Of course I’ve read her books. I just didn’t realize that from the title. Her stories are charming and a good read when you want something light. I didn’t realize how many she has written. I now have her latest on hold. Glad you commented on that.
Thanks for the great old Tiger Stadium postcard! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I hope the one I sent you reaches you soon! I miss the old place at Michigan and Trumbull. Lots of great memories down there!
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Of course I’ve read her books. I just didn’t realize that from the title. Her stories are charming and a good read when you want something light. I didn’t realize how many she has written. I now have her latest on hold. Glad you commented on that.
Happy Birthday Month from WIYM group!
Thanks for the great old Tiger Stadium postcard! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I hope the one I sent you reaches you soon! I miss the old place at Michigan and Trumbull. Lots of great memories down there!
I ♥ the sentiment: 'Meant to be Sent' ...indeed :D
Did you really write 37 pages for the January "The Un-Journal Journaling Swap"? WOW!! :)
Thank you for such an amazing send! Very interesting items! I really enjoyed going through ALL of it! Margie
Thanks for the SURPRISE postcard:) You didnt have your swapbot name on it so i had to do some digging......lol