Shelly - just to make sure you've received these, I've resent the postcards for the missing ratings. Resent Postcards With a Prompt #83 - originally sent 4/12 and Scatts - C - originally sent 6/7. Please rate when you get these resends! Thank you.
Hi there! I would love to have you join my first swap ever as a swap coordinator! I am nervous hosting my first swap and could use the support of veteran swappers. It's called: 3-person PC Collaboration #1- Theme: Anything Goes
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Shelly - just to make sure you've received these, I've resent the postcards for the missing ratings. Resent Postcards With a Prompt #83 - originally sent 4/12 and Scatts - C - originally sent 6/7. Please rate when you get these resends! Thank you.
Hi there! I would love to have you join my first swap ever as a swap coordinator! I am nervous hosting my first swap and could use the support of veteran swappers. It's called: 3-person PC Collaboration #1- Theme: Anything Goes
Thank you! Indira CherryBlossomLady
Thank you so much for the beautiful handmade cards you sent! I love them! Have a great day! Hugs, Diane
Happy Birthday!
Hey there! Just checking in to see if you got your angel swap! Let me know! :)
Profile Check for Handmade stationary folder w/cards! welcome to the swap. Happy swapping!
Welcome to Swap-bot.