thanks so much for the buttons!
Response: You`re welcome. :) Thanks for the heart!
eadaoin rated for BUTTONS! on Aug 28, 2008
Comment: Thank you for the great selection of buttons and the fabulous extras :)
Response: Thanks for the heart, eadaoin!
icrossmyheart rated for Stuff a Tic Tac Tin on Aug 26, 2008
Comment: Sorry for the delay in rating you, i have been in hospital. Thankyou for the Alice themed box. i LOVED it. i really really love the necklace. Thankyou soooo much!! for some reason it isnt letting me give you a heart - it will not let me click in the box.. if i could, i would give you 2 hearts!
Response: No problem, I`m glad you liked it an I hope you are well! :) Thank you for the invisible hearts. :D
hippofairy rated for WHR DO U LIVE? POSTCARDS! 2!! on Jul 31, 2008
Comment: thank you for the Herxheim postcard! it looks so beautiful! :)
Response: Thank you very much! :)
Comment: Thankyou for the beautiful postcard and for telling me a bit about where you live.
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart. :)
Comment: Thank you Cayce, your a very lucky to live there, it's beautiful!
Response: Thank you! I feel lucky to :)
newrule rated for WHR DO U LIVE? POSTCARDS! 2!! on Jul 21, 2008
Comment: Awesome! Thanks and have a nice day!
Response: Thanks for the heart :)
TANI858 rated for WHR DO U LIVE? POSTCARDS! 2!! on Jul 19, 2008
Comment: thanks
Response: Your`re welcome! :)
sas rated for WHR DO U LIVE? POSTCARDS! 2!! on Jul 18, 2008
Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcard and interesting note. 8000 people seems like a very small village, there are nearly 1000 employees where I work.
Response: I thank you for the rating! Oh yes, it`s pretty small. :)
eedwards rated for Ratings Booster #2 on Jul 7, 2008
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful stuff! I love the fabric!
Response: I´m so glad you like it. Thank you for the heart! :)
Comment: Vielen Dank für das schönes Paket!! Alles was du geschickt hast find ich schön aber am liebsten mag ich die Karte mit Vögeln. Ich wünsch dir auch viel Spaß bein "swappen"!! :-P thank you for the awesome package, i love everything that you sent! p.s. sorry if my german isn't very good lol.
Response: Gerne! Ich glaube dein Deutsch ist besser als mein Englisch. :D
KawaiiKalia rated for Keep-It-Simple-Profile Swap 1 on May 5, 2008
Comment: OMG Petra! It arrived today and it was amazing! I wish I could give you 10 hearts! Thank you for getting me such great things, I love them all! <3 Jennifer
Response: I am so happy you like your package, Jennifer! :) It really was fun making it for you. Thank you for the heart!
Comment: OH MY, OH MY, OH MY!!! I was gone at a workshop all day yesterday, and when I came home, my husband and boys (ages 4 and 1) showed me the package from you that arrived earlier in the day. They were SOOOO eager to open the package they couldn't wait 2 seconds! They insisted on helping, but I wouldn't let them rip that cutest wrapping paper! (I am saving every bit of the wrapping paper and embellishments you used...) I felt like it was my birthday (a couple weeks early)! I LOVE everything you sent, and the things you picked out/assembled/made, are exactly my style/taste!!! The stack of mixed paper goods is SO wonderful...I couldn't believe my eyes and I can hardly bring myself to use any of it! They are the most unique things I've ever seen... I LOVE THEM! The handmade bag with little goodies is also such a treasure, and SO darling! Was this your first swap ever??? You are going to be an amazing swapper! I can't tell you how much joy your package brought me (and my family)...it was so special and unique! Thank you very much! This was THE BEST swap package I have EVER received!!!
Response: You are very, very welcome. And I feel sooooo eased now... You got it and you like it, YAY! :)) Yes, it was my first swap and I was really nervous about it. What if the package gets lost? What if she doesn`t like it? Now I´m happy. Happy, HAPPY! And your comment is so fun and touching to read, thank you. Hehe, your boys! When I was a child, unwrapping was the best part for me too. :D Thanks for the heart, it was a pleasure to do that for you.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 89 3 3
Completed Fives Threes Ones
79 94 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 0 35 43

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