Back to Violethare's profile
from SnailPensandEZSwaps
Welcome to SnailPensandEZSwaps
Happy Easter!
β₯From the FRIENDLIES : ) GROUP!β₯
Happy first day of SPRING!
It snowed out today!
Welcome to Cold Hands Warm Hearts. We are so glad to have you! :-)
It was a great St Patty's Day! Movie CINDERELLA with youngest daughter then 1/2 price shakes at Sonic ;-) Strawberry Cheesecake is great!!! Didn't see a Leprechaun but saw EVERYONE in Green! ;-) Didnt pinch a soul ;-) Blessings, cc
MEGA - Happy St Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Paddy's! Day! APDG deco swap
MEGA Profile Deco~ Happy St Patrick's Day!
WELCOME!!!!! To the APDGroup! There are so many swaps to choose from or join them all!!! U are even an officer so you may host a few too ;-)
I hope you enjoy the group!!! ;-) Blessings, cc
Page 2 of Violethare's Comments
Back to Violethare's profile
from SnailPensandEZSwaps
Welcome to SnailPensandEZSwaps
Happy Easter!
β₯From the FRIENDLIES : ) GROUP!β₯
Happy first day of SPRING!
It snowed out today!
Welcome to Cold Hands Warm Hearts. We are so glad to have you! :-)
It was a great St Patty's Day!

Movie CINDERELLA with youngest daughter then 1/2 price shakes at Sonic ;-) Strawberry Cheesecake is great!!!
Didn't see a Leprechaun but saw EVERYONE in Green! ;-) Didnt pinch a soul ;-)
Blessings, cc
MEGA - Happy St Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Paddy's! Day! APDG deco swap
MEGA Profile Deco~ Happy St Patrick's Day!
To the APDGroup!
There are so many swaps to choose from
or join them all!!! U are even an officer so
you may host a few too ;-)
I hope you enjoy the group!!! ;-)
Blessings, cc