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ladydy5 on Mar 2, 2021:

Love to have ya! Artistically Inclined group

mostenson on Nov 20, 2012:

I was about to join a group and saw your jumping rainbow lamb picture and it made my day as lambs are my favorite animal. Happy Swapping.

MeliaMellon on Jul 30, 2012:

Hey, we are firmly set on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for our honeymoon - it is like the one thing we're sure we're going to do. Every time I start planning I think of you! lol Hope all is well in your world!

cerenaleigh on Mar 15, 2012:

yet another comment about how adorable your bouncing rainbow sheep avatar is! by the way, I love the fact that you have a companion cube necklace in your etsy favorites!

mekho on Jan 31, 2012:

your little bouncing rainbow sheep is so CUTE!!!

RyeRye on Nov 21, 2011:

i just love your avatar!

xSugar on Sep 7, 2011:

Hi there! I saw that you collect Pokemon cards. I have a Mewtwo promo card (the one from the first movie) if you are interested.

egalite on Aug 17, 2011:

Thank you so much for the ATC! I love it. I always loved the writing and acting in Dead Like Me. It was so clever and grumpy, right!

julinha16 on Jul 2, 2011:

I love that you have so many hobbies that you seem really interested in and passionate about. What kind of altered art do you do? I wish I did more crafts; being on Swap-Bot definitely has inspired me to take up some new crafts after seeing all the amazing crafters and artists on here! It was nice to hear a bit about you in the beginning...we definitely have some things in common (listening and talking too much (although I do more of the latter...trying to fix that) and worrying too much!) Also, that is so exciting that you are a new mommy! What is his name? I am so jealous, I can't wait to have kids!

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gooseberry on Jul 1, 2011:

Hello and greetings from down Georgia way. :) I see you love chocolate, too. We have the most adorable little chocolate shop here in our small town. The family are actually chocolatiers and make all the chocolates there at the shop. The little box of chocolate I bought yesterday is already gone. blushy blushes I only get tiny little amounts so I can eat the whole box! :)

Congratulations on the birth of your little baby boy! What a great day to be born, St. Patrick's Day. We went to the parade in Savannah (2nd largest in the country) and had a great day. I love it when people have birthdays on holidays. I just think that's neat when it works out that way. I knew a girl whose last name was Valentine and her birthday was in February. hee hee.

Well, I hope you have a good day filled with love, fun and art! Nice to meet you.

(Oh, I agree. The little rainbow sheep is just too cute.)

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