Feel free to PM me, or add comments below, on a question you'd like to add to the list. I'm easy. 
This is an email question swap for the kawaii lovers in us all. I was reading one earlier and thought, we should do that! (Like that 'we'?) So, here we go!
Cut and paste these questions into an email and send it to your partners. How easy is that? I like easy. I'm lazy.
Favorite character
Least favorite character (bet ya didn't see that coming!)
Place you're most likely to shop (on-line, bricks-n-mortar)
Things you're most likely to swap (letter sets, stickers, etc)
Your personal Holy Grail (i.e. the thing you want most and just can't get your mitts on!)
Favorite company
(all together now) Least favorite company
How much have you spent on your collection (obviously a ball-park figure...unless you're even more anal than me and are keeping a running total!)
The most you've spent on a single item
How long have you been collecting
What got you into collecting
If you could create a thing (statuette, phone strap, keychain, etc) what would it be
Do you read manga
Do you watch anime
Have you ever sold kawaii goods on ebay
Have you ever bought kawaii goods off ebay
Favorite Japanese food/candy
What are you least likely to swap (like I hang onto stickers and send out letter sets ASAP)
Sentimental Circus?
Is visiting the source (Japan) on your to-do list
Most unusual kawaii item you have ever come across
Favorite art work/sculpture that would be classed as kawaii
If you collect lettersets, how do you organize them
What, besides kawaii, do you collect
How do you store your collection
do you display your collection, and how
Scented things? Allergies to them
Real photos on kawaii
Any questions, comments, complaints, drop me a PM. =D