Swap-bot Time: December 21, 2024 9:07 pm

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Paige1900 on Feb 29, 2012:

Hi @Frogman aka @turkeyboy aka @swapbotboy Have you tried contacting any of the 40+ swappers that you flaked on?

Damn I love those Swapbot detectives!!!

alexalgebra on Feb 28, 2012:

Yep, but I have to add you because my profile is hidden except to people I know. You can message me the link to yours if you want.

alexalgebra on Feb 28, 2012:

Another dude, awesome! Hello! :)

duckduckgoose on Feb 28, 2012:

Yeppers. I've been on here a long time now!

PurpleButterfly on Feb 27, 2012:

Welcome to Swappin' Anything & EVerything for all Ages (USA) group We have some group swaps & alot going on in the group forum so check it out. Glad to have U in the group & hope U will have fun swapping.

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