Swap-bot Time: December 22, 2024 6:51 am

Are you sure you want to signup for Profile Update 2025?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.

“I’m not afraid to be different, I’m afraid to be the same as everyone else.” Unknown.

Happy New Year!

When was the last time you read your profile or updated it? Is it too long, too short, too old, too vague, too detailed, or too grumpy? Does the reader understand some of your likes or dislikes? Can they easily find something you enjoy or would like in a swap? Are there things to avoid? Do you have inactive links?

Maybe your profile needs a bit of sprucing up? I know mine certainly does! Now is the perfect time to begin the new year with a refresh.


Once partners are assigned, read your partner's profile.

Send them a private message (PM) with the following information:

  • Write three things you like about it

  • Provide one suggestion

  • Comment on their information, do you have any common interests, like something they do, interested in one of their activities? Write 3- 4 sentences, nothing too outrageous or long :o)

Assigned Partner (person who would receive swap):

  • Add a quote or picture to your profile.

  • Read your profile, consider updating it and making it current.

Please rate once you receive comments from your partner.

Newbies and International Friends welcome!

Thanks for reading. Have a great day!

Terms of Use: Swap-bot facilitates swaps among the members of this service. You expressly agree that use of Swap-bot is at your own risk. You must be 18 years of age or older to use the Swap-bot service. Content posted to Swap-bot is solely the opinion and responsibility of the user posting the message. Swap-bot expects that all users will post respectful and courteous content. Swap-bot takes no responsibility and assumes no liability either for the content posted on the site, or for your communications and relationships with other Swap-bot members. Read complete Terms of Use.