Swap-bot Time: December 21, 2024 8:39 am

Ones ratings for SilenceDogWood

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MystyxMya rated for Four Photo's & A Note (swap # 1) on Jun 22, 2011
Comment: Haven't received it yet but will re-rate when it has arrived. Will send personal message shortly...
JBolech rated for zentangle your favorite animal on Jun 16, 2011
Comment: I hate to leave this rating since it looks like you are a great swapper, but I never received anything on this one, nor have I received a response to my PM. I'll be very happy to change this if I ever receive.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9638 299 1 2
Completed Fives Threes Ones
239 382 3 2
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
19 175 45 0

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