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Just letting you know I still haven't received a tracking number or gift from you for the Birthday swap 2015. September is almost over in a few days and I haven't heard anything from you. Hope all is well with you and hope to hear from you soon.
I'm still waiting for your swap to me for Happy Birthday - 2015 for July. Sure hate to see you become a Flaker.
Just wanted to leave you a note that if you have re-sent, I still haven't received. Not sure if it's still an issue with the postal service...
Avengers Profile Decoration
Enjoy! =)
APDG ~ Avengers
I accidentally hit leave comment before posting the 5th one!!

APDG ~ Avengers
I accidentally hit leave comment before posting the 5th one!!
Avengers Profile Decoration

Whoops! That was only one. Sorry! Here's another: