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Response: I have sent out three postcards so far. I am unable to contact postcardz because I believe she blocked me. I am willing do do whatever to make this right if she is willing.
Response: I don't know if I mentioned it but I made it!!! So glad you like it!
Response: I don't know if I mentioned but I made it and I'm so glad you like it!
Response: Yes! Awesome! Thanks. :)
Response: I am so glad! Thank you!
Response: You are so sweet, thank you!
Response: Let me know what you think!
Response: ;) I was hoping you would like it!
Response: I am so glad you liked it! I saw you liked squirrels and that just popped out at me and I KNEW I had to get you a squirrel card! I love that you have a favorite squirrel. :) Happy Halloween!