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Response: I was born in WV, then lived in OH, PA, and CA, back to PA and then back to WV - sounds like we are This swap really is fun! I like it, too.
Response: Actually, I think he was confused as the blue ridge mountains are not in west virginia!! I olive in the foothills about 50 miles from the.mountains. Our mountains are part of the Allegiances which are in the Appalachian mountains. All of WV is in Appalachia.
Response: No, I never figured it out.. it's weird how dreams happen and that was the weirdest one!! /
Response: I would love to know what was wrong with the post office that it took 3 tries to send them!! I am SO glad they finally got there!!!!!
Response: But I have not sent it! You've mixed me up with your other partner!! You'll get one from me soon!! lol
Response: I thought I put one in each one...whoops...I need to double check things, looks like!!
Response: Thank You! I don't know why I didn't put the information on the back as I always do...someone probably interrupted me and I just totally forgot!
Response: I love making things with magazine pictures... I once did an entire wall in my kitchen with food... that was in the first house we owned and my husband thought I was nuts... (he was probably right). Here, I only collaged the drawer fronts in the kitchen! lol
Response: I make the tiny books from the spine of old magazines!! Great fun to play with. Try it, it's not hard! I then glue in some blank pages so someone could actually use the little things. I wrote a story in one for a little girl I know..complete with tiny illustrations... I love playing with stuff!!
Response: I've seen some of her videos on the internet - she is very talented! I'm sure you'll learn a lot from her class.
Response: I love Christmas, too. I had a lot of fun with that and I'm really glad you liked it!!
Response: I found the faces in a box of craft stuff at a thrift shop - no tags or anything on the bag, just a bag with several of those faces. I thought they were amazing, too. Do you want me to send you a couple of them? I will if you want me to.
Response: I did have a lot of fun creating the journal! It's fun to take a bunch of junk and make something out of it. I have been doing something for years with old magazines and catalogs - making silly cards for my family at Christmas time. Swap-bot fits right in with that mentality!!
Response: The ink is WAterman's "absolute brown ink" and I got it through the mail at the Colorado Pen Company as no place anywhere near here has fountain pen ink!
Response: Hope to "run into you" in more swaps! This one was fun and I'm going to try to do the whole alphabet. My granddaughter and I have been playing with zentangles along with some of our art guild friends, too.
Response: I melt the crayons with an old iron (put a piece of wax paper or another piece of paper over the crayon pieces) - if you put paper over them, you get 2 images to play with! It's really a lot of fun. You can also make "stained glass" by melting crayons between 2 pieces of wax paper. I love playing with Crayola crayons. The only 2 brands I have found that have pure, dark colors are Crayola and Prang. The cheaper crayons come out very pastel and "waxy".
Response: We're not that close to MD and PA as we are in the west/central part of the state. Glad you enjoyed what I sent!
Response: Since our house fire, we have been living in a trailer and my youngest grandson has the tiny little "extra room" for his bedroom. The walls have some old faded wall paper and one day, his mother came in and yelled at him for drawing on it. I told her to leave him alone as nothing he did would look worse than that wallpaper. Well, he and I decided to "decorate"...he loves dinosaurs, so we colored them in his dinosaur coloring book, cut them out, and scotch taped them all over the wall over his bed! He'll be 8 in September and has 2 sisters way older than he is. One of his sisters did some pictures for his wall, too. (Yes, their mother thinks we are nuts - she has NO creative ideas at all, which is a shame). I always let my boys do whatever they wanted in their rooms and one of them painted a huge ship on his wall and smurfs with stop signs on his bedroom door to keep his brothers out!
Response: Thanks! I never did any before and that was a challenge!
Response: I'm glad you liked everything. I had a lot of fun putting that togther.