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Page 24 of takehimaway's Comments

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AliceinWonderland on May 29, 2013:

You are so very sweet! Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my profile:)) I am glad to know that some people talk nice of me :))

av0 on May 29, 2013:

Fabulous! It's currently 2 am and husband and I are going to bed after "Never Ever Do This At Home" (discover channel) is done. Busy day tomorrow, I should have been sleeping hours ago. I'll regret that during tomorrow morning's jog in the mud. lawl.

av0 on May 29, 2013:

Aw thanks! Hugs to you too. :) Sorry to reply 2 days later, I didn't see it until now. Hope your day is going well!

Fatherted on May 28, 2013:

stickles is a glitter glue, so if you want to work with glitter and dont want glitter up the whole house, its smart to use glitter glue :) not so messy and it dries with a texture. distress stickles are not glittery, toned down, little bit like glued donw sand.google for some pics! stickles is just the brand/company ranger, there are other cheaper glitter glues out there.

sksavestheday on May 28, 2013:

Okay, these comments are getting so long that I'm going to use bullet points to keep it all straight for myself... XD

  • CafPow isn't an actual drink, like the TruBlood ones. It's just a big cup with a logo on it.
  • Very glad that you and Harmony are okay. Fire's no joke.
  • Yikes to eczema and psorasis! That's got to suck. I have dandruff, and I complain about that. Damn skin conditions... shakes fist
  • I've never been big into biting my fingernails, unless I'm really nervous or anxious. Blue's my favorite color, but I tend to stick with black, white, or red nails for the most part. I'd love to see some before and after pics. :-D
  • Being comfortable with yourself can be difficult, but it's really worth it. I'm re-learning how to be myself and happy after spending six years with someone that really didn't appreciate or even like me very much. There were a number of reasons why I chose to end the relationship, but a big one was that I realized I was a lot happier away from him than I was with him. I'm taking it one day at a time and trying to stay strong.
  • Including shipping costs in the price, and then advertising free shipping is probably a good idea. XD I love my job, but it doesn't really pay the bills anymore due to funding cuts, so I just took a second job and I have an interview for a third in a couple of weeks.
  • Work was pretty okay today. Sorry you didn't sleep well. That's a yucky feeling. I hope your back feels better now. :-D
  • I could be up for a private swap, but I don't have a lot of $$ right now, so I'm sticking to mostly online swaps at the moment.
  • Clearly, Harmony has good taste if she loves Harry Potter. I like her already. :-)
  • I sent you a message back. :-P

You two have a good one, too. XD

sksavestheday on May 28, 2013:

The Harry Potter quote on my calf is "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light". Three verses of Amazing Grace? That has to be quite a large tattoo. If you'd like, we could chat via the messaging system on here, or e-mail. These comments seem to be getting lengthier and lengthier. XD

sksavestheday on May 28, 2013:

CafPow is Abby Scuito's drink of choice on NCIS. Lovey dovey nonsense is very important. The ladies go for that sort of thing. XD I'm glad the fire turned out to be small. I probably would have been taking pics, too. Leopard print is pretty wonderful. Right now, I have my fingernails painted a very obnoxious shade of hot pink, just for fun. I think androgyny is pretty interesting. I'm a cisgender female, and I tend to present as that, so people who play with gender roles fascinate me. Change can be a good thing. I just got out of a six year relationship with a man, so I'm kind of starting all over again. I majored in Broadcasting-Mass Communications, but it made me miserable, so I started working with people with developmental disabilities instead. It makes me feel better at the end of the day. Selling stuff on EBay sounds like an awesome way to make a living. I've considered it before, but I don't really know where to start, and I worry the shipping costs would kill me. I hope you and your lady have a lovely day. :-D

neekahbelle on May 28, 2013:

Whaat you're running out of things to watch? I have about 100 shows on my watch-list help :D Have you ever seen Castle? I LOVE THIS SHOW. :D

sksavestheday on May 27, 2013:

We're going to have to agree to disagree on that one. Penelope's cute, but I adore Abby Scuito. I even ordered a CafPow cup from the CBS store. XD I will plead the fifth as to whether or not it looks better. This may not be the appropriate place for that type of conversation. :-P I'm glad everyone in your apartment is okay! That's pretty scary. I've had a quiet but good night so far. SK = SuperKelly. That was my nickname in college. I just liked the way that SKSavestheDay sounded in my head, so I kind of rolled with it. XD I like takehimaway, though - that's a pretty cool username. :-D

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