Swap-bot Time: January 4, 2025 4:09 pm

Are you sure you want to signup for Bible Study - The New Beginning?

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This swap series will help us to start the new year with an attitude of worship! Read the recommended Bible passages and the thought-provoking blurb below. Send your partner a letter or notecard answering the questions at the end of this post.

Bible passages to read and reflect on this week:

2 Corinthians 5

Pause and take a deep breath, Sister. You have made it through another Christmas season and are about to embark on a brand-new year. The gifts have all been given and the food has all been eaten. The decorations will soon be put away (Or, maybe not so soon. That's okay! This is a place of grace.) For all of us, this is a time of new beginnings. All throughout scripture, Christ created new beginnings. He wiped away people's sins and sicknesses and instead offered them strength and hope. He's still renewing us today, and we can have faith that there are fresh starts yet to come. One day, Jesus will come again, and we'll have a new heaven and a new earth. How was this past year for you? Most of us can list a few highs and lows. We wish we could do some things over, or perhaps not do them at all. But there is good news. Christ still delights in giving us new beginnings. We can move on from any mistakes we have made this year. We can allow God to heal our wounds and lead us back toward Him. We can ask Him to begin a new work in us. Let's not enter this new year carrying old burdens. This is the perfect time to let go of past mistakes and embrace the hope of things to come. Let's prepare our hearts to receive them.

In what areas of your life, do you feel the need for a fresh start?

How can you carry a spirit of anticipation into the year ahead?

What new work may God be starting to create in you?

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