UPDATE 08/29/2011 I will be leaving the swap-bot world, and the regular world in general for 2 months. I will be completely out of contact for that time and will NOT be able to currently fufill my swap requirements. I will return around the end of October and at that time will resume swapping and clean up the mess i made. i am sorry if this makes me a flaker, but it is 100% out of my control and I have to leave for the 2 months. I'm sorry.
For those of you who don't know my story, let me explain. I was a member of swap-bot for almost a year when some things happened in my marriage, with my husband, and I had to leave. We divorced but not before some very traumatic things took place that left me without a job, or a home. Now that things have settled down in my life I have came back to the amazing world of swap-bot. When I returned September 1st 2010 I was faced with 16 one ratings for swaps I had flaked on. i will admit it, I was a flaker! I really wanted to be apart of swap-bot again tho, so I worked hard and made up EVERY swap that I had flaked on. You'll notice that I currently have 3 ones still. These swaps HAVE been sent out and most likely received, but for whatever reason these people do not want to change my ratings, even with the help of @VivaLaDiane Obviously because some swaps were sent out almost a year after the due date people rated me a three, which is perfectly fine. I do not intend to ever flake again, and have learned to not get in over my head and to handle things different in the future. If you have concerns about me joining a swap you are hosting, please send me a message and we can talk, but assure you that I will not be flaking on anything in the future. I want to thank everyone for understanding and for giving me a chance to come back and make up for past mistakes and take part in the amazing world that is swap-bot once again! :)
My name is Jessica, I am 25 years old and I live in a small town in northern California, United States. I work full time as an office manager of a nationally known fire and water restoration company and I love my job. I have taught myself everything I know in the office department and managed to avoid college and still be successful.I recently got divorced from a US Marine after being married for a little over 2 years... It was a really hard time in my life, and I miss my old life every single day... I just moved into a new house and for the first time in along time i am really truly on my own. I love spending time with my family, I love writing, reading, letters and postcards. I love being outdoors, camping, riding quads, boating, tanning, volleyball, anything at all really! And I have recently became addicted to Tea, all tea, hot tea, iced tea, just tea. I am finding out there is so much more to it than I thought! I love tea!!!
I love girlie books, or books that make you think. I have been trying to read the Twilight Series, I am on Eclipse, and while I LOVE Twilight I just cant seen to get through the books on my own! I abandoned it and started reading the Autobiography of Kendra Wilkenson! Much more fun! lol My favorite book of all time, currently, is "Bright Shiny Morning" it's an amazing book!!! look it up on Amazon.com for sure
I love chick flicks! My current favorite movie list is: 7. Nick and Nora's Infinite Play List
Zach and Miri make a Porno
4.Knocked up
Dirt Dancing
P.S. I Love you
Top Gun
My favorite shows include:
Brothers and Sisters
Army Wives,
Secret lives of American Teenagers,
Grey's Anatomy,
American Idol,
The Amazing Race,
Private Practice,
Keeping up with the Kardashians
Holly's World
Say Yes to the Dress
Teen Mom
If you really knew me
ALmost anything on TLC, HGTV, Food Network, and E. I am kind of a TV junkie! lol
SCRAPBOOKING!!! Postcard writing, and collecting scrapbook paper! I am not overly crafty, actually until a friend introduced me to scrapbooking I was not crafty at all. I really enjoy it, and am enjoying the new craft hobbies that I am learning via swap-bot. Who knew there was all of this craftyness out there to learn.
~I am currently addicted to anything and EVERYTHING Zebra print. Litterly, everything I own is becoming or can be zebra print. ~Also in love with the color PINK! If you are looking for something to send me, pink is always a safe bet! ~ STARS!! I love anything and everything with stars on it!!! ~I love scrapbook paper, all kinds, all shapes, all sizes, everything about it. ~ I have no fancy writing paper or stationary at all and am having a heck of a time finding it around here. I would love to collect more, as I am gaining many new penpals. ~ I love all thing black and white. Not just zebra print, but all things black and white in general. ~ I love sayings, all kinds of sayings, funny ones, thoughtful ones, encouraging, all kinds of things that have little sayings. I have lots of them framed and hung around my house. ~ I love all things tropical. Palms trees, flowers, flip flops, anything that has a tropical vibe to it. ~ I love stickers, have quiet a collection already but you can never have too many. ~ I love all things military. ~ I love penguins, I think they are the cutest little creatures on earth and would own one if it were legal. ~ Love good books and good movies. I am a sucker for a heart tugging romance. ~ I love things that smell good. Whether it be candles, or air fresheners or oil diffusers, anything really that smells good. ~All Tea! Hot tea, herbal tea, loose tea, cold tea. All Tea!
I however will love anything and everything that people think enough to send me. This is just a list of a few of my favorites.
--Anything that is Zebra print
-- Scrapbook paper (can never have too much)
-- Postcard from all over the world
-- State maps from every one of the 50 US states, I still need all states
-- Stamps, rubber mounted to wood, or clear
-- Anything with stars on it!!
-- Stationary paper with matching envelopes, I have none. My penpal friends I am sure would love to get letters on cute paper!
-- Stickers of all kinds
-- Candles that smell wonderful
-- Perfumes
-- Make-up
-- Things with my name (Jessica) or the letter J on them
-- Anything Military based
-- Cute bags, either purses or tote bags
-- Anything pink
-- New penpals
-- Gel Pens!!!
-- Binders, folders, or other storage
-- Journals
-- Notebooks
-- Cute dishtowels
-- Small storage or photo boxes
-- Linens, bath towels or queen size sheet sets
-- Tea of any kind! I am addicted to Tea!!!!!
Or anything else that you want to send me! :)
I may not send the second partners are assigned on every swap, but I will send before the deadline unless I PM you and explain why. If you haven't gotten my swap, and haven't heard from me, please let me know, something could have gone haywire. I also want to state that if you are out of the country, my post office has a really really hard time getting things to you in a timely manner, so please allow me a little more time, or PM me. Also, I am far from the most experienced Swapper around, but I am not a newbie either, I have learned alot of lessons. I would like to extend my help to newbies out there. I would love to help by doing private swaps to get ratings up. Please PM me if you are a newbie and want my help! :)
Overall | ![]() |
![]() |
Hosted |
4.8406 | 229 | 55 | 76 |
Completed | Fives | Threes | Ones |
208 | 366 | 15 | 8 |
Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Uncategorized |
23 | 101 | 84 | 0 |
Thanks for never sending the blank journal that you agreed to send me for the Journal your July Swap. The creepy letter that you sent in place of your July Journal was quite a read.
This person will be away for 2 months because she is going to jail for embezzlement.
Hi Jessica, Just wanted to let you know that your "Journal Your June" swap arrived safely to me a few days ago...I had oral surgery on Tues. and have been laying low...but tomorrow morning I plan to curl up in my favorite chair, with my morning cup of latte in hand and start reading your journal! I just flipped through it quickly and OH MY, do you have gorgeous handwriting! :) Anyway, I can't wait to share a month with you and wanted to let you know it may be a few more days before i am finished and can rate you. (although i already know I am giving you a 5 and a million hearts for all your hard work & dedication i can tell went into this journal!) Take care! Swap hugs!
Jessica, again, thank you for the kind words! I am very happy you liked your package. I saw that stuff and I knew you would enjoy it. I am doing my best to get back up on swaps, I CANNOT believe how many are missing and Ive become quite discouraged! :( I LOVE swap-bot but this rating thing has truly gotten to me. So, now Im just getting to them as I can, its all I can do, and I hope eventually I can make everyone happy. I am a little tired of hearing that I am a liar, and a cheat though.... it makes me sick for people to think that of me, when truly it was my post office. But anyways, Im glad I have made you happy, and got the stuff to you, Im still slowly working on our private journal, Im really enjoying it!! Happy Swapping! Crystal
did you recieve your return postage for my goof that sent you??
JESSICA!!! Oh my gosh! Thank you sooo much for the wonderful comment!!! I didnt see it until right now!!!! And beleive me RIGHT now is when I really needed it!!! I am SOOOO happy that you liked everything.... especially the quote mini journal! I LOVE QUOTES and POEMS..... I just went through my poem book and re organized it, see I have had the poem book since I was 17 and so it had ALOT of things about my ex husband in it, so I decided to start a new poem book, and I couldnt do it, I felt like the new book I was starting was just that a book, my poem book is like a piece of me, it has literally my life in it.... so what I did was I ended up pulling out all the things to do with my ex husband and a ex best friend, got a big cardboard envelope and put all the "CRAP AND LIES" into thwe envelope and sealed it shut. I couldnt bring myself to throw the stuff away, because it still is my life, but the poems that my ex wrote werenothing anymore! He isnt even the same person that he was when he wrote poems to me... So I sealed the envelope and put it away, I may never open it again, as that part of my life basically is dead, but I will say this, my ex husband was an excellent poet, and maybe when my kids are older I will give the poems to them, or atleast show them who their dad used to be "Once Upon A Time" So I have my beloved poem book all in order again and cant wait to start adding things to it again!!!! But thanks again for all the kind words, In light of me getting my first "1" rating, I am hoping that when i want to join swaps the swap coordinators will be able to see your comments, and over look the low rating, which I feel is just SOOOO UNFAIR!!!! :( You should be getting your private swap questions from me soon too!!!
hi, hope you're doing well. saw on your profile that you like girlie books and thought you might be interested in Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. They're romance/history/time travel kind of a series. just thought I'd share. have a great day.
Thank you for your comment! Sorry I didn't respond sooner! I don't know if i'm coming or going in my life right now. But.... I enjoyed "The Question Only Journal" Swaps. I can't wait for the second round Question Only Journal to get here!! I hope you host "The Question Only Journal #3" Swap Cause I will be sure to join....I love asking questions and I love answering them....Some questions really makes you sit and think! Thanks for hosting them!
Thanks...I won't be doing too many..mainly single envie ones...and email ones...just what ever my $$$ will allow...
As Promised: If you would like to participate in the next rounds of the Diary Postcards for a Week! series, see below:
Diary Postcards for a Week! Γ’β¬β IntΓ’β¬β’l #2
Diary Postcards for a Week! Γ’β¬β USA #2