"Little Red Riding Hood", also known as "Little Red Cap" or simply "Red Riding Hood", is a French and later European fairy tale first published by Charles Perrault. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings. The French title of this famous tale is "Le Petit Chaperon rouge."
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~Decorate my profile with... #42 ~ LRRH~
Decorate my profile with... #42 ~ LRRH
I don't know why one of the pics didn't show up when it showed up in the Preview! Here it is!
Decorate my profile with... #42 ~ LRRH
"Little Red Riding Hood", also known as "Little Red Cap" or simply "Red Riding Hood", is a French and later European fairy tale first published by Charles Perrault. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings. The French title of this famous tale is "Le Petit Chaperon rouge."
comment or a picture swap
Happy to see you!!!
Hmm thats odd I put a picture on that comment but it seems to have disappeared.
Hi, fall is one of my favourite seasons too, I love the colours
(comment or picture swap)
comment or picture swap
Picture or comment swap
Picture or Comment Swap:)