Swap-bot Time: June 29, 2024 2:16 pm

Are you sure you want to signup for E-Mail: Reverse Question Swap?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.

You love joining random questions e-mail swaps? Here is the reverse version of those swaps and now it is your turn to ask questions!

Is there a question you always wanted to ask one of your swappartners? A question you thought is always missing in in those swaps? Maybe there is something you want to ask about your swap partners country, life or something your found on her/his profile. Be creative!

What you have to do: Send your swap partner an e-mail with 10 questions. Ask whatever comes to your mind. But be polite. No rude or intimate questions.

What receivers have to do: When you have received the mail with the questions from your swap partners answer them by replying to the e-mail. When you have sent the mail rate your swap partner. Let them know that you have received the mail and that you have responded.

Depending on how many people will join the swap there will be 1-3 partners. Newbies with a well filled out profile are welcome. No recent 1s&3s for other swappers.

If you have any questions please send me a message.

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