Thank you Cheryl for the awesome package. I love the very pretty autumn ATC and matching bookmark. That's a cute hedgehog stamp! Thanks for the extras - I love the cigarette cards - cute. I'll get started on our Winter ATC swap soon.
Cheryl!! Wowie, I received such a nice package from you today!! Thank you soo much for sending some of that illusion paper and all the other wonderful goodies!! You are sooo generous!! I will put all of it to good use!! I know you didn't want me to send you anything in return, but if you change your mind or think of something that I might have that you want, please let me know ;)
Well, for not knowing what you were going to do you did a great job! I'd love some of that illusion paper, but only if you have some to spare! You are so kind to offer to send some! Is there anything your looking for that I could send you in return? Let me know!
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Thank you Cheryl for the awesome package. I love the very pretty autumn ATC and matching bookmark. That's a cute hedgehog stamp! Thanks for the extras - I love the cigarette cards - cute. I'll get started on our Winter ATC swap soon.
Thank you Cheryl for a lovely package of materials for my quilt and the pretty papers. Please let me know what I can send you in return.
I was your sending partner for the mermaid ATC. I sent it on January 30th and I was wondering if you ever got it!
Please let me know something
Cheryl!! Wowie, I received such a nice package from you today!! Thank you soo much for sending some of that illusion paper and all the other wonderful goodies!! You are sooo generous!! I will put all of it to good use!! I know you didn't want me to send you anything in return, but if you change your mind or think of something that I might have that you want, please let me know ;)
Thanks so much again, you are so very kind! ♥
Well, for not knowing what you were going to do you did a great job! I'd love some of that illusion paper, but only if you have some to spare! You are so kind to offer to send some! Is there anything your looking for that I could send you in return? Let me know! ♥ J