definition: having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic
example: "a surreal mix of fact and fantasy"
synonyms: unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange, freakish, unearthly, uncanny, dreamlike, phantasmagorical
Do you enjoy things that are a bit surreal, unusual, off the beaten path? Have you accumulated some postcards that you think are a bit surreal? If so, then here is your chance to trade a surrealistic postcard with another fan of surrealism. I collect these types of postcards myself and I would really enjoy finding some other people here on Swap-Bot who also enjoy surrealistic postcards and would like to trade them.
- Send one postcard to your partner that reflects something surrealistic, whether it is an odd combination of imagery or something conceptual that strikes you as surreal.
- Send the card naked, which means it is to be written on and stamped, not sent in an envelope. Give the postal carrier something of interest to look at!
- Include your name, the swap name and a brief description of why you like the card or think it fits the surrealistic theme.
- Please be open to your partner's interpretation of surreal when you receive your card. It should be more about exploring someone else's interpretation of what is surreal than receiving something that fits your own.
- Please do not send handmade postcards, but you may send original designs created at online stores such as Zazzle or Redbubble. Just make sure the card is a quality card and something you would be happy to receive.
- A 4.95 rating is required and no recent, unexplained 1 or 3 ratings.
I have included a few examples of surrealistic postcards below, but the postcard may be done in any style, collaged, digital, drawn, photographic etc.

Let's have fun! Please feel free to ask any questions.