Swap-bot Time: December 21, 2024 9:16 am

Ones ratings for Popcornikimppu1

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missmuffcake rated for Happiness quote ATC on Mar 21, 2013
bytekel rated for Hand Painted / Drawn Halloween ATCs on Feb 25, 2013
Comment: never received anything, never replied to my messages
Comment: I never received the stickers for this swap. I contacted my partner and she told me they were sent but I never got them.
hlwolfe72 rated for Private: Acceptance to Hogwarts on Jan 6, 2013
Comment: This is sad. You were supposed to make this swap for my son and when I told you I did not get it, you said you would resend; however, we still have not received this swap from you! Will rerate if you decide to actually send and it is received!
peppercat86 rated for 100 stickers swap on Jan 3, 2013
Comment: you claimed you sent a few days late but i never received anything. i messaged you about this in the beginning of december and you said youd resend in the new year sometime. however you never read my newest reply to you dated december 10th and i see others are rating you down so im afraid thats my only choice now unless i receive something.
Pikkis rated for Depp Character Series: Mad Hatter on Jan 3, 2013
Comment: Nothing received and no answer to my message :(!
kgeslab rated for Advent Tea Swap 2012 on Jan 3, 2013
Comment: This never arrived and I did not hear back from the message I sent you. I was so sad to have no tea for this yearly tradition.
MrsSergeant rated for Dear Fictional Character on Dec 26, 2012
Comment: Nothing ever arrived, and no reply to my messages to you either. If this arrives I will change rating.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8510 165 13 15
Completed Fives Threes Ones
175 244 3 8
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
4 86 85 0

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