Swap-bot Time: December 30, 2024 10:38 am

Ones ratings for Charli1212

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Jendoll15 rated for state shot glass swap on May 18, 2012
Comment: Haven't received anything :( or even a reply to my message asking if this has been sent :( will update rating if I receive contact or item.
darzy30 rated for 8 August Postcards on Nov 24, 2010
Comment: Hate to rate a 1 - I'm worried about you! Will change if I receive.
GabiesMom rated for 8 August Postcards on Oct 14, 2010
Comment: Sorry I have to leave this score, but if I receive I'll change it.
Comment: Yes, you PM-ed me -- I'll gladly change this rating when and if I receive something from you.
Comment: Never received. Will change rating if I receive. I tried PMing but never received a response. EDIT: 9/13/2010 I had to seek an angel. I'm disappointed that you never sent and that I never got any more PM's from you. Considering your previous ratings, this saddens me a lot.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8844 117 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
86 168 0 5
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 75 11 0

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